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Topic: question for the guys
JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:01 AM

He dropped the receipt and bent down to pick it up and said "sorry, I am nervous around pretty women and I was just anxious to show you I mean give you something" Ahhh the joys of being single!!!:tongue:

oh, he's good... better would have been to make you pick it up and him thanking you by buying you a cup of coffee...

But he's young...

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:02 AM

lausim's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:13 AM
Maybe there should be a book out about 100 best pick up lines of all time.

Whatever happened to just say "hi my name is...., or how are you, my name is..." Doesn't that still work?

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:32 AM
pick-up lines are Cliche' of course... "Hey Baby, come here often?" BLECH!

yes, "Hi, I'm Joe, and your...." is honest, and to the point. but some guys don't have it in'em yet to do that... they forget they're in a setting where women WANT to met a guy and have a nice conversation... Guys tend to carry too much bagage in a situation like that...

Thus, the pick-up line was invented...

I'm preaching to the choir, I know... but women just want honesty... "Hi, I'm Joe" works Great for me... I don't put all the bagage on it.. ('course I'm not doin' it in Bars either... Blech!)

For Example: Hi, Lausim, I'm Joe

See, wasn't that nice? hehe...

lausim's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:46 AM
AWWWWW sooo sweeeeet blushing

One guy walked up to me while I'm watching the cowboys play at a sports bar and asked me if I remembered his name. Of course, never met him, so I said no, and he said "well, you should, you'll be screaming it later" Can you guess if that worked? Not hardly

coco56's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:47 AM

AWWWWW sooo sweeeeet blushing

One guy walked up to me while I'm watching the cowboys play at a sports bar and asked me if I remembered his name. Of course, never met him, so I said no, and he said "well, you should, you'll be screaming it later" Can you guess if that worked? Not hardly

laugh laugh laugh

azrae1l's photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:59 AM
i don't have the slightest clue, women are the last people to ever hit on me........

i'd say for me just start a convo and let it go from there.

JoeKur's photo
Tue 12/11/07 12:02 PM

AWWWWW sooo sweeeeet blushing

One guy walked up to me while I'm watching the cowboys play at a sports bar and asked me if I remembered his name. Of course, never met him, so I said no, and he said "well, you should, you'll be screaming it later" Can you guess if that worked? Not hardly

OMG! That was just rude...

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 03:53 PM
approach without coming off as eager desperate or slutty?

approach without intent and youre set

start talking to people just for the sake of the positive social interaction

if you approach with the intent of TRYING to do something, theyll feel like you WANT SOMETHING from them

do not try. do.

Lily0923's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:05 PM
There is no try, there is do and do not... I think Yoda said that.

But the best line for me..I was at a bar, and there were 9 of us, and it was my turn to buy and I went up to the bar and ordered 9 jello shots, and this guy was sitting there and he goes make it 10. So I looked at the bartender and said...Make it 10. We did our shots, he got my digits and I ended up dating him for 9 months.

I figured if he had the ...you know whats... to say that... well I needed to figure that one out.

FisitMan's photo
Tue 12/11/07 04:59 PM
I wish that, just once, I could meet someone the was really honest. Everyone is saying things like "be yourself" and "take things slow" and "just start a conversation" etc., etc. ad nauseum. That's still not being honest. It's game playing. Period. If someone is interested in someone else, why the hell can't they just say, "I'm interested in you"? That's real honesty.

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:22 PM

I wish that, just once, I could meet someone the was really honest. Everyone is saying things like "be yourself" and "take things slow" and "just start a conversation" etc., etc. ad nauseum. That's still not being honest. It's game playing. Period. If someone is interested in someone else, why the hell can't they just say, "I'm interested in you"? That's real honesty.

that's still game playing lol
we call it "direct game" and it can be VERY effective when done properly but it's "high risk."
why is it risky?
if you telegraph interest on the fly, you communicate that you want something from them, which ain't a good feeling.
it's all about where you're coming from. imagine these two scenarios (they happen at separate times and places):
You pass by a homeless man with a cup out in front of him. He is in desperate need. He begs you for a quarter with dirty, outstretched hands.
A man in a fancy business suit wearing a rolex watch is at a payphone, shuffling through his wallet visibly full of hundred dollar bills, looking for a quarter but alas he has none. He asks you if you have a quarter.
Logic and morals aside, and judging on initial reaction and instinct, who would you be more inclined to give a quarter to? If you claim that you'd give the quarter to the homeless man, you'd be very surprised to find out many things about yourself that you never knew.
You would give your quarter to the rich dude because you would feel more comfortable in doing so for many many reasons.
A woman would be more likely to give their attention to a guy who isn't desperate, who doesn't communicate that they NEED her. A lot of guys FAIL with the "honesty" approach that you suggest because they don't know how to do it without coming off as needy.
However, a PUA may say "I'm interested in you" but subtley communicate with his voice tone, body language, eye cues, etc. that he could do just as well without her and it wouldn't phase him at all. This makes her feel like he isn't trying to get anything from her, therefore making her more comfortable and more likely to give her attention.
Women are socially more intuitive than men so they already understand this stuff at a deeper level. Of course they're not going to just walk up to you and say "I'm interested in you." That's almost ridiculous.
Y'see... there's no way of getting around this whole "game playing" business. It's life! Live it up and play in good fun!

FisitMan's photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:34 PM
You seem to think that someone who says, "I'm interested in you" has some sort of ulterior motive. I'm talking about simple honest truth. "I'm interested in you." "It sure is a nice day." "This bar sure is smoky." Simple statements of fact. No games. No implications. Nothing but simple truth. It's a sad statement about us that no one can even identify it any more.

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:36 PM

You seem to think that someone who says, "I'm interested in you" has some sort of ulterior motive. I'm talking about simple honest truth. "I'm interested in you." "It sure is a nice day." "This bar sure is smoky." Simple statements of fact. No games. No implications. Nothing but simple truth. It's a sad statement about us that no one can even identify it any more.

that's still "direct game" as defined by the PUA community :tongue:

yeah you hate us :tongue:

geektothetenth's photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:42 PM
I'd tell the rich guy, "I ain't your b****" laugh and you know how the rest of that goes.

backinvb's photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:44 PM
Fisitman and ChiefPUA, ya'll both have it right. The point is, there still needs to be someone to initiate some sort of conversation, whatever, the motives. If not, no one is going to get very far in this dating world.

Lily0923's photo
Tue 12/11/07 05:46 PM

I'd tell the rich guy, "I ain't your b****" laugh and you know how the rest of that goes.

Geek your killing me!!

no photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:29 PM

I'd tell the rich guy, "I ain't your b****" laugh and you know how the rest of that goes.


no photo
Tue 12/11/07 11:32 PM

I wish that, just once, I could meet someone the was really honest. Everyone is saying things like "be yourself" and "take things slow" and "just start a conversation" etc., etc. ad nauseum. That's still not being honest. It's game playing. Period. If someone is interested in someone else, why the hell can't they just say, "I'm interested in you"? That's real honesty.

How is being yourself not being honest?

no photo
Wed 12/12/07 05:30 AM

I'm new to this site and have not done much dating in a long time...

What is a good way for a woman to approach a man to let them know she is interested and in a way that will grab his attention without the woman appearing too eager, desperate or slutty.


just tell him you wish to jump his bones ..er..just kidding ..er..maybe ..but it's best to start a conversation about a subject that doesn't express your interest in him but does reveal his personality..and then if you feel he may contain the moral fiber you seek in a guy ....then tell him you want to jump his bones ...just kidding..er..maybe

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