Topic: curious cat death coincidence
Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 05/27/19 06:18 AM
On the same day my Dentist phoned to rearrange my Appointment , my daughters cat died being run over in a car driven by an optometrist

no photo
Mon 05/27/19 08:17 AM
Well that's another one for the unexplained.

soufiehere's photo
Mon 05/27/19 09:34 AM

Maybe...the cat took the message, though it was for him
and threw itself into the path of the optometrist in protest!

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/27/19 10:00 PM
I KNOW!!!!

I shot the neighbors cat.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.

That's so weird man....

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Tue 05/28/19 12:20 AM

I KNOW!!!!

I shot the neighbors cat.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next day I had to shoot it again.
It was dead, Next Day I had to shoot it again.

That's so weird man....

deja vu all over again

Rock's photo
Tue 05/28/19 02:03 AM
Topic: curious cat death coincidence

My mutts summarily and categorically deny
any knowledge of any such event.