Topic: Did U.S.A. start 'The Chinese virus'?
darkowl1's photo
Sat 03/28/20 09:11 PM
I started it... and I'm also that really bad smell that you smell all over the world in every city. yes..... it's me. it's allll me.smokin

Vanillasherry's photo
Sun 03/29/20 12:44 AM
You can't believe everything you hear in the news. You can't even believe them when they look you in the eye and tell you. We only get to know how much THEY think we should know. Which is how much keeps us quiet and out of their way!

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sun 03/29/20 12:57 AM
OT - Nothing would surprise me. There are way to many people on this planet for the one's that really control things to handle........this might just be a test.......

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sun 03/29/20 01:00 AM

You can't believe everything you hear in the news. You can't even believe them when they look you in the eye and tell you. We only get to know how much THEY think we should know. Which is how much keeps us quiet and out of their way!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

dust4fun's photo
Mon 03/30/20 08:53 PM
And the Pilgrims purposely came over to America to get all the Indians sick and wipe them out so they could take over the land, ya right. There have been many pandemics thru time, this one really isn't even that bad compared to most. Would you rather go to Africa and get Ebola or stay here and get Corona? Why do you think they plug kids full of vaccinations? We've been past due for something like this and 10 years ago it wouldn't have hit nearly as hard if even at all here because its only recently that people have been allowed to come and go freely from China. When was the last time you heard about bird flu? Or swine flu? This will pass in time and people will once again forget about it. The majority of people that die probably wouldn't last more than a couple more years anyways, just natures way of cleaning house, if it were a conspiracy they would have done a much better job implanting it. Trumps new slogan for his 2020 campaign is Make America great again again.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/30/20 10:52 PM

And the Pilgrims purposely came over to America to get all the Indians sick and wipe them out so they could take over the land, ya right. There have been many pandemics thru time, this one really isn't even that bad compared to most. Would you rather go to Africa and get Ebola or stay here and get Corona? Why do you think they plug kids full of vaccinations? We've been past due for something like this and 10 years ago it wouldn't have hit nearly as hard if even at all here because its only recently that people have been allowed to come and go freely from China. When was the last time you heard about bird flu? Or swine flu? This will pass in time and people will once again forget about it. The majority of people that die probably wouldn't last more than a couple more years anyways, just natures way of cleaning house, if it were a conspiracy they would have done a much better job implanting it. Trumps new slogan for his 2020 campaign is Make America great again again.

Africa, which is an ENTIRE CONTINENT of countries, had 12,000 deaths in the first two years of Ebola, or 500 average a month. The USA, one country, has seen more than 3000 in two months from coronavirus. It is bad. I do not think people will forget about this. But it will pass.

The difference from previous illness is how GLOBALLY and QUICKLY it is spreading, without resources or knowledge to combat it. The necessity to keep people quarantined on such a large scale, will also have much more of an global ECONOMIC impact than other illnesses.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 03/31/20 12:17 AM
I can understand the question about national debts.
No nation should have any debt if they have free markets and taxes.
This is because a nation should never need credit.
The fact national debts exist is proof of mismanagement.
Available funds are known, nothing should require credit.
If the nation can't afford something, they cut costs till they do.
If they need funds to support a disaster recovery they do what anyone will do, cut spending on non-essentials till the recovery is paid for.
Even if a nation pays crisis insurance it would be better than getting credit.
C'mon, these people appointed to manage a nations wealth are supposed to be the smart ones in the room.

As for our current crisis, world health is directly related to population densities and transportation technology. This virus isn't being blown around the world by the wind. We are spreading it. The more people on this planet, the faster it spreads because world travel is so easy.

The NEWS is no longer 'just the facts'. It has become opinion and speculations based on facts.
The NEWS used to be dry and emotionless.
Opinions and speculation were something TV stations aired right before they went off air and always had disclaimers saying it was opinion.
Douglas Edwards, Walter Cronkite and others delivered 'just the facts' and people talked about the facts and formed their own opinions.
Problems started when stations tried to make the NEWS an entertainment show.
A move designed to draw viewers and advertising revenue.

This past weekend my GF got a news message on her phone that NOLA VA has so many patients with the virus they were transporting some of their patients to the Biloxi VA.
She believed it till I explained how ridiculously stupid that would be and NO medical facility would do that. It makes no sense at all.
Then she deleted the app.
People will believe what they get blasted at them until someone points out the falsehoods. Till then, its all good.
Very few sheeple can think for themselves.

The 9/11 tragedy was an awful terrorist attack on the people of the United States. Conspiracy theorists construct circumstances to try to make sense of it. Problem is, there was no sense or reason hidden in the acts. We were attacked by nuts who do not care about life. That's an awful thing to accept so some people create reasons.

no photo
Tue 03/31/20 12:40 AM

Me personally, not that I'm aware of no
Or the British ? Possibly

I don't know anything about democratic socialists and so on

I have read lots of comments by people saying, you've got short memories.
Regarding, universal credit ( something many may have to go on )
And Boris clapping the NHS , regarding that they may have voted Tory. And that apparently the Tories tried to sell the NHS off, and have underfunded it for a long time. Oh and it was they who introduced universal credit, and you'll probably have starved to death by the time you get it, if you get it.
People may have to apply for it, as they may lose their job , and many of these people may previously have slagged off anybody who had claimed it

When I posted this, I was thinking of the 9 / 11 thing, and of how the Donald is such a sweety and great businessman ( even though his casino in Vegas managed to lose money ) , that he has probably already got factories building ventilators

But then I started thinking about this fractional reserve banking thing . I don't know much about it, and it seems purposefully tricky to get your head around.
Apparently we used to have the gold standard, but then tricky dicky introduced this system
Anyway, apparently the money's worth zip. It's just numbers on a computer screen, and debt is created out of, nothing
So it's a little unfair of me to just blame the U.S
Apparently practically every country is in debt
How is that even possible?
And who are they in debt to?
Apparently your paying this debt, even though, it's not your debt
And the debt, keeps going up, and you keep having to pay more, to pay it off
Apparently U.S. debt, is seen as a sound investment
It's bizarre

The point is, many people will default on their mortgages and such as a result of all this, and things like that
And who stands to gain by that?
That dastardly debt producing computer screen
And say commie, and people start making placards and talking about their favourite gun
If they sue the Chinese, and how can they? Seems impossible. Who would pay? The Chinese people many of which are already in poverty? And who would they pay it to?

Blaze's photo
Thu 04/02/20 05:33 PM
I don't think either USA or people's republic of China started this virus as a biological weapon. The virus originated naturally. It virus harms both the countries and it leads to recession which neither of the side wants. China is dependent on USA as much as usa is dependent on china. The economies are interconnected and if one falls it creates a ripple effect.

Pointing fingers at each other won't help. The pandemic is a global issue and we all must co- operate and help each other with equipments and supplies if needed. China has already sent its supplies and equipment to E.U and I guess to americans as well.

The virus could originate anywhere on the globe. Had it been originated in USA not much people would be racially discriminating americans or blaming them for the outbreak.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 04/02/20 07:22 PM

I don't think either USA or people's republic of China started this virus as a biological weapon. The virus originated naturally. It virus harms both the countries and it leads to recession which neither of the side wants. China is dependent on USA as much as usa is dependent on china. The economies are interconnected and if one falls it creates a ripple effect.

Pointing fingers at each other won't help. The pandemic is a global issue and we all must co- operate and help each other with equipments and supplies if needed. China has already sent its supplies and equipment to E.U and I guess to americans as well.

The virus could originate anywhere on the globe. Had it been originated in USA not much people would be racially discriminating americans or blaming them for the outbreak.

Exactly. :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 04/02/20 11:33 PM
Edited by The Wrong Alice on Thu 04/02/20 11:35 PM
Really? Well I don't like politics but that sounds a tad naive
The Chinese being communists and the U.S.A. having a pathological fear, hatred and distrust of communists, that was literally indoctrinated into them at school.
The Chinese have the fastest growing economy in the world, and all this talk of it being ' a Chinese virus, let's sue them ' would cripple their economy, and hugely bolster other economies as a direct result

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/03/20 12:55 PM
It had to 'start' somewhere, of course. I see no gain to be had for anyone to have done so intentionally.

SpaceCodet's photo
Sat 04/04/20 06:30 AM
The Readers’ Turn

Coronavirus War: Friends and Foes

We are in a long-term, slow-motion war—an unconventional war with two amorphous sides: those who want to take down America and those who want to preserve it. The war is now being waged using a virus. The pro-America side in this war wants to fully arm and shield our troops with the weapon of choice—hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azithromycin. Although war preparations—like the Maginot Line—can be outdated or ill-conceived, in this case it appears the weapons are correct and the war can be decisively won with them.

Unfortunately, our unidentified enemy is undermining our antiviral army by withholding effective weapons and battle armor.

Most blatantly, the Democrat governor of Nevada just outlawed these very drugs that proved nearly 100 percent effective in France, in New York City, in India and China and elsewhere. Then, the Democrat governor of Michigan followed suit, threatening doctors who would dare prescribe these medications. As the Italians found out the hard way, not protecting front-line troops—EMTs and first-line hospital staff—results in rapid community spread and hospitals being overrun. But U.S. boards of pharmacy are today threatening physicians who take a prophylactic dose of hydroxychloroquine (two pills a week) to prevent themselves from getting sick and spreading the disease to their patients.

No U.S. military forces ever entered jungle areas without chloroquine for malaria protection. But our pharmacy boards restrict our doctors and nurses from taking it now.

The real foes are unlikely to be bureaucrats or politicians; they are most likely ideological pawns or paid agents (who nevertheless deserve punishment for their actions). Nonetheless, for years, these intermediaries have consistently and quietly undermined our viral defense structure: The FDA, to which our Congress granted unconstitutional power, made the development of all new laboratory tests subject to their approval (which takes years).

President Trump, acting like the commanding general we need, simply overruled the FDA. But the delay in testing is still hampering our “intelligence gathering” ability, and therefore our ability to anticipate and send help to areas of active conflict—i.e., viral community transmission.

In 2017, the FDA outlawed— without clear justification, and without input from the nations’ medical practitioners—an effective defensive weapon: IV vitamin C. [This treatment] has been used for years against viral infections, dating from the 1930s, and is currently being used successfully in China, Korea, and finally in NYC (in spite of the FDA’s prohibition).

In the same way that our conventional military forces have been diverted from defense to social engineering, humanitarian missions, and fighting

“terror,” so, too, the CDC was diverted from its prime directive of “disease control’’ to become a pusher of “preventive” vaccinations.

In the days of smallpox, the CDC actually had troops and prepositioned supplies to deploy at a moment’s notice to eradicate epidemics. It is tempting to think the CDC just got greedy—they hold over 50 patents for vaccines, and their senior administrators routinely take lucrative jobs with Big Pharma.

But are we to believe that all the smart, well-paid scientists at the CDC were not aware of “viral interference” and other immune problems resulting from influenza vaccine? During the 2017–2018 flu season, the DOD conducted a study of over 6,000 military and dependents.

Data revealed that taking a seasonal influenza vaccine made young, healthy people 36 percent more likely to contract a coronavirus. This study was published on Jan.

10, 2020—in plenty of time for the CDC to realize the significance [in regards to] the current pandemic. But the CDC continued to push this vaccine program well into March 2020.

Even now, Veterans Affairs has on their website the dangerous recommendation to get a flu shot. Additionally, for over a decade, the CDC abused its “advisory” role to mandate all hospital personnel take the flu vaccine every year. Essentially, the CDC’s vaccine program made the very people fighting coronavirus more likely to contract it.

While all this was going on, biolabs all over the world, including the Bill Gatesfunded Pirbright Institute in America, were researching “novel coronaviruses” and doing “gain of function” genesplicing research to create the type of deadly virus we face today. Gates, in league with Johns Hopkins, the World Economic Forum, and others, staged a pandemic war game in NYC in October 2019, “coincidentally” using as their proposed pathogen, a “novel coronavirus.” One of the big conclusions from the exercise, dubbed “Event 201,” was the need for internet censorship—because different opinions cannot be allowed to mislead the public during such a disease outbreak. Fortunately, this pandemic was too fast for Silicon Valley-style censorship.

It was not huge pharmaceutical research firms but frontline doctors from all over the world sharing information on the internet who developed and rapidly deployed successful treatments against the virus.

These doctors would have been censored had the participants at Event 201 prevailed.

False medical disinformation has been used by the CDC and news media to confuse the playing field and downplay the threat—thereby making the nation’s response slow and disorganized. Leading the propaganda was the talking point, “Don’t worry about this, the seasonal flu is worse.” By graphing virus deaths, I knew in January this

virus was orders of magnitude worse than flu—but the smart guys who are paid to understand these things at the CDC did not? Really? The surgeon general of the United States repeated this “flu is worse” agitprop, even in March, sounding like “Bagdad Bob,” the Iraqi information minister under Saddam Hussein, who famously denied the presence of American tanks in Baghdad—as they were rolling down the street behind him.

The most effective method in warfare is barring the enemy at the gates. Hong Kong closed its border with China on Jan. 28.

Russia closed its border with China on Jan. 30 and at this time has recorded only four deaths from the virus. The call by President Trump to close the borders—an act which would have had a huge difference if done immediately—was met with the predictable cacophony of shrill media and Democrat open-border voices. Consequently, we still are importing cases—and the import is felt in even rural areas like mine where all the breakouts stem from air travel to infected areas. We are still not guarding our gates while we are fighting in the streets. No war is easily won this way.

Watching Trump, I am reminded of the ridicule and derision Winston Churchill received from the British public when he tried to warn them of the danger of Hitler.

He was called a warmonger, denied office, and smeared by the news. The British upper class mocked Churchill right until German bombs were falling on their heads—then he was elected to lead. Trump has undone the FDA testing stranglehold, stood up to ridicule by suggesting the correct medicine, ignored Anthony Fauci’s desire for more study, overrode FDA guidelines, and released military chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine to New York City and elsewhere. Faced with mounting casualties, the Democrat establishment in New York City broke with their party, stopped listening to the FDA (who hadn’t yet approved the drugs that work) and proceeded to save lives. Good for them. I am hopeful that we will win.

After wars, those who commit crimes against humanity have traditionally been put on trial.

When it is over, let us not forget these enemy actions, which will by then have caused many of our “Thin White Line” and many civilians to needlessly die in this unconventional but deadly war.

The effete sophisticates of Hollywood and the media who once fawned over Trump, now don’t like him. They make fun of his brashness and his colorful, informal way of communication—they literally call him a warmonger. But war has a way of realigning forces, getting rid of desktop ineffective commanders, and promoting people “high society” wouldn’t invite for dinner in peacetime.


dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/04/20 06:43 AM
Corona is SARS if you remember anything about that going around, its not a new virus its just this strain is hitting hard. Influenza changes every year and 20,000 to 50,000 people in the United States die due to complications to that even with the flu shot that has been developed. I suppose its possible something from outer space is trying to mess with the world, but I don't think humans are purposely doing this. One aspect that hasn't been covered is the number of people that will die because the restrictions on hospitals and clinics making it difficult for people to get needed medical attention. Its possible more people will die as a result of not getting medical attention then will die from the Corona Virus.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 04/07/20 11:22 PM

Do you know how much debt the U.S A is in?
Do you know how much money it owes China?
Remember 9 / 11
I'm assuming you've heard of the, let's sue China thing
Food for thought me thinks

No, the Kung Flu was developed in a Level Four Biolab right by Wuhan.

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 04/14/20 06:20 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Tue 04/14/20 06:30 AM

Do you know how much debt the U.S A is in?
Do you know how much money it owes China?
Remember 9 / 11
I'm assuming you've heard of the, let's sue China thing
Food for thought me thinks

interesting ... found on FB...

New Reports Indicate US and China Collaborated on Coronavirus Research Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak

New reports indicate the U.S. government helped fund research in Wuhan that may be linked to COVID-19.

(TMU) — Despite months of constant news coverage telling the public the source of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was seafood markets located in Wuhan, China, mounting evidence indicates the origin of the virus may be related to joint research funded by the United States and Chinese governments. New records viewed by the Mail on Sunday, studies examining the outbreak of the virus, and questions posed by an increasing amount of researchers are poking holes in the narrative put forth by the government and media.

On Saturday, Mail on Sunday reported that scientists with the Wuhan Institute of Virology experimented on bats as part of a project funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The Mail reported that they have obtained documents detailing the relationship between the Wuhan Institute and the NIH, including the use of U.S. funding to carry out research on bats. The Wuhan Institute also worked with the University of Alabama, the University of North Texas, Harvard University, and the National Wildlife Federation.

The documents reportedly detail how the U.S. government provided a $3.7 million grant for the Wuhan Institute to experiment on bats captured from caves in Yunnan, more than 1,000 miles away from Wuhan. According to the Mail, scientists working with funds from the U.S. NIH grew a strain of coronavirus in a lab and injected it into piglets. The report also states that after some piglets died they were fed to the remaining piglets.

The importance of the connection to the caves in Yunnan cannot be overstated. According to a genetic analysis of the novel coronavirus’ genome, it is “96% identical at the whole-genome level to a bat coronavirus.” The study, “A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin,” also connected CoViD-19 to a coronavirus originating from Yunnan. The study stated, “We then found that a short region of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) from a bat coronavirus (BatCoV RaTG13)—which was previously detected in Rhinolophus affinis from Yunnan province—showed high sequence identity to 2019-nCoV.”

Following the revelations, U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz called for an end to U.S. government funding of “cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which may have contributed to the global spread of CoViD-19.”

to me seems both ... their would be know reason to do this intentionally...

this hurt china also and still even in their economy to.
related to joint research funded by the United States and Chinese governments.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 04/14/20 09:00 AM

New Reports Indicate US and China Collaborated on Coronavirus Research Prior to COVID-19 Outbreak

New reports indicate the U.S. government helped fund research in Wuhan that may be linked to COVID-19.

How about providing the URL to your source. Some sources are not trustworthy.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/14/20 12:05 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 04/14/20 12:06 PM

Corona is SARS if you remember anything about that going around, its not a new virus its just this strain is hitting hard. Influenza changes every year and 20,000 to 50,000 people in the United States die due to complications to that even with the flu shot that has been developed. I suppose its possible something from outer space is trying to mess with the world, but I don't think humans are purposely doing this. One aspect that hasn't been covered is the number of people that will die because the restrictions on hospitals and clinics making it difficult for people to get needed medical attention. Its possible more people will die as a result of not getting medical attention then will die from the Corona Virus.

Though it is true that lack of OTHER medical resources poses serious threat, the drugs have not yet been properly tested and proven. Having worked in insurance, this is not any different than ANY other drug. That testing and proof is required. The drugs are also not banned, as previously mentioned, they are only restricted as a PRESCRIPTION to treat coronavirus, since, as said before, the drug has not had the testing and proof of it's effectiveness for it. This prevents hoarding from patients who need the drug prescribed for PROVEN treatment of other things, and it does allow the drugs to be given in medical facilities.

no photo
Thu 04/16/20 01:07 PM

Don't know how accurate this story is, it was just 1 of those suggested links that's Pops up when you go on t'internet, the premise sounds reasonable enough though

markc48's photo
Tue 04/28/20 06:58 PM
OBAMA gave money to China to research it. Now was it a virus that was already out. Or did they create it. That's what I want to know.