Topic: The opposite of (((((Networking))))) is NOT working !!!!!!
Laska Paul 's photo
Sat 12/26/20 09:55 PM
What would " YOU " do if you are kept in an Empty Room without Networking , Without Mobile Phones /Land Phones , without Computer . without Laptops, without Television/Radio for a period of 15 Days !!!! Feed Back Plzzz

Stu's photo
Sat 12/26/20 10:08 PM
Well,for many right now,Nashville is that empty room...

So, what's your point?

Use your imagination and shwack it.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Sat 12/26/20 10:39 PM
That's jail.

no photo
Sat 12/26/20 11:06 PM
Go to sleep.

Riverspirit1111's photo
Sun 12/27/20 02:19 AM
Meditate, strengthen my connection and oneness with the Universe, dance, sing, sleep, and meditate some more

Laska Paul 's photo
Sun 12/27/20 02:23 AM
I would scribble the wall with my Nail and try to do some Drawing on the Wall . What else can i do . And then I will consider Comment No# 3 ( Go to Sleep )

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 12/27/20 02:33 AM

That's jail.

Making me laugh laugh
Then thinking... even jail is more luxurious than that!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 12/27/20 02:42 AM
I have lived like that for half a year, but the room wasn't empty. Strange country, English language (not my native tongue), all new people. No tv, radio, internet, phone, nothing but me myself and I.
I got thrown back on my own resources. You have to start doing something to get through the evenings. I came to love it! I started drawing & painting with very limited tools, reading, and so on. Occasionally people visited me.

I don't see why it has to be empty?
Normally I'd focus on meditating to stay sane, but in a empty room there'd be no chair, no bed no nothing.
How bout a loo? It'd get smelly!! laugh

Laska Paul 's photo
Sun 12/27/20 04:47 AM

I have lived like that for half a year, but the room wasn't empty. Strange country, English language (not my native tongue), all new people. No tv, radio, internet, phone, nothing but me myself and I.
I got thrown back on my own resources. You have to start doing something to get through the evenings. I came to love it! I started drawing & painting with very limited tools, reading, and so on. Occasionally people visited me.

I don't see why it has to be empty?
Normally I'd focus on meditating to stay sane, but in a empty room there'd be no chair, no bed no nothing.
How bout a loo? It'd get smelly!! laugh

Laska Paul 's photo
Sun 12/27/20 04:50 AM
I think you have Struggled a Lot from where you have started to this Point . Your Name itself Defines and Your Smiling Face shows how much Happy You are Now ! Sparkling Crystal !

no photo
Sun 12/27/20 05:01 AM

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 12/27/20 05:03 AM

I think you have Struggled a Lot from where you have started to this Point . Your Name itself Defines and Your Smiling Face shows how much Happy You are Now ! Sparkling Crystal !
Thank you! And my life indeed hasn't been easy. The time I was referring to in my post was one of the best in my life. Pure, deep, spiritual, love, come to mind.

Laska Paul 's photo
Sun 12/27/20 05:09 AM
One thing I would like to highlight here is, Never Think about the Past that may bring you Tears (*:___:*)) , Never think about what is in Store for the Future , that may bring you Fears (@___@)), but just think about this Special Moment with a Smile on Your Face and that will definatly Bring You Thrills and Cheerzzzz ! Keep Going !!!!!!!!!

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Sun 12/27/20 11:39 AM
anechoic chamber, world record is about 80 minutes ,some people have cracked in about ten

Rock's photo
Sun 12/27/20 12:17 PM
Most of us are old enough to remember
life before cell phones, and internet.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Sun 12/27/20 12:25 PM

Most of us are old enough to remember
life before cell phones, and internet.

I remember my dad buying the first tv on the street drool everyone wanted to be my mate

no photo
Sun 12/27/20 03:52 PM
If there is a light and books, I'll be good.

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 12/27/20 04:01 PM

Most of us are old enough to remember
life before cell phones, and internet.

I remember my dad buying the first tv on the street drool everyone wanted to be my mate

I remember when I got my first cell phone. It was as big as a loaf of bread. laugh

no photo
Sun 12/27/20 05:34 PM
What would " YOU " do if you are kept in an Empty Room without.... for a period of 15 Days !

Besides lose my job or clients and really freak out anyone that is dependent upon me as I seemingly disappear for 15 days?

It kinda depends.
I mean there's a huge difference between masked terrorists breaking into my house to kidnap me and chain me in a tiny room and I have no idea that I'm being released in 2 weeks vs. entering some contest like "last 15 days isolated in a luxurious cabin without any human contact for 15 days and you win 1 million dollars!" and going on a 2 week vacation to some tropical island paradise spa resort.

According to this hypothetical what am I allowed to do?

Can't determine if you're asking "could you handle the isolation cell in prison" or "do you have any hobbies outside of the internet or chatting with people on the phone?"

Never Think about the Past that may bring you Tears

Then how do I learn? And what about joyful tears?

Never think about what is in Store for the Future , that may bring you Fears

Then why buy car insurance.

but just think about this Special Moment with a Smile on Your Face and that will definatly Bring You Thrills and Cheerzzzz

This seems like something a heroin addict would say.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 12/28/20 09:32 AM

The same thing people have done for over 2000 years.
Personal connectivity thru electronics is a relatively new human condition.
Much of my life has been in that room, not by choice but because it didn't exist yet.

Obviously your thread is directed at children and preteens who have never experienced a world without WiFi.

So yeah, "meh".