Topic: Extrovert vs. Introvert vs Ambiv
Fahim's photo
Thu 06/09/22 08:24 PM
In my opinion:

These are generalizations and this pertains to attraction:

As a guy--Extrovert is a positive and Introvert is a negative

As a woman--Extrovert is neutral and Introvert is positive

Most of us, probably fall in the middle (Ambivert)

Why: Women like men who are fearless and bold and turned off by men who are shy and reticent

Men may or may not be turned off by an extrovert woman and might even find an introvert woman as a turn on (submissive, more open to being dominated in bed)

I used to work with a woman who is shy, quiet and probably suffers from social anxiety. However, she never had any issue attracting men because she was good-looking.

Now, take a good-looking man who is shy, quiet and suffers from social anxiety and he won't have much success with women.


Dramatic Muffin's photo
Thu 06/09/22 10:36 PM
I'm an introvert and I prefer partners who are introverts as well. Otherwise I find them to be too much for me. As a teacher I have to be "on" all day, and it drains me. When I go home I need a lot of down time. I do not want to be asked by a partner to go out all the time or have to socialize regularly. I would find that exhausting.

no photo
Sun 06/12/22 07:23 PM
I am introvert and prefer a man a little more of an extrovert. I can open up more when the other person starts the conversation.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 06/12/22 10:05 PM
Yes, they are generalizations. Every person or culture has there own preferences.

Arjay Sabareza's photo
Mon 06/13/22 05:54 AM
People had different preferences. whether you are an extrovert, introvert or ambivert. it will merely depends on us on how we choose who we want to become our partners in life. :slight_smile::relaxed: Just saying

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 06/13/22 07:09 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Mon 06/13/22 07:10 AM
I don't see introvert as necessarily shy, reticent, socially awkward.
To me it's more this:

What is a introverted person like?
An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds.

And this description:
Extroversion and introversion refer to where people receive energy from. Extroverts are energized by socializing in larger groups of people, having many friends, instead of a few intimate ones while introverts are energized by spending time alone or with a smaller group of friends.

As such, I may even prefer a man who's a bit more like that -introvert- than a man who's constantly 'out there'.
Did you know extroverts can be quite insecure and are the way they are as they need constant validation from the external?
And extrovert or no, I think such a person can have a problem standing up for himself or his loved ones.

So in general I don't think I have a problem with a more introverted man. What I do find important is that someone has self-confidence, a backbone, and healthy self-esteem.

Based on the above descriptions I myself am a mixture of the two but generally speaking leaning towards introverted. I am, however, not socially awkward at all, nor necessarily shy.
I am more into smaller groups, 1 on 1 contact, than larger groups. That doesn't give me energy, the first does.