Topic: women say they want a real man
bobtail76's photo
Sat 04/22/23 09:47 AM

You obviously have no idea what is meant by "real man" but your post makes it very clear you aren't one.
It conveys you're angry, hateful, bitter, and think it's totally okay to knock women.
That's what's called a toxic man.

If it's totally ok to knock men with that same swing, Isn't knocking women the equality you're looking for? You took a big shlt on MEN when you say "Amazing how men jump to the defense of another man, even if it's an unpleasant piece of work." You're playing the same game.

Goose..... gander, sweetie

While I agree his sentiment was made to be an attack on chicks. There's nothing he said that was not true. Where he showed his intent, was when he asks the question, and shoves all that shlt back in womens face. I'm guessing he's been told he's not a real man at some point in life. Whether he's a bum and expects a woman to pay, or doesn't have the balls to make the first move - there's a probability the utterances he's more than likely heard, are true


no photo
Sun 04/23/23 06:40 AM

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 04/23/23 10:43 AM

You obviously have no idea what is meant by "real man" but your post makes it very clear you aren't one.
It conveys you're angry, hateful, bitter, and think it's totally okay to knock women.
That's what's called a toxic man.

Love this answer.:thumbsup::slight_smile:

Hi CJ! And thank you!
:heart: flowerforyou

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 04/23/23 10:54 AM

You obviously have no idea what is meant by "real man" but your post makes it very clear you aren't one.
It conveys you're angry, hateful, bitter, and think it's totally okay to knock women.
That's what's called a toxic man.

If it's totally ok to knock men with that same swing, Isn't knocking women the equality you're looking for? You took a big shlt on MEN when you say "Amazing how men jump to the defense of another man, even if it's an unpleasant piece of work." You're playing the same game.

Goose..... gander, sweetie

While I agree his sentiment was made to be an attack on chicks. There's nothing he said that was not true. Where he showed his intent, was when he asks the question, and shoves all that shlt back in womens face. I'm guessing he's been told he's not a real man at some point in life. Whether he's a bum and expects a woman to pay, or doesn't have the balls to make the first move - there's a probability the utterances he's more than likely heard, are true


I don't knock men at all. I like and respect men. I've even been complimented on here by a fella European man for never knocking men.
I just call out the disrespectful and demeaning ones on their chit.
I never have to do that in real life, thank goodness, as in general Dutch men have left that idiocy behind about 2 generations ago, maybe even longer.
I didn't even know that kind of attitude still existed until I got on here.
My only wish is that more/all women on here would speak up. We're not living in the 18th century anymore and it's about time the world gets up to speed.
Like I said, I never have to deal with it in my own country, but if I can help women in another country to open their eyes and begin to see that how they're approached & treated isn't right, then I'm happy!
And not just women, might wake up some men too.
People should start thinking about these things and so things change in countries where this is still an issue.

Rock's photo
Sun 04/23/23 01:16 PM

funny how women say they want a real man. when woman have fake hair,nails,eye lashes,tans,botox,boob jobs,need make up to look good, fake jewelry, designer clothes, hand bags. . and men are the fake ones? look in the mirror ladies

A "real man" wouldn't need to ask these questions.

no photo
Sun 05/28/23 02:08 AM
A real man, in my book, is a man with mature thinking and integrity who isn't guided by nonsense. The same thing applies to a real woman, in my book.
A real woman can stand in front of the bathroom mirror, beauty enhanced with make-up n what-nots,
Right next to her so-called 'Average' man,
Yet: For Real,
He crosses Her tees,
And Her eyes..?
All Dots.
Smaller-Than-Average Dingly-Dee.
Yet: Getting-The-Job-Done
Just-Right! And Just-Fine!
BOTH of them Knowing that They Are ALL THAT.
without All That...


no photo
Mon 05/29/23 08:03 AM
And if penis-extension and thickening technology was available, cheap, and safe, you wouldn't go for it? We can see why some men and their attitudes are on a dating site.

Naaaailed it! :laughing:🥳

bobtail76's photo
Mon 05/29/23 10:10 AM

And if penis-extension and thickening technology was available, cheap, and safe, you wouldn't go for it? We can see why some men and their attitudes are on a dating site.

Naaaailed it! :laughing:🥳

Not even close! We are way different creatures. It's not saying that all men are the same. There are men that take on more feminine traits...but most of em are gay! And soy boys aren't exactly making the women wet.

Guys don't really care. When going out on a date, the best we're gonna get, is we're gonna smell better - that's about it. I don't think it's based on a lack of products. We are just more realistic on our attractiveness than women who tend to be less honest about things like that

no photo
Mon 05/29/23 11:06 AM
I am from Nigeria working here in India, I need a healthy relationship that will leads to marriage, distance is not a problem for me i am willing to do anything for my man for us to be happy

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/29/23 11:20 AM

Take off your clothes and look at the spot where your legs grow together (you might have to pull back your belly flap or use a mirror).
You should be able to detect whether you are a 'real man' or a 'real woman'.
If not, go ask mommy or daddy and they can tell you. If mommy and daddy are not available, your doctor should be able to tell you.

"Socially Real"

Socially you can be considered a 'real man' or a 'real woman' for a number of reasons.
The term almost always refers to a ploy to force personality traits.
Its used to manipulate the behavior of the target so they act within socially acceptable parameters.
The vehicle is generally rooted in appearance, finance, power or activity but can be extremely specific.

If someone tells me I am not a "Real Man" I just smile because I know they are manipulators and I am not the type of person who allows other people to control my emotional contentment.
I personally don't care whether anyone thinks I am a "Real Man" or not.

Tracy Alva's photo
Mon 05/29/23 01:06 PM
Amazing how men jump to the defense of another man, even if it's an unpleasant piece of work.
My posting is a simple observation, and nothing of what you say. Playing the "feminist card" is very obsolete and childish.
When I first got on here 10 yrs ago it quickly became clear how much the US is behind when it comes to normal equality. What US men post about women is often very disrespectful yet US women's reactions always make clear they're used to that kind of treatment from men.
Time you people wake up and get with the times.
I've not come across this kind of thinking and talking ever in my life as over here it's obsolete and not normal.
If you have a problem with a normal observation and have a knee-jerk reaction to that then it might be good to take time to think about it. Why do you have an issue with women being equals and treated as such?
And please keep your 'feminist' card tucked away. Very childish. It's like cussing. People do that too when they feel powerless.

I totally agree with this.

bobtail76's photo
Mon 05/29/23 02:18 PM


Take off your clothes and look at the spot where your legs grow together (you might have to pull back your belly flap or use a mirror).
You should be able to detect whether you are a 'real man' or a 'real woman'.
If not, go ask mommy or daddy and they can tell you. If mommy and daddy are not available, your doctor should be able to tell you.

"Socially Real"

Socially you can be considered a 'real man' or a 'real woman' for a number of reasons.
The term almost always refers to a ploy to force personality traits.
Its used to manipulate the behavior of the target so they act within socially acceptable parameters.
The vehicle is generally rooted in appearance, finance, power or activity but can be extremely specific.

If someone tells me I am not a "Real Man" I just smile because I know they are manipulators and I am not the type of person who allows other people to control my emotional contentment.
I personally don't care whether anyone thinks I am a "Real Man" or not.

You say that like it's a bad thing. If we are agreeing to live together, as a society, the masses should be able to provide the rules on what behaviours will be accepted while living together.

I understand there is people who try to gerrymander with society and the rules, but they will either tear down the society, or it will correct itself naturally because these norms were created a long time ago, based primarily on survival

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 05/29/23 10:58 PM
"Socially Real"

Socially you can be considered a 'real man' or a 'real woman' for a number of reasons.
The term almost always refers to a ploy to force personality traits.
Its used to manipulate the behavior of the target so they act within socially acceptable parameters.
The vehicle is generally rooted in appearance, finance, power or activity but can be extremely specific.

I wasn't implying good or bad?
I simply stated general conditions as I see it relating to how the term "Real" is used in certain social conditions.

Society is human nature...we are social creatures and our social disciplines determine how our society is cultured.
While some social agreement is needed, its not an equal agreement.
Social stigmas in a society ARE used to manipulate that society and it is usually done under the guise of acceptability withing specific social circles.

Telling someone that they are not a 'real man' or a 'real woman' affects them emotionally. It is usually done as an attempt to change a person's behavior thru implied disgrace.

It is only effective on people with low self-esteem or fragile emotional maturity and emotional stability.

In other circles of society, other social manipulation is used to do the same thing...A war veteran's patriotism, a politician's honesty and so on.

bobtail76's photo
Tue 05/30/23 04:24 AM
What you are saying is mostly true, except for maybe the idea that it is only effective on people with low self esteem.

I don't have a low self esteem, yet I adhere to the societal standards that state I should be treating you with a certain amount of respect - even though I don't know you, nor have not earned it. It is a necessary manipulation that helps us live together in relative peace.

Shlt such as manners are necessary and enforced with these societal ostracizing because being an axxhole should not be criminalized.... it needs another outlet to be enforced.

Having societal expectations of what is expected of your role as a certain gender is not unreasonable

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 05/30/23 08:37 AM
Having societal expectations of what is expected of your role as a certain gender is not unreasonable

I agree with your statements and their sentiments.
However, in the context of this op, it is being used to humiliate and/or change the nature of someone thru negative opinion.
Societal expectations are just that...societal.
They establish general guidelines for the entire selected society.
This is a good thing to unify a society.
The problem is, lately (the last 75 years or so) societies have not been the ones making the social changes.

Society has relinquished control to media influence. This means the media now dictates social changes, not the society. Society has moved from control to acceptance.

A person has to be very dense and gullible not to see it. Over-exposure to media and entertainment is what dictates social norms.

On topic...
The United States is a mix of cultural and religious societies made up from individuals with different social beliefs.
With advancements in communication, people are also influnced by world cultures and religions.

What a society in India defines as a real man is not the same as how someone in the US defines a real man.
Plus, how someone in LA defines a real man is not how someone in NY defines a real man.
This misalignment of social standards breaks unity and society flourishes with unity.

To determine actual social standard requires a society to be isolated from outside influence.
No media no outside communication...for an extended period of time.
For example, the removal of all electricity for a full year might result in a very different society.
Look what happens within societies after a mega disaster.

Nearly anyone not suffering from delusion realizes there are only two human genders, man or woman (in most cases but there are over-population genetic mutations).
If you are a are a REAL man.
If you are a female...You are a REAL woman.
Anyone who tries to tell you that you are not is trying to manipulate you.
Its YOUR choice to let them...OR NOT.

bobtail76's photo
Wed 05/31/23 10:58 AM
That's true and we are talking semantics. Genitalia will demonstrate your sex. But when people talk about what makes a man, I'm sure you will agree that there's a such thing as masculine traits and feminine traits. What dangles between your legs ( or doesn't) doesn't determine what traits one will display.

The semantical argument you are making, avoids this and I'm certain that if a sissy is considered a real man, that's only going to be in your world. A woman will look for, yes, a real man.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 05/31/23 11:34 AM
What actually classifies a man to be a 'sissy'?
What actually classifies a woman to be 'butchy'?

Is anyone ever 100% 'sissy' or 'butchy'?

I believe masculinity and femininity, when seeking a mate is low priority compared to alignment, personality and emotional maturity.

Its been my experience, when a man chooses for femininity or a woman chooses for masculinity as their priority, the relationships seem to fail.
I chalk it up to the type of personalities which value those things over real world interaction and honesty.

"Arm Candy" is usually lacking in true intimacy.

Then there's the bigotry involved with the mind which classifies others as 'sissy' or 'butchy'.

In school (in the 60s) many of our classmates were limp-wristed and frail. Later in life I found out it was mainly from lead poisoning. (They used to put lead in house paint)
Many of the kids were just normal kids but unless we got to know them we classed them as sissies.

I learned not to label people.
I learned to look at the person and not my idea of them.

bobtail76's photo
Wed 05/31/23 12:43 PM
Is anything 100% ?

no photo
Sun 06/11/23 08:09 PM
You obviously have no idea what is meant by "real man" but your post makes it very clear you aren't one.
It conveys you're angry, hateful, bitter, and think it's totally okay to knock women.
That's what's called a toxic man.

I wouldn't say all that, he's obviously not a bright one lol . I mean look at what he's writing, does he seem intelligent to you? lol

Krian 's photo
Mon 06/12/23 12:53 AM
Then what is the woman to the real man?