Topic: Sick son...need advice.
hellkitten54's photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:10 AM

do you have a cool mist humidifier??? or you can also use a very hot shower steam.......stand in the hot steam with your baby......get really hot....

Sounds like bronchiolitis but please check with your doctor///////

Put him over your lap on his tummy and massage and gently tap his back to help get the mucous out....

But again.......go to your doctor!!!flowerforyou

Yep, cool mist humidifier runs all the time. Im pretty sure it's the bronchiolitis because it's the same sickness he has had since November. He was well for 3 weeks, after they put tubes in his ears.. I just wanna know why he keeps getting this??? sad

wildsideof35's photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:10 AM
Hellkitten my son was doing the same thing, take him to an Asthma and Allergy Doctor and they will get to the bottom of it-he more than likely has asthma and son now 16 has had his tonsils,adenoids,had his nose carterized twice and will have a septoplasty in March.....just keep after it because they can take care of it if it's Asthma and things will get better....if you ever need any advice just give me a shout!!!! Learned a lot from my son.......:heart:

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:14 AM
My son had that too.......and we found that he couldnt use amoxicillan......doesnt work on him.......had to use cephelclor of something like that......cant remember the exact name......

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 02:28 PM
Find another doctor. There are a lot of quacks out there, seriously. A good doctor will heal a sick child, a bad doctor will tell you wild stories. My daughter has asthma and her so called "doctor" wanted her to have an EKG done on her heart, for no reason at all. I refuse to have that done, she's had enough doctor visits and tests to last a lifetime, just in the past year.

Heels08's photo
Sun 01/20/08 02:31 PM

Shaden's photo
Sun 01/20/08 02:58 PM
Edited by Shaden on Sun 01/20/08 03:24 PM
I added a little hydrogen peroxide to the humidifier. A homeopathic practioner may help you, better. At least go to another doctor. New insight often poves positive. If he's crying the poor little guy is in pain.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:25 PM
My grandson was the same way.He had chronic bronchitis and asthma.Get a referal to a specialist from your primary.

nobodysfool's photo
Sun 01/20/08 10:42 PM

How old is he??huh what are the symptoms?huh

He is almost 10 months old. He is coughing, and lots of weezing in his chest. Only sleeping about 5 hours a night, and very fussy. Forgot to mention his low grade fever.

How is his weight? Does he seem to poop more than normal? I would ask your Dr. for a referrall to a specialist or simply take him to a Children's Hospital ER. Obviously what his Dr. has done isn't your own research and push your opinion on the DR. Remember, nobody knows what's going on better than you.

hellkitten54's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:37 AM
Thanks everyone. I'm just going to go down to his primary today and demand that he get my son into seeing a specialist. I'm tired, physically and mentally of dealing with these people. I can be a bit fiesty in dealing with these people so I called my mom and told her to be on standby in case I go to jail.mad

kmtiburona's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:00 PM

do you have a cool mist humidifier??? or you can also use a very hot shower steam.......stand in the hot steam with your baby......get really hot....

Sounds like bronchiolitis but please check with your doctor///////

Put him over your lap on his tummy and massage and gently tap his back to help get the mucous out....

But again.......go to your doctor!!!flowerforyou

Yep, cool mist humidifier runs all the time. Im pretty sure it's the bronchiolitis because it's the same sickness he has had since November. He was well for 3 weeks, after they put tubes in his ears.. I just wanna know why he keeps getting this??? sad

I had bronchitis back in February of last year, took all the medicine and since I'm an asthmatic I know what it's like to not be able to breathe; but in April, I was still have severe signs of bronchitis; so I went back. They were like, well this and that and the next thing, it must be ur asthma. Anyway, I went home, unplugged the humidifier and was fine after that.

I think you are right in going to the doctor and seeing a specialist. I know what it's like to be on medicaid and being hard to find a doctor.

ConstantMotion's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:43 PM
It sounds like your son might have gotten stuck with what I still have at almost 34. Asthma due to broncholitis and pneumonia. I was 10 win it happen to me. I had along stay in the hopital. Afterwards I had it for about 6 years. Then it went to seasonal and I had bad allergies. Then when I had my daughter it started back up again. You need to get him tested. He can grown out of it but it is miserable and can be dangerous. Some tips if you take him outdoors and bring him back inside he needs to adjust to tempature change. Cover his mouth with a scarf. Also look in your area sometimes they have special studies on allergies and asthma. You can get free treatment possibly and get paid for the study. I would definetly take him back to his doctor and tell him you want him tested for allergies and asthma, and also check food allergies. These things run hand and hand. They can test for allergic reactions. Both my daughter and myself where tested for grass, trees, cats, dogs, dust mites, pollen.
Best of luck


no photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:16 PM
I use to use this on my 4 kids, and even myself when I develope a chest cold, or bronchitis. Before you say I'm nuts try it one night.

Put a small amount of Vicks on the bottom of both his feet, and then put some socks on him.

Hang in there.

mommyof1's photo
Tue 01/22/08 10:26 AM
Hellkitten -

My son was the same way when he was a baby, he was diagnosed with Asthma at 18 months old, yep took that long for them to finally figure out what was wrong with him. I highly recommend that you get your son to a specialist...if it is asthma (which it sounds like) he will sleep much better and so will you!!

Good luck and let us know what happens flowerforyou

my prayers are with you

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 10:39 AM
Yep my 4 year old daughter has asthma and the first two years of her life she was constantly sick!! Ask for a nebulizer and some breathing treatments if he doesn't already have them. Good luck!

ConstantMotion's photo
Tue 01/22/08 04:35 PM
Edited by ConstantMotion on Tue 01/22/08 04:37 PM
I have done that with my daughter. she use to have bad upper respitory infections and ear infections


RunWildWithMe's photo
Wed 01/23/08 09:55 AM
Edited by RunWildWithMe on Wed 01/23/08 09:55 AM

How old is he??huh what are the symptoms?huh

He is almost 10 months old. He is coughing, and lots of weezing in his chest. Only sleeping about 5 hours a night, and very fussy. Forgot to mention his low grade fever.

My daughter had the exact same thing...she has asthma..the wheezing, coughing fits, if he ends up in the hosp more than twice for his breathing...they have to check him for the ashtma .. ask them if they can give him a neubulizer treatment...(breathing machine with asthma meds) if this helps then thats it..but it sure sounds like asthma to me...
if they dont do this...ask your primary doctor to refer you to an asthma specialist or resperatory doctor...if they dont, call medicaid and complain and have them refer you ... they will.. i did it...and if all else medicaid .. that's what they are there for..the 800 # should be on the back..hope you get a diagnosis soon..take care!!!

8607's photo
Wed 01/23/08 10:03 AM
Poor baby:cry: I would get a second opinion just to be safe, maybe they can clear it up.flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 01/23/08 10:08 AM

Have they tested for allergies?

No as I was told that it really doesn't pin point exactly what it is he is allergic to/

That's complete BS, whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about. They can do skin tests to determine what your son is allergic to.

I don't think it's an allergy though, because an allergy by itself wouldn't cause a fever.

You have a humidifier, did you have it before he got sick the first time? It might be that some bacteria / viruses are living in the humidifier. Any cleaner you are using might not be strong enough to kill the bacterial spores.

If you think his illness is environmental, see if you and him can stay with a friend or relative for a week. If he gets better, then you can introduce your son to items within the home one at a time until you find the culprit.

Dawn7007's photo
Wed 01/23/08 10:12 AM
It sounds like the bronchitis is back. I had pnemonia when I was 6, walking pnemonia when I was 9, double pnemonia & bronchitis when I was 14. Every year since I get bronchitis 1-3 times a year. Keep taking him to the doctor everytime it starts to act up. You can hear it in his breathing. Mine starts out as a head cold & lands in my chest. Have your doctor run the tests and take the chest x-rays. Did they give him antiobiotics to take? If they did maybe what they gave him isn;t working and they may need to transfer him to a different type of medication...Good Luck...Keep us informed

Dawn7007's photo
Wed 01/23/08 10:14 AM
Forgot to say that my mom use to have the vapormist on & she always rubbed my chest & neck with vicks and wrapped me up with a towel.. Have the doctors check his tonsils and andnoids, they may need to come out. They did that to me & I stopped being sick as much.