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Topic: Simple Abortion Question
France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:08 PM

I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus.

I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?"

She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic.

Once again as just mentioned..........There are no PRO-ABORTION people out there..........But PRO-CHOICE.
If a woman decides to kkep her baby, and for some reason end up being killed, murdered, then yes it is double murder.......She chose to have the baby........Pro Choice people will make the decision to abort the fetus way before it is deemed viable.......

SharonM45458's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:11 PM

Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Sorry, got a little happy to finally read something that makes sense.....

Will you answer the question why it is considered double murder?

Sorry I didn't get the terms exactly correct, though you are pro-choice and thus support an abortionists choice, and thus are pro-abortionist...but that is besides the point.
Actually I am not pro-abortion. I do believe the woman should have the choice. I would hope that there would never be any more abortions. But this will never be the case. If it is banned, it will continue to be done illegally and unsafely, as history has shown. I think what needs to be done is to educate people better about the choice they are making.

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:12 PM

I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus.

I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?"

She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic.

Once again as just mentioned..........There are no PRO-ABORTION people out there..........But PRO-CHOICE.
If a woman decides to kkep her baby, and for some reason end up being killed, murdered, then yes it is double murder.......She chose to have the baby........Pro Choice people will make the decision to abort the fetus way before it is deemed viable.......

Some people want abortions in the third trimester and believe it is against their rights since they are not allowed.

Again, how can you kill a human being when it is the MAIN ARGUMENT of those who SUPPORT ABORTIONS that life DOES NOT BEGIN until birth. This is how the law in the US stands, that life does not begin until birth or abortions would not be allowed. How is it then that the US courts say that killing a non-born fetus is murder?

Deemed viable? That is such a wrong term in so many ways.

mrtxstar's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:13 PM

I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus.

I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?"

She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic.

Once again as just mentioned..........There are no PRO-ABORTION people out there..........But PRO-CHOICE.
If a woman decides to kkep her baby, and for some reason end up being killed, murdered, then yes it is double murder.......She chose to have the baby........Pro Choice people will make the decision to abort the fetus way before it is deemed viable.......

But who gets to say whats viable. Playing God is not a womans right. Only God has that right.

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:14 PM
Is a mentally and physically challenged person viable?

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:25 PM

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:25 PM


I most obviously was not asking you! haha

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:27 PM
that is not up to the court to decide, it is up to the woman. period.

Suzanne20's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:28 PM


I most obviously was not asking you! haha

laugh laugh sorry sensitive topic

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:28 PM

that is not up to the court to decide, it is up to the woman. period.

The woman should decide if the guy is convicted with a double murder or a murder of an unborn child?

Did you even read my initial post? I seriously doubt it.

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:30 PM
I see this as a dichotomy involving perception and intent.

For instance -- a woman is having an abortion. She does not see this as murder, she sees this as a medical procedure. In her mind, there is no intent to murder, or to commit any crime at all. Abortion is legal; there are no legal repercussions to be accrued from the act.

As Jeffrey Zaslow, a reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times wrote many years ago: "If abortion is murder, then why aren't abortion doctors arrested and charged with murder?"

Now, take the case of a man who murders a pregnant woman. Here we see a clear intent to harm, at the very least; an intent to commit a crime. He may not even know she is pregnant. He may know and not care. But he has an intent to harm. If he kills her, and the unborn child is also killed, there is an argument to be made that this child's life (or potential life, if you choose to see it that way) has been taken away by someone NOT sanctioned to make such a decision (whereas the mother, under the current law, DOES have such a right).

So, I would see the difference as simply one of perception (under the law) and intent -- the mother does not perceive her action as a negative behavior, and she has no deliberate intention of harming anyone (working from a basic assumption that she's having the abortion willingly, and not through any sort of manipulation or coercion, which, of course, does happen, but isn't especially useful for this simplistic example) -- whereas an attacker/murderer should see his own actions as harmful AND decidedly criminal (barring some sort of mental issues).

The law, as it currently stands, allows a woman the right to terminate a pregnancy, in many instances. It does NOT allow another person to terminate her pregnancy without her consent. It's not a perfect distinction, and one can argue that it does exhibit a root contradiction, i.e., is the unborn baby a "person" or not? There is an inconsistency here, in that there may be no other instance where "personhood" is defined by who does the actual termination. But that, ostensibly, is why we have laws....I suppose....

France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:31 PM

that is not up to the court to decide, it is up to the woman. period.

Amen Sister!!!!!!!!!

Playing God is not a woman's right...Who said we are "playing" We are choosing......
Seriously, only a man could make that type of comment.......

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:41 PM

that is not up to the court to decide, it is up to the woman. period.

The woman should decide if the guy is convicted with a double murder or a murder of an unborn child?

Did you even read my initial post? I seriously doubt it.

I read a bit, and no the woman is not the judge, and the judge is not the woman, silly, that is why it is not up to the court

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 05:42 PM
meaning, the court has no say but to convict for all

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/20/08 06:19 PM
i dont want to recieve a groin beating here now...but on the subject of abortions and the governemnt..isnt there a law in china where the government dictates how many children that a woman is intitled to have?..i know that this is due to over population..but what if the woman does have one to many pregnancies that thier law will allow...does this mean that the government does has a say in the woman's abortion?...just throwing it out there

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 01/20/08 06:23 PM
This thread is a thinly veiled attack on pro choice people.i'm outie.

Totage's photo
Sun 01/20/08 06:24 PM

Now those who are pro-abortion say human life does not begin until birth.

Okay, make that point, but then how can you justify our court system giving double murder to those who kill a pregnant woman?

I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all.

She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus.

I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?"

She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic.

It's considered double murder because the baby was not aborted.

France1961's photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:01 PM
"It's considered double murder because the baby was not aborted"

That is correct..........The mother, maybe even the father for that matter wanted the baby..........Therefore it is MURDER...Of the mother and her unborn child....

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:10 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Sun 01/20/08 07:11 PM
Way over the heads of people. What is the argument of the PRO-CHOICE lobby?


Then how is it that an unborn baby can be considered a murdered human being. Legally I have no idea how this ever sticks. It does not matter if the mother wanted to keep the baby or not, that is a NON-ISSUE because the argument of the lobby, of those who pushed to have Abortions made legal, that life DOES NOT BEGIN until birth.

This is not rocket science.

I wasn't even making the initial post for pro or anti-abortion! I was simply asking how is it legally possible for an unborn baby, a fetus, not considered human yet due to the lobbies of abortionists, I mean pro-choicers, who argued that a fetus is not a human being until birth.

From your own arguments, weighed on my points, France1961 you are calling those who have an abortion a murderer.

They do not want the 'baby' as you called it and abort it, however if they did and it was killed than it is a murder of a baby. Breaking down your own words you are calling those who have an abortioned a very committed murderer.

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:13 PM
Pro-Abortion and Pro-Choice are the same exact thing, by the way.

You can't be Anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice and you can't be Pro-Abortion and Anti-Choice. The only thing you can be is Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion.

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