Community > Posts By > knoxman

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Sun 12/23/07 09:35 AM
Thanks, Winnieflowerforyou .

I've always enjoyed our banter here. And remember, I'll always pull for the Eagles when they're playing outside the division, or when they're playing Washington.

One exception. I WILL pull for the Colts over the Eagles, because I think the world of Peyton Manning. He's one of the biggest positives in the NFL today.

Take care, Winnieflowerforyou , and all you sports fans in here. remember, it's not goodbye--it's see you later:heart: .

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Sun 12/23/07 09:12 AM
Edited by knoxman on Sun 12/23/07 09:13 AM
Pixiestyxflowerforyou ;

Consider this a great thing.

Why? Simple.

It's wonderful that you found out about this classless ass before things went any farther.

From reading your posts, and viewing your profile, I can tell you're a very nice, attractive, caring lady who can--and will--do FAR better than that piece of drunken gutter slime.

Best of luck to you, Pixieflowerforyou . You deserve it.:smile:

P.S.: like I said, I've read several of your posts. He's an idiot--you're a VERY intellegent ladyflowerforyou :heart: .

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Sun 12/23/07 09:05 AM
If anyone saw a pic of me while I had it up, they might have noticed that I have a big scar on the right side of my forehead, going from my eyebrow to the start of my hairline (which is a receeding one). Back in 1993, four teenagers in a Grand Am ran a red light, smashing into me, and causing my head to have an "intimate encounter" with the steering wheel of my 78 Nova (LOVED that car--the wreck totaled it, and according to the cop at the hospital, should have totaled me as well). I was told they could touch it up with plastic surgery, but there'd always be something noticable there. I figured that being the case, what's the point of plastic surgery?

But, hey--it's one hell of a GREAT conversation starter:wink: !

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Sat 12/22/07 01:01 PM
Edited by knoxman on Sat 12/22/07 01:01 PM


People crack me up coming into a thread where they are clearly not a fan only to act simple and ignorant... Unless you are psychic instead of just plain psycho seeking attention no matter how negative, hush with all of that mess... The Big 10 has 3 of the TOP 5 ALL TIME WINNING TEAMS Notre Dame [independent] and Texas {Big 12}would be the others... NONE of which are in the SEC so please miss us with that SEC love fest okay?

For a "simple and ignorant" post, please look no further than the quote above.

Of course some of the all-time winningest teams are from the big 10(not capitalized on purpose, the conference doesn't deserve capslaugh ). With the laughable schedules they play, that's certainly no suprise.

Would ANY big 10 fan care to explain exactly why a conference with 11 teams continues to call itself the "big 10"?

I mean, when the Big 8 Conference added 4 teams from the defunct Southwest Conference, they had the common decency to change their name to the Big 12.

And WHY is the big, badlaugh big 10 deatly afraid to play a conference championship game? The SEC (top conference in the country, BTW)does it.

Oh, well. Enjoy your time in the spotlight, Suckeyes. Never mind the clock that's ticking away on your party. The clock strikes midnight the moment you get your ticket punched by LSU. It'll be just like last year, just a different SEC school having it's way with you.

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Sat 12/22/07 07:32 AM
Saying goodbye is always hard.

Recently, I've had the good fortune of having a wonderful lady enter my life. We connected from the first date, and things are going extremely well--in fact, we're moving in together soon, and yes, I plan on "popping the question".

No, I didn't meet her here--I actually met her on another site. But, don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed every moment I've spent here on JSH. Which brings me to announce that I'm deactivating my account here. I've decided that why be on a dating site when I've met the lady I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I'd like to say thanks.

Thanks to Mike, Van, and Matt for creating this site enabling all of us to meet.

Thanks to everyone on my friends listflowerforyou .

Thanks to everyone I've conversed with in the forums. Agreements, heated discussions, laughs, whatever the case was, I've appreciated everyone's opinions, whether we agreed or not.

Thanks to people who I only knew through reading their posts. While I may have never responded to what you wrote, I still read them all and enjoyed each and every one of them.

I'm deactivating my account on Christmas Eve, Monday. If anyone would like to keep in touch via e-mail, please contact me, and I'll give it to you.

In closing (anyone who's read my posts knows I tend to get a bit long-winded, it's the writer in me), I'd just like to say that I'll always cherish the friends I've made here, and appreciate everyone treating me like part of the JSH family--of which I'll ALWAYS consider myself a proud member of.

Thank you to each and every one of youflowerforyou :heart: .


Robert (knoxman)

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Fri 12/21/07 01:50 PM
Bendis is a good plotter and a decent scripter, but his dialogue sucks. No one talks in constant choppy sentences like he thinks. The closest comparison to it that I can think of is the TV show "Sports Night". Headache-inducing dialogue. reading it isn't really much better. Let him script, but please, get a new dialogue writer.

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Fri 12/21/07 01:42 PM
Edited by knoxman on Fri 12/21/07 01:42 PM
Insurance--and I have insurance through my company--is basically a form of legalized gambling.

Life-you're betting you're going to die
Health-you're betting you're going to get sick
Auto-you're betting you're going to be in a wreck
Home-you're betting you're going to be burglarized or that your house is going to burn down

Think about this: Insurance is the only form of gambling where you "win" by losing.

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Fri 12/21/07 07:52 AM
It always amazed me to hear people say things like "you should be here at 6 weeks in a relationship" or "you should be doing ___________ by the 3rd date".

No two relationships are the same. Some move faster than others. There's no proof that you must do a relationship in a certain way for it to be successful. Different people, different tastes, different ideas.

A lot of relationships fail due to the two people involved trying too hard to make it a carbon copy of what they think all relationships are.

Go with the flow, I say. Engaged by the third date, or just holding hands? Doesn't matter a bit, besides, it's no one's business but yours.

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Thu 12/20/07 08:08 AM
Sorry about that, Kristiflowerforyou .

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Thu 12/20/07 08:01 AM

Obviously you have NEVER served in the Military.

So **** you very much.

Are you referring to me, son?

And, if I may be so bold, what exactly are YOUR credintials, junior?

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Thu 12/20/07 07:57 AM


For the second year in a row, the SUCKEYES from the big 10 will be the SEC's little beeotch!


Big 10
11 teams.

Apparantly, the big 10 isn't exactly know for basic math skillslaugh .

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Thu 12/20/07 07:52 AM
You mean the good little welfare recipients of Iraq don't want us there any more? Have they found another "sugar daddy" to hold their little hands and guide them through every waking moment of their lives?

Actually, like the good little welfare recipients they are, the first second we begin pulling troops out, they'll scream bloody murder for us to stay.

Of course, this is the reason you don't try to settle an argument between two or more friends. Before you know it, they'll patch everything up and turn on you!

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Thu 12/20/07 07:46 AM
I'll stand by my original statement, Starsailor. But, while this stuff's been going on for decades now, we have a much easier access to hearing about it.

I graduated high school in 1980, meaning I was there in the late 70s. I knew of at least THREE teachers (one female, two male) who were having relationships with students. And, to be honest, it wasn't exactly a well kept secret, either.

The point is, today we have YouTube, MySpace, and hundreds of cable channels and Internet web sites. MUCH easier access to info than ever before. Things like you mentioned have been going on for decades. These days, our methods and availiability of information is miles greater than they were then, where word of mouth was one of the top ways to gather info.

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Wed 12/19/07 09:54 AM

you wanna know why that is Knox....

it weeds out the azzholes.... if I catch you staring..I know you arn't worth my time, if you take a quick glance but keep a hold of my eyes... you're the one I want.... You're interested, but you are respectful. and if you don't look at're gay...but even they look, they just tell you that they are looking.

besides some women have clevage even with a turtle neck.

Didn't mean EVERY woman, Lilyflowerforyou . I only meant the ones who go to obvious--and almost ridiculous--lengths to display the "goods".

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Wed 12/19/07 09:47 AM

new to the athens town and need a good skiing guid. have cash to blow and willing to share in the fun

Damn, if it isn't Michael Stipe!laugh

Dude, when's R.E.M. coming out with a new CD?

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Wed 12/19/07 09:45 AM
Amazing, isn't it? Some women on JSH go on and on about how they want to be taken seriously as a nice, intellegent, caring person--and the pic they decide to show is one that shows off their "assets"--that's right, folks, BOOBS!

Ironic lesson for today:

Ever seen a well-endowded woman walk down the street? Yeah, you know--the one in the tight, EXTREMELY low-cut top? Hooters ready to fall out at a moments' notice? Showing off her assets as if to say, "That's right, guys. Take it all in!".


Let her catch you looking at her ta-tas, and there's a better than average chance you'll get something in return--namely, a dirty look, the finger, and/or cussed out.

Go figure(confused emoticon here if JSH offered one)

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Wed 12/19/07 09:06 AM

plus comic art from before the mid 90s sucked compared 2 now, they didnt have computers
I mean older comics r readable and plenty entertaining but the art nowdays looks beautiful compared 2 it

When the Image guys left Marvel in the early 90s to form Image Comics, their early stuff there was hugely popular. Marvel--and to a lesser extent, DC--decided that if the Image art style worked for Image, imagine what it'd do for them. Good Lord, I've never seen worse art in the history of comics. Check out the 90s series "Fantastic Four Unlimited", a 64 page quarterly book featuring--get this--70s Hulk artist Herb Trimpe trying his damndest to do Rob Liefeld-style art. Abomination is way too kind a word to describe it.

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Wed 12/19/07 08:56 AM
Mickie's a sexy--and very underrated--diva.

Kelly Kelly is too stupid stupid.

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Wed 12/19/07 08:30 AM
Had a date like that once......


Forget that chick. She'll NEVER get over ole Romeo! Best for you to move on and hope your luck's better with someone else.

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Wed 12/19/07 08:26 AM

God I did not know he deactivated sad I am sorry to hear it. Areyou still in contact with him?

Never was. Just noticed he hadn't posted in a while, checked his profile, and that's how I found out. Too many good people are leaving us these days:cry: .

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