Community > Posts By > xtreme305

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Thu 04/25/13 11:06 AM

Very simple The man and I got into a discussion. Scroll up and re-read in case you forgot. We both said similar things. Yet you chose to single me out for lecture. For some unknown to me reason. Personal or otherwise. Then you said I do not get to pick and chose whos opinion I receive. Yet you chose to lecture me and not mention him. Do you understand?

Relax! You're reading way into something that's not even there. You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Is that your strange way of admitting you are wrong for singling me out?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 11:05 AM
Can you see your own hypocrisy, and selective judgement?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 11:02 AM
Very simple The man and I got into a discussion. Scroll up and re-read in case you forgot. We both said similar things. Yet you chose to single me out for lecture. For some unknown to me reason. Personal or otherwise. Then you said I do not get to pick and chose whos opinion I receive. Yet you chose to lecture me and not mention him. Do you understand?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:42 AM
It has nothing to do with panties in a bunch. If you'd like to twist things around to suit you. Then hit me with it. I will call you out on your b.s. too. So have a little accountability for your actions, Instead of trying to blame me.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:34 AM
Oh lemme guess you didn't read the whole post before giving your 2 cents. Is that your next defense? You might want to try that next time first.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:33 AM
Umm No, If I don't get to pick and choose why should you?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:27 AM
So play fair. Or well see how far your hypocrisy goes I guess.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:26 AM

Funny you should say that. I didn't want your opinion but I got it anyway didn't I?

Psssst, you're using a public forum. Anyone can give their opinion. They don't have to be asked for it.

Now the man started this and he said it first. If you're simply trying to single me out only. That sounds like a personal issue. Which would make it your problem not mine. Play fair or deal with your issues.

I simply commented on what I quoted above. You don't get to pick and choose who responds to you. These are not private conversations that others cannot join.

Not sure what issues you're talking about, though.

Let me clear it up for you. He said "If I wanted Your Opinion I'd ask for it" I responded "funny you should say that, I didn't ask for your opinion but I got it anyway didn't I" Yet you choose only to lecture me about this. That is a personal issue against me. All cleared up now princess?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:20 AM

Funny you should say that. I didn't want your opinion but I got it anyway didn't I?

Psssst, you're using a public forum. Anyone can give their opinion. They don't have to be asked for it.

Now the man started this and he said it first. If you're simply trying to single me out only. That sounds like a personal issue. Which would make it your problem not mine. Play fair or deal with your issues.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:11 AM

Some women, Want to go on rants talking badly about men. They get angry when they get called out on their b.s. The logic behind this, Is the idea that women are always right. Which means even when they're wrong. They sport a "how dare you call me out" attitude. Well just because I called you out. Does not mean I dislike women or that I speak badly about them. It simply means You are wrong. Too many ladies are used to doormat men. That say nothing but "yes dear" regardless if they are wrong or not. Which does nothing but promote this immature lack of accountability. If you ladies would like to impress us men? Try saying something more like.. "Well yes I cannot say all men are like that" or "Yes I was wrong let me rephrase it"

Believe me I for one would be incredibly impressed!

I can only speak for myself and I'm certainly not always right. I don't have a problem admitting when I'm wrong. I've also not been talking about all men in this thread. I said that earlier, though. And it seems to me that what women here have been disagreeing with are the specific things that specific men are saying in this thread, not all men.

I also don't want a "doormat" kind of man. As I've already said, confidence is sexy. However, arrogance is a turn off. I've seen some arrogance in this thread, rather than confidence.

Can you admit when you're wrong? :wink:

Good you can start with your response to the post above this one

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:09 AM

Go back and read his post, He was attacking me. saying i'm calling people wrong because I want to throw blame on someone else. I clearly did not say anything of the sort. Its very possible to have a different opinion without attacking someone else. Now if you want to attack me. Should I not defend myself? Try reading things clearly before you pass judgement.

Except it does seem like you were trying to insult him in your previous post. I get it, you were offended and wanted to do the same. You seem to get condescending toward people who disagree with you.

Opinions vary

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:08 AM

Funny you should say that. I didn't want your opinion but I got it anyway didn't I?

Psssst, you're using a public forum. Anyone can give their opinion. They don't have to be asked for it.

Pssst don't tell me tell him. He's the one who said when he wanted my opinion he'd ask for it. Yes it is a public forum

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 10:04 AM

Lol yeah put it on us poor men. We do what we can, but it is a 2 way street.
I've known men that could make me feel like the most beautiful woman on earth, but I couldn't tell you how they did it...just figured it was an trade secret or somethin'. laugh

I don't think that would be a hard task at all. If that dancer photo and that face pic is you. A real challenge would be the type of woman Pony described.
Well thanks, or was that lesson in the trade secret we were speaking of? :laughing:

Besides, how do you know I don't have body insecurity myelf? spock :laughing:

Oh I don't know if you did have any insecurity. More like a trade secret yes :angel:

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 06:28 AM
That was awesome dude. I love the mind reader part. I often use to tell women.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to tell me what you want. I lost my job at the psychic hotline due to incompetence"

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 06:08 AM

Lol yeah put it on us poor men. We do what we can, but it is a 2 way street.
I've known men that could make me feel like the most beautiful woman on earth, but I couldn't tell you how they did it...just figured it was an trade secret or somethin'. laugh

I don't think that would be a hard task at all. If that dancer photo and that face pic is you. A real challenge would be the type of woman Pony described.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 05:37 AM
Lol yeah put it on us poor men. We do what we can, but it is a 2 way street.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 05:30 AM

Gus from Lonesome Dove!!!! I loved Robert Devalls Character!! "If a man wont Cheat for a POKE, He doesnt want on that Bad!!!" Classic!!!

Great character! I especially love that scene where he pulled down his horse. Grabbed the lever action and went to town on those bad guys.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 05:17 AM
models are notorious for having more insecurities than anyone.

Iv'e dated a few, They have told me about it. They say they're constantly being criticized about their hair, weight, outfits etc.
If they complain they are quickly replaced. Pretty cutthroat business.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 04:42 AM
I have seen a florida panther when I was a boy. I'm not 100% if there are any left now. They were almost extinct 30 years ago.

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 03:51 AM
That sounds really awesome. I live in florida, This biggest thing we can hunt here. Is white tail deer not very large at all. Unless you'd like to count alligators.

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