Community > Posts By > xtreme305

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Thu 04/25/13 03:18 AM
I really don't care if you care. Its a blog, Not a Dear john letter from your x. If you'd like to get all wound up out of shape over something. That didn't even concern you. Go ahead, Last I checked its still a free country.

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Thu 04/25/13 03:13 AM
money saved is just as good as money earned.

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Thu 04/25/13 02:51 AM
Funny you should say that. I didn't want your opinion but I got it anyway didn't I?

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Thu 04/25/13 02:48 AM
I did do just that with your insulting post did I not? I didn't insult you back nor did I say anything offensive to you. You might want to learn how to be a bigger person too

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Thu 04/25/13 02:39 AM
Go back and read his post, He was attacking me. saying i'm calling people wrong because I want to throw blame on someone else. I clearly did not say anything of the sort. Its very possible to have a different opinion without attacking someone else. Now if you want to attack me. Should I not defend myself? Try reading things clearly before you pass judgement.

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Thu 04/25/13 02:35 AM
How is the hunting and fishing? I mean when its not covered in snow beyond sight.

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Thu 04/25/13 02:28 AM
Typical doormat a.k.a. nice guy mentality. Let me go against the guys so I can get brownie points from the girls. Who cares whos right or wrong as long as I get patted on the back by a female. Any female! lol

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Thu 04/25/13 01:55 AM
Hmm you forgot to say, That the women in agreement with us men are also wrong. That they are also just tossing blame on someone else. Oh wait, That's not going to get you any attention from the girls. My bad continue.

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Thu 04/25/13 01:50 AM
Yup you're right never heard of it.

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Thu 04/25/13 01:41 AM
My 2 cents, From one inventor to another. It seems that you will not be able to produce enough power from a 120 volt battery. Neither with an inverter or without. Nor even with a series of batteries wired together for your endeavor. The possibility may exist If and this is a big If. You seek an alternative power source. If it needs to be portable? Read up on a tesla coil, or a high powered gas generator. Which may defeat the purpose. Being that your power source runs on fuel. The only other option would be a small nuclear reactor. Good luck on that one! But hey keep trying, No one ever got rich on a salary. If you build it, They will come lol.

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Thu 04/25/13 01:15 AM
Ive been there, Very liberal indeed. Beautiful girls and lots of open space. Its actually quite nice when your out in the remote areas.

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Thu 04/25/13 01:11 AM
If you were to compare yourself to a movie character. Who would it be? Which character do you feel best describes you. Please no old black and whites. Most of us are too young to even know these movies.
This out to be interesting.

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Thu 04/25/13 01:02 AM
The problem lies in the fact that neither you nor I see a problem with her breasts. She feels she has a problem. No matter how beautiful you tell her she is. So what can you do?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 12:37 AM
Umm Is it just me noticing this, Or does no one in this thread need to use the crapper after all that coffee? Or have you guys figured out some new space age technique I am not aware of?

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 12:31 AM
If you say "hit n run" you might have a bunch of photoless women land on your thread like pitbulls with rabies. Take a cue from The liar in chief. Rephrase is to something like... "A disagreement requiring departure due to non conformity of resolution" If this kind of nonsense works for America. It will work for you.

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:46 PM

Always operated from the premis that if you have to "chase" or be "chased" they really are not that into you or them. If it is not mutual why waste your time? If both care about each other they want to be together and make it happen.

your wisdom knows no bounds. flowers

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:35 PM

With shows like Big Bang Theory peaking in popularity, and seeing more nerdy guys hooking up with hotter women, is this true?

Ever seen the commercial where Paris Hilton is washing a car in a bikini eating a huge greasy cheeseburger? Well just like the reality is that tall thin sexy blondes like her. Do not keep that figure on a diet of greasy cheeseburgers. Nor do nerds date hot chicks like that. Now if the nerd is covering her monthly car payments, or giving her a spending allowance. Then that's a different story.

no photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:27 PM
Yes! Grumpy cat is in my Cool Book.

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Wed 04/24/13 11:17 PM
Lol laugh I must exclude older reasonable women such as yourself Jeanniebean. I guess rephrasing something, Is a way to repair a miscommunication. I personally don't believe everyone says vicious angry things on purpose. Sometimes it just comes out wrong.

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Wed 04/24/13 10:34 PM
The scenario above is very clear. Its a darned if you do, Darned if you don't. No real way to make a woman like that happy.

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