Community > Posts By > catwoman96

catwoman96's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:37 AM
and thankful.

I am thankful. to be an american.

and happy not to be an iraqui.
or an iranian.
or anything else.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:31 AM
how dare Obama speak for all of us.

Im not sorry to be PROUD to be an american.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:30 AM
We have a rock star president who for the first time in American history fired the President of a private corporation, General Motors, then immediately flew to Europe with an entourage of 500 courtiers and a worshipful media, bowed waist-deep to the King of Saudi Arabia, and proceeded to accuse his own country of arrogance.

In France, of all places.

Does anybody else think this guy is shockingly ignorant? I wonder if he has every really talked to a concentration camp survivor, or a Cuban refugee, or a boat person from Vietnam? Or a Soviet dissident. Or a survivor or Mao's purges.

Not to mention families with fallen American soldiers in the graveyards. Yes, he's going to Normandie, but will he apologize for our arrogance there, too? Does he really understand anything beyond the PC history of the world? Or will he just lie in his photo op at the American Cemetery at Normandy?

Ahhh, those arrogant Americans. First they rebel against King George III and all the crowned heads of Europe. Then they welcome tens of millions of poor and persecuted people from the Old World. Then they fail to bow down to Europe's greatest figures -- from Napoleon and Otto von Bismarck to the Kaiser, Hitler and Stalin. Then they fight a civil war, losing half a million people to liberate black people in America. Then they diss the man the BBC considers to be the greatest philosopher ever, one Karl Marx, whose followers killed 100 million innocents in the 20th century. And then, to top it all off, they liberate both the Western half of Europe (in 1946) and the Eastern half (in 1989).

What arrogance these Americans have. Either that, or a very, very -- no, stunningly -- ignorant man was just elected president -- largely because millions of benevolent voters believed that we owe black people a presidency. They may come to see that as their biggest mistake ever. In the next couple of years they will see a tripling of government debt, high inflation, a permanent loss in their personal wealth, and a major devaluation of the dollar.

Which, to judge by his recent television performance, should just make him giggle quite inappropriately, in front of God and everybody.

What kind of man has such an obsessive need to put down his own country? Especially given our real history? Has he ever read an honest history book?

catwoman96's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:26 AM
As I was sitting in church waiting for the start of the service, my grandpa came walking towards me pointing his finger. No matter how old I get, and no matter how long he's been out of the U.S. Navy, that's still an intimidating sight. As he approached me, his voice quivered as he said, "We saved that continent dare my president apologize for this country's arrogance." My grandpa is right. Americans need not apologize to the world for their arrogance; rather, Americans should apologize to their forefathers for the arrogance of their president.

Barack Obama's first foreign trip as President of the United States has confirmed the naiveté so many of us feared during the election cycle. But worse than that, it has also demonstrated that our president suffers from either a complete misunderstanding of our heritage and history, or an utter contempt for it. Neither is excusable.

Garnering cheers from the French of all people, President Obama declared, "In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive." Consider that Obama spoke these words just 500 miles from the beaches of Normandy, where the sand is still stained with 65-year-old blood of "arrogant Americans."

Indeed, columnist Mark Whittington observes, "One should remind Mr. Obama and the Europeans how America has 'shown arrogance' by saving Europe from itself innumerable times in the 20th Century. World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and the wars in the Balkans were largely resolved by American blood, treasure, and leadership." But all that appears lost on the president's seemingly insatiable quest to mend fences he imagines have been tarnished by the bullish George W. Bush.

If Obama wishes to continue trampling the presidential tradition of showing class to former office holders and publicly trash Bush for his own personal gain, so be it. But all Americans should make clear that no man – even if he is the president – will tarnish the legacy of those Americans who have gone before us. Ours is not a history of arrogance. It is a history of courage, self-sacrifice, and honor.

When abusive monarchs repressed the masses, Americans resisted and overthrew them. When misguided policies led to the unjust oppression of fellow citizens, Americans rebelled and overturned them. When millions of impoverished and destitute wretches sought a new beginning, Americans threw open the door and welcomed them. When imperial dictators were on the march, Americans surrendered their lives to stop them. When communist thugs threatened world peace, Americans bled to defeat them. When an entire continent was overwhelmed with famine and hunger, Americans gave of themselves to sustain it. When terrorist madmen killed the innocent and subjugated millions, Americans led the fight to topple them.

This is the legacy that generations of Americans have left. If President Obama seeks stronger relations with the world community, perhaps he should begin by reminding them of these very truths, rather than condemning his own countrymen on foreign shores.

This "obsessive need to put down his own country," has caused blogger James Lewis to call President Obama a "stunningly ignorant man" who has evidently never spoken to a concentration camp survivor, a Cuban refugee, a boat person from Vietnam, a Soviet dissident, or a survivor of Mao's purges.

Unfortunately, I can no longer bring myself to give Mr. Obama that benefit of the doubt. Not after looking at the pain in my grandpa's eyes...a man who still carries shrapnel in his body from his service to this country.

As a student and teacher of history, I recognize that America has made mistakes...plenty of them, in fact. But one of the great things about our people has been their courage and humility in admitting and correcting those mistakes. God willing, they will prove that willingness again in four years and correct the mistake that is the presidency of Barack Obama.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:21 AM
it takes arrogance to apologize for anothers arrogance without asking the people you are apologizing for first.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:27 PM
all sorts of sales go UP in the summer months. meat, bevs, icecream, swimming suits, flip flops, concert tickets, pool toys, WATER, sunscreen, bug spray

this is expected.
and also SHOULD NOT mean that these items suddenly becomes more expensive.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:22 PM

after FINALLY falling to an acceptable price........gas prices are on the rise again. I wonder if it will be back up to 5 bucks (or more)a gallon by August.

It's gone up that much where you're at?

It's not bad here. I'm just seeing the usual summer spike.

its went up a good $0.75 so far.

I jsut think the whole scheme is ridiculous. this should be a stable market without all the price fluctation.

we are getting ripped off. at every conceivable angle.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/12/09 11:10 PM
seriously? these electric cars and using less oil sounds really nice.

but its not going to help me one lil bit until MY jeep is paid off.

because you see, it does RUN on gas.
like the zillion other cars i see people driving around my city daily. (which Im sure many of them are also making payments on a vehicle that they probably have negative equity in)

long term solutions are great...............


what is going to KEEP gas prices from soaring in the meantime???????

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:53 PM

it's all a plot by obama to force us all to go green. if gas prices are high, then people use less gas and alt. fueled cars will be more in demand. i mean, since everyone blew off the whole principle of the market and supply and demand and blamed it on bush's special interest oil groups, it must be obama's fault now...

People were blaming Bush because he went into Iraq, the destabilization of the Middle East did have something to do with supply and demand which in turn had to do with rising prices. Prices are rising now as they do every summer. Demand going up, people are going on vacations.

The benefit though is that new technologies will emerge. Whether or not one believes in Climate Change, oil is not sustainable for the future, there's no way we can find it as fast as we're using it. So we should be the leaders in the world in developing this tech now, that way other countries will buy our tech instead of us buying theirs.

seriosuly? people are vacationing?? wow really? im too busy paying bills and working I havent notices. I surely aint driving too far to vacation any time in the immediate future??

I really dont think demand is why the prices are going up. I think its just price gauging and somebodys profiting while they can.


catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:31 PM
Bush is gone.

and Im sure he has not trouble having cash flow to fill up HIS gas guzzling car/jeep/suv/limo.

wtf has Obama been doing?

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:16 PM
after FINALLY falling to an acceptable price........gas prices are on the rise again. I wonder if it will be back up to 5 bucks (or more)a gallon by August.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:40 PM
an isolation coat becasue........Im cold.
tennis shoes.

and i have a hot pack laying on my belly tucked into the top of my panties cuz i got cramps

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:13 PM
a good question would be winxie..if one was devastated by the loss of a brick home in a earthquake..

what kind of house would you rebuild???

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:53 PM

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:51 PM

and I am logical in my opinion as well. I do know nature will continue to strike...but I logically know that people can take certain steps to protect themselves as well as their property. and to not do all they can is insane. to keep going back in front of a moving train is insane. to throw money at a situation that doesn't get fixed is insane.

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:27 PM
it should be illegal to build below sea level.

I mean if one valued human WOULD be illegal to build below sea level

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 10:22 PM
one should not build a house (or a town)where one knows (beyond a shadow of the doubt) that it could be so easily toppled down.

sorry...its time to move on inland a bit..preferablly a few FEET above sea level.

unless one wants to live in an underwater city at some point in the near future.indifferent

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:54 PM
well slaphead

something certainly is going on around us.
whos to say its not going to keep on getting worse instead of better??

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 09:49 PM
hey personally..I think it was silly as all get out to even fix the durn levy in new orleans....let alone rebuild the city and let people continue to live there.

I mean it seems absurd to me to do all this repair work to keep some land the ocean seems intent on reclaiming.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:34 AM
let him vent.

hes angry and hes expressing it. Im sure he probably WOULDNT punch him in the nose.....

and i woulda said the same thing...what good would it do. make a conversation and get him to express his feelings and explore his thoughtsflowerforyou

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