Community > Posts By > Kindlightheart

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/04/16 03:24 PM

he seems to worry more about the non-existent human-caused Climate-change than any real Threats!
...I think he knows there are real threats...they just throw Climate change around to ease their own guilt...why not blame everyone instead of owning up to what their greed filled souls have done to all humanity just so they can writhe in their wealth...I find it interesting how many countries are telling people to prepare for some kind of disaster..wether it be people or just nature...sure is a lot of things going on that are life threatening to so just to be safe...I have two bottles of water, a bag of chips and a snickers bar...and my favorite blanket...when the s**t hits the fan...I will find a spot I can enjoy the view and try to think of every happy time I been blessed with...and hope my God takes my hand and flies me away...:angel: flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/04/16 02:26 PM
Lol...of course he wants us to start being prepared for a disaster...thanks to him and his greedy friends the world is falling apart..and with the election around the corner....regardless of who wins..the radicals of the loser will cause some damage....don't see either side being happy with the mess he left behind...

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/04/16 02:17 PM
Hmmm...aside from being beautiful inside and out..I would say I like her simplicity and kindness towards everyone..,flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/03/16 11:29 PM
....kinda funny...the first time I saw mention to Obama moving to Dubia was in one of these political posts when the election first started...then I started poking around on Google..of course the true and false stories are many and wether true or not ...if true..he spent millions on his home...perhaps it's merely a vacation home..hence filthy rich...if false...his books and speeches ect..after he is no longer president will net him a pretty penny...along with his everlasting paycheck that I believe he got his raise...he's far from upper class...I just know that the last eight years of my life have not improved ...actually got worse...I don't blame just the president but the whole system....I read about all the good things he is said to have accomplished...but I don't see or feel anything productive or positive that he has personally done...but I do see haters everywhere...hasn't been this bad for a long least if Hillary gets her crown at least part of the race baiting will stop...she will make sure we underlings suffer under her least if Trump wins things will be interesting..she will keep things the way the higher powers want..Trump will buck them around a bit...don't really believe any of them can fix the last 20 plus years of their greed for themselves...but I do believe we have a better chance at getting decent jobs back in the states with Trump...:wink:

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/03/16 03:49 PM


supports gay marriage, immigrants, muslims only because he is a puppet

a puppet who is divisive while supporting all these different groups,,,interesting,,,

meanwhile, a muslim registry, closed borders, and the devaluing of women and handicapped is just the unity that will make us a wonderful unified nation,,,lol

...all politicians are puppets for the elitists...although I can't understand their do you mix Muslims with gays and transgenders and not have a problem..?..Trump has made some comments that are far from politically correct ...but I have yet to see where he's against anyone..aside from his distaste for mouthy women or women who dress frumpy in professional positions..I haven't seen anything that devalues women..he seems to understand that mentally disabled people need better care than what they get..the borders do need to be better regulated or closed at least until we are more prepared to help ...we have way to many homeless and poverty level people in this country already...I think Obama stirred so much hate among all people...especially black on white...and he's got several months to wreck even more fragile issues between people... with all the propaganda and backstabbing it's hard to know what's even true...but one thing I know is true..Obama got filthy rich and is going to live a wonderful life in another country...if he did so great..why is he leaving..?.. I believe he's skipping out cause he knows what he has done to America and is leaving before things completely fall apart... I have watched countless speeches by all of them..Trump is the only one who stands behind his words..knowing he offends some..which to me is better than telling people what they want to hear..jmoohwellflowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/03/16 02:13 PM
Lol...was just thinking..Obama is all about gay marriage, transgenders in bathrooms...and bringing thousands of Muslim refugees to the states..just to name a few clashing Titans ...yup..he is such a puppet... he's trying to wreck havoc in America ...never seen a president that stirs the hate pot as much as him...only a few months before he's done...although the damage he's done will have a lasting effect...sad cause who ever wins this election probably won't be able to fix the mess...Hillary will keep us going straight to hell...and Trump will have a heck of a time with all the corruption...sad cause I really do believe Trump wants what's best for the people...ohwellflowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 08/31/16 11:49 PM
It's kinda funny...I don't have a lot of nice things to say about my hometown..but I do like the relatively low crime rate..I really believe it is low in part because 90% of us own and possess firearms..the respect we have for guns is one reason why we can sleep with the windows open...odds are if you break in any where..odds are there is someone waiting with their guns loaded and ready..yup..I do love the piece of mind ..:thumbsup:flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 08/28/16 09:14 AM


MIGHT be nice, to have a President, who doesn't try to over ride Departments (like The Department of Imigration), and sticks to OUR OWN (present) laws & RESPECTS

Hail Caser !
See you in Dubai Pharaoh !


...funny..if he did such a great job..why would he build his life in least Trump understands we need to get Americans on their feet...flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 08/22/16 11:34 PM

People these days tend to confuse the two. You must havr lust to love a person. Of which from the definition of love, i think lust dont fit it... Bt in reality they walk side by side. is a deep feeling that can hold dear to many..and is shared..lust is a surface to pertains to many but only for self gratification love is above lust..and holding hands..hmmm

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 08/20/16 11:45 AM
As if people aren't confused enough...miss the days of tomboys and sissys...I was a tomboy and I am grateful my parents and schools didn't cater to my interest in trucks and dirt instead of barbies and ex husbands other ex wife has twin of which decided she's a boy...they are 9 years old...everyone is going along with it...I don't think it's wise to but out of respect for the child's feelings I will hold my tongue...I recently started a new coworker has a son who is good friends with this "boy" about a rock and a hard place...overheard the gal at work express her dislike of this new trend...little does she know...sad...just wonder how it will fly when puberty hits...knew another "boy" years ago who hung out with my nephew..when "he" got in with the wrong kids and robbed a store..his secret was discovered...flew like a brick...she disappeared shortly after...too bad people are promoting this...Kids are confused enough..but all in all that's what our current government's easier to control us if we are lost and confused...ohwell

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 08/20/16 10:55 AM

I don't believe that salesperson and politician require the same skill set or knowledge

I dont care that he is rich, doesnt make him any better or worse a candidate, because ones money is not a indicator of anything but their status financially, not their personal skill or integrity or intelligence

He carries himself like a grade A pompous ***, and that would be true if it turned up he had nothing at all in the bank

what is telling is how much and how long he has shown any inclination to make positive change for anyone but himself, even with all the resources and finances at his disclosure,,

before this run, I see nothing in his past that indicates he has ever cared, about much of anything or anyone,,but Trump

and listening to him speak, verifies that past trend to me

...along time ago Trump caught my attention from an article I was reading in People magazine..he and the person interviewing him stopped for lunch...of course the manager of the place was all over him..anything you want is on the house...the interviewer commented that Trump must enjoy how he's treated...he stated that he's more bothered then impressed...he can afford his meal...why not feed a free meal to a poor man..Trump has and does help hundreds of people...he just doesn't do it publicly...kinda like how it says in the far as all the hype about his bankruptcies...he did what any other person would have...legally...not to mention just cause he owned them doesn't mean he ran them...the managers of said businesses failed...not to mention bad far as his products being made in other this time it's not possible to do in the states..thanks to Mr. Bill...something Trump wants to change..watching past interviews in his younger years...he hasn't changed his opinion or attitude...just cause he ran republican doesn't mean jack...That's far as his pompous attitude...of course he is...he has least he isn't sporting a 15,000 dollar coat to address average women about equality...I am willing to bet that if I bumped into both candidates Trump would be more polite to me than Hillary...but odds are I won't...Hillary has been proven to be a liar and is a criminal...Trey pointed that out when he interviewed the FBI...not to mention all the suicides surrounding points being even more reasons why I am voting Trump...flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 11:34 PM
Trump..because he seems like he will try to bring back our jobs...he is not a politician..he has a beautiful family..his exact don't hate him..the government hates him...his VP isn't my fav..but perhaps the two will compliment eachother...he says he will get help in areas he lacks etiquette...and I think he will do everything he can to "make America great again "...his ego won't have it any other way...I also believe he will find a lot of wasteful spending...he kinda reminds me of that old movie..Dave..but really...although independents are's really the lesser of two evils..

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 08:18 PM

Trump only seems interested in Trump, nothing in his life says otherwise even though he had great enough means to do alot of good for others

and he speaks like a high school bully,,,

Hilary needs to win,,, the candidate that especially loves nuclear war is sure to get us into one with his impulsive narcissistic mouth,,,

..he's a very sarcastic man...rude doesn't bug me as much as liars...but if Hillary is really having health issues...her hysterically laughing as she pushes the button ...yup Nukes may fly under either hand...

oh, he lies too,,,

'sarcastic' is he?


I wonder how all that 'sarcasm' translates in the office of president and the role of global relations

...probably fly like a me of that joke about we would have a black president when pigs fly...bam..swine flew.. I know not funny..sorta..

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 06:29 PM

Trump only seems interested in Trump, nothing in his life says otherwise even though he had great enough means to do alot of good for others

and he speaks like a high school bully,,,

Hilary needs to win,,, the candidate that especially loves nuclear war is sure to get us into one with his impulsive narcissistic mouth,,,

..he's a very sarcastic man...rude doesn't bug me as much as liars...but if Hillary is really having health issues...her hysterically laughing as she pushes the button ...yup Nukes may fly under either hand...

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 06:18 PM
I wind up viewing a lot by accident..but I do enjoy looking at who views mine..funny cause I can always tell if they read my profile...silly things some men say...sadly no locals that interest me yet..but dang...a lot of model looking men...usually from somewhere like Palmsprings New York ..or similar...lolflowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 04:47 PM
I guess where you live in the states plays a role in seeing Hillarys "good deeds"...up here we've lost almost all decent paying jobs...welfare has been torn to are hooked on pharmaceutical drugs... offtopic...the election has been rigged forever...they keep the voting system so we the people think we matter... I wish a black lady from the ghetto..who raised a son to graduate from college was running instead of Hillary..I would vote for her...but only rich people can run for office...and I am glad Trump did...he seems more interested in getting us jobs and building a successful country...her and her raising taxes on the middle class..?...and her constant fish flopping..empty auditoriums...and yet she's winning..lmao..!!!..oh well...guess it will be amusing when she brings America down ...can see her laughing moronically to the bank already...ohwellflowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 03:49 PM
Arabic..French..and Latin...although my own language can get the best of me sometimes... flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 03:42 PM
...Trump stepped up...wether it's to win votes or not...Hillary is sleeping it least if people die they won't be brutalized by our enemies...and gee..go figure..Obama is to Louisiana...the President and his buddies don't care..but we the people do..flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 03:33 PM
It's funny sorta... I hit the bottom in a hard way and I qualified for the Montana HELP...guess it's part of Obama deductible..up to four dollars co health...lmao..they gave me a list of providers...sadly most of them say they are no longer participating...go figure...but at least I have it...haha...

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 08/17/16 07:34 PM
Honestly..rigged election is how it is...personally if Americans were smart..we would all write in Mickey Mouse ...still Hillary will win...lmao!!!..the elite have a dude the lady..haha...miss piggie is more of a lady...but Hillary is the chosen one..barf..puke...what a load of crap we the peeps of a beautiful nation under GOD..! father is coming soon...and doubt he's impressed..frustratedflowerforyou

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