Community > Posts By > Kindlightheart

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 10/15/17 09:16 AM

What state are you in kind girl ? I think you know me well enough to know I do not believe in an afterlife .. but I am glad that gives you comfort .. I certainly do not feel stressed about a nuclear threat .. in part that worries me .. are we actually too complacent . .. do we even have a voice . flowers waving we have more nukes than any other state..which is kinda funny cause we are also home to a large part of Yellowstone..if some moron decided to sling nukes up could cause Yellowstone to do her for one on humanities worst far as the afterlife..?.. I know there is something.. I believe in God but I don't give any book about him much thought.. I don't believe a man made rule book is your way to God.. I believe that God knows if a soul is good or bad and good will prevail in the afterlife..I don't fear death because it's inevitable.. I hate to say it..but I almost wish we would have the "Big Bang" tired of humanity throwing rocks at eachother because we don't believe the same or have different opinions of what is right or wrong..the way things are going..more and more people are living hard miserable lives being judged by other humans and most governments are so corrupt and self serving that humanity is doomed.. I would rather go quick with my loved ones than have humanity resemble the hunger games..unfortunately.. I think the hunger games are more likely than the end of days..whoa flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 09/27/17 09:52 PM
Afraid if nukes start flying my state is doomed..rumored to be home to a lot of nukes..Hawaii is home to some beautiful people..pearl harbor 2..?..afraid N.Korea will be in for a bigger surprise than Japan go..but I try not to let it bug me..the will to survive will stop at nothing for me..but when I die is not avoidable...death happens..hope I just die thinking I never bright thing..if the human race all die together we will all see eachother In the afterlife..beautiful is eternity..and we are all beautiful..flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 09/27/17 09:38 PM
Lalala..good things happen..good things happen..bound to get better..just need to believe...ohwell sad2 what flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/24/17 09:27 PM
Kiss my unknownromeo no more..?..kinda miss him..but I kiss you..muah.!

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 09/22/17 12:42 PM

Tonight is Friday night. Donuts and coffee will be replaced by champagne, beer and wine! I hope everyone has great plans! Where are the rest of you, Minglers?
..yup a cold beer sounds good..going to a friends house soon..I've been playing around on this site about four years the forums for a few reasons..the various opinions, the funny topics..although I do miss quite a few peeps that aren't around anymore..i don't play around in here as much as I used to..but still enjoy a good topic..I think you will bring out some entertainment though..see you around..drinker flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 09/18/17 08:58 PM
...yup.. I do love free stuff...but the money has to come from somewhere..higher taxes mean higher prices..and if the "free" money stops the prices don't lower..then we are really screwed..ohwell flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 09/18/17 08:51 PM

just a trump bashing fest...only libs watch that disgusting crap now, same as the miss america pagent... true..haha.. I wish entertainers would have stayed stars instead of snowflakes..flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 09/18/17 08:44 PM
Considerate flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 09/18/17 08:35 PM
Dumdedum..sometimes I just wish we could all go on a cruise ship together..not like the love boat..more like fantasy island on a flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/17/17 07:49 PM

I'm thinking I hate not being able to reach out to some people... just because it might be too painful..for them.and me I suppose.

I wonder if they feel they want to reach out.aswell but they don't! for the same reason...

Seems rather silly... two people not reaching out.. when all they really want to do is just that...hmmmm.. always so complicated
...I sometimes want to say hi to a few myself..but I don't because I fear rejection or I don't want to take things farther than just a simple hello..and a few people I liked have deactivated ..but you will always be one of my favorite very handsome gentleman flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/17/17 04:39 PM
..thanks for the caring words .. I so love my friends in mingleland..and Blondey.. I wish you were one of Josh's nurses..he would think you're beautiful..he had to deal with a couple that he had to put in line..but if one was you..he would have smiled a to everyone.!:heart: flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/17/17 04:33 PM

A little bit concerned
Waiting for my test results from the lab
..hugs friend..the waiting is the hardest part..hope all is good and keep me in your loop ..luv you.!flowers

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/17/17 11:04 AM
So far Josh is doing good..still have mountains to climb but he is a strong one...they replaced the valve and put in a pace maker..his heart is doing better than ever..his lungs are his weak point now..they kept getting fluid in them but they seem to be holding up...thank God it rained and snowed..the smoke from the fires was horrible..but one thing is for sure..Josh has a love for life and never gives up..

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/16/17 01:11 PM

I remember when I was in high school..when Regan was shot my history teacher brought cake and ice cream and claimed it was a day to celebrate..too bad he lived she said..I shook my head in disgust..she asked why and I said it's not right to celebrate the President being shot at..then she said that the reason I can't get a decent grade in her class was instead of thinking with the right side of my brain I spend too much time not paying attention to what matters.. I told her she spends too much time speaking with the left side of her brain instead of teaching history..then I walked out..failed history..teachers personal political opinions don't belong in the classroom..ohwell flowerforyou

I agree. Though I do believe there is a bit of middle ground between whether teachers are using 'personal political opinions' or trying to abide by their understanding of schools regulations regarding keeping an environment where students feel safe to learn.
..I can see why a zazi symbol could make some kids uncomfortable... but MAGA..?..not remotely close..a tee shirt with BLM could make some kids uncomfortable as seems that everyone is trying to support what they believe and in turn upsetting those that don't agree..people need to just quit being so sensitive and realize that we all are entitled to have our own opinions and beliefs..go back to live and let live instead of writhing in hate..ohwell flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/16/17 11:29 AM
I remember when I was in high school..when Regan was shot my history teacher brought cake and ice cream and claimed it was a day to celebrate..too bad he lived she said..I shook my head in disgust..she asked why and I said it's not right to celebrate the President being shot at..then she said that the reason I can't get a decent grade in her class was instead of thinking with the right side of my brain I spend too much time not paying attention to what matters.. I told her she spends too much time speaking with the left side of her brain instead of teaching history..then I walked out..failed history..teachers personal political opinions don't belong in the classroom..ohwell flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/16/17 10:35 AM
Lol..I think we have a lot in common..and I wouldn't say it's being too picky or fear of committing..I think it's more like self love..I find myself drawn to some wonderful men and have some wonderful times with them..but in my down time I have discovered that I value my me time the most..and the part of me that is my equal is my children.. Everytime I find a great companion that I have fun with,..the second it moves to a more serious level.. I tuck tail and run..falling in love is easy..but the thought of giving up my me for we..?..nope..we is my kids and I..sometimes I wish I could commit to one special man..but I can't give up my love for all my past interests.. I am friends with most of the men I have loved..and I value my alone time..yup.. I am truly in love with myself..not vainly..but happily..and if the man I am with gets too close.. I see his faults or feel smothered..and then I find my wings and flutter my happy nest of flowerforyou

Kindlightheart's photo
Sat 09/16/17 09:52 AM
WooHoo..we got lots of rain for a few days and topped it off with snow.!!..another beautiful day in Montana..I love being a Montana girl.!!

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 09/06/17 09:04 PM

wish I knew how to post some things..there is a beautiful video on Facebook that is about the fires sad..Montana is burning worse than ever before..thousands of acres destroyed..prayers for rain..just unbelievable and heartbreaking.. 1,032,800 acres and still beautiful state is resembling hell on earth..first time I am hoping winter comes early..

Kindlightheart's photo
Wed 09/06/17 09:53 AM
Edited by Kindlightheart on Wed 09/06/17 10:00 AM
wish I knew how to post some things..there is a beautiful video on Facebook that is about the fires sad..Montana is burning worse than ever before..thousands of acres destroyed..prayers for rain..just unbelievable and heartbreaking..

Kindlightheart's photo
Sun 09/03/17 08:21 PM
Wow..been on this site for over three many are gone..but to those that remain..thank God..I truly love you all..despite our differences..beautiful is what all you are.!

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