Topic: Should We Smack Or Kids
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Sun 01/13/08 11:56 PM
spankings can teach respect...if you never spank your kid and they think its ok to do what they want, they will eventually start using you as a tool to get whatever they please.

johncarl's photo
Sun 01/13/08 11:57 PM

my son has had a spank on the bottom now and again but very best for of punishment ive found is to take what he loves of him his games , tv, etc he has to earn them back its very efffective
now that is what i am talking about it every one if i lay a hand on my child my x would turn me in .she is a real work of artgrumble

Jess642's photo
Sun 01/13/08 11:59 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 01/14/08 12:00 AM
I would turn you in as well...if a total stranger struck you, you would scream from the had been abused.

and you are supposed to be a carer for your child...


DebbieJT's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:02 AM
i think the generation we have now that are teenagers that havent been disciplined...shows us what can happen if we as parents dont take control...teenagers in gangs who have no respect for anything....when i was a kid i got spanked...i respected my teachers and the police and most of all my parents....i got told by my son aged 9 he can do whatever he likes....if i had said that to my mum...well i wouldnt have.

footloose08's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:02 AM


How is that teaching respect???

How is that teaching by example???

Bloody hypocritical!!!!

Sure go ahead beat your kids... there's no difference to self esteem being smacked, or being beaten...go ahead, breed another messed up generation.

What a disgusting thread!mad mad explode

It sounds like you were either never had a smack or you where always smacked for everything you did and i am sorry for you if you were hurt. As this what happens to a lot of kids and it is a shame. but who is say anything about respect. Nobody has said beating, or smacking a kid will teach it respect. What we are saying is that a smack to teach them what they have done is wrong.

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:02 AM

spankings can teach respect...if you never spank your kid and they think its ok to do what they want, they will eventually start using you as a tool to get whatever they please.
i disagree respect is earned not by spanking my supervisor at work i should go up to him and spank that a##laugh laugh laugh laugh

Imherewithoutyou's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:03 AM
if you put them in timeout then you yourself have to sit there and make sure they dont move. spank em but dont do it out of anger but spank em and let em cry and theyll get over it and still love ya.

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:10 AM
I put my son in a time out once and he took the curtain rod off the bedroom window and smashed the window........uhhhhhhhhhh time outs dont least not with my child......noway noway noway noway

Taking away a favourite toy or not letting him go to that birthday party etc did the trick.......devil devil

briank66's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:10 AM
Edited by briank66 on Mon 01/14/08 12:12 AM

i think the defining line between discipline and beatings are bruises.

Typical answer form someone with no experience in raising kids smokin

He'll have the kind of kids that climb...jump...scream...throw sh1t..and are all around rude in public. Then, I am called a pr1ck for yellng at them. Hey...if the candy @ssed Parents won't discipline their kids...I WILL explode

yokoke's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:10 AM
My daughter is a yellow belt and as her Master has her drop for pushups, one reminder is usually all that is needed but there are times when she has had to do the pushups....

Sometimes cycles need to be broken from generation to generation.... there are other approaches outside of who is bigger and can hit who....just a matter of time when those children decide on your nursing home and so you might re-think some things now.....

Mon 01/14/08 12:11 AM
I was spanked as a kid.................

and now that I'm all grown up I still enjoy it.........laugh laugh laugh laugh

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:12 AM

if you put them in timeout then you yourself have to sit there and make sure they dont move. spank em but dont do it out of anger but spank em and let em cry and theyll get over it and still love ya.
oh boy now time outs dont work .123 works when they are young.1 you need to do this 2 you need to think at what i said and if you dont do it an i go to three you are grounded 3 ground them and dont give in .when they get older you have to use other things that work should i go on

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:13 AM

I put my son in a time out once and he took the curtain rod off the bedroom window and smashed the window........uhhhhhhhhhh time outs dont least not with my child......noway noway noway noway

Taking away a favourite toy or not letting him go to that birthday party etc did the trick.......devil devil
this is why time outs dont work

lonelyshorty's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:14 AM

I was spanked as a kid.................

and now that I'm all grown up I still enjoy it.........laugh laugh laugh laugh

I'll do it. I already spank john

briank66's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:16 AM
alot of us, I mean them, have been spanked as adults too :tongue:

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:17 AM

I was spanked as a kid.................

i want to be spanked

and now that I'm all grown up I still enjoy it.........laugh laugh laugh laugh

I'll do it. I already spank john

samiislove's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:18 AM

i think the defining line between discipline and beatings are bruises.

some kids don't bruise easily.

just thought i'd put that out there...

even though i think spanking them is okay. i was spanked. but i deserved to be. smacking your kids across the face or using a belt, hanger, etc...i dont think thats acceptable.

Imherewithoutyou's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:23 AM

if you put them in timeout then you yourself have to sit there and make sure they dont move. spank em but dont do it out of anger but spank em and let em cry and theyll get over it and still love ya.
oh boy now time outs dont work .123 works when they are young.1 you need to do this 2 you need to think at what i said and if you dont do it an i go to three you are grounded 3 ground them and dont give in .when they get older you have to use other things that work should i go on

yeah just ground them and send them to there room or just keep them inside and you will have to ground yourself in order to watch them. 123's dont work. burn that ass up and they remember

no photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:26 AM
grounded????????????? I was grounded most of my childhood and teenage life anddddddddddddddd look where it got me?????????? noway laugh noway laugh Didnt work for me......uh noooooooooooo!!! Made me wanna be bad.........real bad.....devil:

lonelyshorty's photo
Mon 01/14/08 12:27 AM
i was spanked before i was like 10 then they moved on to grounding. i was grounded a few times but i turned out okay