6 Ideas for a Quarantine Date Night

Whether you’re experimenting with online dating or have recently started seeing someone new, it’s likely the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your love life in one way or another. The amount of time we’re able to spend with people has become limited, going on dates in public places is nearly impossible, and the need to be creative when it comes to dating is more important than ever. Here are some of Mingle2’s favorite unique ways to plan out the perfect quarantine date night.

Ideas for a Quarantine Date Night

1. Movie night 

Cozy movie nights with your date may not be new, but they are a great way to spend time together, especially with many movie theaters being closed. Luckily, not only are classic streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu adding new content regularly, cinemas themselves have started pushing movies that would have been in theaters and making them available to watch at home.

If you and your date have a similar taste in movie genres, this is a great way to have some laughs for hours on end or start a binge-watching habit of the latest documentary series that’s gone viral. Get the popcorn and blankets ready!

2. Wine night

If you’re looking for a fancier kind of evening for your quarantine date, consider a romantic wine night. Wine tasting is so unique because everyone has different tastes and perspectives. This is a great way to learn more about your partner!

To pull off your tasting night you’ll need three things: a few different types of wine, food that pairs well with each variety, and atmosphere. Particularly during quarantine, it can be hard to make it to the store to get some of these items. This can be the perfect time to try out an alcohol delivery app that can supply the bottles of wine straight to your living room. As for food and atmosphere, be sure to include some cheese and crackers to munch on while you sip your wine and set the mood with some music that can make the night feel intimate.

3. A self-care night

There’s no better way to grow a relationship between two people than a date that focuses on self-care. Experts always say that one must be happy with themselves before they can provide happiness to someone else, and this is a great way to get a kickstart, especially if you’re looking to turn an unhealthy relationship into a better one.

Some of our favorite self-care ideas are things like “spa days at home” complete with face masks and massages, or even doing something to clear the mind like meditation or yoga.

4. A cooking night

Both men and women alike have admitted that the ability to cook is an attractive trait when looking for a partner, so why not have a cooking night in quarantine? If you and your partner were planning on having dinner anyway, preparing the meal together can be a great way to work together in an enjoyable way and develop your cooperation and communication skills.

Start by deciding on your meal, throwing on some music, dishing out some responsibilities, and getting to work! If you and your partner have a “favorite” meal or you want to experiment with something new, this is a great (and tasty) way to build a bond. Another great food-related idea is to look into an online cooking class! Couples that learn new things together tend to grow emotionally, and since most activities have gone virtual during the pandemic, this is an awesome (and sometimes even free) way to add a change of pace to your date night.

5. Game night 

No matter how far into a relationship you are with the person on your date, you can never go wrong with a game night. If you’re having your first date in quarantine, conversation starter games and icebreakers are a fun way to get to know each other. Small talk can be intimidating and these kinds of games can help settle the nerves for many.

For more seasoned couples, there are plenty of other games that can create a fun, yet competitive atmosphere. Classics like Monopoly and Scrabble are always fun, but humor games like Cards Against Humanity and Incohearant can get the laughter flowing.

6. Going outdoors (safely)

As quarantine continues, it can be easy to feel constrained and overwhelmed in your home. And although you’re supposed to stay indoors as much as possible, it is okay to step outside your home occasionally to get some fresh air, as long as you do so safely. As it relates to quarantine dates, there are some safe outdoor options you can consider. Going for a walk in your local park or taking the dog for a walk outside in your neighborhood are some perfect ways to get a little exercise, fresh air, and spend some time together all in one!

Again, if you’re going to go outside for a quarantine date, you must proceed with caution. Your health as well as your dates’ should be a top priority, so if you plan this be sure to wear masks, be mindful and stay safe. 

As you and your date think about what to do next for some quarantine magic, consider one of our favorite ideas to be a little unique and do something a little different. Quarantine can certainly be tough and dating during a pandemic is no easy feat, but with these ideas, we hope it’ll make it a little more fun during these unprecedented times.

A blog editor is in charge of editing, posting articles regarding online dating. If you are interested in love stories or dating articles, you are in the right place!

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