THE STORY OF POOR FEB: This story is a Life-hacks series of a poor guy named “Feb” (can attract countless girlfriends in the now) who belonged to a middle-class family, was enjoying a happy life and had a beautiful girlfriend – “Mary”. Everything just changed when his family suffered from a bank-scam which shackled his family in chains of sudden debts, and poverty crept in. There are so many things that you can learn from this story, but the best …
Tag: Mingle2 love story
In Global Dating SceneTags love, love story, Mingle2, Mingle2 Blog, Mingle2 love story, relationship337 Views2 Comments
By L.a. Welcome back to part 2 of “Where There is Love, There Are No Barriers“. In the previous entry on Mingle2 blog, we covered two couples. One was with …
In Global Dating SceneTags love, love story, Mingle2, Mingle2 Blog, Mingle2 love story, relationship375 ViewsLeave a comment
By L.a. In the past, we had a topic talking about the distance in a relationship. Surprisingly, we received a lot of reactions and opinions about that topic. Most of …