Community > Posts By > Godistheanswer

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 01:56 PM
Interesting. I just wanted to comment. I also studdied history and I found it insightful that in the past for example in the KJV Bible it tells of Judah I believe being hoodwinked, tricked by Tamar his daugter-in-law because he had not given his son to her in marriage after his other sons displeased God and died. She covered herself competely as only women selling themselves did for they were not persons, just objects for that use if they did that. And he thought she was one so having not money on him at the time, gave his staff and signet for her to hold until he could repay her for services. he came back. she was gone and they all said no woman like that was in the place and later told him it was Tamar who had tricked him and gotten herself pregnant by him. He was going to have her stoned, but she said by the man who's signet and staff is this am I with child, anyway like that, so shows in that time at least if you were all covered up it was not a sign of virtue. But truly porn is not either and just demeans anyone involved.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 01:49 PM
Years ago we rented a very cheap old farm house in Wisconsin and my children refused to sleep upstairs saying there was a ghost up there. They said they saw a black pair of legs walking around and the first time they saw it, they all ran down the stairs to my room.We saw also heavy footprints dent the ceiling above us and heard things walking around and stuff was moved or gone. A few times I was so scared one of the kids had fallen don the stairs as I heard it and all the kids were downstairs yet we all heard a body fall down! So I asked the pastor to pray and he did and annointed the house doors and we heard something leave the house and actually go out the door. Nothing happened afterwards.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 01:44 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 03/17/15 01:45 PM
I grew up in a very strange house, for sale very cheap because of the creepy things there. Most kids refused to even come over for fear what they would see, etc. On my 17th birthday I had three friends over, a satanist, a Wiccan, and a Baha faith friend. We stayed up and played all kinds of music and were downstairs one of the worst places of the house. My friedns called up whatver it was and something CAME. Watch what you wish for. I told them not to mess with it. Weird creepy music came through EVERY station on the radio and my friends screamed for me to go up in the dark and turn the light on at the top of the stairs. GREAT!
As I went up, something CAME DOWN to meet me.I knew I could never get past it fast enough. As it passed through me, looking like a tumbling mass of energy, I lost all awareness until 12 noon the next day when I was laying on my back and heard a click and my eyes opened like someone pulled a switch. My friends said I had asked them to form a circle and was speaking in another language and glowing. They said I called on Jesus and a swordlike light came and touched the THING and it pulled away from the sword and was gone! All my friends asked me what do I do to be saved? I did not even remember what happened and did not give them any good advice.I could have said Trust in Jesus and ask him to be in your life and save you.
Another time I saw a UFO by the Platte River in Wyoming and walked to the pillar of light by it. I saw a golden man in the pillar and thought it all a dream, but strangely again "awoke" flat on my back and heard that click and my eyes opened. That night of the UFO was a strange electrical storm like nothing before that. More happened, but it falls under UFo.s, not haunted houses.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 12:54 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 03/17/15 12:55 PM
I find it interesting so many guys write to me, and some gals too that there is such a connection to me imediately, first letter and they just KNOW I am the one and I should date no other. Dates have went that way too, and it is scary to see some possesssive ogre threatening and telling about his evil ex etc etc and saying I better not date anyone else when I do not even know him. The last date I had got out of the car and ran in the dark and hid in the bushes. I was so glad to get home safe. Even walking to anywhere since my car is broken has been scary since men have slowed and yelled at me to get in the car----!!!!! Or else and I hid. Then they yelled and swore and said dirty things. Really there are lots of women I know that are kind and sweet and beautiful and I do nto think they would like that behaviour either. It makes us date shy and makes men look worse. So when I get a letter about this "mystic connection right off" and I am the one for them baby...." I am super sceptical too. Wondering if anyone is for real?
But I do have some good friends I have met over the years on the sites and am very thankful for them. So, again, I wish all of you the blessings of a happy and fullfileld life.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 12:48 PM
I know there are women too that are not very nice. I am sure the men and women all have their reasons and their match someplace. I just resnet men who try to make me into someone I am not. I am happy with who I am and do not need anger or negativity from dates. The good side of it is it makes me more thankful for the quiet times with my kids and happiness and my cats and friends and makes me glad I am not with the dating nightmares. I hope somewhere there is someone that they will be happy with.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 12:46 PM
I love all your replies and hope the best for everyone.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/17/15 12:44 PM
Most of my friends are guys, so I do not hate them, just when I have tried ot date, the men have assumed they buy me if they even get me a hamburger, and really, even working ladies of the evening are not that cheap. I just wonder where the realtionships went that I see so sweet an old man and old lady holding hangs and really caring, I hope I have that one day for me.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 02:26 PM
and for all the good guys out there and gals, God bless them!

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 02:26 PM
I wish there were more gentle men

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 02:15 PM
if love was real
if kindness and laughter something we could have and feel
if things for so many were not just games
and all that changes in the lies are the names
so I wish for all of you happiness and truth
not just crumbs of kindness or crumby crumbly kindness
short suckers with artificial flavors that just aren't real
i do not wish for anyone
not even me

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 02:13 PM
I have kissed what I thought the perfect kiss
and then missed
the kindness not in their eyes
their mouths full of so many lies
adresses of lots of other gilrs and guys in their pockets
hair and lockets
so what is the perfect kiss? maybe in dreams alone
for I am knocking
and no one is home

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 02:09 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 03/10/15 02:10 PM
but what if it's evening or day?
whatever time it is
let us be ready
to fly away with Jesus!From all care and trouble and sorrow
renewed like the eagle
ready to go
happier that anytime on this earth
where there is only truth
and kindness there
and endurung power and hope
above the blue sky
let us FLY!

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 01:57 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 03/10/15 01:58 PM
grab my kitties and things and most of all my kids
and get on a plane or spread our wings
hey, cats can have wings too
and if we can fly like this who needs our things, this is a wish so anything goes
so we would fly away and go to Africa of the past and see our friends again
see all our friends everywhere
and go away from any hurt or anger or pain
and see the rainbows with some light rain
no shadows or weary darkness to trip on
no liars and cheats to rip our heart like hungry vultures
i am tired of false lovers and friends who become shells who do not know you
and old movies become our friends instead
if we go outside then people wonder why we don't have built in remotes so they can fast forward or mute us at will
we wonder why we are not invisible
wonder how many real people are out there
and if the others will care or notice
we are paper leaves blowing in the wind colors fading to grey
because we could not find the proper paint to stay

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 03/10/15 01:51 PM
a lady was glad I was kind to her. she said it is so rare
sometimes we get scared
want to hide
awkward when someone steps beyond their shell and does for us something kind
we want to ask why?
For me the why has often been bad and something I was later hurt by
and blamed myself for believing in love again
sometimes I think it easier to just be

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/05/15 05:03 PM
I also am looking for friends of either sex to write to, more than anything else.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/05/15 05:02 PM
Travelling "dream"
I saw on One Step Beyond where a man in a coma had dreams he went to his favorite place where he always wanted to go.
Upon recovering, he got his fist passport and went there, only to be recognized by everyone in the small island and told that his fiancee's brother was very angry at him for leaving suddenly.
The man showed her father his papers and stamped passport and hospital papers and the father showed a picture taken of all of them together. The man, Jose, remembered everyone as if in a dream and the girl's dad said he believed in old ways and who knows what really happens when one is in a coma?
The man had somehow teleported to the place he longed ot be and ended up marrying the lady in his "dreams."
It was all documented in One Step Beyond Series.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:56 PM
I heard growls and terrible sounds from my drawer I saw partway open. My cat had gotten into some peacock feathers I had had given to me and rescued me from the terrible feather monster with the big scary eye!
Another time the same cat scared me twice the same day by (one) chasing a moth as she stood upright staggering and batting at it for a while and I saw her shadow. (2) my back door did not work right in my rental and the landlord would not fix it and I heard what sounded like snores and thought a vagrant had gotten in, but it was the cat sleeping on a chair and as I walked cautiously by she snagged me with her paws and I screeched.
Another cat I had once was asleep under the hay at my animal rescue I had and I watched as my mare Pretty Lady, a very obnoxious mare chomped on her hay, getting closer and closer to the cat I thought. The cat awoke and bounced up,as the mare's eyes bugged like dinner plates and both creatures jumped away from eachother- the siamese and the mare were more funny than any video I saw on t.v. for humorous moments.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:49 PM
I love cats and can relate to your loss. We just adopted some kittens and every cat has, as does every pet, its own personality. I think it is so great they love so simply and relax and care so much, a good lesson to us.
My favorite cat is BooShea, named after a gutsy female attorney lady friend of mine who wore her hair short, tennis shoes and a plain dress, with the heart of a lion to do what was right. He is part Siamese/Burman and sunggles with me at night like a living fur stole that wraps around me and purrs his love and kisses me and tucks me in to sleep at night, my adopted furry son and great friend.
to all cat lovers out there, many blessings!

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:45 PM

Awwwwwww, I lost one of my beloved cats last year,
it is still hard. They are 11 now, had them since
the day they were born :-)

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 03/05/15 04:43 PM
Last night I had a dream and I saw again people form my childhood only grown, yet frozen in time
remembering their names and the pain
how one boy said he HAD to turn away and PRETEND not to know me
if anyone saw him talking to me that was one of his relatives because of the same reason the mother of the guy who broke into my rental and beat me up and tried to kill me said after she called me,"after all, what do you expect, you're just an indian?"
I guess I had bottled up all that pain and like the volcanoe rumbling today it came up in my dreams
and the one girl who said I will sit by you and be your friend
and I said "Forget it! I don't need anyone."
In my dreams I remembered her and heard she had died, and I could not breathe and my heart wanted to cry
In my dream I could fly
and I flew above all those who said those hurtful things
as so can we all
if we try
and believe
and let go of hurtful feelings