Community > Posts By > Godistheanswer

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 05:28 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Mon 03/02/15 05:29 PM
I just read a book about forgiving and loving
it said you can't do one without the other
that if you hold grudges and fight with your ex
there will be no NEXT
no one to stand by your side because the anger INSIDE
will make the love DIE
Maybe that's true, I do not hate
but I remember and do not understand why
I tried
and cried and how someone can be so cold
the same someone who once smiled and opened the door for all the ladies
who everyone said was a true gentleman
I wonder why he could not be for me
a gentle man or for my kids
and I wonder
if any man can
or will
I do not see how most seem to like to watch blood and gore and fights and say it is manly
Jesus wept for his friend
and today's MEN see THINGS as so very very important
yet when you die
you can't take anything with you
and in this life truly
the only blessing that is real
is those about you or in your heart
that CARE

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 05:23 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Mon 03/02/15 05:23 PM
savory chicken with gravy

broccolli with butter and sea salt
spices in the gravy, black pepper maybe
drifting to my space
improving this place
cooking and looking at the food
flickering candlelight
and the smile of a child
the smile of someone special
yet I remember when I was married
my ex would say MOVE! I want to see my dog and you are in the way! So I moved so he could have a good look at the dog
by flickering candlelight
working and coming home on my break, driving on glare ice because he called work to say he dirtied some dishes and could I come home and wash them NOW!
Hurrying back to work night shift and my break over
making shrimp, fish fry or steak dinner
Now he lives on ramman noodles and rats decorate his counters in his moldy trailer
and looks at all his goodies that were so much more important than me
to his family and to him
and maybe still he watches his dog and eats rammom
by candlelight

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 05:16 PM
very true, thanks for listening and for BEING.

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 03:49 PM

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 02:39 PM
One man came by today on his bike as we were sitting, my children and I and eating breakfast outside
by the park
he came by three times scowling like he wanted to tear me apart and then build me up again so he could rip me into pieces
An old man came by and said "this is for you" and gave us a bag of donuts fresh from the bakery
truly, a little bit of love goes a long ways

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 02:36 PM
A young man came by three times slowly on his bicycle and scowled so meanly at me like he wanted me to die, like he really wanted to rip me apart and stomp me into the ground and then build me up again so he could do it again
did he take lessons from my ex?
An old man came by and carried a bag in his hand
These are for you and your kids
he said. One man gave us scowls and hate
the other man a bag of donuts
a little bit of kindness goes a long ways

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 03/02/15 02:33 PM
It is so easy to say
I love you
one moment and scream at a wife the next or smack a child
is this manly or macho?
Does a hug or pat on the back make it all worth it?
Or playing the ex wife against me
making her hate me
are we in grade school still?
I was looking for true love and now i wonder if it exists at all?

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/26/15 02:37 PM
My friend
yuo gave me away to another man
you thought better than you
waiting with a smile and happy heart
but now we are through
and I find the one to stand beside me as my husband
is You

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/26/15 12:27 PM
The people we were going to have as witnesses
to our marriage
you wanted to just grab anyone and get it over in a hurry
screaming out your outrage at me
just like you did to your ex wife in front of me
telling her snidely things to anger her
playing us against eachother
like third graders do
so many men do not even want to marry
the times you said you cared and I was stupid ot believe you
wanted to stay by your side forever
I know it all was lies now and empty
I am a plant growing in the ashes and I will survive
I knew inside even as I said yes
it would be no
all too good to be true
and there is only an empty space a cleaned house
in my heart
when love has gone
and empty room waiting
the maid has come and swept my heart
making room for someone else
who has the right key

Godistheanswer's photo
Mon 02/23/15 02:53 PM
I have found someone on a different site and will be getting married soon. God bless you all. Seek and ye shall find as it says in the KJV bible.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 04:55 PM
is as you make it
do not break it
washed ashore flower floating
carrying seeds that in good ground can grow
so is love in the heart
cherished can become happiness
delicate plant can become
Life is beyond the screams of people fighting and hiding setting off bombs of being
denying FEELING
Life is how we choose to react and act upon every given moment and how we make every given moment be
that is given to us in

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 04:47 PM
and the depths of a hug
snuggle into LOVE
kindness shared
special moments
someone to watch the stars with
a sunset, a sunrise
cook for and with
a tossed salad made together with cucumber or orange smiles
pieces of roast chicken
comfort food
potatoe slices fried
bacon bits
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing freshly mixed
by hands that care
Love that warms inside like cocoa or chocolate drizzled on fresh pecan pie
the best pizza cheesy and saucy from the oven or pan

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 04:35 PM
I saw a bag of garbage walking in CA
it was raing and she wore a silver garbage bag
people called her the grabage lady
in Hawaii at the park at first I thought i saw a garbage bag, but then noticed it was moving
hunched up, tangled hair
no more prayers
broken dreams? What had made this young woman come here?
I watched a true movie about kidnapped women used for sex slaves
put in crates with slats in the sides and given a cat box and water bottle and some cheap food
after their hair dyed blonde and stilleto heeels given to them
at their destination they all gathered around waiting for their buyers to pick them up
another show showed oragns for sale from a group of healthy teens overseas that were killed
one escaped to tell the story
lots of things are for sale
and some are for free
like the joy of a true smile
given like a gift from Heaven
or the stars spread out in a golden night of light
spun starlight like butter
frosting the cake of the universe
one by one are they star people angels?
interstellar beings just passing by?
Are some of them watching us
as we pass by?
Are some of them here watching through "our" eyes?
They say someone's garbage is another's treasure
Grabage bags make good cheap raincoats
if someone can see beyond the money
see who is there \

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 04:23 PM
Good advice, thanks

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 02:13 PM

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 12:56 PM
Glad of your response. God bless you.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 12:35 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Thu 02/19/15 12:36 PM
What is your song, oh wind passing by? Have you touched the face of a child, eating peanut butter jelly sandwiches, chubby cheeks to the wind,or a West African plain, or been to Texas playing dust devil again?
have you rattled the coconut palms in an island breeze or smashed and howled in northern trees?
Have you chased a plastic bag into mesquite bushes near my mountains?
or rushed through wisps of clouds spun like cotton on a lazy sky?
azure blue or torquous
ruffling water silver diamonds sparkling
cooling, flowing, touch my friends like a kiss and have you helped scatter the ashes of my friend, then
Oh, wind?
And can you please tell her how sorry I am and how I hold her picture to my heart and every memory and hope she is free and happy
like a blue sky robin's egg or a smile on a sunflower reaching tall to touch the sky
tell her please I miss her
her wisdom and kindness though I did not know her long
briefly she touched me
like the wind.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 12:28 PM
Thanks. It is good to get our creative juices flowing so we do not stagnate.

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 12:27 PM
Thanks, it is a rough draft of feelings. Just putting stuff out there that is bouncing around in here. Thanks for the imput. Glad you liked the line. Sometimes I run into some relaly fantastic imagery in poems on here too from people. Way cool!

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 12:25 PM
I do not write groupings, just write when I feel like it and if it puts it in a group, ok. Sorry it offended you.