Community > Posts By > Godistheanswer

Godistheanswer's photo
Thu 02/19/15 12:24 PM
Thanks. Itis funny that usually it is the person that seems to be the most gentlemanly that is NOT the gentle man.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 05:13 PM
thanks. Best of luck to you as well.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 04:53 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 02/17/15 04:55 PM
Why is it that men ask me if I am married or say they think my profile says I am a married gal looking for cheap ways to fool around?

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 04:52 PM
sure thing!

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 04:50 PM
salt an pepper on cooked meat or potatoes and gravy

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 04:48 PM
Have you ever heard those words?
And ever told anyway and no on believed your story?
I see
an old woman kneeling and petting her fluffy orange cat
now the cat sniffs her pink shoes all alone
and all of her things packed away that made it a home
her dreams and plans and pictures one by one
left to dry and fade in the desert sun
what do you know and what do you see?
I see a woman that saw inside of me
I saw her pain and saw her joy
now she is ashes scattered
if I could pull again the memories to reality
I would embrace her in happy solemnity
and change time and be again the happy one in love
or if I could turn back time and be again in Africa and loved and cared about and not have to leave
if I could have had all my children with me then
and if who I loved was real
if I could tell him that simplicity is sometimes of so much value more than material things
and love and family more and friendship that is true more
lies people have said and promises broken
games and charades of facades
a house of dreams with wallpaper plastered so noo ne can tell who is the bastard
I have helped ot scrape away the pain
will I wallpaper it crookedly again?
or paint with fungicide so I won't rot
peel off my insides into plant parts
roots humped up old trees as I walk seeing indian paintbrushes bebd with the breeze
in Indian Summer
a false day of days between the cold and rain
outside of pain when cottony clouds freeze in the sky
steaked with orange light and an old man in bibbed overalls tells me of his plan of getting water from the lake to the house to surpirse Grandma
but he shushes me, it's a surprise
Don't ever tell
his shoes wear the mud of his last trip
he died
and my grandmother adopted was like the old woman too
telling me her stories and her skin soft as the rose petals that grew wild about her fence
I am the sky
changing by
a leaf, a stick on the water pointing the way of the current
the ower of the secret is not to tell and you wonder if there's anywhere or anyone who is honest or kind at all
and if they were not
would they hold up painted smiles
fractured souls with bandaids of runbber bands and glue so we sail or fly
trying not to crash
or fall
speaking and learning to blow dust like an octopus so that we
don't ever tell

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 04:32 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 02/17/15 04:33 PM
Oceans of words and ripples of time
we stand on the shore alone or together
or live in memories good or bad
happy or sad
a child that hears angry words and thinks a fist is to hit
learns to be angry or hide
when people tell the truth or lie
I am the driftwood floating on the tide
a tiny plant growing in a crack spread wide where my heart was
I float along and hear and see many things
sea gulls screaming over a platter of roast chicken
someone threw in the air never came down
an oil tanker spreading black lies in dripping grounded birds
a number to call and no one cares
we are all oceans of words what we say and do
who we touch or not
the things we said we would do and forgot like a woman's life packed away in pieces of eight
and greedy relatives fighting over the bones
of chicken fed to seagulls on a beach alone

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 04:27 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 02/17/15 04:27 PM
As I was walking by
I noticed a leaf shaped like a feather
here and there
the breeze rustled them like dry paper
many colors yet they did not ask then
of what tree are we or angrily chase eachother away
the trees did not get handgrenades or fight over property
the leaves lay and change
I tried to take some like a dream and make them stay
but when I looked again they were grey
why is it that a leaf veins are like the desert sand then and like an old hand?
Or a face carved like desert sand? With lines traces of the life we led
or lies we were fed
It is up to us to believe and live
and if we choose to go on and forgive
to let go of the bitter roots that murder the soul
so that we can be renewed and healed and become whole
I would like to be a leaf in the wind
carrying my parasal with
tiny umbrella to weather the storm with
and plant upon the naked earth
sink inside and grow new birth and one day become a tree
with arms reaching to the sky
graced with leaves of many colors that catch the wind
as the leaves of Time fly

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 03:10 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 02/17/15 03:10 PM
He held the flower dried as his tears
faded through the years
an old corsage from when they first danced
and through the years of happiness they danced
and now faded leaves must fall and turn to earth
he sits on a bench and thinks of her
how her smile warmed him like the sun
how her cheeks were as soft as rose petals
and how it felt to hold her hand

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 03:03 PM
Edited by Godistheanswer on Tue 02/17/15 03:03 PM
My ex was with the toilet paper roll on our wedding night
instead of me
preferred phone sex with a 450 pound woman he said he knew was more sexy than me
beat me bloody when I was pregnant and said no one will ever love you
he said this is the truth
if I could I would erase every image of abuse
and dry every tear of every man, woman, and child who has ever been hurt this way
i have cried away my pain and built a wall again
the same wall God once took down with every word of compassion
I came home and there was no home
for home is also a four letter dirty word when there is no love

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:59 PM
True and guys who do not know how to be gentle men

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:58 PM
Cool. You are making a statement.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:57 PM
I agree, actually Bjs are not mandatory but a choice between two people. all the women I know it has wrecked otherwise good relationships and made them gag and feel demeaning. My ex spent our wedding night getting it on with the toilet paper roll. Got any medicine for paper cuts?

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:54 PM
very good imagery

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:52 PM
A very GOOD morning to all in God's blessings

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:50 PM
I agree, work on the realtionshp if that is possible.

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:48 PM
I used to have an issue of blood like that and heer in Hawaii was prayed for and was healed, praise God!

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:46 PM
ask and ye shall recieve, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.... as it says in the kjv holy bible

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:45 PM
Amen Brother. I like the KJV verse about giving no place to the devil. See the devil as getting his foot in the door and then he's laying back on the couch of your soul and you are outside knocking and he won't let you in! I have seen the devil in people alot. Seen the power of God too. Died twice and would have once went to hell, once ot heaven. Definately like heaven better, and the compassion of Almighty God and his great power is beyond awesome!

Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 02/17/15 02:40 PM
cool imagery