Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:22 PM

Dead Eyes See No Future - Arch Enemy

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:21 PM

Confuscious say baseball wrong... man with three balls no can walk.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:15 PM

headbanging into the wee hours of the morning tonight

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/02/09 11:18 PM

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/02/09 11:16 PM
I bet he was looking for a shortcut to Country Kitchen Buffet

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/02/09 11:04 PM

Yeah, your neighbor is a wimp. I know a few guys that have gotten cut and none of them reacted like that. Even if it does hurt, either the pain is intense enough that it forces you to cry/shout out, or it doesn't. *****ing about it is nothing more than being childish to get attention.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/02/09 09:53 AM

I'm worried that most people would choose the illusion over their actual lives. What are your thoughts on the subject?

I find this question kind of interesting because I do tend toward hermit behavior. It's not that I'm agoraphobic or anything like that. I do go out once in a great while to socilize. But for most of my time I choose to be alone.

I don't get into computer generated playmates. But I do practice shamanic journeying (purposeful dreaming). I would rather spend time dreaming then going out and interacting with real people. In short I guess I'd rather keep my own company than to be in the company of others.

The question then becomes; "Am I choosing illusion or 'dream' over 'actual life'?

Well, my answer to that question is a very simple, "No."

The ability to dream is a part of 'actual life'.

I also spend time talking to my cat, or watching birds come to my bird feeders. I enjoy the company of birds and cats more than people. Or even just talking to myself. I have actually had conversations with myself where I've come to very profound new conclusions that I hadn't considered before. I can take both sides of any argument, and I often do. This allows me to argue with myself as well. laugh

But here's a question for you:

Why would life be any less real or 'actual' for an introvert than it would be for an extrovert?

Also, if you found yourseld stranded on an island would life then become a meaningless illusion to you?

I think if I found myself stranded on a deserted island I'd scream "Eureaka!". bigsmile

Especially if there were birds and other animals to talk to.

Who needs humans? huh

I took a while to reply to this because I wanted to be sure of my position. Fact is, I don't feel like its the same thing. However much you may like your shamanic dreaming you gave no indication that it interferes with your everyday life. I guess the issue I'm really concerned about is addiction. A large number of people can get addicted to things whether they have addictive qualities or not. Video games, for whatever reason, are one of these things. But with games being designed specifically to blur the line of reality and present the average person with a customized version of their life, I think a large number of people would choose the fantasy to occupy all their free time, and maybe more.

I thought about your island question and while I don't know if I would view life as an illusion or not, fact is I already view it as meaningless. And I don't find that depressing. Why does there have to be a reason why I'm here? There are 6 billion of us on this planet.. we live, we die. I don't believe there is any significance to our being here, but I still live my life to the fullest. There is no guarantee of what will come with the future, in life or in death, but I do the best I can to live in a manner I can be proud of.

Thanks to Thoughtful hug for bringing the word "hyperreal", that is exactly what I'm talking about.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 08:19 PM

New Jersey

Samantha: Easy, sport. I got myself outta Beirut once, I think I can get outta New Jersey.

Mitch: Yeah? Well, don't be so sure. Others have tried and failed. The entire population, in fact.

~The Long Kiss Goodnight~

Bon Jovi , Bruce Springsteen ... I'm drawing a blank now

I SO miss Cali!

And i had to come back here! grumble

Ok i'm done

*Walks Away*

dude drinker drinker

Know exactly how you feel. My parents dragged me out to New Mexico when I was 14. I'm hoping to move back on the 15th.. we'll see if some freak occurence doesn't happen to force me to stay. Again.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 07:06 PM

What about ponds? I think Ohio win the battle on having more natural and artifical ponds. We got lots of rivers too! And man made ones!

But have you done the scientific research on how many exactly are natural vs artificial? And also on how many of the rivers there are man made?
Yes. and Yes.bigsmile

That's it? All that research and all we get is Yes and Yes? And we were waiting in earnest for the specifics.
Just take a - how would you say it? A "leap of faith?"

Ahhhh you mean like a leap of faith in that ALL of the people he encountered in Missouri called it Iced Cold Coca Cola?
No. That is an actual fact. His testimony is that all the people he indeed met in the state of Missouri prefer to call it "Coca Cola." I can't tell he is lying or not. Just seeing what he claimed to be case for him.

The people that I encountered in Missouri all called it ice cold coca cola. If that doesn't apply to everybody in the state, ok. I never would have argued that anyway. But yes, I made an assumption based on personal experience. And Branson isn't a small town, its one of the biggest tourist sites in the state. My experience was the same in both locations.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:36 PM

Your fears are already out there, think World of Warcraft. drinker

A very good point. I knew people that couldn't be pulled away to answer the door, or even go to the bathroom. But WoW appeals to a specific audience, even if it is a large one. Interacting with something that behaves the same as an actual human being is something everyone can relate to.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:30 PM

I love Alabama. Good food, funny made up words, and girls with that southern drawl! Oh my.

That and when order a drink, they ask what kinda coke do you want.

I went on a trip to Missouri with my family and I thought it was funny that Nobody calls it a coke. I was actually corrected by a waitress. Its "Ice cold Coca Cola" or they get confused. I swear I'm not making this up.
You should know that in deductive logic, one must hear more expressions of many people saying "Coca Cola" within all of the state of Missouri before you come to a general conclusion that all people in that state says only "Coca Cola."

We were in Missouri for two weeks. Six days in Branson and seven in the small town nearby where my grandparents live. In both places, at restaurants and otherwise, I never heard anybody refer to it as anything else. Do I think that applies to everyone in the state? Of course not, that would be an over generalization. But in reacting with dozens of people, in and out of restaurants, I never heard one person call it a coke. Not even my grandparents.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:26 PM

So E3 is taking place this week and earlier today I watched Microsoft's press conference. At the end they were demoing a new piece of hardware codenamed Project Natal. Its a neat bit of hardware but they used it to demo a program called Milo that frankly I found a little unnerving.

Basically Milo is, for all appearances, a thinking, responsive, intelligent human being. Even though its a simulation. It can recognize how you're feeling from your voice patterns, actively engage you in its world and even take virtual representations of things from your world. This was demonstrated by a woman who drew a picture and handed it up to the camera, which was then retrieved by Milo.

My worry is this. Most people these days have unrealistic expectations when it comes to our interactions with other people. They want no drama, no conflict.. basically nothing to even rock the boat. All fun, all the time. In real life it just doesn't work that way, but with a programmed friend, it could. So what's to stop millions of people from simply ceasing going out altogether, getting attached to a virtual friend and holing up in their living room? Especially with rumors of machines being able to simulate tactile response and trigger orgasms circulating for years now.

Technology seems to be rapidly approaching a point where it can imitate a better version of real life, and I'm worried that most people would choose the illusion over their actual lives. What are your thoughts on the subject?

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:14 PM

I love Alabama. Good food, funny made up words, and girls with that southern drawl! Oh my.

That and when order a drink, they ask what kinda coke do you want.

I went on a trip to Missouri with my family and I thought it was funny that Nobody calls it a coke. I was actually corrected by a waitress. Its "Ice cold Coca Cola" or they get confused. I swear I'm not making this up.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:12 PM

Why are you asking anyways?!
You are very good looking and reading your profile, you dont seem stupid.
So why are you worried?

im not worried but for your info the shadow is a permenant fixture, surgicly fitted as my face makes small children cry, plus my pet monkey wrote my profile 4 me. thanks tho ,very sweet

It's ugly Bob! Well don't worry Bob, you get to shack up with Celine Dion, all you need is a paper bag

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:10 PM

Actually I think it would have been more likely that no one would have done anything. I used to work at Hastings and every now and then someone would tear open a porn and leave it wide open on the floor. Interestingly enough, while this happened more than once, nobody EVER complained about it. Everyone would just avoid it like they were hoping it would go away. But then again, a magazine wouldn't feel embarrassed if there was somebody staring.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 06:00 PM

I agree with angel incognito. I need someone that I can be interested in and attracted to, or nothing lasting is going to form. If you're not looking for something that's going to last, dumb and ugly. But that's never been me anyway.

dumb and cute for a one night stand, lol. Oops

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:59 PM

I agree with angel incognito. I need someone that I can be interested in and attracted to, or nothing lasting is going to form. If you're not looking for something that's going to last, dumb and ugly. But that's never been me anyway.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 05:54 PM

New Mexico

-62% of 14-17 year old women have a child

-The state exports more marijuana than any legal product

-Albuquerque's #1 industry is construction, so if it stops growing, it dies

-Because its the desert, 90% of all the plants that grow here are considered weeds everywhere else

-There's no Mexican food here, just New Mexican food. And there's a reason why its only found in New Mexico. Only New Mexicans seem to like it.

-Education rank #43

-Studies have shown that there's a higher rate of childhood obesity because the only real places to go for entertainment here are bars and clubs

-And if you go to a bar or club in Albuquerque there's a two beer limit, yet we still have one of the highest numbers of drunk drivers on the road

-In Santa Fe, no restaurant will serve any beef under medium well. So if you like your meat pink or bloody, there's no restaurant that will accommodate you.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Mon 06/01/09 11:45 AM

Hey all you gamers, the biggest event of the year is in full swing! Well hopefully. After last year's miserable showing only time will tell. Watch live here

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Sun 05/31/09 09:18 PM

markers, no idea why.