Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Wed 07/01/09 11:16 AM

Popcorn made with an air popper, or on the stove. Its actually reasonably healthy that way as long as I don't splurge on the butter.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Wed 07/01/09 11:14 AM

My main profile pic is about three years old, but I've got two others up that are no more than a month. So yes I've cut my hair, and yes I still look pretty much the same, lol.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/30/09 10:13 PM

Pretty sure it's a non-digestible fiber...

But watermelon is gross, it's like sticky water, blehhh

Finally, somebody that agrees with me! Only fruit I've ever had that I really don't like. Even Durian fruit is better, and you have to hold your nose when you eat that.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/30/09 09:59 PM

I don't know, I don't trust odd coincidences like that but I've had a few of them. For instance... I've dated two girls named Jennifer, both of them were miserable relationships that ended very badly. I also have a little sister with that name and it always kinda weirded me out. One dumped me because she was listening to some lying prick that took her virginity and impregnated her, the other started stalking me. I wouldn't say run, but take it VERY slow and if you start to notice the same patterns, end it then and there.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/30/09 07:28 PM

Which one is the best, anyone? Please help me thinking to buy laptop towards the end of the year..

budget - not over $800


Get an Acer or Dell.

If you're into gaming and have the money, Alienware is the best.

Custom built is always the best though. But, those are some of the best pre-built IMO.

Yikes. Acer's a good company, but don't get a Dell. If you've got a good Dell then I'm happy for you totage, but I know a couple dozen people that have Dells and hate them. Hell, I've had an e-machine, gateway, HP, Compaq and a Dell and the Dell was by far the worst one on that list.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Sat 06/27/09 12:17 AM

if you know any rowdy young people at all sit them down and make them listen to the songTHE WINNERby country singerBOBBY BARE it might just give them pause to think.frustrated

"The music of rebellion makes you wanna rage
but its written by millionaires who're nearly twice your age"

-The Sound of Muzak, Porcupine Tree

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:52 AM

can you post a link to these jokes? I'm pretty sure that's safe

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:42 AM


Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:35 AM

How is it off topic? Its complicated, difficult to explain, and most people don't know really know what it means. Sounds like love to me.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:31 AM

Hi, my name is Brad Pitt. Did you see a dingo dog run by with my shirt?
A dingo stole my babayyyyyyyyy!!indifferent

wow, guess next time you should ask your potential date what his position is on interspecies relations.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:29 AM

Hi, my name is Brad Pitt. Did you see a dingo dog run by with my shirt?

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:22 AM

Not for why I can't get a date. I don't have an excuse for that, I just prefer not to talk about it.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:17 AM
your payment will arrive the next time your toilet backs up since that's where the economy is

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:14 AM

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 02:05 AM

I'd say don't. Most of the girls here are into the threads, post a lot and look for people with common interests. Then write them something short commenting on something or another, and once you've gotten to know each other a bit then ask them out. Of course, this theory has not worked for me so it might not be the best advice to follow, lol.
I like the threads too.......but if someone isnt at least going to try to get to know me and just throw me a " WE live close to each other, we should meet" crappola line to me even though they have never chatted to me.......pfffffffffft!!!! NEXT!!!frustrated

Honestly I get annoyed because I'll actually take the time to read someone's profile and try to start a conversation based on a common interest, but usually get nothing back. I don't ask to hook up or cyber in a first letter, or for several letters after for that matter. Don't know exactly what it is I'm supposed to be saying but I'm not the kinda guy that can say "Wow you're hot, we should hook up".

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 01:57 AM

I'd say don't. Most of the girls here are into the threads, post a lot and look for people with common interests. Then write them something short commenting on something or another, and once you've gotten to know each other a bit then ask them out. Of course, this theory has not worked for me so it might not be the best advice to follow, lol.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Fri 06/26/09 01:41 AM

Mix 10% honesty with 80% satire and 10% insomnia before reading.

So I'm sitting here after stumbling over another dozen nice guy threads and thinking of just what constitutes a "nice" guy. I have to say this train of thought is a bit disturbing. Its striking me that most of the behaviors that we most enjoy are largely superficial and dishonest, at least in part. The basis of that reasoning is that most of us are more self-centered than we care to admit. If you really have to choose between your partner being happy or yourself, which do you choose? Its easy to say the latter but really think about it and see what you come up with. The following are character traits that most of us enjoy but people that use them excessively aren't playing with a full deck.

Agreeable = Insecure. The people that will do whatever you want and share all your opinions. These are the guys that think if they speak their mind they'll drive you away and eventually lose you. Date a bobblehead, they don't require feeding and serve the same basic function.

Self-proclaimed honesty = REALLY dishonest. Most people will claim they're honest. But since honesty is something that is really only proven through deeds rather than claims, we're often forced to take what people say about their trustworthiness at face value. However, people that tout how much you can trust them and boast about how reliable they are shouldn't be trusted. If you have to prove it with words because you can't with actions you're not honest. Date a car salesman, and hide your wallet.

Overly flattering = superficial. When somebody's constantly going off about how great you are they're usually just trying to get something out of you. Be it sex, money, or whatever. Ask them your birthday or your mother's name, see if they remember that. Dating suggestion: Don't date, get a dog. A dog will love you no matter how atrocious you are, and it'll be genuine. Plus they'll lick your hands no matter where they've been.

Good listener = Uninterested. If they're letting you do all the talking without interruption, it might seem like a nice change but I'd issue them a quiz at the end of the session. Unfortunately there are more than a few people that can parrot back phrases while interested in something else (sports, poker, porn, etc...). If its not a two way conversation then all you're doing is talking to yourself. Get a mirror. With a little imagination its the perfect one way conversation buddy.

not overly sexual = not sexually interested. Sure, a girl doesn't want a guy who's constantly staring at her **** or rear end, but if he's never looking he's never gonna. Most men can't control their libido and I'm not sure I'd trust a guy who could. Solution: blow up doll. When you're tired of it being aroused you can just deflate it.

Generous = dismissive/materialistic. Either he believes he can make you happy with a minimum of effort by spending a few bucks, or he believes the ONLY way he can make you happy is by spending on you. Date: a paper hanger. he'll have a limitless supply of dollars to shower you in, at least as long as he's at large.

Gentlemanly = Posessive and narrow-minded. Manners are generally a good thing, but gentlemanly behavior is typically derived from chivalry which was a rather insidious plot to control women. Sure, it outlined all these wonderful ways a woman should be treated... but it also outlined a whole lotta things that were 'beneath' women. Like jobs. And owning property. Date anybody named 'Scrooge'. They'll treat you like a gem, just don't ever ask for money or to do anything you they're not into.

Accepting = Desperate. "Honey, I accidentally slept with your brother". "Oh, its ok, I still trust you. Really, its fine". What we're actually saying is "You can treat me as lousy as you want because at least I have a girlfriend even if she treats me like total s***". BEWARE. Future stalkers in the making. Again, I recommend the dog. Hell, we cheat with strange pets all the time, yet they always forgive us.

So in conclusion, nice guys are dishonest, insecure, superficial, uninterested, dismissive, possesive jerk bags and then some. Which is why I'm proud to be an a**hole.

THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY AANGST (A**holes against nice guy (sucker) threads).

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/23/09 10:24 PM

For a game you pick up for a few minutes at a time, it needs to be a puzzle game. I normal keep one or two on my phone. Bookworm on my new phone and my old on was Scramble Blast which played similar to boggle.

Bookworm was awesome, have you played bookworm adventures?

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:28 PM

Personally, I've never been able to get into Megadeth because they'll take a riff that would be cool once or twice and play it eight times. BUT, I've seen them live on the Gigantour all three times, and the last time they just kicked a**. Played shortened versions of their songs (full length solos) and just blew me away.

Euphoric_Dissonance's photo
Tue 06/23/09 09:22 PM

Porcupine Tree!

Several albums back now but still one of my faves. Great video too!

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