Community > Posts By > LTme

LTme's photo
Tue 06/16/15 02:23 AM
" the ones that got billions in bailouts when obarry came into office? " mm

It was Bush / Cheney / Paulson that set us on that track.

Have you forgotten their $700 $Billion $Dollar $TARP?
It wasn't intended to rescue the U.S. economy the way Obama did.

It was merely intended to prevent it from sinking, before the three of them could get the flock out of town.

They dropped their flaming potato in Obama's lap, in an economy losing ~800k private sector jobs per month!

According to Shields, Bush added 300k private sector jobs in 8 years.
Obama's added more than that in two months; millions in his ~6 year tenure.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/16/15 02:02 AM
This fuster-cluck is costing U.S. $1 $M / day.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/16/15 01:39 AM
"common sense" t8

It is a titanic blunder to conflate that with law.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 04:11 PM
Topic title:
"The "paradigm shift": Is the 2nd Amendment obsolete?"

Your reply:
"arms, at the time, meant guns... nothing else..." mm

Therefore your answer is: Yes. 2A is obsolete.
" it's not really that complicated... " mm

You complicate it, pretending "Arms" has limited meaning.

I have simplified it. "Arms" means what the dictionary says it means. And as I've already posted, the dictionary says it includes "nuclear arms".
"does any citizen need a nuke?" mm

That's immaterial.
It's about legal right, not practical need.

Our Constitution's 2nd Amendment, as worded, protects individual citizen's right "to keep and bear Arms". And the dictionary definition of "Arms" includes nukes.

It's that simple.
Why complicate it?

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 03:42 PM
"yes, he did..." mm

President Clinton and Speaker Gingrich conspired to repeal Glass-Steagel.

That indeed set the stage for the economic failure late in the subsequent Bush administration.
"i think it was a ploy to blame it on the republicans after he was out..." mm

It could have done to Clinton what it instead did to Bush.

"Slick Willy" isn't stupid enough to take that kind of political risk.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 03:07 PM
"i'm not sure what your reaching for ... the 2nd amendment is about guns, not nukes, rocket launchers, rpg's, or anything else ..." mm

Actually, the exact wording is as follows:

B. O. R. ARTICLE #2: Ratified December 15, 1791
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

"Words mean things." Rush Limbaugh

Please note the word: "Arms"

What does "Arms" mean?
arm (�rm) noun
A weapon, especially a firearm: troops bearing arms; ICBMs, bombs, and other nuclear arms.

Excerpted from The American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition � 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

By formal dictionary definition, "Arms" include everything from a blade, to MIRV [m(ultiple) i(ndependently-targeted) r(eentry) v(ehicles)].

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 02:56 PM
Hello mw,
Yes. At this point Jeb has not turned the family name into an advantage, though he's reported to have already collected vast $quantities of $campaign $money.

I thought his announcement was foolishly worded.
He said we were on a bad course.


Your older brother took office from the Democrat that preceded him, the nation was at peace, and the economy stable.
After 8 years of Bush number two (a flattering nickname) :

- the worst terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland in U.S. history

- the nation was at Wars, one of which not merely unnecessary, but counterproductive

- the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, losing ~800K private sector jobs per month.

Contrast that with Obama's record.
“... Reince Priebus, the Republican National Chairman today said that 300K jobs ... aught to be expected every month ... and just a historical perspective:
- during the 8 years of President Bush (younger) there were 2.1 million net jobs created in the United States. Of the 2.1 million, 1.8 million of them were in the public sector ... that means there were 300,000 jobs in the private sector in 8 months, in 8 years rather, net ...
more jobs have been created in the United States in the last 4 years than in Europe, Japan, all the industrialized modern world combined. ...
70 years since WWII. 36 years of Republican presidents, 34 years of Democratic presidents. In those 70 years, there were 36.7 million jobs created under Republican presidents ... a little over half the time. In 34 years there were 63.7 million created by Democrats. That's 29 million more. You know, perhaps it's an accident once, or twice or what. But I mean at some point the Democrats ought to be comfort in the fact that they have been better the economy and job creation than have been the opposition.
It's 15 years since we've had 10 consecutive months of over 200,000 [job growth]. Just 15 years ago there was a fella from Arkansas ... there were more jobs created in Bill Clinton's 8 years than there were in Ronald Reagan's 8 years, and the 12 years of both Bush's combined. I mean 6 million more jobs created in those 8 years, ... policy does kick in, & is reflected in the results.” Mark Shields

And Jeb's kick-off declaration is: we're headed in the wrong direction?!?!

Jeb! Bud A!
You're a likeable man. But if this is the best you can do, McD's is hiring.
Perhaps you could work the window.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 02:18 PM
"The 2nd amendment, is only obsolete...
to those who fear it." RG

Know it or not
believe it or not
like it or not
admit it or not,
Out of a population of over 300 million, there are some mentally unwell citizens that would die for the chance to kill half our population, or at least, to kill off 90% of Los Angeles, Chicago, or Atlanta.

A nuclear weapon, purchased from $cash-strapped North Korea could accomplish that.
North Korea might set the $price low enough for the maniac to afford it; as they could then claim credit for the kill.

What about this 18th Century article of amendment makes you think it was intended to protect thermonuclear weapons?

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 01:40 PM
My bad MW.

"Great minds think alike."

It seems we had the same idea, at the same time.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 01:35 PM
I totally don't want a Jeb vs Hillary general election.

I just heard a radio report that socialist Bernie Sanders is attracting larger crowds than any other candidate of either party.

UGH !!

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 11:49 AM
Well RA,
Governor Clinton used to play the saxophone,
before he switched to the whoreMonica.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 11:41 AM
If they recapture only Richard Matt, will the headline be:

Matt captured: no Sweat

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 08:31 AM
Is the media shift to Mitchell an attempt to maintain reader / subscriber attention?
Or might there be something to the darker explanation, it's an attempt to distract from the government's failures?

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 07:45 AM
Shortly after the scandal broke, the First Family went on vacation, which involved Bill, Hill, & Chelsea on horseback.
It's clear in that video Hill gave Bill cold shoulder.
The man from the White House was in the dog house.

She doesn't love him because of that, but despite that.

They're both policy wonks.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 06:34 AM

Sharks nibble on us because we're delicious.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 06:25 AM
Yes R3,
The Lewinsky scandal was so serious, President Clinton strongly considered resigning.

But he decided to stick it out a little longer.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 05:13 AM

My buddy Obediah was telling me about this awesome bar at the South end. He insisted we go there to check it out. He said:
- unlimited draft beer 50 cents a glass
- friendly people
- and if you go upstairs, all the sex you want FOR FREE !!

So I asked Obediah:
It sounds great. But have you ever been there?

"No." He said.
"But my sister has!"

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 04:09 AM
Happy 800 anniversary Magna Carta

UK marks 800 years of Magna Carta
The Hindu - ‎12 minutes ago‎

Queen Elizabeth II lead commemorations to mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta but the human rights it is credited with enshrining are at the centre of a modern political feud.

800 years!

What an amazing precedent, standard this unprecedented contribution to history has set.

Happy anniversary MC !!

LTme's photo
Mon 06/15/15 03:17 AM
6:AM / ET
Still gone.

I don't care much for disparaging our law enforcers, BUT !!!

The 6:AM news report I saw indicated there's security cam video from the day of the escape that the police are still reviewing.

Why would it take 8 days for 800 COPs to view one day of video?!

If anyone wants to put some theatrical perspective on this, I invite you to review a wonderful Sly Stallone movie titled First Blood. There were some sequels that bit the penguin, so skip those.

But the original First Blood movie was fairly well done.

There's one particular scene where a news reporter [na�ve narrator] praises police efforts to capture the fugitive.
"It's d�j� vu all over again."

LTme's photo
Sun 06/14/15 03:50 PM
Well C7,
escargot (snails), considered a delicacy by the French.

I don't know where these guys are.

But we know where they belong.

We should have an office pool.

... how many days before these murderers get their just deserts ...?

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