Community > Posts By > Bestinshow

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/30/13 02:42 PM

So lets do a mind experiment lets assume Osama did 911 what really happened? we lost three buildings and several hundred lives.

What was our response? two bankrupting wars and spying on every one every were costing us TRILLIONS, looks like the bad guys won.

that was his plan from the beginning... he stated that in the 90's...
and look what happened

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the Cheneys and Bush's of the world knew the blow back of attacking Iraq and Afghanistan it would enrich the oil interests and and all defense contractors. THey also used it as a pretext to destroy our Fourth amendment. This spying is even in private hands enriching some shady people. Lets just face it inside job or not it was used for the excuse to create a modern fascist state.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/30/13 01:09 PM
So lets do a mind experiment lets assume Osama did 911 what really happened? we lost three buildings and several hundred lives.

What was our response? two bankrupting wars and spying on every one every were costing us TRILLIONS, looks like the bad guys won.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/29/13 05:26 PM
Typically eloquent Noam Chomsky, speaking this weekend at the Geneva Press Club:

My own opinion is that Snowden should be honored. He was doing what every citizen ought to do, telling. [Applause] He was telling Americans what the government was doing. That’s what’s supposed to happen.

Governments as I mentioned before always plead security no matter what’s going on. The reflexive defense is security. But anyone who’s looked at– first of all, you take a look at what he exposed. At least anything that’s been published, it’s not any kind of threat to security, with one exception, the security of the government from its own population. And in fact if you look at anyone who’s spent any time poring through declassified records– I have, I’m sure many of you have– you find that overwhelmingly the security is the security of the state from its own population and that’s why things have to be kept secret.

There are some cases where there’s authentic security concerns. But they’re pretty limited.

The plea of the US government in this case for the surveillance and so on, is that it’s security against terror. But at the very same moment the US policy is designed in a way to increase terror. The US itself is carrying out the most awesome international terrorist campaign, ever, I suppose– the drones and special forces campaign. That’s a major terrorist campaign, all over the world, and it’s also generating terrorists. You can read that and hear that from the highest sources, General McChrystal and scholars and all, so on.

Of course the drone campaign is creating potential terrorists, and you can easily understand why. I mean, if you were walking through the streets of Geneva and you don’t know whether five minutes from now there’s going to be an explosion across the street that’s run a couple thousand of miles away and it will blow away some people and who ever else happens to be around– you’re terrorized. And you don’t like it. And you may decide to react. That’s happening all over the regions that are subjected to the Obama terror campaign.

So you can’t seriously on the one hand be not only carrying out massive terror but even generating potential terrorists against yourself and claim that we have to have massive surveillance to protect ourselves against terror. That’s a joke. It should be headlines.

Then comes the interesting question of extradition. The US has just announced again that they’re going to punish anybody who refuses to extradite Snowden.

At the same time the US is one of the leaers in refusing extradition. Bolivia is an interesting case. The US has imposed pressure at least… to try to block the Bolivian plane because they want Snowden extradited. For years Bolivia has been trying to extradite from the United States the former president who’s already indicted in Bolivia for all sorts of crimes. The US refuses to extradite him.

In fact it’s happening right in Europe. Italy has been trying to extradite 22 CIA agents who were involved and in fact indicted for participating in a kidnaping in Milan. They kidnaped somebody, sent him off I think to Egypt to be tortured. And agreed later he was innnocent…

Extradite the people involved, the US of course refuses. And there’s case after case like this… There are a lot of cases where the U.S. just refuses…

In fact one of the most striking cases is Latin America, again, not just Bolivia. One of the world’s leading terrorists is Luis Posada, who was involved in blowing up a Cubana airliner which killed 73 people and lots of other terrorist acts. He’s sitting happily in… Miami, and his colleague Rolando Bosch also a major terrorist… is happily there… Cuba and Venezuela are trying to extradite them. But you know. Fat chance.

So for the U.S. to be calling for others to extradite Snowden is let’s say a little ironic. Again, these ought to be headlines.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/29/13 05:24 PM
I am all for REGULATED capitalism.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/28/13 02:30 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 07/28/13 02:32 PM

As Margret Thatcher said "the problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money".
Of course the mouthpiece of the elite would mouth such and absurdity and the lapdog corporate media would give the old wench a free pass, we thinking people know better. When america was great hard work was enough to make a living under Reagonism and Thaterism hard work only keeps one from starving to death, forget about healthcare for yourself and children that's an "entitlement" Forget about a pension that's socialist.

I do not know about you Mr Conrad but I have a pension and healthcare that I work six days a week for, yes time and a half on Saturdays.

I know if your kind had its way I would work 80 hours a week for straight time with no pension or benefit.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/28/13 11:20 AM
Mr Conrad your thought process is so agenda driven its laughable.

What ails Detroit and most of the world was the "cure" from the republicans and neocons.

cut taxes on the rich, slash wages and lopsided trade agreements.

Now you think you can blame the victims.

Like pavlove's dog you salivate at an imaginary bell.

The well never ran dry Mr Conrad the rich are richer than ever, they just stopped paying taxes and a liveable wage.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/28/13 04:38 AM



Obama is JUST like Stalin!



This horrid persecution/torture of those stellar patriots of freedom
Julian Assange and Edward Snowden has PROVED it beyond any possible

I urge you all to EMIGRATE to China immediately!!

I wonder if even China records every phone and text message and internet browsing of its people, I doubt it.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/28/13 03:55 AM
I hope this thread is part of a new study. (from above)

"But now, thanks to the internet, people who doubt official stories are no longer excluded from public conversation; the CIA’s 44-year-old campaign to stifle debate using the “conspiracy theory” smear is nearly worn-out. In academic studies, as in comments on news articles, pro-conspiracy voices are now more numerous - and more rational - than anti-conspiracy ones.

No wonder the anti-conspiracy people are sounding more and more like a bunch of hostile, paranoid cranks. "

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/28/13 03:52 AM
Its a setback for every working man and woman in Detroit. Detroits troubles are not a labor issue only a fool would think such.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 07/28/13 03:49 AM

Wow! Even some of the liberals are turning on Obama. happy

I think they're turning on the crooked government itself. Obama's bad, but he's just a stooge. Nobody seriously believes he's the man in charge.
some are very ignorant and play that bi partisan game. Both parties are owned and operated by the economic elite.

One can only speculate that with all the police state surveillance going on how many of our politicians are being blackmailed.

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 07/26/13 05:48 PM

Good article! :thumbsup:
Good article and bad news. If only we had a real media to report stuff like this.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 07/25/13 03:42 PM

well,we have arrived at the Point where OP intended to lead the Thread anyway,,discussing the 9/11-Insanity once again,and seems it has grown since then!
Some more Talking-Points have been added by the Truthers since,obfuscating the Matter even more!laugh

Hey...I just wanted a simple question answered (which I note was never done). All anybody had to do was look it up, but I see nobody bothered. It seems for some reason, that the conventionalists would prefer to try to ridicule either the people who have simple logical questions, or the questions themselves, than to actually address them with a logical and researched answer.

I can only conclude from this that the OP study appears to be bang on in concluding that the "conspiracists" tend to be reasonable, logical people, who question the official narrative, while the "conventionalists" are more interested in using all sorts of logical fallacies & misdirections to obfuscate matters than to actually address legitimate questions about anomalies & inconsistencies, or even simple facts about events which, owing to their suspicious nature & ludicrous official storyline, strongly warrant more in-depth and impartial investigation.
I know the conventionalists are deluded in many ways.

Had the event of 911 occurred in in any other country say China for example and was used as a pretext for war and 100% surveillance people would see it in a totally different manner. Lets face it folks we have been had.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 07/25/13 03:37 PM
uly 24, 2013 "Information Clearing House - I spent the summer of 1961 behind the Iron Curtain. I was part of the US-USSR student exchange program. It was the second year of the program that operated under auspices of the US Department of State. Our return to the West via train through East Germany was interrupted by the construction of the Berlin Wall. We were sent back to Poland. The East German rail tracks were occupied with Soviet troop and tank trains as the Red Army concentrated in East Germany to face down any Western interference.

Fortunately, in those days there were no neoconservatives. Washington had not grown the hubris it so well displays in the 21st century. The wall was built and war was avoided. The wall backfired on the Soviets. Both JFK and Ronald Reagan used it to good propaganda effect.

In those days America stood for freedom, and the Soviet Union for oppression. Much of this impression was created by Western propaganda, but there was some semblance to the truth in the image. The communists had a Julian Assange and an Edward Snowden of their own. His name was Cardinal Jozef Mindszenty, the leader of the Hungarian Catholic Church.

Mindszenty opposed tyranny. For his efforts he was imprisoned by the Nazis. Communists also regarded his as an undesirable, and he was tortured and given a life sentence in 1949.

Freed by the short-lived Hungarian Revolution in 1956, Mindszenty reached the American Embassy in Budapest and was granted political asylum by Washington. However, the communists would not give him the free passage that asylum presumes, and Mindszenty lived in the US Embassy for 15 years, 79% of his remaining life.

In the 21st century roles have reversed. Today it is Washington that is enamored of tyranny. On Washington’s orders, the UK will not permit Julian Assange free passage to Ecuador, where he has been granted asylum. Like Cardinal Mindszenty, Assange is stuck in the Ecuadoran Embassy in London.

Washington will not permit its European vassal states to allow overflights of airliners carrying Edward Snowden to any of the countries that have offered Snowden asylum. Snowden is stuck in the Moscow airport.

In Washington politicians of both parties demand that Snowden be captured and executed. Politicians demand that Russia be punished for not violating international law, seizing Snowden, and turning him over to Washington to be tortured and executed, despite the fact that Washington has no extradition treaty with Russia.

Snowden did United States citizens a great service. He told us that despite constitutional prohibition, Washington had implemented a universal spy system intercepting every communication of every American and much of the rest of the world. Special facilities are built in which to store these communications.

In other words, Snowden did what Americans are supposed to do--disclose government crimes against the Constitution and against citizens. Without a free press there is nothing but the government’s lies. In order to protect its lies from exposure, Washington intends to exterminate all truth tellers.

The Obama Regime is the most oppressive regime ever in its prosecution of protected whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are protected by law, but the Obama Regime insists that whistleblowers are not really whistleblowers. Instead, the Obama Regime defines whistleblowers as spies, traitors, and foreign agents. Congress, the media, and the faux judiciary echo the executive branch propaganda that whistleblowers are a threat to America. It is not the government that is violating and raping the US Constitution that is a threat. It is the whistleblowers who inform us of the rape who are the threat.

The Obama Regime has destroyed press freedom. A lackey federal appeals court has ruled that NY Times reporter James Risen must testify in the trial of a CIA officer charged with providing Risen with information about CIA plots against Iran. The ruling of this fascist court destroys confidentiality and is intended to end all leaks of the government’s crimes to media.

What Americans have learned in the 21st century is that the US government lies about everything and breaks every law. Without whistleblowers, Americans will remain in the dark as “their” government enserfs them, destroying every liberty, and impoverishes them with endless wars for Washington’s and Wall Street’s hegemony.

Snowden harmed no one except the liars and traitors in the US government. Contrast Washington’s animosity against Snowden with the pardon that Bush gave to Dick Cheney aide, Libby, who took the fall for his boss for blowing the cover, a felony, on a covert CIA operative, the spouse of a former government official who exposed the Bush/Cheney/neocon lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

Whatever serves the tiny clique that rules america is legal; whatever exposes the criminals is illegal.

That’s all there is to it.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/23/13 12:41 PM

OH jeese who cares? how absurd the media thinks England would be better off with a barren queen let that strain of the human race go extinct.

Uh, what have you against William and Kate?
Its totally asinine to deal with "royalty" in this day and age.

I was at snap fitness when I saw the big news and the foolish people celebrating a quick glance at the small ugly crowd waving the Union Jack in a patriotic manner had me speculating that someone paid some homeless people for a photo op.

for once, we agree on something... this should be kept in England, most of us rednecks could care less about this... millions of babies born every day, and this gets news? noway
whenever we agree on something I go buy a lottery ticket

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/22/13 08:16 PM

Ya can't unscrew a pregnant broad.

Manning will pay for all he has done that was illegal.

Now, will the guilty pay for all the illegal stuff he has exposed?

Uh, the last time I checked, what Manning "exposed" was not illegal.
Has anyone in Congress called for an investigation into what Manning "exposed"?

The so called "Illegal" things were already investigated by Federal Law Enforcement Agents, the Army CID and found no crimes were committed. This was LONG before he released the information.
Look up the Nuremburg laws clearly you are so misinformed your comments are simply laughable.
seems to me that your application of the Nuremberg Laws are laughable!
You really need to do better than that!laugh

That Helicopter-Incident would only be a Warcrime if it were done with Knowledge that those on the Ground were indeed Journalists,and then blasted intentionally anyway!
You really need to read before posting!
Not saying they couldn't be busted down for Negligence,but to call an incident of "Friendly Fire" a Warcrime is absolutely ludicrous!

Besides,it is NÜRNBERG or NUREMBERG!
I might buy the argument that it was mistaken identity except for the fact of the audio and video evidence presented.

after the horrific gunning down of unarmed civilians they then took aim at other civilians coming to their aid, another war crim eh?

Please inform yourself.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/22/13 08:02 PM

OH jeese who cares? how absurd the media thinks England would be better off with a barren queen let that strain of the human race go extinct.

Uh, what have you against William and Kate?
Its totally asinine to deal with "royalty" in this day and age.

I was at snap fitness when I saw the big news and the foolish people celebrating a quick glance at the small ugly crowd waving the Union Jack in a patriotic manner had me speculating that someone paid some homeless people for a photo op.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 07/22/13 07:17 PM
OH jeese who cares? how absurd the media thinks England would be better off with a barren queen let that strain of the human race go extinct.

Bestinshow's photo
Sat 07/20/13 02:08 AM

Ya can't unscrew a pregnant broad.

Manning will pay for all he has done that was illegal.

Now, will the guilty pay for all the illegal stuff he has exposed?

Uh, the last time I checked, what Manning "exposed" was not illegal.
Has anyone in Congress called for an investigation into what Manning "exposed"?

The so called "Illegal" things were already investigated by Federal Law Enforcement Agents, the Army CID and found no crimes were committed. This was LONG before he released the information.
Look up the Nuremburg laws clearly you are so misinformed your comments are simply laughable.

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 07/19/13 04:04 PM

Poor Jimmy, he has ate too many peanuts. No one pays him any mind. Let us all be thankful he only served one term too many.
to bad no one listened to him we would probably not be buried in debt, hated by the world and involved in wars and not spending billions if not trillions spying on every american.

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 07/19/13 04:01 PM

Bradley Manning is a hero..
We should all be thanking him.

I am sure all the soldiers who have been killed by "Insider" attacks that keep happening over there disagree. This fueled their fire, not to mention put A LOT of us assets at risk and scared off potential assets because they are afraid to be discovered and not to mention nearly blew the OBL raid.

Yea, this twirp is a real F'ing hero all right. All because he was having a gender crisis and hated the militaries stance on gays in the military!

You have no idea what you are talking about!
Glad I was not the only one who noticed.

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