Community > Posts By > Bestinshow

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 09/09/13 03:10 PM

Chemtrails? Do sane adults actually believe this garbage?

Yes it was edited but I will answer anyhow.

I consider myself sane upon evaluation. I raised two great non issue kids who are gainfully employed and love me and respect me. Worked the same Union job for twenty one years, own a home enjoy the company of friends and neighbors read a good book now and then, hit the gym five times a week blah blah etc etc. I think one thing though that makes me very sane is that you wont find me posting in Australian political forums or things about Australia :wink:
the Site you got it off is a satirical Site publishing Stuff like the ONION!:laughing:
That has been spoken on Mr Conrad. scroll up.:wink:

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 09/09/13 03:09 PM

No, it is common knowledge. Didn't Madeleine Albright acknowledge CIA involvement some years ago? I know Obama did.

Iranians elected Mossadegh prime minister in 1951. Quickly, the leader moved to nationalize oil production in the country -- a move that would have been a serious blow to the United States and Britain and a win for the USSR.

Because of the failure of oil negotiations with Iran, along with a number of other issues, the United States was concerned "that Iran was in real danger of falling behind the Iron Curtain."

"If that happened, it would mean a victory for the Soviets in the Cold War and a major setback for the West in the Middle East," Donald N. Wilber, a principal planner of the mission, wrote within months of the overthrow. "It was the aim of the TPAJAX project" -- that was the mission's code name -- "to cause the fall of the Mossadeq government; to reestablish the prestige and power of the Shah."

Propaganda at its finest!

The world bank couldn't allow their control of the worlds fiat currencies to prove themselves the source of debt rather than actual wealth. Nations who are opposed to the debt cycle on which the wealth and control of the fiat banks thrive, MUST, and will always be, dealt with severely!
Lets not forget about all that oil..........Lets not forget what a brutal dictator the Shah was but he was "our kind" of brutal dictator.....
yep,and prevented Mossadegh's Putsch in favor of the Soviets!

Besides,this is all Old News,I mean OLD!
Did you really just find out about it?laugh
Most thinking people knew this Mr. Conrad but the spooks finally admitted to it. I am old enough to remember the Hostages and our medias pretension at being dumbfounded by the event. It seems the Iranians were and are a bit pissed about the democratically elected government of Mossadegh being over thrown by the USA and Britain, one has to wonder how Americans would feel had this been done to us.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 09/09/13 12:41 PM

Rep. Rush Holt Bill To Repeal PATRIOT And FISA Amendments Acts Now Live, Ambitious

NJ Rep. Rush Holt announced back on July 11th that he was planning legislation to repeal both the PATRIOT Act and the FISA Amendments Act. The text of Holt's bill, the "Surveillance State Repeal Act," has been posted, along with a summary of the key aspects of the legislation.

Holt's bill covers a lot of ground for something that only runs about 8 pages long, and as promised, some additional protection for whistleblowers is built in. Here's the summary:
I wish him luck but the deck is stacked

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 09/09/13 12:39 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Mon 09/09/13 12:40 PM

No, it is common knowledge. Didn't Madeleine Albright acknowledge CIA involvement some years ago? I know Obama did.

Iranians elected Mossadegh prime minister in 1951. Quickly, the leader moved to nationalize oil production in the country -- a move that would have been a serious blow to the United States and Britain and a win for the USSR.

Because of the failure of oil negotiations with Iran, along with a number of other issues, the United States was concerned "that Iran was in real danger of falling behind the Iron Curtain."

"If that happened, it would mean a victory for the Soviets in the Cold War and a major setback for the West in the Middle East," Donald N. Wilber, a principal planner of the mission, wrote within months of the overthrow. "It was the aim of the TPAJAX project" -- that was the mission's code name -- "to cause the fall of the Mossadeq government; to reestablish the prestige and power of the Shah."

Propaganda at its finest!

The world bank couldn't allow their control of the worlds fiat currencies to prove themselves the source of debt rather than actual wealth. Nations who are opposed to the debt cycle on which the wealth and control of the fiat banks thrive, MUST, and will always be, dealt with severely!
Lets not forget about all that oil..........Lets not forget what a brutal dictator the Shah was but he was "our kind" of brutal dictator.....

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 09/09/13 12:37 PM

Chemtrails? Do sane adults actually believe this garbage?

Yes it was edited but I will answer anyhow.

I consider myself sane upon evaluation. I raised two great non issue kids who are gainfully employed and love me and respect me. Worked the same Union job for twenty one years, own a home enjoy the company of friends and neighbors read a good book now and then, hit the gym five times a week blah blah etc etc. I think one thing though that makes me very sane is that you wont find me posting in Australian political forums or things about Australia :wink:

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/08/13 05:46 PM

What will it take to wake up the Democrat base? Just read that Obama's approval rating among Democrats is up the 60's. Are we dealing with a cult?

Its really unbelievable, I saw short interviews with democratic house and senate members where they actually said things like "I don't support going to war, but I'll vote yes because of my loyalty to Obama and I don't want to see him embarrassed".
Since when is someones personal stake worth sending our troops into harms way?noway
Pathetic I agree, how about we stand beside "truth" and "integrity". Shameful excuse

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/08/13 05:44 PM
CIA finally admits it masterminded Iran�s 1953 coup

On the 60th anniversary of the 1953 military coup in Iran that overthrew the government of radical nationalist Mohammad Mossadegh, the US has declassified documents detailing how the CIA�s secret operation brought the country�s Shah back to power.

�American and British involvement in Mossadegh�s ouster has long been public knowledge, but today�s posting includes what is believed to be the CIA�s first formal acknowledgement that the agency helped to plan and execute the coup,� the US National Security Archive said.

Monday�s publication under the US Freedom of Information Act came as something of a surprise, since most of the materials and records of the 1953 coup were believed to have been destroyed by the CIA, the Archive said. The CIA said at time that its �safes were too full.�

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/08/13 05:39 PM
I am pretty sure both parties suck and are beholden to the elites who really run the place. Did you see Kerry trying to sell this war? Remember the footage of Kerry in his twenties protesting Vietnam as a returned vet? What a fraud, Kerry, Clinton, Pelozi, the other side of the Bush, Cheney,Rumsfeld coin. Can we please have another choice?

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/08/13 05:05 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 09/08/13 05:06 PM
OK it was a bad article but I know there is something to this.......

I became a believer by simply observing.

I was camping with my kids a few years ago and wanted to get a view of an eagle nest at around sunrise to see what type of activity I would see was hoping for a nice view of mama eagle catching a fish and feeding her brood.

I climbed a small hill that overlooked the wetland and eagle nest and the first thing I noticed was the huge amount of air traffic, contrails or chemtrails whatever you prefer criss crossing the sky.

My immediate thought was that the air force had some type of exercise on and how cool I even have my binoculars! Well was fairly let down to see they appeared to be commercial jets so I was impressed to see the huge volume of crisscrossing contrails and a little confused at the amount of them.

So I am watching this jet flying with my binoculars and it turned off its contrail right? So I watch it make a huge banking turn and turn on its contrail so as that it crossed over its other trail doing a tic tac toe pattern, so yea being a thinking human I dug into it and that is when I was a believer.

One has to simply observe on a daily basis to see this and not dismiss it off hand.

I have no idea what it is all about lots of ideas some crackpot some not but it is not normal at all.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 09/08/13 04:04 PM
As usual our Mingle posters are pathetically misinformed. Last figures I saw was something around 35% Please inform us were you got your figure oceanside.

Pretty sure the only thing most of us agree on is no war in Syria.

If we cant afford to help the poor and pay down our debts why the hell are we starting wars?

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 08/19/13 02:57 PM
Sorry was on vacation did I miss anything ? laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:46 PM
One more conspiracy theory proven conspiracy fact. No wonder they want this guy locked up.

MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, the hacker who gained access to every secret corner of the Internet during his tenure at the NSA, has come forward with details of a classified project to alter the world’s climate. The shocking truth, as he says, is that chemtrails are part of a benevolent program aimed at countering global warming. By cooperating in secret with jet fuel manufacturers, government agents have carefully kept the massive chemtrail efforts completely under wraps. Snowden added, “I am only revealing this program because there is no oversight in the scientific community, no public discussion, and little concern for the side-effects which are well known only to a few privileged people interested in continuing the decades-long chemtrail program in secret.”

Because climate change is a threat to U.S. agriculture, it has been labeled a national security issue. With the influence and cooperation of Monsanto, a secret Geoengineering lab dubbed Muad’Dib has been operating since the late 1960s, and the chemtrail program is often referred to by insiders as its “crown jewel.” Muad’Dib has aimed to protect North America’s climate at all costs – even if that means accelerating desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa or spreading trace amounts of carcinogens over lightly populated areas. Other side effects, which scientists at the secret Muad’Dib Geoengineering Lab have predicted, include droughts in the Amazon and powerful windstorms along the East Coast.

Snowden shared decisive documents with The Internet Chronicle, but out of concern for national security, only his testimonial can be published. These documents contain references to scientists who would surely be targeted by foreign counterintelligence, and their knowledge is vital to short-term survival of the United States.

Snowden said, “If this program were to stop, the scientists behind it strongly believe that within just one year the North American climate would spiral out of control, and crop failures would lead to a series of devastating famines that would quickly depopulate urban centers.”

Because the program has been carried out on such a massive scale, skeptics might find Snowden’s story unbelievable. However, Snowden explained that the chemtrail program has been incredibly easy to hide, especially with the cooperation of jet fuel companies, a crucial part of the military-industrial complex. Snowden said, “The chemicals which are released by passenger airplanes have been covertly introduced as ‘additives,’ supposedly to improve efficiency. Only as the plane reaches cruising velocity does the heat and atmospheric pressure cause a chemical reaction that synthesizes the top secret carbon-trapping molecule. This process is imperfect, and many of the by-products are incredibly dangerous even in trace quantities. The most dangerous thing is that although chemtrails are keeping the climate of the U.S. reasonably stable, citizens are bombarded every day with an invisible rain of carbon-laden molecules, and the effect on health is totally unknown.”
Spread it around:

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 08/08/13 12:33 PM
MOSCOW, Russia – Edward Snowden, the hacker who gained access to every secret corner of the Internet during his tenure at the NSA, has come forward with details of a classified project to alter the world’s climate. The shocking truth, as he says, is that chemtrails are part of a benevolent program aimed at countering global warming. By cooperating in secret with jet fuel manufacturers, government agents have carefully kept the massive chemtrail efforts completely under wraps. Snowden added, “I am only revealing this program because there is no oversight in the scientific community, no public discussion, and little concern for the side-effects which are well known only to a few privileged people interested in continuing the decades-long chemtrail program in secret.”

Because climate change is a threat to U.S. agriculture, it has been labeled a national security issue. With the influence and cooperation of Monsanto, a secret Geoengineering lab dubbed Muad’Dib has been operating since the late 1960s, and the chemtrail program is often referred to by insiders as its “crown jewel.” Muad’Dib has aimed to protect North America’s climate at all costs – even if that means accelerating desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa or spreading trace amounts of carcinogens over lightly populated areas. Other side effects, which scientists at the secret Muad’Dib Geoengineering Lab have predicted, include droughts in the Amazon and powerful windstorms along the East Coast.

Snowden shared decisive documents with The Internet Chronicle, but out of concern for national security, only his testimonial can be published. These documents contain references to scientists who would surely be targeted by foreign counterintelligence, and their knowledge is vital to short-term survival of the United States.

Snowden said, “If this program were to stop, the scientists behind it strongly believe that within just one year the North American climate would spiral out of control, and crop failures would lead to a series of devastating famines that would quickly depopulate urban centers.”

Because the program has been carried out on such a massive scale, skeptics might find Snowden’s story unbelievable. However, Snowden explained that the chemtrail program has been incredibly easy to hide, especially with the cooperation of jet fuel companies, a crucial part of the military-industrial complex. Snowden said, “The chemicals which are released by passenger airplanes have been covertly introduced as ‘additives,’ supposedly to improve efficiency. Only as the plane reaches cruising velocity does the heat and atmospheric pressure cause a chemical reaction that synthesizes the top secret carbon-trapping molecule. This process is imperfect, and many of the by-products are incredibly dangerous even in trace quantities. The most dangerous thing is that although chemtrails are keeping the climate of the U.S. reasonably stable, citizens are bombarded every day with an invisible rain of carbon-laden molecules, and the effect on health is totally unknown.”
Spread it around:

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/31/13 06:37 PM
In the 1930's the Nazis passed laws that made it "Legal" to discriminate against Jews.

Apartheid South Africa made it legal to place Mandela in jail never to see freedom again.

Here in America its legal to torture and spy on each and every one of us in every way you can imagine.

Its still not right even if its "Legal"

To hide behind a legality in such absurd circumstances takes huge amount of cognitive dissonance.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/31/13 05:56 PM


Bradley Manning trial verdict: Acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted on lesser charges

He is not the criminal

yes he is... i can't believe you cannot understand what a non discloser contract is, meaning anyone with a security clearance needs to shut up...
When known war crimes occur they are to be reported eh?

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/31/13 05:54 PM

So lets do a mind experiment lets assume Osama did 911 what really happened? we lost three buildings and several hundred lives.

What was our response? two bankrupting wars and spying on every one every were costing us TRILLIONS, looks like the bad guys won.

that was his plan from the beginning... he stated that in the 90's...
and look what happened

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the Cheneys and Bush's of the world knew the blow back of attacking Iraq and Afghanistan it would enrich the oil interests and and all defense contractors. THey also used it as a pretext to destroy our Fourth amendment. This spying is even in private hands enriching some shady people. Lets just face it inside job or not it was used for the excuse to create a modern fascist state.

i think your giving George W. to much credit... it's not like he was the smartest president ever...
You know better than that he was a willing dupe I think the last president who tried to do things his own way was shot in Texas.

you seem to get facts and opinions confused sometimes... to say GW was president is a fact... saying he was a willing dupe is opinion... and i don't know that he was or wasn't... not enough FACTS for me to know that...
I suppose one would have to apply some critical thinking along those lines. I will point out that we are not in that club and would never be allowed that information so all we can really do is make decisions based on the known facts. Pretty simple

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/31/13 01:56 AM

How long was he in solitary confinement? I wonder if he was tortured as is the norm in Uber umerika

Uh, we are talking about events in this universe.
please stay up on current events or leave your uninformed opinions in another thread.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/30/13 06:13 PM


Bradley Manning trial verdict: Acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted on lesser charges

He is not the criminal

Yes he is, he is even pleading guilty!
How long was he in solitary confinement? I wonder if he was tortured as is the norm in Uber umerika

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/30/13 04:40 PM


Bradley Manning trial verdict: Acquitted of aiding the enemy, convicted on lesser charges

He is not the criminal

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 07/30/13 03:04 PM

So lets do a mind experiment lets assume Osama did 911 what really happened? we lost three buildings and several hundred lives.

What was our response? two bankrupting wars and spying on every one every were costing us TRILLIONS, looks like the bad guys won.

that was his plan from the beginning... he stated that in the 90's...
and look what happened

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that the Cheneys and Bush's of the world knew the blow back of attacking Iraq and Afghanistan it would enrich the oil interests and and all defense contractors. THey also used it as a pretext to destroy our Fourth amendment. This spying is even in private hands enriching some shady people. Lets just face it inside job or not it was used for the excuse to create a modern fascist state.

i think your giving George W. to much credit... it's not like he was the smartest president ever...
You know better than that he was a willing dupe I think the last president who tried to do things his own way was shot in Texas.

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