Community > Posts By > rkw34

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Mon 04/16/07 06:21 PM

First I understood the joke i.e. the yard woman. Limits are what they
really have to offer and whom they thought they were responding to. Some
are scared off by a little spark that a woman has a mind and the ability
to use.
Seriously though do you know any good yard woman I am in definite need?
My neighbors are starting to look at my yard funny and it is not from
lack of trying.
I have even tried landscape companies, they loose their help so fast
because of my yard the company refuses to come back after a couple of

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Mon 04/16/07 05:51 PM
george from bugs bunny.

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Mon 04/16/07 05:36 PM

The problem may be that some men/boys just know their limits. I need a
yard woman myself. If it grows I can kill it by doing exactly what I am
supose to do. Example I cut my grass and the next week it is brown even
though it rained twice this week. I do have some of the most beautiful
rose bushes though. Did I mention that they have not been touched in
five years. Will not even go within 20 feet of them in fear that they
will immediately wilt into nothing. Other than that I have been told
that I look 25 when I shave so maybe that will make up for my lack of
yard abilities, HA HA.

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Mon 04/16/07 05:23 PM
thank you all. Jean that helped I knew more than she did. It sounds like
Raynaud disease itself is not as bad as it sounded when I was first
told. It is seriuos and she has a good case of secondary. Still unknown
exactly what caused it, but it sounds like the berth control and blood
preasure meds were definately not good for her.

Again thanks for your help and prayers.

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Mon 04/16/07 11:23 AM
Thanks Nascar

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Mon 04/16/07 10:45 AM
I was just told that my sister has something called rainnoid, or
ringnoid. I do not know and cannot find it online, so I am sure I have
it wrong. If anyone has heard of this or knows anything I could use some
help finding it. It has something to do with appendages, from what I was
told. It is starting in her toes, the turn white one day and purple the
next. I was also told that she can possibly loose her toes, fingers, and
possible all other appendages. I am going to be talking to her tonight,
but I would like to find something that explains it before.

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Mon 04/16/07 09:50 AM

I did mean to make it sound like I was downing the thought. I am not
always the best at speaking, sorry. There is more ways to get money for
shelters than take food stamps. And someone getting a job to support
them selves is very difficult with the cost of living these days.

My second job is working with a company that helps people learn what it
takes to get their lives together finacilly and to runn their own small
business. The success of what we started about 2 yrs ago was
astonishing. So much so that the state asked the company to build a
program to help life long welfare recipients with a 6th grade education
or less do the same. The program is now in the third cycle of classes
and is very successfull again. The first 2 have had about a 50% success

I am for shelters but too many of them focus on just the emotions and
not how to make it financially. Nor how to get some extra help to do
something like that.

One of the speakers is a woman that started a business with a micro
business loan of $2,500.00 (because of her finances it took 6 months to
get). In 4 years of starting she has grown to over 30 employees, and a
few million in annual sales. She has nothing more than a high GED that
she earned after she started her business. This is what we teach.

I guess what I am saying is shelters are great and do what they can, but
it is still up to the person to find their own way and some do not want
to do so. It is sometimes to easy to make an excuse and never get out. I
aplaud you for finding a job and making. But think if they were able to
get you some skills that you could have used to help you find a better
job than that, or the skills to help you start a micro biz, it is always
posible to get the money to make training like that available.

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Mon 04/16/07 09:24 AM
My oldest brother was the worlds worst slob as a teen. At the age of 17
my father had enough so while my brother was at a friends house my
father decided it was time to clean. Everything went to the dump (I mean
everthing). He had some collections that today would probably be worth
millions (every superman commic printed until like 1973, a baseball card
collection that would make your mouth water) and they all went to the
dump. All that was left was a bare mattress on the floor. They had a big
fight when he got home, but about a week later brother changed and
started to keep room clean (what he had left). After dad was was
convinced that he changed, he went to the storage he rented (dump) and
gave it all back to him. Brother is gone now but his three children
still to this day have those collections and until the day he pasted was
one of the most organized people I know.

Tough love is sometimes the best answer.

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Mon 04/16/07 09:06 AM
Daniel nice wish but shelters do not make money so you would need a
viable business.

First wish that my children would live long and find total happiness.

Second wish would be to find true love.

Third would be that everyone in the world could have one wish for

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Mon 04/16/07 08:47 AM
Well said La

If anyone agrees that their is a reason for cheating they have never
been in a relationship that they could not live without. To those who
think that a good reason exists, wait until one you love does it to you,
or you do it to the one you cannot live without and that person is gone.

My question is why you would feel the need to hurt another person that
way. It is much simpler and easier to tell your partner it is over.
Cheating in my book is a cowards way.

Just an opinion from a man who has never and would never cheat or
forgive cheating.

no photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:46 PM
It is for real Jane

Real men would suck it up and admit the truth, I want all the above, but
also want a woman that I enjoy treating well. I want a partner in life,
one that enjoys what I enjoy and visa versa.

no photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:44 PM
They will most likely not even make a formal appoligy, and that is the
sad part. Things like this could make life hard for a family, especially

Now Fanta talk about derogatory, I am one of those damn yankees, proir
was U-per. They are just names man.

no photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:01 PM
Have my boy and one of his friends (traded for the girl). What the hell
was I thinking.

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:48 PM
Welcome to the community, join the fun

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:44 PM
Welcome double

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 06:44 PM

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Thu 04/05/07 05:46 PM
Had a drill in AIT that married one of the craziest Koreans I have ever
met. They are still happy today, go figure.

I think most woman that you speak of are not of good quality anyhow. I
would never go dutch, and I think most woman just want to be treated
with respect. There are a still a few of us that like to be gentlemen. I
open car doors and even think that a man should pay for dating. I think
a woman should be treated in this manner no matter if I am dating,
friends or a perfect stranger. They are an amazing lot no matter what
your perspective, be it b**** or not. Remember that the female in our
culture has been through many changes, from being needed to an object,
to being equal. They all deserve respect of some kind.

One more thought is that it is the father that influences most women to
be how they are.

no photo
Thu 04/05/07 05:11 PM
Wow is not enough

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Wed 04/04/07 08:42 PM
My daughter learned all of them from her damn Mary and Ashley CDs. They
covered them all, but my favorite is still when they blame their sibling
when they are cought in the act.

Caught my daughter with the chocolate cake for breakfast and with a
choco face and had covered she said bubby made her do it.

no photo
Wed 04/04/07 08:19 PM
The problem does not lie in the politician when he first runns and or
gets electic. I also believe that it is not the pay they receive now or
in the future. The abuse of benifits that they get only come from years
of practice.

The problem with politicians is and always will be bribes, and back door
deals. The other problem comes from alecting the same damn people over
and over just because of party or name or hell he has been there for 50
yrs let him go another 50.

People stopped voting from the heart to long ago.

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