PassionateWriter's photo
Thu 05/19/16 10:36 AM
The plane dipped 90 degrees to the right, then did a complete flip and plunged down. I can't think of any other way for a plane to make those maneuvers unless it was a sudden, violent release of air pressure. So, yeah, we're probably looking at a bomb here. =( Strange that ISIS hasn't said anything yet. Those whack-jobs are the first to brag when they do something "courageous" like this.

PassionateWriter's photo
Thu 05/19/16 10:30 AM
To me, one year on Earth is just what it should imply. The Earth makes its full rotation around the sun, and it takes a year to do that. Age is not, nor should it EVER be measured like that. Our bodies age in different ways. Smoke, and do drugs daily, and you'll age much faster. Be fit, eat healthy, etc., and you'll age slower. It's just that simple.

A year is one trip around the sun. It doesn't mean you "age" a year. Keep that in mind, all of you. =)

PassionateWriter's photo
Wed 05/18/16 08:40 PM
My once, and now current obsession.

While running to the store with my cousin today, I saw an old favorite from my youth, strawberry milk, on sale for $1.00 (16 ounce bottle), and just had to try it again.

I bought two bottles.

They are both gone. =(

And what's worse, I found a recipe to make my own:

Look out, hips!!!!

PassionateWriter's photo
Wed 05/18/16 11:51 AM
I have to ask, what makes you think she's throwing her life away? Before you jump the gun, why don't you just sit down and talk to her and the guy sensibly, over a dinner or something, where everyone can be civil, and discuss things?

She'll appreciate your willing to reach out.

PassionateWriter's photo
Wed 05/18/16 11:13 AM
There's nothing quite like a good, healthy evocation of your own mortality, to remind you that you're alive right now, and we, all of us, should be doing everything we can to stay alive. The more time we have on this planet, the more lives we touch.

PassionateWriter's photo
Wed 05/18/16 07:45 AM
I'd love to meet other chess players who might be up for correspondence chess, or we could start a game against a powerful computer right here in the forum, and we could give suggested moves to try. I'm hungry for a game! =)

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 03:55 PM
Yep, that's the one, thanks Euro.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 03:39 PM
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm across your face.
May the rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand."

Really cool Irish song I don't remember all the lyrics too, but I always found these comforting.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 03:36 PM

"Caaaught in a laaaand-sliiiide, no es-cape from re-al-i-tyyyy..."

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 03:02 PM
Edited by PassionateWriter on Tue 05/17/16 03:02 PM
Okay, this is going to bug the living daylights out of me, like the old question, if a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound.

First of can't love someone without a reason to. We do most if not all actions we do every single day of our lives for some kind of reason.

Now, if this statement means instead "love me without reason", that's a very dangerous kind of love to have. Love without reasonable thought or actions attached to it can lead to brutal violence and even death.

Okay, whew...I feel better now.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 12:24 PM
The topic was "Paul, protect your right"

I was thinking, "Uhoh, what's going on with Obamacare now?" and read further.

"Your eyes are very important..." the email began.

Then I realized the topic was "Paul, protect your sight"

So...yeah, time for an eye exam, perhaps. =)

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 12:16 PM
I'm not going to belittle anyone who has an opinion, obviously, because people are entitled to believe what they want. I blog for a well-read website, so it's important I keep my manners and respect towards others. Let's try to remember that going forward. We all have opinions, we all want to be right, and we're not always going to be. Let's show others we know how to be mature, okay?

Those of you curious to read a recent anti-Trump blog I wrote, please feel free to private message me with your interest, and I'm happy to point you to a link.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 12:10 PM
The Creeping Hand.

Wait for it... =)

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 10:11 AM
Oh, I'm not playing the race card.

The Republican Party already did that eight years ago. =)

And they lost big-time.

I am too, but guess what? If the Republican party hadn't sat on their hands for eight years, and done everything they could to derail Obama's ideas, maybe we wouldn't BE so angry at the government.

That's right. I blame the Republican Party, who cannot stand the idea that a BLACK MAN is trying to change America for the better.
Thank you for I know to NEVER take what you post seriously...the race card? Really? laugh

I'm not excited about Trump....but GOTDAMM how in the blue hell can anyone support the career politician that is Hillary Clinton. Blows my mind....AND they don't mind her lying azz having the chance to appoint several SC justices? Freaking insane.
I dont know what I'll get with Trump....but I damn sure know what I'll get with Hillary...and I don't want ANY of it.
Now go play the damn woman card like you just played the race card.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 10:07 AM
Don't laugh, but maybe we are. =)

Think about something for a moment. What are we? Doesn't it seem incredible how complex the human body is, what it can do, what we're born to do, what we grow up to do? This is intelligent design of the highest order. This isn't something that started out as a fish in the ocean, come on. Something had to make the fish, or the plankton, or the cells, or whatever was the very first matter.

We're just walking, talking, breathing machines that run on billions and billions of electronic charges.

I really think we came from somewhere else, and it wasn't Earth. =)

Think about something else too. The telephone, the computer, the steamship, the automobile, the rocket ship. How do these masterful inventions come about? Do we just come up with these ideas or...have we built them long before?

I can point you to a picture of a dispenser that took Greek drachmas circa 4,000 B.C. or so. Or the great Library of Alexandra that burnt to the ground over 2000 years ago, and quite likely contained some of the most valuable documents in history.

Mankind is an amazing thing. the more we study ourselves, and what we're all about...the more shocked we're going to be when we get the final answers.

Then truly, God help us all.

Glad to find out that we are only Figments of the Universes Imagination,and don't really exist!laugh

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 09:53 AM
Thanks. =)

People are delusional if they think Trump is a Republican, or if he's going to do anything for this country except find a way to make himself richer, more powerful, and to stick it to the NBC executives who fired him.

Trump has been of a liberal mindset most of his life. He's catered to and donated to several huge Democratic campaigns.

I think Trump just represents a part of this country that is angry with the way our government is being run.

I am too, but guess what? If the Republican party hadn't sat on their hands for eight years, and done everything they could to derail Obama's ideas, maybe we wouldn't BE so angry at the government.

That's right. I blame the Republican Party, who cannot stand the idea that a BLACK MAN is trying to change America for the better.

The party of Abraham Lincoln, who once demanded that black people deserve and be given respect.

What a joke, huh?

Wow nice refreshing point of view. Thanks! Yup once he takes office and becomes King of America, all these Trumpo supporters will be screaming for impeachment for acting like a liberal. But when the crowd is screaming for blood, blood is what they will get.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 09:14 AM
Say what you will about Trump but he's not going to be president. I understand there are a lot of people mad in this nation right now, and they want changes to happen, and all that, but you have to understand who Trump is.

I've followed Trump's exploits since the late 1970s. He has been and always will be a spoiled child. He's going to say whatever he wants just to get people to side with him. He's done this throughout history, and he's lied and cheated his way to get everything his way.

I think it's rather disturbing and alarming that he's getting support from people like White Supremacists, the KKK, you know, the people we actually SHOULD be deporting in this country? =P

Trump supporters are in for the shock of their lives, that's all I can say. They're following this man because he's different, and unique, and radical, and thinks he's going to solve all of the nation's problems because he's not government material.

Already, he's pulling back from many of the statements he's already made to his supporters - promises he intended to keep. Banning Muslims from the country? "Just a suggestion", he now claims. Deporting over 7 million illegal immigrants? "that would be impossible", he now says. I mean, don't you people understand what's going on here?

Trump is treating this whole campaign as one colossal reality TV show. He's making a mockery of our nation, and our lives.

How anyone can still side with him, support him, actually BELIEVE in just truly clueless and under-educated.

I'd like to believe we do still live in a nation of intelligence and common sense. If the American people truly vote in a charlatan, a reality-TV star, then they deserve whatever is unleashed onto the world.

The only reason Trump is even a figurehead today is because of the likes of Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. No one WANTS to be thrust into the spotlight anymore and run for office. Why should they? The minute a name is cast into the ring, aren't we all going Google-crazy in a frenzy to dig up whatever we can on them? It's what we do, isn't it?

Respectfully, I am sorry that so many Americans are angry over the state of their country. But, you know what, if they got off their collective butts and actually did something with their own lives, maybe they wouldn't be so angry. =)

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 07:24 AM
I'm of the firm belief that Adam and Eve lived on Mars. And then came here. Blasphemous, maybe, but I just don't get the whole Bible thing. Way too many plot holes. =)

Look, mankind doomed itself the very second it started to wonder about its own existence.

News flash, people:

"Existence" itself is just a word we made up. =) Existence has absolutely no meaning whatsoever in the grand scheme of things.

I do believe some kind of life is out there, but if there's truly intelligent life, with the way our world is right now, I hope they're smart enough to stay away from us.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 07:06 AM
It can happen.

I was with someone 10 years, and we planned to marry. We really got along fantastic with one another, and it was obvious we both loved each other very much, and thought the idea of spending our lives together was just too good not to enjoy.

She lived in Singapore and I lived here. She came to see me four times, and I flew to see her once. It was never about the distance, it was about the time. I took some bad risks and it cost me dearly, and i lost her because she got tired of waiting. I don't blame her for that at all.

So yeah, don't let distance dictate the relationship. You're never too far away to find love.

After all, we're just on one big planet, and we have the power to go anywhere we want to.

Well, except North Korea, but let's be honest, who REALLY wants to go there right now?? I mean, NORTH KOREA?! Are you insane?? *coughs, clears throat*

Anyway, it can happen.

You just have to let it happen.

PassionateWriter's photo
Tue 05/17/16 06:53 AM

*nudges and whispers*

They might be reading this...

Hey! The picker chose "Administrator" as a possible match, a one out of nearly 11,000,000 shot. I should win a prize for this. =)

one of the admin chics is really hot too... good luck with that