Community > Posts By > Peter_Pan69

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Mon 04/30/12 03:20 PM

For selling sandpaper on the streets and calling it "lube"...

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Mon 04/30/12 03:17 PM

No. It is the intention that makes it dark, greed and/or ego... Doubt in one's own abilty and the use or attempted use of an outside force makes it dark. Not keeping control of your powers 100% of the time makes it dark.

So the intentional or unintentional use of magick makes it black magic. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Anger has clouded your mind again. I never said the use of magick makes it black.

Peter, I don't believe in magick. I am not angry, there is nothing for me to be angry about. I'm just pointing out the inconsistencies in your posts.

No you're not. You're pointing out the inconsistencies of your misrepresentations of my posts. Pay attention to what I actually write...

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Mon 04/30/12 03:11 PM

No. It is the intention that makes it dark, greed and/or ego... Doubt in one's own abilty and the use or attempted use of an outside force makes it dark. Not keeping control of your powers 100% of the time makes it dark.

So the intentional or unintentional use of magick makes it black magic. Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Anger has clouded your mind again. I never said the use of magick makes it black.

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 03:10 PM

What is an "outside force"?

Would burning a candle while praying be black magic in your opinion?

Only if you think that the black candle helps...

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 02:28 PM

JB, I agree with your whole statement at the top of this page.

PP, so let me see if I understand what you are saying. Magic is good if it's a naturally occurring phenomenon such as deja vu, psychic abilities or the placebo effect.

All magic is good. It's the intended use and motivation that makes it "dark".

If a person makes any actions to create magic, it is black. Is this right?

No. It is the intention that makes it dark, greed and/or ego... Doubt in one's own abilty and the use or attempted use of an outside force makes it dark. Not keeping control of your powers 100% of the time makes it dark.

I'm also curious as to what your definition of magic is.

Hmmm, my definition would encompass a lot...

Basically any perception or alteration of physical reality or personal emotions/thoughts without the use of pysical and/or perceived means.

And maybe we should stick to one spelling for magic. I know I'm the biggest offender of this. But you put "magick" on quotes and no quotes for magic so I'm wondering what you think the difference is.

The difference was Spider's use of the word. It's all the same to me.

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Mon 04/30/12 02:03 PM

If I grow abundant amounts of food to feed the starving people and can make money off of my excess, is that good or bad?

I didn't understand anything you wrote in your first statement so, I'll just ask about this. How much is excess?

sorry Ruth, missed this earlier...

Hard to say, it would depend on my area. Any amount that couldn't be consumed by anyone person who wished to eat before the decay of the food would be excess.

I couldn't be a farmer, I don't believe that food should be bought or sold as a commodity. That would be akin to me charging people to breath my air or drink my water.

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 01:48 PM

You need to work on your anger issues...


You laugh...

You were blinded to my actual words above.
I said:
"Black Magic: The perversion of White Magic for personal gain. Usually motivated by greed or ego. "

I think that you were so angered by my opinion of rituals and the like that you didn't or refused to see the word "perversion" in my post. Or perhaps it was my opinion of the consequences of dark magic... Whatever your feelings, these are my opinions...

Perversion occurs when doubt arises. In Biblical terms, it's all about "faith"...

I hate to break it to you, but I didn't read what you wrote about rituals. I quoted two pieces that didn't make sense. You claimed that magick is an innate ability and that it was wrong to use magick for personal gain. I didn't get "angered", that's all in your head.

I read the word perversion, that's not the problem.

Perhaps instead of trying to read my mind, you just deal with the words that I write? Do you think you can do that?

Where did I say that using white magic for personal gain made it black?

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 01:39 PM

You need to work on your anger issues...


You laugh...

You were blinded to my actual words above.
I said:
"Black Magic: The perversion of White Magic for personal gain. Usually motivated by greed or ego. "

I think that you were so angered by my opinion of rituals and the like that you didn't or refused to see the word "perversion" in my post. Or perhaps it was my opinion of the consequences of dark magic... Whatever your feelings, these are my opinions...

Perversion occurs when doubt arises. In Biblical terms, it's all about "faith"...

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 01:00 PM

Give me a break... Motivation is EVERYTHING. Pure heart = pure magic.

Are you defending "magick" as the kind I described as "black"? IE, rituals, idols, etc.?

The motivation is personal gain. You said using magick for personal gain makes it black magick. Are you now going to change that definition?

Explain how growing food is for "personal gain" and is not a neccesity...

Personal gain, does not mean sustenance. I should not have to waste my time explaining this. Personal gain means a profit. Should a farmer with a green thumb who grows vegetables and then sells some of those vegetables for a profit be considered to be in the wrong?

You need to work on your anger issues...

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 12:54 PM

Give me a break... Motivation is EVERYTHING. Pure heart = pure magic.

Are you defending "magick" as the kind I described as "black"? IE, rituals, idols, etc.?

The motivation is personal gain. You said using magick for personal gain makes it black magick. Are you now going to change that definition?

Explain how growing food is for "personal gain" and is not a neccesity...

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 12:48 PM

Sustenance is not personal gain, unless you hoard it and not feed others. It's the motivation...

If I grow abundant amounts of food with the thought of making money off of starving people, is that good or bad?

If I grow abundant amounts of food to feed the starving people and can make money off of my excess, is that good or bad?

Oh Lord, give me strength.

Starving people have nothing to do with it, that's just clouding the issue.

Is it wrong for a man with a green thumb to be a farmer?

If not, then why would it be wrong for a man to use "magick" for personal gain?

Give me a break... Motivation is EVERYTHING. Pure heart = pure magic.

Are you defending "magick" as the kind I described as "black"? IE, rituals, idols, etc.?

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 12:35 PM

White Magic: The inate ability of all humans. Known by several names including: intuition, telepathy, empathy, luck, clairvoyance, healing, reiki, wisdom, "holistic", deja vu, homeopathy, miracle, placebo effect, etc...


Black Magic: The perversion of White Magic for personal gain. Usually motivated by greed or ego.

But if it's an innate ability, why is it wrong to use it for personal gain? Is it wrong for a man with a green thumb to be a farmer?

Sustenance is not personal gain, unless you hoard it and not feed others. It's the motivation...

If I grow abundant amounts of food with the thought of making money off of starving people, is that good or bad?

If I grow abundant amounts of food to feed the starving people and can make money off of my excess, is that good or bad?

no photo
Mon 04/30/12 12:01 PM

I am working on an article on Black vs. White Magic. What do you think of when you hear these terms? What do you think these spells would consist of and do you believe there are consequences to either type of magic?

White Magic: The inate ability of all humans. Known by several names including: intuition, telepathy, empathy, luck, clairvoyance, healing, reiki, wisdom, "holistic", deja vu, homeopathy, miracle, placebo effect, etc...

Black Magic: The perversion of White Magic for personal gain. Usually motivated by greed or ego.

My opinion of "spells" is that white magic needs none. Black magic utilises spells, incantations, idolatry, symbols, rituals, sacrifices, crystals and other "tools" as there is no confidence in one's own white magic.

The consequence of white magic is probrably acceptance that some things are beyond our control.

The consequence of black magic is probrably a downward spiral of doubt and confusion. Never knowing if a spell didn't work because we walked the wrong direction, spoke the wrong words, sacrificed the wrong rodent, used the wrong herbs, contaminated the ritual with impure thoughts, invoked the wrong deity...

no photo
Sat 04/28/12 04:55 PM

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Fri 04/27/12 06:15 PM

Try rebooting the PC with the CD as primary boot device...

no photo
Fri 04/27/12 01:44 PM

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Fri 04/27/12 09:30 AM

who sided with Hitler in ww2?
who wants to wipe Israel off the map?
who kicks out or kills people of any religion other than Islam in their countries?
who treats women worse than slaves?
who flew 4 full loaded airplanes into buildings killing 3000 people?
who straps bombs on their backs and kills innocent people?

shall i go on?

Ummm, I think the proper term should be "morons"...

They're everywhere, infiltrating your goverments, schools, churches, mosques, theatres, TV's, internet...

no photo
Thu 04/26/12 12:39 PM

Ummm, what hasn't she been arrested for...

no photo
Wed 04/25/12 11:37 PM

For running a unicycle chop-shop that specializes in pimped-out, high performance Japanese unis. (and for using conterfeit, handicapped parking only signs)

no photo
Tue 04/24/12 09:00 AM

See i have read the quran and the bible.What gets me is both basically have in it if you don't believe in their beliefs you are worthless and well be punished,rather it be from their God or their followers.It's really that simple no other way to interpret that except for what it is.
Yea I agree, here in this context interpret really means ignore. Cherry pickers vs literalists.

I'd bet that neither of you can effectively support that claim about the Bible...

The citations were already given in this thread. My claim is about the religious themselves in how they either ignore things in the holy text which they disagree with, or they are literalists like westboro baptists, very nasty group.

You are free to ignore this then:

Jeremiah 8:7-9
New International Version (NIV)

7 Even the stork in the sky
knows her appointed seasons,
and the dove, the swift and the thrush
observe the time of their migration.
But my people do not know
the requirements of the LORD.
8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise,
for we have the law of the LORD,”
when actually the lying pen of the scribes
has handled it falsely?

9 The wise will be put to shame;
they will be dismayed and trapped.
Since they have rejected the word of the LORD,
what kind of wisdom do they have?