Community > Posts By > Peter_Pan69

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Tue 04/24/12 08:44 AM

See i have read the quran and the bible.What gets me is both basically have in it if you don't believe in their beliefs you are worthless and well be punished,rather it be from their God or their followers.It's really that simple no other way to interpret that except for what it is.
Yea I agree, here in this context interpret really means ignore. Cherry pickers vs literalists.

I'd bet that neither of you can effectively support that claim about the Bible...

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Fri 04/20/12 01:22 PM

Third base...

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Fri 04/20/12 01:46 AM

Peter Pan, again, tolerance does not encompass exclusion, period.

Andy perhaps worded his question poorly for his use of the word tolerance does not permit posing the next question he poses. I believe even though he asked others he most likely did not read all people's responses otherwise he would of seen his error for clearly it was pointed out by more than one person in the first round of questioning of what is tolerance.

As well for Riskit to drag me into the second of questioning by quoteing something I said which does not theoretically fit, neither did he understood by what was meant.

It has turned into an unending debate by bringing in other religions making and changing the topic completely from what was initially started.

These threads are hardly ever about what the topic states.

Andy has made it clear in the OP and subsequent posts that his target was/is Christianity among others.
Now there are two halves of this question/ issue. One is tolerance for a religion one knows nothing about. Second is tolerance for a faith you read their "Bible" "Manifest" "Mantra" (whatever) and what you read is, to say the least, appalling to a person of education.

I am coming from a place of knowing about the faith from reading its bible but frankly I also am interested in the concepts of blind tolerance. Is blind tolerance really justifiable?

Peter again, there is no such thing as blind tolerance in relation to the subject of fatih; all faiths are to be tolerated - no exclusions even if there is a "this of that" kind of thing within a religion.

Even so with Andy pointing out as you say, he has a target but first asks first for others' views before he anything further, would you not think a topic master would read the responses before continuing to see an error and not continue. Why would he ask in the first place before he says he would continue without reading what others wrote.

So are you saying by him having a target he then is like a raging bull regardless in what will be said? I would think a person after having read what others wrote would not continue on.

Peter Pan I ask for you not to bring me back into this thread. I contributed in the first set and see there is nothing more I want to add, for where the topic has been lead into and went off I do not want to participate in his seocnd round of questioning for it has taken a turn into another topic. Thank you.

Do NOT ask me questions and then ask me to not bring you back into this thread. By asking me a question, you want to be brought back in.

I responded to RISKIT, you then responded to me.

I accept everyone's beliefs, I do not have to tolerate them as they have no bearing on me or my life at this point. When they do have an effect on my life, there will be no tolerance from me.

no photo
Fri 04/20/12 12:33 AM

Peter Pan, again, tolerance does not encompass exclusion, period.

Andy perhaps worded his question poorly for his use of the word tolerance does not permit posing the next question he poses. I believe even though he asked others he most likely did not read all people's responses otherwise he would of seen his error for clearly it was pointed out by more than one person in the first round of questioning of what is tolerance.

As well for Riskit to drag me into the second of questioning by quoteing something I said which does not theoretically fit, neither did he understood by what was meant.

It has turned into an unending debate by bringing in other religions making and changing the topic completely from what was initially started.

These threads are hardly ever about what the topic states.

Andy has made it clear in the OP and subsequent posts that his target was/is Christianity among others.
Now there are two halves of this question/ issue. One is tolerance for a religion one knows nothing about. Second is tolerance for a faith you read their "Bible" "Manifest" "Mantra" (whatever) and what you read is, to say the least, appalling to a person of education.

I am coming from a place of knowing about the faith from reading its bible but frankly I also am interested in the concepts of blind tolerance. Is blind tolerance really justifiable?

no photo
Thu 04/19/12 11:41 PM

Let it go, vent privately in such matters. Vent privately for your own good or sake and for others' sake. You ask if it is smart to tolerate, to this I say, yes it is smart to tolerate for my reasons I have given. This what I have to say.

let it go?there will be peace when there is no Abrahamic religion.
RKISIT 69:19

Andy asks if it is smart or not before he goes further in what he wants to say. He is checking out his thinking maybe and asking what others think.

I say if you are smart, let it go. There is no exclusion to whom we may or not tolerate.

Let it go, for it is not about smarts. Let it go and why I said it, and if you read all what I wrote gives you why I think so he asks for people to do so in wanting to know what others think first.

RKISIT you are off topic, assuming and taking this thread into your own direction, taking people off the topic and making it into your own thread of and quoting you, "there will be peace when there is no Abrahamic religion. RKISIT 69:19".

Andy asked a question and it was not pertaining to a specific faith group.

Start a new thread with the topic you are leading others on to agrue about. Or, get back on the topic.
and that specific faith group is part of the abrahamic cult and what you view as going off topic Andy should be giving his opinion not you cause basically this isn't your thread.I never went off topic i posted many of times in a thread about tolerance and was explaining how tolerance is viewed through the eyes of an atheist if you can't accept that then go pray to your myth you have faith in.

AndyBgood asked:
But again what if the core tenants of a faith are to lie, kill, harm, and do mean things to those NOT of your faith? Christians are annoying but they don't have a holy war on everyone else. Can you tolerate a faith out to either force you to their way or kill you?

Is it an Atheist's core tenant to lie about Christianity? To force other's to your beliefs? It's obviously a belief of yours to eradicate Abrahamic religions. Should I show tolerance to your beliefs?

So the challenge then for RISKIT is to support these claims as not a lie:

Same goes for christianity if you don't accept Jesus you will be punished.

The Judaic God will punish you if you don't believe in him.

Thing with christianity you have to accept God and Jesus or you're chit out of luck.

I don't believe in any of it so which hell am i going to?the Islamic hell or the Judaic christian hell?

no photo
Sat 04/14/12 04:14 AM

This is a game, for funsies only. Each poster creates and numbers a rule following current numerical order, or adds to an existing one. There is only one condition. The new rule and/or addition must not violate the ones being used at the time. I say "at the time" because as we will soon see, the rules are subject to change...


I'll start it off.

1.) All posters must begin each post with a courteous greeting to each and every participant, prior to adding a rule.

Greetings creative.

2.) Anyone who posts a rule numbered with an odd number cannot post more than 1 rule.

no photo
Sat 04/14/12 03:19 AM

You're just skeered! LOL!

no photo
Sat 04/14/12 03:18 AM

The prediction still stands true...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sat 04/14/12 02:40 AM

Say something philosophically interesting or stay on the porch. Are you ready, willing, and/or able to do that?

Not with a child whose best rebuttal is "putz" and who refuses to engage honestly.

I'm laughing @ you...

What's the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" if Jill were to ask Joe over the phone?

no photo
Sat 04/14/12 02:05 AM

What's the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" if Jill were to ask Joe over the phone?

no photo
Sat 04/14/12 12:53 AM


There is a difference between my pointing that out, which is what I have done numerous times, and my insisting that that is a literal interpretation. Nowhere in this thread have I insisted upon such a thing. You - evidently - cannot see where you've went wrong. I cannot explain it any clearer. That is the interpretation required for your claims to be true. Your claims logically imply that interpretation.

And you pretend that you have denied my interpretation? Is that what you're doing here? Even after you tried pinning your idiotic "interpretation" on me?

You still don't understand what a "literal interpretation" entails...

A literal interpretation is simply taking the words at face value, no inferences or assumptions. I CAN'T MAKE IT ANY CLEARER!

You speak of implicature as if you don't recognise the difference between the two. Do you know the difference between figurative and literal language?

If you wish to argue otherwise you must offer something more than "Are you alone?" as an interpretation of "Are you alone?" because THAT IS NOT AN INTERPRETATION.

I offered it. "Are you isolated from others?"... (I suppose you'll deny that too?)

An interpretation attributes meaning to the expression. An intepretation of a question necessarily assumes what information is being asked for, and an answer follows. If you cannot grasp that, there is no point in continuing here.

You obviously haven't convinced me that you know what literal means and I have already told you it was a waste of time and good for nothing except maybe a few laughs unless you answer my question... whoa

It is still funny too! Dare to answer my question yet?

What's the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" if Jill were to ask Joe over the phone?

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 10:43 PM

Ah, nevermind...

You can't show such a thing because I haven't insisted such a thing. Rather, that nonsensical interpretation came about because I was pointing out that that would be required from Joe in order for your initial claims about Joe's honesty to be true.

Ya just ain't figured it out yet, dude.

creative insisted on Wed 03/28/12 03:40 PM red=creative

You think "everyone" knows the meaning of the question as testified by your own words. I say they don't.

How far into absurdity are you willing to go in order to prove that you're giving an absurd argument? I've already shown how it takes an utterly pointless interpretation of the question in order to support your argument. The interesting thing is that you know, and have concurred, that such an interpretation is nonsensical.

If you can't allow for the possibility of either a yes or a no being an honest answer then aren't you dictating Joe's beliefs?

Not at all. I'm assuming that Joe understands the meaning of an uncontentious question just like you and I do. I've also argued about the nonsense of the alternative, and you agreed. You have not reconciled that self-contradiction yet. An honest answer of "No." would depend upon the listener knowing that the speaker meant "Are you alone, or am I here too?"

So, for "No." to be an honest answer, Joe must first know that Jill is changing the well known meaning of an uncontentious question and asking a rather stupid and pointless one that isn't worth answering to begin with.

You would call an answer of "no" dishonest just because Joe may not have inferred your intended meaning.

What other meaning makes sense Pan? What else could the question possibly mean?

Are you alone? = Are you alone? How hard is that to grasp for a 99.99% 'er?

Will you deny that interpretation again? And will will you continue to deny that you insisted on your nonsensical interpretation as the only "literal" interpretation allowed?

And just to prove that I'm prophetic, I'll continue to offer you the chance to answer the question that scares you and I'll also predict that you will avoid it yet again...

What's the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" if Jill were to ask Joe over the phone?

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 12:16 PM

Creative, you should start another interesting thread. This is getting ridiculous.

It got ridiculous when he insisted that the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" was "Are you alone or am I here too?"...


no photo
Fri 04/13/12 11:41 AM

How droll. Sad really.

What is sad is that you are afraid to answer what you call an "irrelevant" question. whoa

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 11:22 AM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Fri 04/13/12 11:26 AM


A gift...

What's the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" if Jill were to ask Joe over the phone?

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 11:19 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Still hilarious!!!

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 11:00 AM

I can tell a lie and I know when I do so. I responded to a question recently (see below) – do you think I lied or told the truth?

Q – Do you really believe all the end-of –world hype about Fukushima ?

My response: We need some very brave heroes, some with intellect about the situation, some with creative genius for an innovative course of action, and some with altruistic heart to carry out the experiment and if it fails, yes I believe the hype.

If, and only if, you stated what you believed to be the case; you told 'the truth'.

Now let me ask you fellows a question in the hopes I get the ‘truth’.

Q – Are either of you learning anything of value in this thread or are you just playing a "game of cards for penny a point and no one's keepin score"

I've learned a few things of value, I believe. I've also clearly demonstrated that I'll waste a lot of time talking to utterly irrational folk.


That's nothing new though.

I deduce that you talk to yourself a lot...


no photo
Fri 04/13/12 08:28 AM

I can tell a lie and I know when I do so. I responded to a question recently (see below) – do you think I lied or told the truth?

Q – Do you really believe all the end-of –world hype about Fukushima ?

My response: We need some very brave heroes, some with intellect about the situation, some with creative genius for an innovative course of action, and some with altruistic heart to carry out the experiment and if it fails, yes I believe the hype.

Now let me ask you fellows a question in the hopes I get the ‘truth’.

Q – Are either of you learning anything of value in this thread or are you just playing a "game of cards for penny a point and no one's keepin score"


no photo
Fri 04/13/12 01:28 AM

Nope, some are left, some are right.

When would 11=3 if ever?

no photo
Fri 04/13/12 01:11 AM
Edited by Peter_Pan69 on Fri 04/13/12 01:15 AM

C'mon Pan... I mean, really?

Your argument has been effectively reduced to nonsensical impossibility, ad hom, and emoticon, and yet you stand gloating and proud because you think that you've 'predicted' that I would ignore an irrelevant question? Do you think that that matters?

I told you that unless you answer that question that it is pointless for me to continue.
You claim to be a 99.99th percentile according to standardized testing, right? Then you know that the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" is the exact same interpretation regardless of scenario. To deny that simple fact makes me think that you have misrepresented your intelligence.

So yeah, I predicted that you'd avoid that question, just like you avoid most questions. For if you were to answer it honestly, your 30 pages of ad-homs, deceit, lies, and unfounded arrogance will be exposed for what it really is. A misguided mish-mash of confusion and ego driven attacks. (which I still think are funny as Hades btw)

What a hollow victory. One must take what one can get, I suppose.

Ain't no victory untill you surrender. rofl

Do you not recognize what's been done to your argument? Do you not have the mental integrity to posit a rebuttal or counterargument? Do you not see that if an argument is contingent upon one definition of one word, that it is not even worth it's weight in salt?


LOL! Do you have the mental integrity to recognise that you're severly misinformed about language and communication? Nothing has been done to my argument except within the confines of your mind.

You're opinion of my argument's "worth" is of no consequence.
So please continue, your opinions are quite amusing.

What's the literal interpretation of "Are you alone?" if Jill were to ask Joe over the phone?

Answer that if you dare... (I know you won't...)