Community > Posts By > carlos2342

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:53 AM
Any player found to have used steroids should lose any records they hold. I use to love baseball so much, but I am not a fan of steroids.

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:50 AM

The English accent always makes me melt or a thick NY accent.

Can't stand Asian!!

I grew up not far from NYC sort of get irritated by NY accent although some of my friends have the accent lol.

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:49 AM
As others mentioned the simple fact of a computer freezing up can be various symptoms, one would ultimately have to test each scenario hardware, software environments, etc, this can be tedius and time consuming, and for someone who has a basic computer background, a good way to screw your computer up temporarily. Major reason for computer lockups that I have come across are.

1. Low memory, or bad memory chip.
2. Software interactions that cause errors or hang the machine.
3. Overheating computer
4. Defective hardware

and many many more!

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:44 AM
"Death is inevitable Mr. Anderson."

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:43 AM

when he flirts? i seriously dont really know.. i dont get flirted with much... today i thought maybe i did so i came home and told my roommate.. he said the guy was flirting with me.. so what kinds of things do u guys do < in person> when flirting? and what do you expect the gal to do back in return if she is interested?

its the funniest thing.. im not shy.. but when it comes to a guy who interests me for a potential date i am the most timid person i think i know... i have come to the conclusion that dating scares the hell outta me.. though ive gone on a few dates..just something im not good at.. probabaly why im single..

An example of what I might do:

on an elevator look her in the eye, ask her name then say without breaking eye was a meet to pleasure you.

Elevator? Although eye contact is okay, too much is dangerous from a man or creepy, and elevators? Now you sound like you are in a fiction movie my friend. "You had me at hello, you had me at hello!" lol

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:42 AM

when he flirts? i seriously dont really know.. i dont get flirted with much... today i thought maybe i did so i came home and told my roommate.. he said the guy was flirting with me.. so what kinds of things do u guys do < in person> when flirting? and what do you expect the gal to do back in return if she is interested?

its the funniest thing.. im not shy.. but when it comes to a guy who interests me for a potential date i am the most timid person i think i know... i have come to the conclusion that dating scares the hell outta me.. though ive gone on a few dates..just something im not good at.. probabaly why im single..

Forget about rejection, there's a billion other men who will say yes. Rejection may be a temporary loss of morale, but it isn't that big. Come on who here hasn't been turned out, I have, plenty of times, I get over it quick. You ask a woman to dinner, she says no, oh well. I asked my former boss (prior to her hiring me) on a date, she said I was just a little too young, then she hired me. I worked over 2 years with her, was I sobbing about it? Absolutely not! Actually she babied me a bit, and seemed to favor me. If she got upset I'd have the accidental pencil drop and bend over a bit, that always relaxed her. Okay, now I'm off topic. Buttons you are a beautiful woman, work on your eye contact and smile, if you look at a man enough, regardless of how shy he may be, he will know to approach you more aggressively. Men can tell from your eyes, but be careful, sometimes they may get timid themselves. If you feel like the experience is at a stalemate, meaning neither of you are making a move, you need to break the ice. You can do anything to see if a man is interested like drop an item of yours, ask for directions, have an imagined car problem. If he doesn't know anything about cars and likes you, he will try. There's so many things or variations of ways to try to pick up decent men. There's an idea, how about we start a new thread how do we know if a man is into a woman, and all the men can give some hints and tips.

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:32 AM
Southern women have nice accents.

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:24 AM
I find asian and arabic accents of origin harder to follow.

carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:22 AM
When I was just a little boy,
playing with my simple toys,

playing at a little park,
simply day shades to dark,

the little payphone I approach,
dialing quick with every stroke,

my mother comes and she parks,
taking me home in the dark,

When I was a little boy,
never did I have electronic toys,

socializing and playing in the park,
no video games through day and dark,

no cellphone to call my mom before dark,
no gps to tell my mother where to park,

when I was just a little boy,
things were simple like my toys!


carlos2342's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:02 AM

I do realize......

That "I" and "I alone" am responsible for my own learning.<---That's a "period".

...but...often I wonder why some 10yo kid in Norway, France, Switzerland, etc. knows my language plus usually at least 2 more, grammar and all. In many cases he/she knows more about my, and world history than my contemporaries. Why did "they" have so much of a head start in an understanding of the arts...etc., etc., etc.?

Though I was a well (mind, body, heart, and soul) cared for child, why did "I" not have these tools by a relatively young age?

I guess I'm interested in what people have to say about the broad (world) spectrum of educational methods. What worked for them...didn't, and any "eureka moments"..

As Americans we are more isolated by oceans and distance from other countries. If you look at countries in Europe and Asia, they have more potential to travel and mingle with people who speak different languages and who have different cultures. I do not see my self taking a row boat or driving a car through the atlantic or pacific, and airfare and lodging overseas (when you don't know anyone of course), is very expensive. Therefore it is easier and more feasable to drive or fly to florida and interact with our own cultures here. Do not forget too, in our country we are not forced into an environment where we must know other languages to survive. There might be a lot of spanish speaking individuals, but english is readily available and the vice. If you go to Bulgaria, Qatar, etc, you can now understand the difference, it is harder to find English speakers, signs, directions, etc. So the answer is genuinely you are not undereducated, but rather America is more isolated by geolographical boundaries from other cultures. Another thing to remember too, is educational level, skill level, or intelligence can not be quantitatively gauged. An example is that of an extradinary physcisist, master craftsman, brilliant machine operator and engineer, and an very great artist. The knowledge and skills they all possess are not necessarly all related or similar, however, they all can make great achievements in what they do? If we gave them all a standard IQ test do you think they all will test about the same? Absolutely not! IQ tests are formulated to gauge a narrow competence level rather than being individuallistically formulated to test an individuals abilities in a certain field or area. Therefore, you my friend might actually be a genius, and someone who speaks 3 languages, may not have many great skills rather than memorization and verbal skills. So do cut yourself slack!

carlos2342's photo
Mon 01/11/10 01:50 PM
restart computer enter bios change the 1st boot device to cdrom then hard drive second save changes in last menu and computer will restart hit any key to boot from cd.

carlos2342's photo
Thu 01/07/10 08:58 AM
last I knew there were still problems with mac based and linux/unix based support for hardware and software. Has it got better? I would not recommend telling her to get a mac if she has pc, can a mac work with her current setup and file system and the vice. Macs are pricey as the guy above said and that is one reason I rear away from macintosh.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 07:30 AM

rarely feel guilty and I don't have any regrets.

^It sounds if you are not perceptive to your surroundings?

^on the contrary, if a person has done all they could do to the best of their ability, why have guilt, as I stated earlier, guilt is equivalent to nothing less than emotional insecurity, cut and dry...If you feel you haven't done enough, then you probably haven't.....

as to failed marriages, hmmm. you aren't responsible for the others actions, only your reaction.....we love guilt, it helps us keep beating ourselves up even more then we initially the book I'm ok you're ok, by Dick Gregory, you'll feel less guilt, I promise you....
How can one compare emotional insecurity to helping others? Your coorelation is very poor if even related.

Why would you feel guilty if others need help? If you can help them, that's great. But, have you caused the problems? If not, why are you feeling guilty because of them?
Why then is a society set up to help people such as food stamps and other functions? Does society as a whole feel emotionally insecure?

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:57 AM
They want me to write a poem about a lady I do not know, so my mind thinks and churns slow, what should I write how should this go? She is not my friend or even a foe, rather a lady who hopefully will find her femme or beau.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:47 AM

rarely feel guilty and I don't have any regrets.

^It sounds if you are not perceptive to your surroundings?

^on the contrary, if a person has done all they could do to the best of their ability, why have guilt, as I stated earlier, guilt is equivalent to nothing less than emotional insecurity, cut and dry...If you feel you haven't done enough, then you probably haven't.....

as to failed marriages, hmmm. you aren't responsible for the others actions, only your reaction.....we love guilt, it helps us keep beating ourselves up even more then we initially the book I'm ok you're ok, by Dick Gregory, you'll feel less guilt, I promise you....
How can one compare emotional insecurity to helping others? Your coorelation is very poor if even related.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:44 AM

I rarely feel guilty and I don't have any regrets.
It sounds if you are not perceptive to your surroundings?

Why is that? I'm supposed to feel guilty because others say I should? Am I supposed to regret things because that's what other people do? Why?

I am saying be the best you can to the world unconditionally and just to be honest with yourself throughout.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:19 AM
Last book I was reading was The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:08 AM

I rarely feel guilty and I don't have any regrets.
It sounds if you are not perceptive to your surroundings?

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 06:07 AM
I have felt guilty not putting a few dollars in the salvation army pales, but then I remember I spent over a hundred dollars on two poor kids from the salvo program who are not my children. Considering I am borderline poverty already, I try not to feel bad. I do community service too and I tentatively will extend my hand out to help strangers in need with nothing to gain but the good feeling I get helping.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/30/09 05:23 AM
pas de problem avec les francais!