Community > Posts By > carlos2342

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/02/09 07:16 AM
I like camping, I'm an Eagle Scout for crying out loud lol.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/02/09 07:15 AM
Activities along with good habits can help reduce depression. I myself was diagnosed with depression in the pass. I however, do belive that some people just deal with stressors and emotions differently. I learned how to keep myself more balanced with my daily activities along with ways to improve myself. I found one thing is that I use to be very shy and not opened. I learned just to approach people and chat. It works, go out and just strike a conversation up with male or females, you don't always have to target the opposite sex. One who communicates effectively can communicate well with any male or female and any varying types of people/classes.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/02/09 07:12 AM
ten, I give all the ladies tens I'm a gentleman lol.

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/02/09 07:10 AM
kiss with a little tongue

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/02/09 07:09 AM
Good luck and congratulations. When I get older and my looks begin to fade, the only good looking thing about me will be my education!

carlos2342's photo
Wed 12/02/09 07:08 AM

Have we really stalled so much in our intellectual road of evolution that we rever those intelligents of hundreds to thousands of years ago as though they are rare, unique or unduplicated?

I keep hearing this in the religious/political/scientific threads.

Intelligence from a hundred to thousand years ago should have been outgrown by now if we are truly evolving and growing. We should be smarter than that by now, wouldn't you think?

Not discounting their wisdom but we should have by passed it intellectually, emotionally, etc... by now.

My opinion here.

I see more problems in clinging to what may be holding us back than revering the wisdom of old.

Most intelligence today and even back 30,000 years derived and is fundamentally built from a foundation point. Complex mathmatics are built off rudimentary skills of counting which derived from being able to know how much game one had caught and so forth, which eventually lead to I have 3 deer, I will trade you for 100 heads of maze. Now I am just giving examples, but you see how we start almost a beginning foundation and build a chain futher into we reach our current time.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:38 AM

Yeah, I went to the control panel and removed the newer version and deleted that download. I still get the same message when I try to download and install the older version, Opera 10.01. It says "one of the library files needed to run this application cannot be found." Whatever that is. And as I said, I ran the application recovery disc for windows me and that gave me an older version of Internet Explorer, for some reason. I did have the 6.0 version because that's the latest version that is acceptable for windows me and now when I try to download and install that, I get an error message saying that it didn't install all of the components, or something like that. My printer quit working too and I tried to install the software for it but it still isn't working. I'm about to pull my hair out!

Find what file it is asking for in the error report. If you find it then google the file, copy one copy into windows/system32 and copy one into the programs main directory that may work, this would be a first try. Second, try a different browser if possible, there has to be an older verision or a version of a browser that will work for you, have you tried netscape, or google chrome, or mozilla firefox?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:21 AM

cheek flowerforyou

what cheek?

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:14 AM
What turns me on is holding diverse intelligent conversations with a man or woman. I love talking in general, and I love exchanging ideas and thoughts. I feel I have a lot to teach others, and even more to learn from others. Just participating in intellectual dialogue like this gives me an addrenaline rush of the mind and is exhilirating!

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:10 AM

It's amazing how rewarding, restoring your home can be.Sure you get a few slivers,and bumps and bruises..but what a reward when your finished.And the Money you saved doing most yourself.You reach out and ask questions and advice from others,make new friends as well.
My father was a electrician by trade, and a jack of all trades on the side.So give me the tools anyone can learn,male or female.Today i'm a woman that can be a lady 100%,and still work hard along side any man.Now if I could just be on that show Extreme Makeover, but I want my hard hat,and gloves in lime green please!:thumbsup:

It is not hard to remodel or restore a home, doing it right and doing a good job is another story, doing a good job, takes time and money. If you are going to restore your home, you need to look at different factors such as am I going to stay here for a while or do I plan to sell (house may not be as marketable if older), a lot of times too older houses require more mainteance and care, and can become costly, a lot of older houses are insulated poorly too, or are very energy inefficient. There is a lot of factors that relate to remodeling houses. I am not into remodeling/construction as a profession my my father has been in the business for a long time so I have learned a lot about the trade. An idea I can give you is if you are going to remodel the living room, but leave old heaters in there and have the rest new, new trim, knew receptacles, new thermostats, it would make sense to put the extra money into new heaters too unless you are going with centralized air /heat pump, but then you are talking 7,000+depending on size of house, unless you are an hvac technician or do it as a trade. Asphalt a small driveway, there's another 3,000+ easy. So much to look at you know. You should sit down and prioritize your wants and needs and check pricing.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:00 AM

90% of all species on this planet are insects

fully one quarter of all the biomass is insects

in one square mile of pasture there are more insects than all the humans on this planet

if we were really concerned about having the least impact on the earth we'd be eating bugs

What is the comparison between human biomass per square mile of land verse the biomass of insects per square mile if we are now comparing mass. An insect has a miniscule biomass compared to a human thus it is evident and clear that their would be 90% more species in any relative area then larger species of animals due to space limitations, competition for resources, etc. It takes less biomass to sustain individual insects too. I would assume that the largest biomass would belong to the kingdom plantae? You should be slightly more clear in explanations as some times facts can be misleading.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:55 AM

I have had similar discussions with people.

The whole: One form of life is greater than another just don't hold water.

Think of it this way. Tommorrow we discover life on a different planet.

If it is bacterialogical....we would be is life from another planet.

If it is non ambulatory is still extra-terrestrial life.

If it is green chicks that Captain Kirk used to that God DID NOT CREATE ON EARTH.

One reoccurring mistake civilization makes is assigning importance to life forms according to the cute/cuddly factor.

The basis of all life on Earth was rendered viable and remains viable to this day through massive clouds of algea within the oceans that convert nitrogen to oxygen. Thereby developing atmosphere that can be used/recycled by higher life forms, as well as regulating global temperatures and providing a shielding from solar radiation. Lest we forget, it is the absolute first link in the food chain.

Sure cheetahs are cool. Apples rock. without blue algea none of it would exist. Yet it ain't glamourous enough to even be pitched into any debate. So the hypocrasy thing spreads to everyone.

(I used to be a professional dork for the Museums of Natural History)

Good points, we have canine, molar, and incisor teeth, which means we eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, etc. I eat my servings of vegetables and fruit a day to stay healthy, but I do lean towards the healthy meat side, meaning I eat probably more meats in a day then vegetbables. I will not go without meat and will not even consider it. In a past job of mine up north I worked in a lab, a lady that worked there with me was a vegetarian and asked if I would ever consider giving up meat, I simply said, "I will give up vegetables and fruit before meat, have you ever considered only eating meat and giving up vegetables?" She quickly withdrew from what she was going to probably initiate as a debate against eating meat.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:40 AM

offtopic you get a 1 for that


carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:37 AM
do I have to rate another man lol

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:36 AM

Reason not to boot:

Your bios is not set to boot from hard drive

Your hard drive is finish

Your hard drive is corrupted (boot sector)

Your windows XP installation is damaged

Your wires to the hard drive are loose (check both)

Your power supply is not sending electricity to drive

If you can start your pc try to go into the bios (usually by pressing "delete or F2 or F10) once in there go to the menu where it shows your drive and see if the bios sees your drive if it does then you know you have electricity and that your wires are connected ok if not check the wires first then if still not seen change the electric one for another if you have any spare and check if still not seen if not then it is probably finished.

If your bios sees the drive but still cannot boot then your xp installation is damage.

Would help if you could write the message you get when trying to boot.

could be you need to to format your hardrive n intsall xp over again but best to do clean intall

Computers do not boot for many more reasons then listed above,
others could be lose chips or memory, lose plugs, dust between connections, video card settings are wrong in windows (can still boot in bios), hardware conflicts (IRQ conflicts) and the list goes on and on:
Dealing with a problem computer is like fixing a car that won't start, you have to narrow and narrow the problem down as cheap as you can before you fix it. Being that I work on cars and sometimes computers I try to use the same approach. First of all, if it is just constantly rebooting you need to see if there is an error message coming up. If you cannot see it quickly hit pause before it restarts again, sometimes you can catch the message and write the system error down if there is one. This gives you a footing of where to start, your bios settings would be next, did something get changed in there on accident, who knows, message me if you need help.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:29 AM
Then window sounds like windows telling you to clean house up as your hard drive is getting over full, sometimes having a lot on hard drive can seem to make computer run unstable.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:27 AM

There is an free AVG but you can also upgrade and pay small amount. Norton seems to slow down the computer too much.

Well to start with, it is probably your PC that has the issue, as i am running Norton 2k9 on a P3 600mhz with 256mb of ram, and my machine flys.. no issues..

however, again, AVG will not protect against active Trojan viruses, or variant worms.. Thus i would just not bother with it..
I have tested about 30 different AV's...

The Tops for home..
Norton Antivirus 2009/2010 "360 was to much of a killer of system performance.
Sophos - provided almost as good security as Norton, but it isnt as polished..
Kasperski - Best protection, but a pain in the *** when it comes to configuring it..
Vipre - Strong performance, but not as secure, contains no firewall
Panda - removes virus, trojan, spyware, worms, but doesnt use the normal naming convention, so any manual removals are kinda like guess work.

Best for business
Symantec endpoint 12 - best.. hands downs..
Trend-Micro, Good protection, not great but provides a great reporting service to help track down where the virus came from
Vipre Great, and easy to modify to improve system security

Worst anywhere...
AVG - cant find worms or active trojans
CA-Etrust - no antispyware. firewall, and support is in india
Mcafee running this on an identical machine next to norton 360 it made this machine look like a p2.
Avaira - cant find trojans
Eset - if you thought norton slowed you down try this...

Norton has been known to lock vital system resources causes computer to crash, that and along with mccafe they seem to protect computer well at the expense of system resources. The best way to protect yourself is get a light weight virus scanner, and watch what you download of external sites that you do not know. Also know that anytime your computer is plugged into the internet you are at risk of getting viruses, trojans, worms, or intruders. Some people think if they leave their computer running on the internet but do not download they will be fine, that is not always true. Always keep your virus definitions up to date, sometimes having firewall active helps out a lot. General computer maintaince helps along the way, keep your files organized, backed up, and watch how much you download for computer performance, type msconfig and check what actually is starting when your computer is on desktop, most people use most of their system resources with background programs running that they don't even use. There's about a million tips to make computer run more efficiently and better, including cleaning the inside of your computer out which is very simple, scanning hardware frequently for any problems, etc. It's like taking care of your body, if you take care of yourself well, your body runs better, a computer is very similar. For any questions feel free to message me I can help.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:19 AM

Hey thanks for the great advice. :) It was actually written in response to a jerk I met off here. I posted on here so that he could read it. Thanks though. :)

Don't worry about the jerk,send him a letter.Honesty tends to work....As for your profile, there is an edit you can use.Info on your likes, dislikes, and what your looking for in general would be helpful for any young man.Welcome and good luck!!!flowerforyou

Are you saying she is a man lol? It says woman in profile.

I think she meant helpful for any young man reading her profile

Oh okay I had a blonde moment.

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:17 AM
cheryl it is I guess only woman within 3

carlos2342's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:10 AM

Hey thanks for the great advice. :) It was actually written in response to a jerk I met off here. I posted on here so that he could read it. Thanks though. :)

Don't worry about the jerk,send him a letter.Honesty tends to work....As for your profile, there is an edit you can use.Info on your likes, dislikes, and what your looking for in general would be helpful for any young man.Welcome and good luck!!!flowerforyou

Are you saying she is a man lol? It says woman in profile.