Community > Posts By > anoasis

anoasis's photo
Thu 06/05/08 02:50 PM

JB is VERY interested in Christianity. I see her alot on this site. Why would someone come here to irritate,unless their real purpose for being here was to find out why some are able to have so much faith and she cannot? It is a sad excistence to think that this is all there is to life. I know that no matter how hard things may seem on Earth, at the end I will spend eternity surrounded by love and happiness.

your post makes the assumption that christianity is the only path to faith and an afterlife when in fact there are literally hundreds such paths....

this assumption that non-christian have no faith is quite insulting to those of us, myself included, who are of other faiths.

I guess you are offended. Oh, well.happy

It's not the first or last time I'm sure...

anoasis's photo
Thu 06/05/08 02:39 PM

JB, I don't need you to make me question my beliefs. I am not a robot, I am a human being. Fine, you think I live a fantasy life? That's my problem. I NEED to believe! You know what you are doing. I am not an idiot. Like I said on previous posts. I have gone to Wiccan ceremonies and such for various reasons. But, none to make them question their beliefs. You don't have to agree. Just talk to people. Gheez, this world can be so demanding and ugly. I come to a Christian forum to talk nice. The conversation does not have to be about faith, but it is my choice other than: let's say: " My booty call last night and such,,," I have seen the ugliest things in life and so have many other people on this forum. Peace for once....PLEASE! I miss my husband in California. Everytime I get back from a deployment is he leaving for his. I worry about him so much and I get so lonely. I am a truck driver and he is a pilot. I need to trust that God will take care of him. I need to believe that all this will end good. I just want a normal life. I think I live in Iraq more than here. In fact, that is the case. I pray every night. I should not have tried to committ suice upon my last return. I was a lost soul. I pray for Gods forgiveness everyday. This sounds silly, but to pay Him back I have adopted an abused dog, I am fostering a kitty cat and I am volunteering at the Salvation Army. I don't pat myself on the back....I just need redemption from God. Please let me have that JB.flowerforyou

I still don't know why you think this is a christian forum. It's not. It clearly states it is not.

I pray for all the soldiers every day- those I know and those I don't- and I pray you and your family stay safe.

anoasis's photo
Thu 06/05/08 02:35 PM

I have defended JB numerous times. Then, I come back online and it sounds like she is Christian bashing. I am not sure why she is here. Like I said, maybe she is just curious. But, I have non-religious friends that I have seen get on these forums just to irritate people. They think it is amusing. I have friends of all sorts of faiths, but I would never go onto their forums unless I was there to educate myself on their beliefs. That does not mean I will believe what they do, but I will have a better understanding. I was irritated because I defended her and then she sounded like some of my friends. By the way, I have told them it is not amusing and they should just listen to some music or something while they are drinking if they are that freakin bored. I don't hate JB though, just irritated.

but this is not a christian site, or a christian forum or even a christian thread. JB is here because she is interested in religion. Religion does not equal christianity.

anoasis's photo
Thu 06/05/08 02:31 PM

JB is VERY interested in Christianity. I see her alot on this site. Why would someone come here to irritate,unless their real purpose for being here was to find out why some are able to have so much faith and she cannot? It is a sad excistence to think that this is all there is to life. I know that no matter how hard things may seem on Earth, at the end I will spend eternity surrounded by love and happiness.

your post makes the assumption that christianity is the only path to faith and an afterlife when in fact there are literally hundreds such paths....

this assumption that non-christian have no faith is quite insulting to those of us, myself included, who are of other faiths.

anoasis's photo
Thu 06/05/08 02:29 PM
Edited by anoasis on Thu 06/05/08 02:48 PM

kumbaya my lord kumbaya ....

what the hell does kumbaya mean anyway?huh

"kumbaya" = "come by here"

the song asks that god be with the singer. I believe it is supposed to be the gullah dialect- I used to live in NC and the gullahs are NC, SC and Georgia island people but I never went to any of those islands and they rarely come to the mainland. i have heard the song sung in both english and gullah.


Sorry- I'm way late to this particular party today and see Redy has already answered quite thoroughly...

anoasis's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:06 PM
Edited by anoasis on Wed 06/04/08 08:08 PM

I personally don't believe that particular creation story that you quoted.

"the commitment that makes the two of you one"
? I'm not sure.

We are getting married but we don't really talk about it like that. We like being together. We like some of the same things but not everything the same by any means. Sometimes I ask him why he wants to marry me and he always has different answers. Some are lame like, "because you're so beautiful". That's not a good reason to me. My favorite was when he said it was "because you challenge me completely on every possible level". bigsmile

I dont think we will necessarily "become one". I think we are just two people that have fun together and are very attracted to one another and now we are best friends who tell each other everything and act goofy at the grocery store together and rub each others backs. When we are apart we want to know what the other one is doing. We can't wait to find out...

Although he does call me his "other half" I think we are just two people who are committed to achieving our individual goals together... and having fun... and making each other laugh.

What are some helpful habits you can begin to develop that will help you honor that commitment?

Tips? Hmm.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed. And I pray. Mostly for patience. flowerforyou

anoasis's photo
Wed 06/04/08 07:46 PM

I strongly believe I would rather have a friend who is spiritually honest than fanatically religous. You know the type, my way or the highway.

I agree completely!


~now we just have to define what spiritually honest *means*~ :wink:

anoasis's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:34 PM
I believe because I have never seen any other explanation that feels right for the sheer variety and bizarreness of the life forms on this planet. And the land itself. So much variety. Complexity, diversity- there is no need for the extent that we see to sustain the planet...

it's extraneous. wonderfully inexplicable.

.... seems like a creator with a love of beauty and sense of humor to me.

Peace and joy.

anoasis's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:15 PM
Where did all the humans go? noway

Oh the humanity!! grumble

huh grumble huh

anoasis's photo
Mon 06/02/08 04:14 PM
Beautiful sentiment. I would love to see it happen....

Peace and joy.
:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

anoasis's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:05 PM

I'm an ogre.

Are not.

You only pretend to be an ogre but everyone knows that you're not... choose another species please...


anoasis's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:53 AM
Edited by anoasis on Sun 06/01/08 11:55 AM

All that my co-workers want to do is dive, eat, have sex and play ... not that that is a bad set of objectives, but it does make me jealous that I can only manage two out of those four at anyone time!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I won't ask which 2 you are able to manage at one time...

not to brag but I have done 3 at once...


Just read to where wouldee estimated he can do all 4. Retracting my previously stated braggadocio... I will stop at 3...


anoasis's photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:41 AM

As long as you are consistent- don't come win or lose- then you may be excused.

Oh Im real consistant!!
I have only seen them play once and that was at Wembley in London.

So, I am a long distance fan.

It's a blessing to love your work. flowerforyou And it sounds like your co-workers are a lot of fun- which can make any job fun. :smile:

All that my co-workers want to do is dive, eat, have sex and play ... not that that is a bad set of objectives, but it does make me jealous that I can only manage two out of those four at anyone time!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I won't ask which 2 you are able to manage at one time...

not to brag but I have done 3 at once...


anoasis's photo
Sun 06/01/08 07:08 AM

Adam and Eve knew all and satan was just able to slither up and say, "Why you listening to God, eat from the tree

1) Why did God create Satan?
2) Why would God let Satan slither up to these dopey idiots in the first place.
3) If God is omnipotent, why did he not see this coming?
4) So if the Canaanites were produced on the 6th day and Tweedledum and Tweedledumber were on day seven,why do we say Adam was the world's first man?
5) Why are giants being allowed to walk the earth, when obviously the Miami Dolphins should be given precedence?

Re #5. Because the Dol-fans (Miami Dolphin Fans) are fickle and don't show up during a losing season.

I cant help it!! I live 5000 miles away in the middle of nowhere.

Although for work, I do get to swim with Egyptian Dolphins bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

A hard life as a diving instructor

As long as you are consistent- don't come win or lose- then you may be excused.

It's a blessing to love your work. flowerforyou And it sounds like your co-workers are a lot of fun- which can make any job fun. :smile:

anoasis's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:51 AM

Adam and Eve knew all and satan was just able to slither up and say, "Why you listening to God, eat from the tree

1) Why did God create Satan?
2) Why would God let Satan slither up to these dopey idiots in the first place.
3) If God is omnipotent, why did he not see this coming?
4) So if the Canaanites were produced on the 6th day and Tweedledum and Tweedledumber were on day seven,why do we say Adam was the world's first man?
5) Why are giants being allowed to walk the earth, when obviously the Miami Dolphins should be given precedence?

Re #5. Because the Dol-fans (Miami Dolphin Fans) are fickle and don't show up during a losing season.

anoasis's photo
Sat 05/31/08 08:58 PM
How could we know? We cannot.

So I will not mock or say it is not possible. When I see multiple cultures with similar mythology it makes me think that they must be based on *something*,

E.g. elves, faeries, dragons, vampires, werewolves, etc. have so many histories in different locations that it seems they must have been based on some who seemed inexplicably different.

However, for the vast majority of the people currently calling themselves "otherkin" I think the most likely explanation is that many people feel isolated and so very different from the main stream of society around them that it would be a comfort to them to have some kind of explanation for their separateness, their difference.

And so feeling different, feeling that most cannot or will-not understand them, they cling to the thought that this is because they actually *are* different. That they are not human.

But of course that is just my feeling...

Peace to all human and non-human alike.

(in reality this whole post is just to cover up the fact that I am secretly a water sprite :wink: )

anoasis's photo
Sat 05/31/08 07:33 PM

I was never an atheist.
I always new there was a god.
I just thought he was the cruelest being that ever existed, and I hated him with my soul!

she lives in you as you live in her ... nothing separate ... but a 12 year old just wants his mom ... and someone to blame ... I am saddened by your experience ... flowerforyou


We are defined by our trials and tribulations!

I don't believe that. I believe we are ultimately defined by our responses to the trials and tribulations (and the good things too) that happen to us.

We cannot control what happens. We can only control how we respond to those things.

Sorry about your mother Fanta. :cry:

How can an emotionally devastated 12 yr old be in control of what happens anoasis? How much control can they have when they are left to deal with getting over that kind of trauma with no outside help.
You always hear, time heals everything, but that isn't true. Believe me it isn't.
Sure I dealt with it and survived, but it was at a cost. I became cold and emotionally detached, reckless and uncaring. It affected every aspect of my life and governed every decision I made for years to come. I cared not what happened to me and even less about what happened to those around me. Holidays were dreaded and the problems became worse at those times.
As time went on I became better at incorporating my emotions and psychological scars into a norm. A norm that I held on to and used to cope day to day, year to year.
My tribulations became me and I became them! I grew to enjoy hurting like a heroin addict enjoys the high. I reveled in my anger and determined it a necessity.
I grew comfortable with it and mastered it like a chess champion masters the game.

Later, 10 yrs ago or so, I witnessed and experienced a few things which changed my hate for god to understanding, but I am who I am because of my 25 year journey and I can never change that!

Ok, I will leave now, and not bother yall again, but JB asked and I tried to explain how one can hate God!

Fanta I am so sorry you misunderstood what I was trying to say. My heart weeps for the child who lost his mother and could only cry to god. brokenheart

In my post I was responding to the part where you quoted "we are defined by our trials and tribulations" I do not agree with that statement exactly because we *cannot* control the trials and tribulation that happen to us. we can only control how we react to them. Children certainly have the least life experience and knowledge to help them handle trials and tribulations. But again what I meant was that it's not the trial that defines you, it's the way that you were changed. Maybe it seems like the same thing to you.

In any case I am sorry to be so unclear in my meaning as to have caused you even a milisecond of additional sorrow. Sometimes I hesitate to post because I am concerned that I will be unclear and cause some unintentional harm.

I am sorry.


anoasis's photo
Sat 05/31/08 01:38 PM

That's ok- I think you can handle whatever is thrown your way....

bigsmile flowerforyou bigsmile

anoasis's photo
Sat 05/31/08 12:30 PM

I was never an atheist.
I always new there was a god.
I just thought he was the cruelest being that ever existed, and I hated him with my soul!

she lives in you as you live in her ... nothing separate ... but a 12 year old just wants his mom ... and someone to blame ... I am saddened by your experience ... flowerforyou


We are defined by our trials and tribulations!

I don't believe that. I believe we are ultimately defined by our responses to the trials and tribulations (and the good things too) that happen to us.

We cannot control what happens. We can only control how we respond to those things.

Sorry about your mother Fanta. :cry:

anoasis's photo
Sat 05/31/08 12:19 PM

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Strength for your whole family.


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