Community > Posts By > BlueskyJ

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:31 AM
Edited by BlueskyJ on Wed 07/30/14 12:56 AM
I've learned not to take any of this online dating site stuff
seriously....I'm here to relax and have fun...don't really care if
I meet someone to date...

I've learned to let life's watery currents carry me along my journey, and just enjoy the ride...

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:18 AM
Which reminds me of my worse pick-up line that works...

If I could rewrite the Alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together...

totally lame.....

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 07/30/14 12:09 AM
If people would just serve me I wouldn't have to tell them what to do!

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/29/14 09:38 PM
I'm not sure what is a Real Man. My creator told me I am

Blueskyj_14 of 80

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/29/14 03:03 AM

The majority of the women already have kids. And the rest... well, what are they doing here? They only come online about once a week. Imagine how many messages they must get through before they get to yours... they're a waste of time.

And another thing I don't like is being made to wait for a reply. If they're online and I send them a message I expect an immediate response. Yet they don't even bother to read it sometimes. Such silly little games they play. Pretending to be hip and laid back. What is the point!

You're crying because women your age(34)have kids and they don't read your emails? Ha! Ha! You really need to look in the mirror Freddy Krueger....

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/29/14 12:48 AM
the Love of Money is Best

Money Can't Buy Me Love, But it Can Buy Me a Lovely Night in Bed

Love is Overrated

Love can't buy you food...or pay your rent...or gas your car

If you can't have love, but do you have money, you can always buy an ice cream cone.

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/29/14 12:31 AM
Edited by BlueskyJ on Tue 07/29/14 12:30 AM

I'm inthe middle of a desert xo thirsty,trying to look for help please ladies am seriouse about this please dont let me die n you can save me

Geez, You'll say anything to get some milk

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/29/14 12:29 AM
I got a divorce so I wouldn't shoot her with a shotgun....


BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/29/14 12:22 AM
Guys usually initiate sex in a new relationship...

That guy talked about it...I just make my move...the worse that can happen is she says no...

Nothing ventured, Nothing gained...

Instead of being 'alarmed or turned off', I would think the lady would be impressed that she is desirable, at least to somebody...ha!

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 12/27/11 02:54 AM
In 2012 I plan to reduce my 4 girlfriends down to 1 or's
too much planning & work to keep them all satisfied....

BlueskyJ's photo
Mon 04/05/10 10:27 PM
I have secret crushes


BlueskyJ's photo
Sat 04/03/10 10:41 AM
I read through 100 profiles of both men & women to see how many admitted to smoking....41 said they smoked....while 100 may seem like a small sample, most statiticians would say on this site that is an adequate sampling....

I would have to agree with the OP, more people on this site are smokers than the general population....I have read the medical research on the effects of cigarette smoking....Whether you agree with them or not doesn't matter to me...I believe especially since I once smoked, albeit for only a few months...It is highly addictive...It is a rare person that can even quit....The health effects on the smoker & anyone near them is DEVASTATING....Every smoker I've dated always looked ten years older or more....their face showed premature aging & usually their jawline was like a roadmap of lines...

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 02/24/10 03:04 PM
I just put in my profile that I'm a wealthy CEO and women ask me out? I wonder why?

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 02/24/10 03:02 PM
5000 or more....that should take a few hundred years....but whats a few hundred when your already over a thousand

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 02/24/10 02:57 PM

:heart: A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run - Sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet:heart: Do you think this is true?

Men are more like dogs....we'll sniff you out & lift our leg to mark our territory....

BlueskyJ's photo
Wed 02/24/10 02:54 PM
none, though I'm open to persuasion

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 10/20/09 10:13 PM
This is so far off it hurts......... let me explain it for you .............someone is feeding your mind with crap men and women are like night and day in some ways but in others ways we all want someone that we can relate too someone that understands us for who we are someone that loves us for whom we are not for what they want us to be. Someone that will stick beside us through thick and thin but will let us be ourselves as well.

I completely agree with you....

his statement is a man's point of view that I have heard a few times, but I'm not buying it....I think everybody changes to some extent, yet i do think our basic nature is mostly stable.....I've always said I want someone who 'gets me' which is essentially what you are saying....and the stick beside us through thick & thin part you wrote is right on!!!

BlueskyJ's photo
Sat 09/12/09 09:11 PM
we have mild temperatures in the winter....some rain though not enough the last couple of doesn't snow here & is occasionally windy.....most days are in the 60's - 70's and it will cool into the 40's in the middle of winter....

BlueskyJ's photo
Sat 09/12/09 09:05 PM
Clairol...Nice n' Easy.....

I've been grey since my thirties....the rest is Au naturale

BlueskyJ's photo
Fri 07/10/09 05:49 AM
thank you Smiless for the time & effort you put into my reading......
I appreciate it & find it to be quite true and amazingly accurate....
I am a teacher for many years & have recently added massage therapy as part of my career repetoire....i think you did a great joy of describing both the inner & outer me.....thanks are

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