Community > Posts By > LivingByBeats

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 08:00 PM
heh. cute.. actually that was just a fleeting thought for me :P if i were to overanalyze this, you'd be amazed at what I could come up with, and then not only would i have the process, but also the conclusion and the result.

i have a keen mind. this for me is equitable to what football would be to jock and a spoon full of sugar would be to mary poppins....

nothing at all, but what is done on weekends ;)

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 07:50 PM
so i've been thinking about this today, and whether or not to throw this out there, considering that as a general rule i tend to blog content that i find interesting and dychotomous... but then... as this is theoretically a friends first website, and a relationship website as a secondary function - though conversly, I will write it here...

I will post a profile from a different website, and then my editorial (which i sent as an email to the profile holder incidently) on said profile. A little background though... This woman is 34, quite attractive in that european runway model kind of way, though not kate moss thin. I'm dutch, so I'd have to say more blonde in the classical dutch/german sense.

Here is her profile:
I am young at heart, and believe that life should always be lived in the present; now will never come again. Can you seize time, while maintaining perspective on the things that matter the most?

I am also unpretentious, but have an expectation of chivalry that sadly, seems to be sorely lacking these days. It seems I need to clarify that: I am not referring to holding doors open or picking up the check; I am referring to a man who can be honest in his intentions, because he truly respects all women and has self-respect. If you are dishonest, you dishonour yourself foremostly.

That being said, allow me to openly and honestly state my intentions: a long-term relationship with an equal is my ultimate goal. If it's not yours, move on please. I may be blond but I'll figure it out pretty fast. If it is, let's see what happens. Just a few stipulations:

-no pic, no response
-be free of relationships, past AND present (if you cheat, I will consider going out of my way to get you busted, because I would find that funny)
-you don't have children
-no 'playas', you know who you are (and yet you keep a-knockin')
-no one below 6 ft (I know, superficial, but I'm 5'10" with heels and you must be taller than me at all times)


-if you're 'looking for something hot', please check out the 'intimates' page, because I definitely don't have a profile there.

I have received a few unsolicited, hostile responses due to the above-mentioned. If you are so inclined, be aware that you are wasting your time, breath and credits, as well as proving my profile is doing exactly what it's intended to do. If you think I'm preachy, I sincerely do not care. I do not respond to hostility from insecure men...

How people treat you is their you react is yours. - Wayne Dyer

Best of Luck to you, and remember to always mind your manners.

here is my editorial/email:
chivalry isn't dead however the quality of women that are women is as sorely lacking as the quality of men in this day and age.

what is and isn't pretentious, or right or quality within and without is more than declarations of desires and expectations. it is a presentation of inward attributes and decisions outwardly towards another.

there is a line from "Meet Joe Black"
"I would take care of a woman, after all she takes care of me" to which the reply simply is, "you will not find that in this day and age in today's woman" which is quite as a matter of fact, distinctly the truth.

I have noticed a trend on Lavalife. Attractive women with expectations, demands, with nothing more to offer than a catologue of do's and don'ts. Yet, not an attribute among them of characteristics which show they are deserving of anything other than that which it is they are subjected.

Be what you desire, and what you desire will be.

You are obviously a very aesthetically attractive woman. However, I wonder if beyond that, the depth of your spirit, soul or character can match the quality of an aesthetic that will and must fade over time; which then will leave you with the remnant of your heart.

don't believe me? take a look around at your competition. Attractive women in their late 30's to mid 50's all claiming no different than what you yourself are claiming, yet, single. Is it because there is a lack of good men? Or is it perhaps a combination of the lack of quality within them which has been bred through this floundering generation of expecting and wantonness?

I am a man. I am chivalrous. I know that how I treat women is first and foremost a reflection of what I have been taught by women - namely those within my own family, and my own heritage. I come from a lineage of good and right women. I know the difference.

However, to be chivalrous also includes the ability to always speak the truth, even if it were to cost me my life.

You have been given the truth. Can you be woman enough of the same quality to humbly accept it in the same demeanor as to which you demand and declare your expectations?

Knowing what you want is only 1 side of the blade. The other side is knowing what you have to offer.

You have only shown one side of a double edged sword.


actually i pulled the line from "Meet joe black" today, simply beacause I had never watched that film and it was recommended to me, and as it were, it appeared on the tv during my lunch break today (I work for myself from home). So of course I watched it.

It was the catalyst to thoughts I've had over the past week since joining this particular website and the amusing irony of most all online dating sites.

I have read most of the profiles online, both here and other locations - both men and women, and find an interestingly disturbing theme. How is it that so many people can be lonely yet, be so overwhelmingly narcissistic in their statements, and expectations... doesn't it occur to anyone that this kind of self absorbed arrogance doesn't serve their plight as they age, and less opportunities arise for both sexes?

I have been single as a conscious choice. I joined JustSayHi and within 5 hours met many wonderful individuals. I also met a few wingnuts who instantly hit the delete and iggy bucket, because i will not tolerate being subjected to another human beings issues. As I wouldn't subject them to mine. shrugs...

although I realize that many of the comments which will occur to this particular discussion posting will be clanging and noisy pointlessness, I have to ask those whom are capable of disseminating the difference between an opinion being an asshole that cannot be plugged, toward an opinion that has depth and thought into it....
i of course will read all of them, since its always a good thing to know who is and isn't of value - in both genders.

Oh! on a side note. I'm not arrogant. I am just a little bit of a different animal. My profile is entirely a parody because well, I'm not lonely. I don't have any interest in explaining that, however, its just that some men and women are just not cut from the same slab as the masses.

I look forward to reading all comments and character asassinations that will occur :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:19 PM
on a specific notation....
you drive cross country to meet guys....
ahhh date guys with cars. if he isn't going to drive to meet you do you really want a guy that can't be bothered? or doesn't think you're worth the trip?

and then

you get all indignant when dumb a$$ lazy guy who didn't want to drive to meet you didn't give you gas money? duh!

and then

cuz the first lesson wasn't something to put in the
"note to self: do not drive to meet guys" little book of "what did i learn today" you go and do it again?
so that "one time you got $15 for gas"

uh... why don't you add up all the gas money you spent, and figure out just as a random ballpark how much money you're spending to NOT learn that it is a bad idea to drive across country to meet the guy? hmmmmmm?

the truth may really bite to hear it, but i think that maybe you need to hear it.

women have the same equal rights as men, BUT men should still ACT LIKE men and do what is right and honorable. Any woman that drives to meet a man, isn't meeting a man, she's meeting a little boy that won't grow up that is about to take her for a ride and she deserves what she gets because she has just told the entire world that "i'm not good enough or worth enough so that a man finds me valuable to stop what he's doing and desire to travel to see me."

what people think of themselves, is how they'll be treated. period.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 04:12 PM
right... so if you keep running into "these things" then you're doing things the same way. you know... same methods, same results...
change HOW you do things, and your results will change....

most of what you wrote anyone with a little bit of life experience can see coming with the crack of dawn in the morning. it should be a red flag for the next time. if a person falls for the same thing over and over again instantly it is no longer the "other person" it instantly becomes the person who is falling for those same things over and over again....

its simple,
if you stab yourself with a knife and it hurts... how many times are you going to stab yourself with a knife to know it hurts? 30? 50? 150? 39954? i mean really....

don't kid yourself, men run into the same problems, but i can tell you personally, i see the first flag, i click delete, block and move on. why bother waiting for the next flag, and then the next flag after that?

i'm not a masochist, so if you're running into these same issues perpetualy, there simply comes a point in your reality where you have to stop, look, stop blaming "men" and realize siht! i'm running into the same crap over and over again what am I DOING WRONG that I NEED TO CHANGE.

accountability vs denial

chinese proverb says:

fool me once shame on you.
fool me twice shame on me.

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 03:26 PM
I've never had herpes... :|
doh! i jst read the question... damn... uhhhh then i'd have to say pinky :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Fri 10/05/07 10:18 AM
i love kids... my dog and i go out regularly and hunt them... did you know if you throw in a little red onion takes the bitterness out. :) and of course capers... have to have that little bit of tangy...

i cook them, but i make sure that i leave a good raw chunk for my dog.. she likes her meat raw...

we're sort of partial to the 4 and 5 year olds... usually mommy and daddy have fed them full of McDonalds and other crap so they're nice and plump little butter balls...

i say keep the kids! feed the third world!

LivingByBeats's photo
Thu 10/04/07 10:00 PM
ladies, ladies, ladies...
pick a better quality guy :|

I am going to answer these in order :P

1: go out on thursday through saturday and tell him you're going out with the girls to pick up guys... wanna see how fast he'll call?
better yet, tell him you can only talk on thursday through saturday. if he's interested he'll call and forget his buds.
2: not even going to answer this one,its internet... i don't know the dynamics on this one yet...
3: why are you giving it up then hmmmm?
4: quiz them randomly. if you have sons... use their names, don't say "my son" say, "bob" not "bobby" or "twinkie" cuz he'll tweak up listening to a boys name.
5: uh... if you drove? you deserved what you got... he comes to see you, you do NOT go to see him.... first mistake
6: the response to that text msg is "someone else"
7: response to that is? "who are you again?"
8: uhhh thats an american thing.. i'm in canada, i'd have to ask the canadian girls if canadian guys do that... i know i don't... its creepy
9: let him ask you out, don't throw yourself on the carpet like that... he is suppose to chase you... the rules are still the same aren't they? if you're old school as you say...
10: uhhh, liking kids i can't answer either... i love kids, but sometimes some kids don't like me, though that hasn't happened yet... and not all kids are the same... if i like kids, it doesn't mean i'm up for the kids that get tossed out of mcdonalds, so that is case by case... relax on that a bit... if he's a knob, you'll figure it out quick enough....
11: uhhhh if he didn't the first time, he ain't gonna the second time... ok? so if thats what you want, you'll have that for life... promise
12: anyone who says it isn't about looks is so full of siht that it is almost naive.. we are ALL attracted to a degree on physical attraction, hence pheremones, testosterone etc etc etc...
13: can't answer this one, i'm not a pig
14: can't ansewr this one either... i'd be running from women if i was seperated... sort of a "hate you cuz she is a $#$%#$%" scenario...
15: well that has nothing to do with the guy... if you see the flags and you let down your guard then you get to reap what you sowed... take responsibility for not knowing better, and don't blame the guy for that :)

its the internet don't be so out there with it...
i figure that it is a 1 in a million shot that anyone is going to meet anyone else that they can see for life... and that is day to day, so you have to extrapilate and multiply for online...

however, now in the defense of the men....
ladies... guess what? if you have baggage, get offline. If you are angry, get offline. if you are bitter or hurt from a recent relationship, get offline...
get healthy first before looking for someone else... no one will "complete" you.. you have to be complete BEFORE you get involved with someone else... that is why its called a relationship and not a band aid. :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Thu 10/04/07 08:34 PM

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:37 PM
damn that was 6 words... doh! damn.. ****..

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:37 PM
oh wait..
i mean last word

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:37 PM

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:33 PM
well i don't know why you're all here :\ i'm here for the donuts.. i like donuts.. really... course if they had smarties, i'd be happier but meh, they're free, so i don't *****... well unless i end up missing the ones with the sprinklies on the them... and who the hell is it that keeps taking the sprinkly ones?

you should really share the sprinkly ones, everyone likes those... rainbow colors... white frosting... yellow filling (what is that yellow filling anyway) mmmmmmhhmmmmmmm

(heads back over to donut table)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:28 PM
ahhh, so i got lost... let me see if i recap this properly... dude asks weight, people are very fragile, random is a good friend from cs....

so then...

what the hell is cs? :|

and where is virginia woolf?
and who likes green eggs and ham?
blink blink
wipe, blink stare...

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 10:14 PM
dude lighten up... its a forum... on the internet... with text in little white boxes... if you get offended by anything on the internet, how the hell do you manage with people face to face?

so just chillax...

(oh and ps: i do counsel crackheads and prostitutes, and abused women and rehab patients.. just as a side note... UGM... perhaps you've heard of them... still an international organization if i remember :D)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 08:48 PM
i became more observant, realizing that there was a lack of pedestrian traffic as well. no one walking their dog, or jogging. no one waiting at the different bus pickups. I realized suddenly that there was an absence of wildlife. where were the squirrels and dogs and cats? Where were the birds? I slowed my drive a bit, as there weren't any other cars surrounding me as i came over the ridge, towards the inner city...
silence... almost ghost like... I turned off the cd that i had playing and searched for radio stations... static...

ok.. so this is surreal... what is going on? i pulled off the ramp and down an arterial to see if i could find any random individuals or any sign of life, to no avail.

I noticed the flasing "open" sign of a store up ahead and pulled along side the curb. Jumping out i went to the door and looked inside... no movement. I tried the door... it was open... i opened it and leaned in, nervous though not really sure why... I called in "hello? anybody here?" with only the sound of silence and the video game machine in the corner blipping and bleeping...

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 04:44 PM
right... this is like a chain letter, but cuz its in the forum its a chain forum. but then some people call it a billboard so its a chain billboard, though billboards are usually made from cork so it couldn't be a chain cork, cuz that wouldn't make any sense, unless of course it was a cork board, but then the point of it being a run on story vis a vis a chain sort of story, like telephone line but its on the internet so then it could be an internet line, but that is too refective of a dating site, and i don't know about you, but i'm not a big fan of the internet line so ... uhhh wait... sorry about that ... thought bubble... shouldn't have typed it...

k k k k k... right the thing is this....

any wanna be authors out there that think that they can actually stay in track with the theme and concept here? the point is to write a story. every new forum post MUST be a continuation of the story... yes yes, i know there is always going to be random LUGAN who will post random comment in the middle of the random story cuz well, brain cells are really alotted to the human race as a completion, and some of the peeps.. well they didn't get any... nuff said. shrug...

so I'll start a pointless story beginning and the next person who posts, should continue on with it. Lets see if we can actually develop something just cuz if we're reading on the forum, why not just let the imagination (drug induced or otherwise) carry you through to the wee wee hours of the morning :P


the distant ringing intruded with foghorn resonance through the haze of the lost clouds of dream, reviving me into les than coherent waking... is a drifted into the land of the living, the registration of an alarm clock some how imprinted on me enough to reach in the general direction of the noise...

thunk .... ahhhh silence... but no hope or possibility of returning to the pastures of wondrous sleep i think i was enjoying....

slowly the day started to come into focus, as I lay there with the dirty glass lens cap where my eyes were meant to be.... groan... it was saturday... and i was up too early... it was time to drive... time to traverse the traffic and musical horns and shouts and conductor like hand gestures that would be the hours of my morning before the escape to the outer rims, into the country....

I shook my head, as I flipped my legs over the side of the bed... sitting there for a second, to gain enough balance to stumble into the shower....


LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:51 PM
duhhh, clones of course... its all about me dammit! many many me's !!! :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:23 PM
(this was written by me and is copyright protected, and currently published. I am posting it here for reading pleasure, so please I would appreciate it that class and decorum are the rule not the exception...)

I wrote this in one sitting one morning, for something to do...

conceptualize what I’m beginning,
to realize evasive purity of love.
Yet not at all impossible discovery,
since tasted her indeed, the blessed scent
and sweet - its holy nectar
You see, the thing to do for actuation,
is hold on to the dream from incubation.
and search not ever for it to appear,
but trust in faith its always very near.
However first to recognize it,
alert indeed you must to soulful pit.
since in yourself to first a bloom
to fit the one you’ve spaced the room.
okay before i run along to far ahead,
elaborate i will for you instead.
it starts the first time you long toward,
that distant quiet hope for a reward.
now stop and quiet think for just a moment,
the first time you endured that painful torment.
extrapilate the joy of newness,
electrically dispersed by first caress.
now hold on tight to this as we continue,
to build toward indeed the fullest true.
now take the dreams from torn exasperation,
toward each refined honing expectation.
and then again another comes along,
which we of course believe we should belong.
but wait, no this again is circular result,
and joy and pain arrive and then depart.
so on and on each new one brings us twitters,
to hold on tight to faith, or suffer bitters.
remember how i said to hold the warmest feeling?
this is how you define what keeps you reeling.
the warm inside of you that is refined,
will clearly outline all you have defined.

(Now caution must i now alert for warn,
the window of this love is slimly shown.
to choose not listen to its quiet calling,
do not be caught when daily winds start blowing.
because you’ll never know its past you by
until too late you’ll wish it as you cry.
remember that in strength and trust to be,
to truly hold this loosely and stay free.
since every evil thing will suddenly appear,
since hate and fear and jealously will sneer.
destroying what you know is true two hearts,
the strength and equal balance it imparts.
as fear and doubt and past oppression,
cause to make your dreams a mass deception.
Just trust your heart, your hope, your haste,
and pray of course for guidance in this gate.
because the evil hates the pure of love,
just as he hates the coming of the dove.
he’ll steal and kill in every way he can,
using your past, your family and friend.
and one thing more i want to say,
keep this in your heart from day to day.
and hold on tight to it inside yourself,
since it will hold you in your wealth.
and view it as a gift from God above,
because the spirit is a guide of love.
yet if perchance you lose this precious thing,
by evil, hate or whatever else will spring.
hold tight to what you knew inside as truth,
don’t let it steal you from the joy of youth.
since in this one of pure experience,
will help you stand life’s constant variance.
and if you lose it (as i did for shame),
you’ll know that you were never one to blame.
to keep it as a light for morrow’s rent,
to keep you light and know time was well spent.
since drive you will this love for evermore,
to keep the joy inside you pure to store.
Because for me it keeps my hope in constant strength,
and adds to me a love, daily shared at length.)

Now 39 am I, and all of this I’ve done,
and yes I’ve lost too much, yet I have won!
The trip is not the poison from the yeast,
but in the having once instead at least.
because in patient faith waiting to become,
the soulmate I was made to join as one.
i knew it so completely that from just then,
i measure all the rest by her blooms stem.
not in dispair or blood out poured,
but rather yet, perfection once endured.
because just once indeed can you realize,
if truly self aware and promised wise.
No matter how the outcome has occured.
I’ll love her all my life by heart and word.
as matter shown my muse she’s still shown here
and write about loves truth without a fear.
So, if you still hope what i express,
do so with waiting faith, not hunting stress.
because you only service to achieve,
a multitude of pain you’ll not relieve.
but wait like I for perfect to appear,
the one true piece to fit without the fear.
since when that moment will occur,
you’ll know its him or know its her.
A God-like oneness which reflects the purity of union.
If you’ve tasted this, you’ll know its not opinion.
However, for yoursake I wish it constant,
and not like I that went and lost it.
How this occured is not of value,
the taste just once is still quite true.
so if you’re her and read this story,
i love you still without a worry.
For inside me you grow in beauty,
A gift from God i do know truely.

JVL 2003 - Oct - 23

(All written material contained on this poem are subject to copyright. You may not reproduce, copy, disseminate or post in either whole or context part of these written materials without the written consent of the author, editor or publisher of the above mentioned subject. Those who do not comply with the above are in violation of international law. Alle geschreven materialen die op deze blog plaats bevat worden, zijn onderwerp om het auteursrecht van te deponeren. U zult, kopie, niet verspreid misschien reproduceren of verstuur in ofwel geheel ofwel context deel van deze geschrijfd materialen zonder de geschreven toestemming van de auteur, redacteur of uitgever van het boven vermeld onderwerp. Degenen die voldoen niet aan het boven zijn in overtreding van de wet. Netherlands)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:18 PM
(this is a short little ditty i was writing one day, which of course isn't finished... my curiousity is to see if any woman can actually fill in the next part of this story...)
***** entertainment value only *****

(he writes....)
he watches her, sitting at the desk in the high back dining chair, her head leaning over the papers on the desk, hands clasped behind her back between her and the back of the chair... walking up behind her careful not to disturb her in thought, he forms a circle with his index finger and thumb, wrapping them around her wrist, whispering in her ear, "click, i just cuffed you, you're mine now"

her head snaps up from her deep concentration, as he swings the chair around, trapping her arms between the small of her back and the chair, sitting on the chair, pulling her legs overtop his, pushing her hard, back against the chair...

she glares at him with a mixture of curiousity, and annoyance at the interruption.

with his hand on the back of her head, and her legs stretched over his, pushed together, almost crotch to crotch, he leans into kiss her...

inspite of herself, she opens her mouth to recieve his lips, just as he grazes her, he stops, with a mischievous smirk.

she tries to bite him for failing to kiss her, just as he pulls her head back.

he wraps his hand around her back, interlacing fingers and pulls her close to him, as he presses toward her, letting his lips rest against her inner neck, just about her collar-bone, opening his lips extending his tongue just to graze with his breathe contrasting the wetness left as a trail, dragging his lips just barely above her flesh, occasionally dragging his teeth from her ear to the bone on her shoulder...

letting go of her hair, he reaches around lifting her, as she wraps her legs around him, pushing forward against him, forcing his mouth harder against the muscle just below your ear. biting her exacts a quiet sound as her arms wrap around him... he leans into the wall, gripping her firmly by her thighs....

(she writes...)
she places her hands on the sides of his head...gently running her fingers through his soft hair. with a firm hand she tilts his head up and back against the wall so his chin is directly above her mouth. he feels her warm breath as she parts her lips while staring deeply into his eyes...her glistening tongue reflecting from the light breaks his stare. He looks down anticipating the softness of her fllesh on him...with tender passion she traces the outline of his chin..from the dimple on his chin down to his neck...he lets out a heavy moan that sends chills over her body. using her place soft kisses on his chest she reaches the top of his shirt. again she looks up and stares into his soulful eyes...he pulls her in even tighter. his hands cupping her bottom. and in one swift movement he.......

(he writes...)
holding her firmly, he spins her around pressing her - chest to waist into the wall - pulling her head sidways biting lightly and firmly into the muscle above her collarbone and back of her neck, pressing himself into her lowerback, pushing his hand just inside her waist band, he drags his nails across her firm soft belly, as a deep quiet moan escapes her throat, she pushes back against him, her hands reaching around pulling him in closer... she turns her head and their lips meet in the first full embrace, tongues dancing lightly, yet hungrily....

slowly she faces him, they release their clenched pressure, body off body.... looking into her eyes, everything is shown, his heart, his mind his soul, touching her's....

(she writes...)

LivingByBeats's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:13 PM
A man is lying on an empty beach, sunbathing in the nude. Helooks up to see a little girl approaching him. He looksfrantically for something to cover himself with. He quicklygrabs a magazine he was reading and puts it over himself.

The little girl comes up and asks what is under themagazine.

"A sleeping bird" the man says. "Don't disturb it".
The girl leaves, and the man falls asleep shortly after.

When he wakes up he is in a hospital with his crotch inextreme pain. The doctors ask him what happened to him. Hetells them that he told a little girl it was a bird, and thenwent to sleep.

The doctors sent police to the beach to find the girl. Whenthey find her, they ask her what happened.

She told them, "I got curious about the bird that the manhid. When I woke it up and began to play with it, it spit onme. So i broke its neck, cracked its eggs, and lit its neston fire."

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