Community > Posts By > LivingByBeats

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:51 PM
heh... there is no right or wrong answer. its perceptional.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:50 PM
yup :) life is an experiment. if one is able to manage controls and methods with research. Anything can be attempted with an objective perception :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:45 PM
heh that happend to me once...

i was asked to implement an entirely new system, which i architected and formulated with specific steps. The company owner, i suppose to look like a big shot, decided to forego the methods i had instituted and the entire rebuild of the new system crashed and wiped out all their data.

I told him that he should've listened and not asked me to architect it if he wasn't intending on listening.

I repaired what I could repair and was "let go" because of poor implimentation of a format i wasn't even able to properly implement... heh...

however, the saving grace? that company was bankrupt in 5 months and my career as a self employed consultant began :)

all things are good things in the long run so hold your head up and walk tall honey :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:42 PM
Does anyone blog here?
I blog cuz I have lots that I think about and like to get out of the skull and into virtual reality. I sometimes even paste answers to forum posts from excerpts of my blog, because I abhor repetition heh...

it would be interesting to read the blogs that people write here if they're willing to post the url (web address) to their blogs here :)

mine is:

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:13 PM
shadow: true that

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:11 PM
I have also taken the generic forms of Hapkido (a Korean Martial Art taught to the Korean Military) and Jeet Kendo or Jeet Kune Do - depending to whom you speak. I have a tendency to integrate - instinctively - Jeet Kune Do and Poekoelan as I find they are symbiotic in form and function.

I'm currently preparing to enter Sambo at the beginning of the new year.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:09 PM
see? any kind of test in an uncontroled environment is only good for about 10 answers. after that it degrades into pointlessness...

so each of these two tests have been successful :P

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:07 PM
there is only one school in the united states that currently teaches Poekoelan and it is watched closely by the Federal Government. You can probably google it.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:04 PM
Now, unlike most Martial Arts, Poekoelan is not a defensive discipline. It is an offensive discipline and can allow an individual to disable an opponent against over 150+ types of attacks, in all the different forms. The Japanese in the 2nd world war learned very quickly that fighting against the Indonesian underground meant death in 7 seconds. That it is a discipline designed to disable and end an opponent.

Poekoelan (Pu ku lan) is an Indonesian word, which means “series of blows with returning hands and feet;” Tjimindie means “beautiful flowing waters;” Tulen means “original.” Together, this describes the movement of this complete martial art, which flows gracefully and is effective in both combat and healing. The art is symbolized by the flexible, supple, yielding bamboo and an individualistic, beautiful rose that has thorns to protect itself. These symbols are set upon a black background, which signify the secrets and mysteries of the art.

The systems movements are of a nature akin to water and bamboo, fluid and circular, spiraling and continuous, graceful and whip-like. Movements are derived from four animals; the tiger, the crane, the monkey, and the snake. The use of these animals provide a set of dynamic dualities: soft/hard, fast/slow, small/large, fierce/playful, circular/angular and high/low. All of this is combined with a meditative, dance-like form, called the “crawl,” a movement that is completely unique to each practitioner.

It is as a matter of point, distinctly Indo-Dutch in origin and as a result the least known martial art of all the disciplines, as a result the most difficult to defend against. Every function and motion is fluid and invisible. Since each movement is distinctly unique to the individual it is also very difficult for two within the same discipline to spar off against each other. Since no two people move or flow with the same rhythm. Hence it is deadly when applied with focus, and when other disciplines have been integrated. It allows the individual practitioner to synchronize their movements to that of the attack, thus disabling any kata - or forms which are used in conjunction. I have a personal preference of breaking limbs, using the force of the attack to fracture itself when extended. But that’s because I probably need therapy heh… I also have a natural curve towards an individuals throat or back of the neck or any bending appendage, as they are the most easily captured when committed. The three advanced phases of the Tulen System are White Dragon, Silver Dragon and Gold Dragon. I was incidentally born in the year of the Dragon, and am a wood Dragon, and have always found the correlations between my training, and my birth astrology rather amusingly symbiotic. To give up a little secret here… when i’m dancing… many times i’m practicing forms which most don’t even realize… it is a very soft and fluid motion and does look like dancing :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 12:04 PM
my discipline is Poekoelan Tjimindie Tu. A derivative of Pentjat Silat. It is an Indonesian/Malaysian martial art which has rankings by dragon sash.

I've been practicing since i was able to walk (around 2yrs old) and have acquired all the proper progressions, where I am now able to teach.

It has only been legally allowed to be taught in North America in the last 3 years, and is still not legally practiced in Canada (where I live) nor can it be practiced here.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:57 AM
obedience (roflmao)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:57 AM
training (heh)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:57 AM

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:53 AM

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:49 AM
not since i asked another question i didn't ;)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:48 AM
I say, "clarity"

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:47 AM
Without using any of the words in the accompanying list, use a single word to describe the most important applicational attribute towards a successful relationship

1: Love
2: Trust
3: Fidelity
4: Honesty
5: Communication
6: Loyalty
7: Integrity

Please remember that these 7 words are not usuable as a single word descriptor.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:38 AM
so nothing :) just defining it...
this was actually a general test :P
i wanted to see who understood the question to answer it and who would defer with a redirectional statement. It's a good way to find out who is who and such :P

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:36 AM

mutual or reciprocal relation or relatedness; "interrelationships of animal structure and function"

\In`ter*re*la"tion\, n. Mutual or reciprocal relation; correlation.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 11:27 AM

likes interrupting a good game of mutual admiration society tag :P