Community > Posts By > LivingByBeats

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:34 AM
yo stalker...
see ashleya there? we're involved.. .back away now ok?
you're the non-topic...
do you want me to make you a topic?

i'll post all the whackjob stuff you sent...
so go away now okie?

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:29 AM
you know...
i can understand someone being confused about the topic at hand, as in most case some topics are just over the head of some individuals, however how can a non-topic actually confuse anyone? the entire foundation of a non-topic is that it is not a topic, and the dychotomy of all normal topical relationships cannot apply to any and all non-topical format discussions...

sigh, i guess its a good indicator if an individual, who is generally lost within a topic, and still lost within a non-topic, isn't able to converse on any topic, non or otherwise with any clarityl.

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:23 AM
you know? i'd have to agree that the nontopical paradigm could indeed affect the topical duality which appears to have inundated the perpetual topical aspect of all the other topics - which inherently - do find themselves ending up as non-topics. Thusly I thought why wait? might as well start off a topic as a non-topic to eliminate the inevitability of the topic paradigm shift from a topical, to the non-topical.

which, as you have noticed tends to be the inevitability of all the topical topics to date.

we should graph that :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:09 AM
mikey: that is rather a topic within a nontopic, and as such another thread.

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:05 AM
uhh quake? i'm not single dude ;)
but thanks for caring :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:04 AM
ultimately it really only matters about the topical content, and in context i would think upon each of the nontopical topics at any given time..
though this topic is rather unrelated to the topic of the nontopical inclusions

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:02 AM

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 09:00 AM
TeddyBear: actually according to the rules of a topical non-topic you - in case and practice - have already discussed your particular non-topic, which then closes that particular topic in the non-topical format, with the next comment after your comment on your particular non-topic.

its easy!

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:55 AM
I thought it would be nice to have a thread topic about nothing other than a non-topic. Basically this particular thread can be about absolutely no topic at all.

The input on this not a topic will and cannot be incorrect, though it is naturally assumed that all the topic non topic inclusions will be entirely related to the non-topic at hand.

Please be sure that if you contribute to this non-topic, that you're points and inclusions, are entirely related to, and/or support to the non-topic at hand!

As with all non-topics, the topic content has to be completely unrelated to any other topic, accepting of course that the topic is a non-topic nomenclature, of topical proportions, within the context of the non-topic thread.

The benefit of a non-topic is the ability to discuss any topic that isn't already a topic, within the confines of a non-topic format, and adhering toward, though not excluding the topics of all previously viewed non-topics at this time.


LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:25 AM

so CCP: uhhhh humor...
this is a funny haha kind of thread...



LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:20 AM
lets talk about this...
i mean is it cake? or is it ice cream?

you see you can leave cake out and in an hour you come back and its still there. in perfect shape minus whatever pieces you cut out of it, as a cake.

but ice cream! you can't leave it in a bowl for 5 minutes before its liquid cream (yeah yeah that is another thread, the whole liquid cream thing, but thats why this is in general discussions not "i wanna whack attack sex and dating section)

when you have a cake, made of ice cream, and you cut it, (which is really weirdo if you spend anytime thinking about it)

stay solid and then, in an hour its not cuttable because its pourable, BUT its still called an ice cream cake!

and what happens if you leave it in the freezer for 2 months? can you still eat it?

i mean, if you leave cake in the freezer for two months, you can't eat it, but ice cream cake, as a cake? can you? or is it still ice cream ?

enquiring minds need to know...

statistics to follow at a later date :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 08:13 AM
hey pjmaxx...
uh there is no way you'll get anyone to beleive that :P

mind you i have dated "heavier" women, but they were cool... if they're manic depressive or whatever, then who cares what they look like...

actually though... girls that are a little heavier? can go longer, which suits my disposition quite adaquately :D

though, i'm off the market now! sorry haha! snooze you lose :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Tue 10/09/07 07:34 AM
i'd post the statistics... but well..
nah... you all won't read em anyway :P

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 10:10 PM
Significant age disparity in sexual relationships has been a feature of couples in many cultures and societies. The most common pattern in heterosexual couples is an older man with a younger woman. This may be brought about as an arranged marriage, or either member may pursue and initiate the relationship. Situations involving a younger male with an older female also exist, and while not as common are considerably more common in recent years. Homosexual relationships of both sexes are also found. Age disparity in extreme cases may be seen as dysfunctional (a paraphilia) if such relationships are pursued to the exclusion of all others and to the detriment of the partners. The term alphamegamia can be used when a person is sexually aroused by partners of a different age group[1], and "chronophilia" can describe a sexual fixation on members of a different age group.

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 08:15 PM
geez, hiding that intellect behind the guise of a hot chick... damn good ruse!

i appreciate the accolades which I can say honestly - as a general rule - go in one ear and out the other, however, after reading your few little bits of observational self evidence I can respect the spirit and purpose of the commentary on this blog.

thank you, i'm humbled...

now, on a side note... i was just disturbed that an idiot mowed down two people in a neighborhood where he shouldn't have been going over 35 kmh from the onset. There are families, children, older people and this is a highly religious neighborhood. Very Jewish actually for those of you whom might be interested. There are synogogues, and yes, we have mosques within walking distance as well, so it is a surprise. The first accident on this corner in the history of this entire neighborhood.

I selected the hip hop surburban white kids, because we are in fact, statistically and actually having a national problem with that genre of individual.

All of the club shootings in the last decade have been hip hop oriented. Including those of popular rappers. The gangsta rap attitude of make money, treat women like "ho's" shoot anyone who you don't like. FTW, and all that crap is just not right thinking. it is wrong thinking. I don't care who and what you are, or where you come from on the socioeconomic spectrum. Even those depressed neighborhoods are making an effort to deal with that attitude within their own communities. We however, who sit in the middle class suburban neighborhoods think its someone else's problem.

It is. ours. we are someone else. period.

When i was a kid, we had our element, hell i was part of that element, but even we still stopped when grandma, or a little lady crossed the road, or a mother with her stroller crossed the road. I have a lot of friends that are in different vocations, and it doesn't matter if they're bikers, or ravers. They do the same thing, and why? Because they have mothers, and grand mothers, and children.

I have always beleived that we have to be the change we want to see in the world, and I personally have zero issue making statements online or personally in the faces of these things when I see them, and I will always be such a man.

That is what men do. They stand up for the helpless, and guard what is right and good in our world.

You women, are looking for men that will be men, and in turn perhaps have young boys that will raise them into men.

Well I hate to say it ladies, but well, boys wouldn't be able to treat their girlfriends as "ho's" if they were taught that no man should be allowed to do that, so whether or not you like it, if your daughter is like that, it is your fault and responsibility.

And if your sons are adhering and admonishing a lifestyle and genre that encourages that kind of treatment of women by men? Guess what. That is your fault as well, and your responsibility.

the truth is a double edged sword. you don't get to look down your noses at eminem and then turn around and say, that your kids, who are listening and acting as such, are good kids...
actually personally? i think eminem is brilliant. He's mocked a nation with their own need for validation, and making millions off of something he personally doesn't even beleive.

But look at the rest of em boys and girls.
2Pac, Biggie... both in the same damn industry... but oh one was east coast, one was west coast and owww ahhhh drugs are king and they're all bling bling.

the only thing they are is bug food.
that is what you think is ok to teach your kids?
and that makes you good parents?

bet you won't let your young kids online because of online predators, but yeah sure, buy that Role Playing Game where you can kill people all day long and get points for it...

we're a screwed up society. and we are responsible for it being that way. not someone else. not the neighbors. not the media. not the schools, not the governments. us. we are the one's who are raising our children so we are responsible.

The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.” Sir Winston Churchhill (12-Nov-1936)

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 07:24 PM
course i could read that a longhairbiker wants to beat me and crack me up...
or i could read it that longhairbiker is beating himself and cracking up...
but i don't have triggers in either of those two area's...


LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 07:21 PM
anytime bro :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 07:18 PM
i don't really think you wanna know what is in my imaginary world :\

though i'll tell you this? they're anatomically correct :D and better than the real thing :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 07:16 PM
actually no.. what you did was read it through whatever trigger you have in your life, that made it come out where you decided that I said you are in denial about your son doing drugs...
which isn't and wasn't and can't be at all inferred in any way at all by anyone by what i wrote...

i said saying you're a good mother is the beginning of living in denial... a seperate statement.

earlier to that i said how do you know that your son hasn't ever done drugs? or doesn't do drugs now...?
different, unrelated...
you put them together, by whatever it was that you saw, that wasn't written on the page and came up with

"you're in denial about your son doing drugs"

i noticed that in the first response about me "being fine with" people doing drugs at the raves, which isn't anything that I said either.....

but like i said...
most people read their their own triggers and insecurities, they don't actually look at things objectively and read them as they are written...
which is why 99% of the time things are misunderstood and the western world has communication problems...

LivingByBeats's photo
Mon 10/08/07 06:49 PM
uhhh, you obviously didn't read what i wrote...

why do people do that? read what they want to see and not what is written??