Community > Posts By > ohiostate13

ohiostate13's photo
Tue 04/19/11 08:15 AM
Yes, I know what I want out of life. What I want isn't wealth or materialistic, what I want is to have a family of my own

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:11 PM
I agree with you NellySue, you do have to find yourself again after a long relationship. You tend to figure out sometimes things that you didn't do or just went with because of your now former signifigant other.

I got thru my last relationship suprisingly easy because I realized I did nothing wrong in that relationship. If anything I had went above and beyond for her, I treated her like gold, only for her to cheat. I had nothing to feel bad about, so moving on from it was really easy for me.

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:05 PM
coffee most definitely, it's a very rare morning that I don't start off with "folgers in my cup" lol

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 01:02 PM
I've done it before, I won't lie, but the only time I do now is when I pull over in a parking lot if I need to text that bad for some reason

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 12:58 PM
To not take love for granted, if you do you will lose it

I have a quote of mine I try to live by.................To find love is one thing, to be able to hold onto it is another.

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 02:37 AM
I wouldn't say I have a biggest enemy, but I do have a few people that aren't all that fond of me. The reason for this is that I'm to the point and tell it how I see it, like it or not. I can be brutally honest so I've been told. I just don't see the point in dancing around a subject or sugar coating things. And while doing this I guess I've stepped on a few toes, lol

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 02:33 AM
I'm guessing the kids aren't your's. Just ignore her, she'll eventually get the hint.

ohiostate13's photo
Mon 04/18/11 02:31 AM

I donno man... sounds like a brush-off to me. "I want to keep being in a relationship with you, except I can't see you for a long time, because work is not satisfactory, and there are 'stresses' in my life."

I heard that a million times, and bang, there was nothing I could do to get her back after that speech. I waited; I not waited. I pushed; I did not push. I wanted to talk it out; I kept my clapper closed.

This is the kiss of death for you relationship. Sorry to be your Kassandra, but there you have it.

Actually, we went out saturday afternoon. We still see each other as we did before, and we still talk and text as much too

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 04:09 PM
I've always had cats as well. I have 3 right now, all are inside, fixed, and spoiled rotten, lol. My 2 boys I got as kittens, and my girl was a stray probably almost a year old that I got attatched to and brought inside. They're all about 3 years old now.

There's a common misconception about having cats. You're not crazy by having them, and your home does not stink if you take care of it and clean. I'm very anal about keeping my place clean, even before I had them

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 04:04 PM

I think you slow it down... She has said that's what she needs and you have said you can do that...

She does have a lot going on, she sounds like a caring and giving person... Just b/c she has ill family doesn't mean she can't have a future with you.. It does mean that she needs to take things as they come and deal with them on a daily basis b/c she doesn't know day to day how her father will be...

It sounds to me like she doesn't make rash decisions.. She doesn't quit her job b/c she doesn't like it she takes courses and gets certifications to move up and do something different.. This tells me that she is careful about the decisions she makes...

I think she sounds like a very upstanding, kind, good person.. If I were you I'd take it day by day like she does and enjoy the time you have and be there for her when she needs a shoulder b/c her stresses may be more some days than others..

That's what I am doing, taking it day by day, and seeing where it goes.

You hit the nail on the head indeed, she is a good woman. I knew about her dad's health and everything from the start, but I like to think I am a strong man and I can handle what comes along. My dad has his own health concerns, so I'm familar with worring about someone you love.

We both want the same things, such as a family and children. I have experienced some similar things in my life that she has, so I can relate to her. I have seen alot of good things in her during the short time we have seen each other, and that makes me want to allow this to go where it may.

Just because it's not as far along as I'd like it, is not reason for me to run off. I'm not a runner, I've always stood my ground for what I want and believe in. If in time things get more serious, then that's great. If they do not, then it wasn't meant to be. Too many people run away when things are tough, not me, never have, never will.

She has expressed that I've made her happy, and that she cares alot for me too. She wants to keep seeing me,she just doesn't want to rush into becoming serious, and that's fine. I enjoy spending time with her when our schedules allow it.

I dunno, maybe it's just venting, and all in my head. I've just had alot on my mind lately, and needed to vent.

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 03:48 PM
Just because someone is physically attractive doesn't mean they're beautiful. I've met and known a few women who looked good on the outside, only to be shallow and ugly on the inside. It isn't that often I've met a woman that was beautiful inside and out, but I have met some that have been.

To define beauty soley by looks is like buying a sports car just because it looks good, to find out it has a blown engine.......completely useless other than a garage ornament.

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 03:41 PM
I always had a dog when I lived at home. I had a norweigian elkhound that my parents found abandoned as a puppy in the bathroom of the laundrymat at the truckstop where my mom was a waitress.

I used to show her in 4-H when I was in school, going to the state fair all 4 years in 4-H, taking 9th in state my very first year. She was incredibly smart, and loved to work. When she got in the show ring she seemed to know it was time to be all business, and I cleaned house at almost everyshow I went to time and time again.

After high school when I moved out of mom and dad's and out on my own, I was unable to keep her. My cousin who has always been like my 2nd mom took her and continued to show her. I'd stop by when I could to visit, and she'd come running when she saw me, and wouldn't leave my side until it was time for me to go. She passed a year or so ago at the age of 16. She was probably the best dog anyone could've ever hoped to have

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 05:15 AM
Once a beater, always a beater...I say. If they did it once, they can do it again. I don't care if it happend once, it should have never happened in the first place. Men who abuse women verbally and/or physically make me sick. There is no excuse for a man to raise his hand to a woman.

Once a cheater, always a cheater. This is just fact, as I have seen it so many times all around in my life. I have never cheated, but I have been cheated on. If they do it once, they can or will do it again.

In either case, I don't think 2nd chances should be given, especially when it comes to abuse.

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 04:21 AM
I've been seeing this woman for 6 months now. Up until a couple weeks or so ago, it was going pretty good I thought.

I met her from an online site, turned out she lived about a half hour away from me. We went out a couple times, things went good, and we started seeing each other exclusively. It's been give and take, I go to her and she comes to me. We'd see each other at least once a week, sometimes twice. We share alot of the same intrests and desires. I had been very pleased with how things have progressed.

Then 2 weeks ago, I started having doubts, which I'll give insite to why.

I have an online blog on the site my email is from. I write in it from time to time when i have something on my mind, whether it be good or bad. We are linked thru our contacts and our instant messenger, so she can see it if I don't make my entries private. Well, she stumbled across it.

Don't make any assumptions, I have only been with her since we've been seeing one an other, and nothing bad has been put down about her, because I don't have nothing of that sort to put down.

She asked me about it, and hoped I wasn't mad she read it. I wasn't mad, but I was suprised to say the least. I don't have anything to hide, so I didn't make my entries private. I just didn't expect she would read it. She told me she found it when she was browsing all her contacts updates, just to see what everyone had going on.

I put down how I feel about her in it, that I was falling for her, and I feel that I love her, and how happy I've been since we started seeing each other.

Then things kinda took a screaching halt in our relationship. She said she doesn't know if she wants to get too serious right now, for fear it would be rushing things and maybe ruin it, and that she still has scars from a previous bad relationship that has her afraid of getting too close to someone because she's afraid of being hurt again. She assured me she doesn't want to end our relationship, she just wants too slow down and take a step back, and see where it goes. I was kinda upset, but I can kinda relate in a way, I've been hurt in the past pretty bad myself.

She has alot of stress right now in her life too. She's unhappy at her job, and has been looking for something better that she can have a career in, and not just it be a job. She's been doing online courses for a certification for a job, but now that she's almost done with it she's not sure if she wants to do that job, so she plans on taking courses for another profession she's been intrested in.

Her dad's health isn't the greatest either. He had cancer a few years back, and is in remission still from it. As a result of it, he cannot eat and has to use a feeding tube for nourishment. He has COPD emphysemia, and is on oxygen all day every day, he's in and out of the hospital all the time because of it. She worries about him all the time, which is natural and understandable, he's her dad. She lost her grandma that she was so close to, a little over a year ago, and she still hurts from that loss too.

She moved back in with her parents a little over a year ago after her grandma passed away, to help about around the house and stuff. She wants to get her career on track or at least a better job, so she can be back in a place of her own again. That stresses her out too.

I guess with everything she's got going on, I can understand why she's uncertain if she's ready to get too serious with a relationship. I'm willing to slow down, be patient, and not rush her. She's a good woman, I've seen that. She has a good heart, and is a very caring person.

I'm just confussed right now with my thoughts. I'm not sure if this is just a bump in the road, and that as time goes along she'll be ready to be serious, or if I'm just spinning my wheels going nowhere. I didn't feel this way until a couple weeks ago. I care for her alot, and I hope it is a just bump in the road. I guess only time will tell, so I'm gonna have to be patient.

ohiostate13's photo
Sun 04/17/11 03:31 AM
Wants vs Needs

Life in general, I always put my needs before my wants......gotta make sure the rent is paid, food, phone, cable ect....responsibilities come first.

I sometimes even put the needs of family and friends before my own, it's just the type of guy I am.

The one thing I want above all, I feel is something I need, but feel alot of the time that I will not have. That is true love, and a family. Materialistic things do not hold a candle to this, for I would be willing to give up everything I have to have it.

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