Community > Posts By > indianadave4

indianadave4's photo
Wed 08/22/18 07:48 PM

If you wanted to try one on your own, and I do not want to give too many of these away just yet.

In the garden of Eden Cain killed Abel and the ground opened it's mouth to receive Abel's blood. In other words he was sent to hell as Abel went under the ground and symbolically depicted as dieing.

Similarly all the angels in Revelations are clothed with rainbows, clouds, stars the Sun and the Moon and they also have the tendency to speak in voices like thunder as well as the Almighty God.


What is your source for all of thee quotes?

indianadave4's photo
Tue 08/21/18 11:43 PM
Bethel and Bethlehem are two different cities.

Cane or Cain? Cain had no connection with Canaan. Cain was before the flood and Canaan was after.

"And they set out from Elim, and encamped by the Red Sea. And they set out from the Red Sea, and encamped in the wilderness of Sin. And they set out from the wilderness of Sin, and encamped at Dophkah. And they set out from Dophkah, and encamped at Alush. And they set out from Alush, and encamped at Rephidim, where there was no water for the people to drink. And they set out from Rephidim, and encamped in the wilderness of Sinai." (Numbers 33:10-15 RSV) No connection.

BTW, Shinar is Hebrew for the first known civilization called Sumeria in the Mesopotamian area. Following Sumeria came Akkad, Babylonia, Assyria and then Canaan. It is believed that early Sumerians settled both Egypt and Anatolia (present day Turkey).

indianadave4's photo
Tue 08/21/18 01:50 AM

Didn't Clinton sign nafta? Which took American jobs so the already struggling couldn't pay for those houses.

My mistake: President Bill Clinton signed it into law December 8, 1993.

NAFTA was attacked from all sides during the 2008 presidential campaign. Barack Obama blamed it for growing unemployment. He said it helped businesses at the expense of workers in the United States. It also did not provide enough protection against exploitation of workers and the environment along the border in Mexico.

Hillary Clinton included the trade agreement in her pledge to strictly enforce all existing trade agreements, as well as halt any new ones. Both candidates promised to either amend or back out of the agreement altogether. Obama didn't do anything about these campaign promises when he was president. But when President Trump does Trump is evil.

The FBI and CIA allowed the gueen bee Hillary to get away withnot supporting the office in Bengali which lefty us with a raped and murdered adgent, Who had begged the queen bee to send more troups for protection, And Hillary using non-secure telephone lines with0out security,The republicans are being hung out to dry and the democrat's are considered little miss princess.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 08/20/18 07:50 PM
Failures of the last three administrations:

Bill Clinton: the ACORN case set up Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac to give loans to individuals who, it was known, could not pay them back, thus becoming part of the 2008 financial bust. The Clinton administration built on this and developed the "good credit, bad credit, no credit" mentality. Yes the economy was red hot but like a balloon the economic sides were getting thinner and thinner.

George Bush: The situation in Iraq was a no win situation. Saddam was not in bed with Al Qaeda but this was an excuse used to invade. Our Arab allies warned us that by toppling Saddam the Shiites, who are dominant in Iraq, would turn to Iran and create a firestorm. Which it did. While Saddam was evil so was it's alternative: Iran. We should have kept our nose out. Saudi Arabia urgently asked us to stay out. NAFTA: allowing low import tariffs from Mexican and Canadian imports but these two countries maintained their import tariffs on USA products.

Barack Obama: Giving Iran (who desperately hates us) several billion dollars. Giving Iran the ok to develop enriched uranium for their "nuclear power plants". Decreasing import tariffs on European and Asian country products while European and Asian countries maintained high import tariffs on American goods. The un-Afordable Care Act: resulting in raised most middle class insurance premiums and doubled out of pocket maximum payments.Did the insurance industry need reforming: absolutely. But what we now have is far worse.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 08/20/18 07:20 PM

socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

we have next to no production, distribution, or exchange owned or regulated by 'the community as a whole'

It's still corporations and the wealthy who control the production, distribution, and exchange of just about everything in every state.

socialism is just one of those words to bring fear to people's hearts, but not close to the reality of existing in the USA.

Those who heavily regulate and tax industry exert lots of control over those industries. Likewise there is to much money funneling back to law makers. One is controlling the other.

Socialism brought lots of real life fear all over Europe and Asia from 50 to 70 years. Socialism always degenerates into state control no matter how a dictionary defines it. In socialism everyone is equal: it's just that, eventually, those who govern are more equal.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 08/20/18 04:25 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Mon 08/20/18 04:30 PM

We are not becoming USSR or China or any of those other places.

Let us remember how human nature responds. The more a state becomes socialistic the more people loose the motivation to work harder:

John down the street goes to college and obtains a degree in engineering. His neighbor, George, barely graduated high school. The socialized government enforces higher taxes to subsidize Georges standard of living. John looks at this and feels, why should I work so hard when the government is playing robin hood. George receives free medical, housing, etc. He never pushed himself and doesn't work as hard as I do.

Are we there yet, not quite, but we are being pulled in this direction more and more.

"Oh, you just want people who don't have much to live in poverty"! Response: why didn't George push himself like John did. I know several individuals who had George's mindset when I was in high school and they ended up driving beer trucks and complaining the government should do something. Once socialism takes hold of a country the citizens become to dependent on receiving free services paid for by ever increasing taxes.

While some point to Europe as an example numerous European countries are bordering on bankruptcy. I was watching the news tonight and Greece's government spending is 187% of the gross national income. And this is where Washington wants to take us. Since the Clinton administration Washington is spending our children and grandchildren's future.

When the middle class is taxed to where they can no longer pay their own bills they go bankrupt, Washington will soon follow (trying to support bankrupt banks) and societies safety net will go bankrupt with it.

Socialism has never proven successful. In fact, this even played out in ancient Rome. Roman's wanted more and more at no cost. Soon the tax income fell far below the citizen out-go. Rome went bankrupt.

indianadave4's photo
Sat 08/11/18 01:13 AM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sat 08/11/18 01:16 AM
2016: the four national news media and major democrat's said if Donald Trump becomes the republican candidate wall street will crash.

2017. wall street experiences major upturn. The four national news media and major democrat's claim it has nothing to do with President Trump.

2018 (February): wall street corrections take place. The four national news media and major democrat's claim it's all President Trump's fault.

Economy is gathering steam, job market is picking up, President stood up to Kim Jung Un, Russiagate has stalled and searching for things to accuse the President on, etc.

Would those who hate the President and feel he's such a crook please provide more than continuous, baseless, accusations? Facts, proof, etc. If Russiagate had real evidence some would have been leaked to the press a long time ago. The nature of Washington.

The national news media are use to swaying what the country hears and believes. In 2016 the American people said "we don't trust the news anymore and will vote for what we feel is good for the Country". Is Trump perfect: no. However, We don't want the globalist government and financial systems that Clinton, Bush and Obama were pushed us into.

Our nation has forgotten the socialist history lessons of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Cuba, North Vietnam, North Korea and Moe Tse Dong's China were like. Do we have room to improve: yes. But socialism has proven to be a big failure.

indianadave4's photo
Fri 08/10/18 08:50 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Fri 08/10/18 08:54 PM
Land of opportunity ...Hmmmm

Those who claim AI technology is the next big step forward claim this is just like the 18th century industrial revolution. However:

1. Newer jobs supporting AI are not appearing as fast as the old are disappearing.
2. Our nation has boat loads of jobs but most present day citizens do not have the education to step into most of these positions. I'm retired but still have people contacting me to work for them.
3. It is impossible to educate an entire nation to be engineers and technicians. Not enough room in colleges, most can't pay and our government is living on the brink of insolvency as it is.
4. Engineering, producing and maintaining AI machines always requires a fraction of the people they replace. I worked for an electronics manufacturer for 35 years and I saw this first hand. Where the company had 950 employees by the time I left there were fewer than 400.

No I'm not Amish but this is a problem. My education and career was in engineering and I have experience with AI. During the early 70's Detroit lost hundreds of thousands of employees most of whom could only find meager paying jobs at best for the rest of their lives. Lot's of these positions were replaced by robots (a form of AI).

This will only exacerbate the walls between the have's and the have not's and some of the have's will become have not's. Not trying to be Chief-rain-in-the-face but this could raise real social unrest over the next 25 years.

indianadave4's photo
Thu 08/09/18 03:46 PM

C14 is not the only element used in radiometric dating.
Uranium–lead radiometric dating involves using uranium-235 or uranium-238 to date a substance's absolute age.

Samarium–neodymium dating involves the alpha decay of 147Sm to 143Nd with a half-life of 1.06 x 10^11 years.

Potassium–argon dating involves electron capture or positron decay of potassium-40 to argon-40.

Rubidium–strontium dating is based on the beta decay of rubidium-87 to strontium-87, with a half-life of 50 billion years.

Uranium–thorium dating is a relatively short-range dating technique is based on the decay of uranium-234 into thorium-230, a substance with a half-life of about 80,000 years.

A carbon-based life form acquires carbon during its lifetime. Plants acquire it through photosynthesis, and animals acquire it from consumption of plants and other animals. When an organism dies, it ceases to take in new carbon-14, and the existing isotope decays with a characteristic half-life (5730 years). The proportion of carbon-14 left when the remains of the organism are examined provides an indication of the time elapsed since its death. This makes carbon-14 an ideal dating method to date the age of bones or the remains of an organism. The carbon-14 dating limit lies around 58,000 to 62,000 years.

Fission track dating involves inspection of a polished slice of a material to determine the density of "track" markings left in it by the spontaneous fission of uranium-238 impurities.

Luminescence dating methods are not radiometric dating methods in that they do not rely on abundances of isotopes to calculate age. Instead, they are a consequence of background radiation on certain minerals.

Other methods include:

argon–argon (Ar–Ar)
iodine–xenon (I–Xe)
lanthanum–barium (La–Ba)
lead–lead (Pb–Pb)
lutetium–hafnium (Lu–Hf)
potassium–calcium (K–Ca)
rhenium–osmium (Re–Os)
uranium–lead–helium (U–Pb–He)
uranium–uranium (U–U)
krypton–krypton (Kr–Kr)
beryllium (10Be–9Be)

Source: wiki

Evolution neither proves or disproves the existence of God.
Evolution happens after life is generated.
It happens constantly to all life forms.
People often get mixed up thinking they're arguing evolution when they are really arguing spontaneous generation vs Immaculate generation.

The importance of time to the evolutionary process is in determining how much change an organism goes thru from its initial generation to its current generation.

All long term dating methods have drawbacks not publisized.

Potassium dating example:
As much as 80% of the potassium in a small sample of iron meteorite can be removed by distilled water in 4.5 hours.

indianadave4's photo
Thu 08/09/18 03:37 PM

I posted (among other subjects) a point of the unreliability of radio carbon dating a number of months ago.

Radio carbon dating isn't used to determine the age of the Earth.

The original argument that is still being used today is the geological column.

William Smith first used the similarity of fossils to construct detailed geologic maps across wide areas. He used fossils to map and correlate rock layers and constructed the first geologic map of England and Wales in 1815.

By 1885 the finer divisions of the column had been identified based on the principles established by Steno, Smith, and Lyell. These ideas were also beginning to impact the study of biology, and Lyell’s long-age ideas played a major role in Darwin’s development of the theory of biological evolution over vast geologic eras.

It was "assumed" that by identifying the order of fossil succession, the layers could be correlated from one region to the next. Index fossils are still one of the major indicators of the age of a given layer. Shelled creatures such as ammonites and mollusks are the most commonly used index fossils.

Another problem with index fossils is that, rather than being proof of evolution, evolution was already assumed to have occurred. The changes in features in index fossils of different periods are assumed to be caused by evolution, and the presence of different organisms in different periods is then used to support biological evolution. This is a case of using an assumption to prove the assumption is true—circular reasoning by any measure.

Misconception: The strata systems of the geologic column are worldwide in their occurrence with each strata system being present below any point on the earth's surface.
The notion that the earth's crust has on "onion skin" structure with successive layers containing all strata systems distributed on a global scale is not according to the facts. Data from continents and ocean basins show that the ten geologic column systems are poorly represented on a global scale.

Misconception: Tectonic plate shift caused mixing of geologic column levels
If tectonic plates pressed together (quickly or slowly) the massive rock movement would grind any fossil into dust. Instead of finding a mixing of geologic column levels a complete loss of the fossil record would result.

Misconception: The geologic column and the positions of fossils within the geologic column provide proof of amoeba-to-man evolution. Nowhere on earth has a "missing Link" between lower forms and more developed forms ever been found. If inter-developmental species missing links) existed the earth should be over run with them. For almost 200 years those who believe in evolution have searched for missing link existence. They should be as plentiful as the fossils we, so often, find.

indianadave4's photo
Thu 08/09/18 01:12 AM

I posted (among other subjects) a point of the unreliability of radio carbon dating a number of months ago. The originator of c14 was a Martin D. Kamen (Chicago chemist). Among what he established was that c14 equilibrium within earths atmosphere should have taken place after 30,000 years. I.E. no higher levels of c14 should be measurable because he believed in evolution.

The dichotomy is that throughout the 1950's his documentation shows that the earths levels of c14 are increasing between 12% to 20% per year. He never offered an explanation for this. According to carbon 14 theory if c14 is increasing earth hasn't reached equilibrium yet which (according to scientific theory) the earth is less than 30,000 years.
With an unbiased viewing of the real facts evolution always comes up short. Scientists always explain away these anomalies as "non-conformities" and move on. Obviously they don't want to accept the alternative.

indianadave4's photo
Mon 08/06/18 04:56 PM
Unless a woman has some amount of attraction to the man pickup lines are useless.

indianadave4's photo
Thu 08/02/18 07:51 PM
South Bend, Indiana

indianadave4's photo
Sun 07/29/18 10:29 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sun 07/29/18 10:30 PM

US taxes are very high because taxpayers keep having to foot the bills for people who decide to do this are that to themselves. The government in the US is making this decision for taxpayers because they're the ones collecting our hard earned dollars.

If this continues, our taxes maybe as high as other Countries l toodygirl

no, no, no , your taxes are not high compared to other countries.
let me take that back, your corporate taxes are higher than most countries, your income tax is not.

I would love to pay your income taxes, but I like our corporate taxes here.

Countries like Denmark have socialized medicine. That's why their taxes are higher. Unfortunately, in the USA if the federal government raised taxes that high Washington would figure out ways to spend it on anything but it's citizens.

indianadave4's photo
Sun 07/29/18 10:28 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sun 07/29/18 10:31 PM

indianadave4's photo
Sun 07/29/18 06:59 PM
When inaugurated as the Republican candidate (2016) the news immediately said Wall Street would go into a depression.

After his inauguration and throughout 2017 the economy started moving forward. The news and democrat's said it had nothing to do with President Trump.

In Late February of 2018 Wall Street went through market adjustments. The news media and democrat's claimed it was all President Trumps fault.

They sky is falling!

indianadave4's photo
Sat 07/28/18 10:17 PM

I miss the 'good-old-days',when PEOPLE were smart,and APPLIANCES were dumb!!

seems like the tables have been turned,nowadays,though.


I firmly believe, that before many centuries more, science will be the master of man. The engines he will have invented will be beyond his strength to control. Someday, science shall have the existence of mankind in its power, and the human race commit suicide by blowing up the world.

Henry Adams

indianadave4's photo
Sat 07/28/18 09:59 PM

In the mean time,
I have too much money to qualify for Medicaid and not enough money to pay for Medicare.
So I'm just sitting here in the crack I fell thru as I slowly die.
so Obamacare is not helping? I thought if someone is disabled, they automatically got Medicare?

Medicare is wonderful if you have the money to foot the co-pay. If you can find a dr that takes new medicare patients locally and if you have the out-of-pocket cash to pay the annual deductable that has to be paid before they pay any percentage.
Then, there is no Rx coverage included with parts A and B. That costs extra.
Plus, you have to pay then apply for reimbursement.
With the VA, I pay nothing except the Rx co-pay set at $8 per Rx 30 day supply. Some VA's are outstanding but the ones in this region are terrible.

I retired two and a half years ago. What surprised me was the "you HAVE to register for medicare the year you turn 65" letter. It read like there was no choice. Medicare A and B will leave one with lots of bills. Instead of plan D I signed up for plan F. Plan F is $150 a month more but I have no doctor or hospital co-pays.

Prescription coverage is not a good as before I retired. I've checked out the formulary lists of the major suppliment companies and they all seem to be very similar. It seems of the 1200 (or so) medications that medicare allows 50% are in tier 3 or tier 4 which means one pays roughly 40-45% of the cost. And guess where most medications used by retirees end up? You guessed it: in the 40-45% region. So for those who think medicare is a free medication program check the facts. Many people on medicare have to pioritize the meds they need. Many forego meds because they're to costly.

indianadave4's photo
Sat 07/28/18 09:29 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sat 07/28/18 09:36 PM
It seems a lot of people have forgotten the negative effects that Bush and Obama administration trade agreements had on exports. Both lowered tariffs for incoming goods from other countries but had no effect on European, Chinese, Mexican and Canadian import duties on our goods imported to their countries.

These countries have gotten use to the big profits they made and don't want to go back to having an even playing field. Europe and China are playing a game to put pressure on the President to allow big profits to flow out of America back into their pockets. Give this game a while and things will eventually settle down. We haven't had an American president who put an emphasis on America. In fact, Clinton, Bush and Obama are globalists. They worked toward a global economy and global governance (government)!

One big question I ask is "why did Clinton, Bush and Obama give the house away and undermine the American people"? Something the news media and liberal politicians don't want to talk about.

indianadave4's photo
Fri 07/27/18 07:47 PM

I like to go relation with with my mom age... I like old women

noway that's. kind of creepy !

There is a ladies profile in my area whose picture looks like my mother 30 years ago. You talk about creepy!!! Her profile is nice but there's no way I could date a woman who resembles mom.

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