Community > Posts By > TiffaIrishGirl

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Thu 06/12/08 08:52 PM

(((((Akin))))))) ok this will be a first....but it hit me like a ton of bricks so hey gotta go with it.

Akin I am officially matching you with TiffaIrishGirl who is on this thread....on this same e-mail her....gigglesnort.


blushing blushing blushing blushing
Britty and Debs, you too are too sweet.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

God's Blessings be upon all my dear friends here in this coffeehouse. I must skip out on the coffee for now for I am going to sleep. Good Night and stay cool in this warmer weather we've been having God Bless!!!:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Wed 06/11/08 09:45 PM
hey everyone...especially sneaky but very sweet Britty.blushing blushing flowerforyou flowerforyou . Got the email while I was at work and read it during a quick break, it helped put a smile on my face. :wink: :smile: Thank you, now must go follow through...flowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Mon 06/09/08 10:10 PM

It is wise to break off the contemplation of enemies and dangers by crying out to God. Prayer is a good interruption of a catalogue of perils.

Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910)

flowerforyou :heart:

flowerforyou :heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Mon 06/09/08 09:53 AM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

smooched Good for you feralcatlady and madamx

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:09 AM

Hi Tiffa,

Thank you for sharing that with us.
I am glad that evening had such an
impact on your life and bought you
closer to the Lord.

I am quite fond of that song myself.

flowerforyou :heart:

hi Britty,
and as I said I was thinking of it as I was on this site so I thought it a sign :) to share it with my fellow Christian coffee house goers. Always try to follow my gut...because usually its God trying to get an idea through me ;).

Aye the song is a precious one in my heart that I hold dear and always remember.

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:06 AM

Please give me more information on this. I would like to send my youngest daughter.flowerforyou
awww, sorry Tiffany, You sent me an email and I hadn't checked the community forumn first before I replied. If you go to...
The thing about this is they do NOT have to be Presbyterian to go. Its open, like most presbyterian churches, themselves, to all and everyone who want to go. Now our church helped us to go back in 2001 and I don't know how they do it now. But the site should be able to at least give you an idea. It says 2007 in the web page title, and this is the most recent one. so the next sadly won't happen until 2010. But you can go to or any christian youth site to find similar things for Christian youth. Hope this helps tiffany. I'm, soon, going to try to start volunteering again for similar things. I may even, if I have a chance to, to go to the next one as a chaperon...I'll finally be old enough to go without having to sign up for something has a worker...etc.

-With God's Blessings

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Fri 06/06/08 11:23 PM
Okay think...5000 plus people, mostly teenagers ages 13 to 18 in one auditorium and 1000 in another, with a few adults mixed in to keep us in line. We've just finished another night service and its our communion night. Now, you ask how do you get 6000 plus teenagers and chaperons to share one communion. You set the communion outside at the university's fountain area and you start a song...Imagine this song started sung in the two separate auditoriums...quietly...over and over again. By all these people...all these "youngsters" we quietly and slowly parade out to the fountain area...meeting up with the other auditorium together singing this song...even adding a round and echoes to it and adding beautiful ad lib to it...

"Lord Prepare Me...
To Be a Sanctuary
Pure and Holy
Tried and True

With Thanksgiving
I'll be a living
For You"

A short song, but beautiful in its meaning. This was done at the Presbyterian youth triennium back in July of 2001. I was going to be a senior in high school. I knew God. Prayed to Him occasionally, loved my church...but didn't really KNOW Him...truly in my heart until this week. I'll remember that week forever. It was lots of fun...but its the beautiful moments like six thousand teens and about only a sixth of that adults...singing quietly, peacefully such a powerful little song that truly touched me. God really works in wondrous ways.

I needed to tell that story. Because I thought of it tonight as I was on here and figured that a sign. I know that song always helps can look it up in an hymnal its probably in there...called "Sanctuary". Its always helped me.

Two months later, after the triennium and me coming closer to God in a way I had never imagined before that week...two months, almost to the day, September 11th happened. Having God closer to me after that week in July helped soooooo much during those rough times our nation and world went through and is still going through.

Besides wanting to share the story I also want to note that if you have a child whose interested in camp or a large group thing, if its something good and appropriate...try your best to get them to it. That week at the triennium I believe truly changed my life and I'll be forever grateful for the having the chance to go.

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Thu 06/05/08 06:52 AM

I need to match tiff with an awesome Christian man.....anytime come on over...think were on #102....

flowerforyou smooched blushing blushing blushing

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:10 AM

Glad you liked it Tiffa. :smile:

How are you?

A smart, young christian man should
be seeking you.

flowerforyou :heart:

I'm doing well. A little stressed at work but remembering as much as possible to pray.

And thank you Britty on that last comment. God Knows I'm definitely seeking such a man. blushing

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Tue 06/03/08 11:02 PM
Britty!!!!!! that was soooooo wonderful and smooched :heart: flowerforyou . I hope everyone finds a God Blessed love like that in their life.

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:34 PM
LOL on the conversation about people true, so sad none of my off line friends don't know any of you great people

flowerforyou ((((rara)))))flowerforyou
Tag ur it
toast for you as welldrinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

You know ur addicted when you wish you knew all your friends on JSH and could meet all of them at the local coffeshop (an actual coffee shop of course), but must live with ur nightly visits to JSH.blushing flowerforyou ohwell

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 06/01/08 10:30 PM
Wowsmooched flowerforyou :heart: I really wish I could meet all of you. Though I've felt I have the past six months. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou I wish we truly had a christian coffee shop for us all to meet and discuss our belief...our questions about it and everything. Its been so wonderful having this to come to and read. (((((((((hugs))))))))) to all especially britty and wouldee of course and of course madamex...congratulations on your good news. God Blessings truly have been upon you.
God's Blessings to all.

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Mon 05/26/08 02:01 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 05/25/08 10:10 PM
Hi Debbie :wink:
I mean
(serious face) :wink:
Welcome to JSH...AA
We do admit we are all addicted and NO we do NOT want to end.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Kudos to all who are addicted
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 05/25/08 07:53 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

NO life, just work, back to working at an amusement park..about 70 hours a week. But lol nope I'm still addicted to JSH, it was great to see this topic near the top of my list again. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
I've been meaning to search it out.

WELL time to get ready for work. I'm hearing Cedar Point rush hour outside my window which means I have to leave earlier then usually (about thirty minutes) just to drive into five minutes to work...only about a mile away.laugh

Yeys for day off coming tomorrow and more time to check out JSH again drinker

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 05/25/08 07:48 AM
wow I leave for a couple of days and you are already on the tenth page of the third group for this topic...last time I checked you were on page forty-nine and that was only last monday :wink:

I'll have to catch up on the rest of the convo later, but I wanted to say hi. And a God's Blessings to all. I'll be catching up on convo again tonight or tomorrow as I'm finally coming into a day off. Its been a long week and I'm always grateful for this forumn to come to for those reminders that us humans forget every once in awhile.blushing

God Bless
and ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) to all
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Thinking I'm needing a cup of joe today, drinker :wink:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Wed 05/14/08 08:18 PM

Her name is Christine.

I peeked in this thread a while ago and realized that this is where the real Christians are hanging out. Not out debating with everyone out there.

Of course we'll pray for you Christine. All walks of life deserve prayer. And we love all our patrons of the coffeehouse sorry feralcat and britty for sounding like I own the place...I can say I work in the merchandise shop, you gotta buy your coffee mug somewhere.

Anyway I digress. You're in my prayers, both you and your daughter Christine, hikerchick. ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))
:heart: flowerforyou :heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 05/11/08 12:19 PM
Happy Mother's Day to all

and God's Blessings to wouldee and Britty caught up with some of the talk, poetry and other writings since last time on here. (((((hugs))))) thank you for always have some kind words I can come and read and be reminded.

flowerforyou :heart: :smile: :heart:

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:29 AM
Stopping by for a visit and a relaxing Chai Tea. :wink: ...Been busy with work...getting an amusement park store ready for opening day is hard work...but of course I enjoy it. happy

Wishing all a Blessed weekend.

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

TiffaIrishGirl's photo
Mon 04/14/08 04:10 PM
Thank you Britty for that wonderful "Treasures in You" piece. I posted it on a couple of my profile sites for my friends because I know some need to read it...not sure if they will but hopefully...

Wishing you all a blessed week

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:


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