Community > Posts By > Turtlepoet78

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 06:32 PM
@ leahmarie You still don't seem to understand, noones complaining about getting benefits, the point is anyone who thinks it's enough to "abuse" is in for a rude awakening.

Here, you can get extra per child, a whopping $25 per child, almost enough to buy diapers. And I'm not the one who'd suffer much from abolishing any form of assistance, I'm almost off the assistance anyway, but I can just imagine you having to look the homeless and disabled population in the eye, the people you just cut off from having any hope at all. Again we here, "doers and do nothingers", well get off it because government assistance is going to disapear, and even if it did it'd soon be back because it wouldn't stand for long.

I say, if anti welfare people lose everything then lets see them live up to their ideals by refusing assistance even when no jobs can be found. I'm done, it's pointless;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 01:54 PM

I heard alot of the homeless are veterans. Imagine not helping them!

Ungratefull kids with rose-colored glasses talking about not helping those that need it the most! Imagine that!

Its almost as rediculous as electing GW President!!

"Where there's more food than mouths to feed, where you'll find those who claim to lead, because of all their personal greed, they always want more than they need. They don't help those below the half, instead they stand aside & laugh, as if it's all we'll ever ask, when will they make a change" ~ Damion Marley

Sorry, couldn't help myself, perfect lyrics for the subject;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 01:16 PM
Exactly, unemployment here actualy requires you look for work. Thank god for DRS, I'll be off SSI soon;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 01:09 PM


I have a friend who works for the Welfare Department and the people are called "clients." If you apply for Welfare, you are given it. You are not questioned as to why you are not working. You are not encouraged to work. That would infringe on your right to privacy. You are given hand out after hand out.

You anti welfare people need to learn your facts, this is yet another misconception in your post. NOBODY is given social security without a review process, and most EVERYBODY gets turned down 3 or 4 times first. I waited 6 years before I was finaly aprooved, and they do in fact offer incentaves to work, as a matter of fact they have specialised counslers through rehabilitation programs dedicated to helping folks find work. It never ceases to amaze me what people with no SSI experiance think they know about social security, as if $600 a month plus $10 food stamps is much of a "hand out". If you don't like paying for social security, move to mexico or iraq, I'm sure you'll manage;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:41 AM

Turtlepoet78..I hear ya bud, I worked in a shelter for homeless men in AZ,oh yeah you'd think it was the Ritz-Carlton....the mean spiritedness of this thread has me sick to my stomach...

I can't believe the CRAP that comes out of people mouths...especially those who know absolutely nothing about what they are talking about...MORE GROCERIES THAN THEY NEED????? Are you F**kn serious???!!!??? Has anyone tried to live in the US without a car?

I think I'll go puke now...pardon me. explode

That's the way of ultra conservatism, because the world is full only of doers & do Guess $10 worth of groceries is $9 more than anybody needs, I just thank god I know the truth, ignorance is no bliss to me;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:32 AM
In closing, feeding the poor is NEVER a hurtful thing. Now I'm about off to the clubhouse where I am learning kitchen skills;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 04:13 AM

Samething with welfare. Welfare is giving to people, and if they try and become self supporting, they get penalized and money taken away. I say, if you're on welfare and have a couple kids and you're willing to work, you should get more money, not less. The people just spitting out kid after kid for more welfare money should get less or just cut off at some point. Its sad really, the US is now becoming a country of do nothings, and get everything.

As far as wellfare goes I think people on welfare should live a more comune like life. Several families living in a larger dwelling and splitting the expensis. I know that this is not a great lifstyle but, but things like this would help get out of poverty faster. Sometimes you have to give up a little to get more.

Yea, you know the average welfare home has:

Cable TV
More groceries than they need
Highspeed internet
at least 1 car
More than 2 TVs
washer and dryer
central air

*** (up in MN for this one) The ability to keep their place at 82 degrees when its 10 degrees outside and the state pays for it all. ***

I work 2 jobs, between all those things listed up there and my rent, I can make ends meets and save a few hundred a month, and I'm single!

Really? How many welfare homes have you been in?

As for the rest of this convo, most homeless shelters DO already require some type of effort towards finding employment, there are numerous programs available towards rehabilitation/ skill evaluation/ job training, DRS is one here in VA.

People think folks on SSI or SSDI get this huge lump of money & butt loads of food stamps but it certainly is FALSE. Try living off $600 a month & $10 a month worth of food stamps, it's NOT an easy lifestyle;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:54 AM

Has the War on Terror made America more or less safe from terrorist attack?


A.More Safe
B.The Same
C.Less Safe

C, but only because Bush & co. have mis managed it & because it appears to them even more that we want to fight islam itself instead of just al queda;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:48 AM

What hurts marriage the most.....

Preventing people from participating in the process. As long as gay folks aren't allowed to marry neither shall I;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:36 PM

As I said, I'm a creationist and an evolutionist, people can change the definition of "creationism" all they want, it's still a broad term used to label anyone that believes in creation, literal vs. symbolic take on the creation story has nothing to do with the word "creation". We will not be cut out by people who say you can't have it both ways, the bible says god created but not how;^]

You guys always accept any gratuitous assertion made by Abracadabra. There are many people who believe in Theistic Evolution, not the least of which are 1.1 billion Catholics. In fact, the majority of Creationists are Theistic Evolutionists, which includes Catholics, the orthodox chruches and other scattered Christians throughout the world.

Excuse me? I've taken on Abra a number of times concerning religion. And I never said you literalists weren't creationists, I said that christians who believe in evolution are still creationists, the label says nothing about the specifics, would you say all police wear blue uniforms? You can't monopolise creation with anti evolution, if you want to get technical there are millions of creationists that aren't even christian, muslim or jew. As I said, I'm a creationist and an evolutionist;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:18 PM
As I said, I'm a creationist and an evolutionist, people can change the definition of "creationism" all they want, it's still a broad term used to label anyone that believes in creation, literal vs. symbolic take on the creation story has nothing to do with the word "creation". We will not be cut out by people who say you can't have it both ways, the bible says god created but not how;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Mon 01/28/08 02:03 PM

I just don't understand the religious right's opposition to evolution, I just can't. While I have no religion (I used to call myself an atheist but now think that putting a label on a negative is counter productive), my dad is a Christian and he thinks all the anti evolution people are nuts. Most Christians I have met have no problem what so ever with evolution. "Intelligent design" is made up of false claims and very bad attacks on evolution. there is no use talking to creationists, don't bother. no matter what you tell them they'll plug their ears and go "how did the eye just form itself" which is something no biology scientist claims or "what about these hoaxes" that were exposed by scientists, not creationists, and ignoring the tons of other fossils that were not hoaxes.

if there's one thing I've learned about creationists it's that you shouldn't bother talking to them. The best thing to do is make sure they keep their intelligent design "theory" (it's not a theory, it's at best a hypothesis and at worst made up crap. it's not falsifiable and makes no observations or predictions) out of science class and keep it in religion class where it belongs.

I agree except to one point, it's best to say anti evolutionists and leave creationism out of it. All those christians, including myself, who believe in evolution, are still creationists. We just believe evolution was and is a part of creation. Other than that I agree, I could sit & argue the people who think that if evolution is true that 200 years would be enough for a species to evolve, but it's not worth my time. The anti evolution people are like the truthers, they ignore the science all while claiming their false impression of science to back their arguements. From cosmic dust to modern man, true science is among Gods greatest gifts to us;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/27/08 08:42 AM

Our own solar system has 200 billion stars!

Our solar system has only one star;^]

Meant our galaxy, will edit now :D

lol.. that's what I figured, our gallaxy is indeed a big place with many many solar systems. Unfortunatly most of the ones we've found have jupiter sized planets in close orbit to it's sun which would make the formation of life very difficult. However, we've only observed a handful of them;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/27/08 08:38 AM
Direct link

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/27/08 08:25 AM

Our own solar system has 200 billion stars!

Our solar system has only one star;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sun 01/27/08 08:20 AM

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 01/26/08 02:00 PM
Edited by Turtlepoet78 on Sat 01/26/08 02:01 PM

I once got caught being bad in a library bathroom, luckily they walked out without saying;^]

Guess I'm the only one who's done OOOOPPPSSSS;^]

stop spanking your monkey in public places. :smile:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lmao... but I wasn't the one spankin' it;^]

oh, that's different then - spank away!~!

laugh laugh laugh laugh Thank god I got my own place now for that;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 01/26/08 01:56 PM

I once got caught being bad in a library bathroom, luckily they walked out without saying;^]

Guess I'm the only one who's done OOOOPPPSSSS;^]

stop spanking your monkey in public places. :smile:

lmao... but I wasn't the one spankin' it;^]

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 01/26/08 01:52 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 01/26/08 01:50 PM
Yup, external drives are best for backup;^]