Community > Posts By > ybcat1

ybcat1's photo
Sat 10/01/11 03:26 PM

I am not photogenic at all. I try to post the best picture of myself on my profile and I always hate the way I look, so I really count on a guy seeing the inter beauty verses what I look like outside. happy

You are your own worst critic Y. I think you are beautiful. (not the chinese pic)

I know I am krupa, to be honest I put my own self down before I give someone else the chance to, it eases the fear of rejection. To be honest I don't have a good self imagine of myself. It my biggest character flaw. I forget people can see through my attempt of trying to be modest. But I'm not a push over by no means. Thank you for the compliment though.

ybcat1's photo
Sat 10/01/11 12:32 PM
I am not photogenic at all. I try to post the best picture of myself on my profile and I always hate the way I look, so I really count on a guy seeing the inter beauty verses what I look like outside. happy

ybcat1's photo
Sat 10/01/11 12:22 PM

Have a date that was a real big FAIL?? Share.

Last night I went on my first "date" since seperating.
The man I went out with is about my age and lives by a friend of mine. I have had casual conversations with him here & there for months. He asked me to go out to dinner.

He took me to a place that serves mostly HUGE hunks of meat entrees.
It was noisy and service was slow. He tells me he & his buddies like to eat there. (??)

So, while waiting for food, he tells me that he prefers dating women a lot younger than me, and he didn't want to take me to the place he usually takes them because he didn't want to run into any of them.
He talked right over me about dating younger women and so I asked him why he asked me out then. He told me that he didn't feel like sitting at home alone. WOW!!! I stood up,told him he could sit here alone and left.

Nice welcome back to the dating world...NOT!!!

How rude of him. You did good.

ybcat1's photo
Sat 10/01/11 12:04 PM

One of my few weird out things is: and I don't know why but I have a thing about people who don't swing their arms when they walk. Their arms are just straight down. I think it makes them appear abnormally uptight maybe? On the verge of something drastic?? Guessing here because I don't understand why it would bother me.

One of the exes has a thing about eyes. He doesn't like to see anyone mess with their eyes or see something touching an eye on tv.

Do you have a phobia of some kind or just a little "thing" that gets under your skin?

I can't stand heights. When I was in high school I want to learn how to skydive, I don't know what happened to me.

ybcat1's photo
Sat 10/01/11 07:45 AM
Nothing more sexier to me than my man being bare feet with an apron on in the kitchen cooking. Yea baby. drool drool :laughing:

ybcat1's photo
Sat 10/01/11 07:34 AM

I like brain stuff. male/female, or grey/white matter.

Krupa, youre so cute its ridic!

Ain't he. :smile: :smile: :smile:

ybcat1's photo
Fri 09/30/11 12:56 PM

What do cougars look out for in a cub and how young of a cub is too young for you to date?

Any guy who is of an age I would be put in jail for for messing with.

ybcat1's photo
Fri 09/30/11 12:54 PM

Do you like golf?

golf? what I don't get it.

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 11:06 PM
Edited by ybcat1 on Thu 09/29/11 11:06 PM

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 10:36 PM

I Always get the Nice Tatt E~mail then its I want sex Questions, Proves to me that they DO NOT read my Profile.


I get the wow, nice boobs. I'm going to change my picture and wear a turtleneck sweater.

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 10:32 PM

Really, I can't understand why in all my life I've never had one male friend, a man who just looks at me as a friend.

Uhhhh Honey...I am male and I like ya. I got no intentions of anything other than friendship. To me, you are a friend type of woman.....unless you get me really drunk. Then, there those awkward apologies and lame explanatins for all the butt hickies.

Alright! I got a male friend. You crack me up. :laughing: :laughing:

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 04:33 PM

That's your insecurity talking probably haven't done anything wrong, it's the guys that you've been talking to.

Don't forget most men online aren't just talking to you - regardless of whether you were chatting to them as a potential bf or as a mate - usually have two or three other women on the go..

I do just want closure. You want to know what you've done wrong (if anything). Trust me, You didn't do anything.. you just may not have been their type or their wife found out they were on mingle LOL..Don't sweat it.

Ok, that's makes sense. laugh

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 04:32 PM

What are you saying to them that makes you think it's something you've done, rather than them just being flaky?

I don't know. First it's exchanging greeting with one another, then I tell them a little about myself, my interest, and what not. After that nothing. They have no more interest. It's not like I tell them anything personal. Really, I can't understand why in all my life I've never had one male friend, a man who just looks at me as a friend.

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 04:13 PM

Has anyone been deeply in love with a married man and has kids together?

Anio, no in Korean

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 10:50 AM
I don't know what it is but I think I scare men away. After a few exchanges of emails and then it like they disappear. Wow, I'm just trying to be friends. :smile: Wonder what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to make male friends.

What can women do that would scare off a man? frustrated

ybcat1's photo
Thu 09/29/11 10:45 AM

I need to ask a serious question, I'm very comfortable with my sexuality and so, I tend to forget that it can be offensive to others. So my question is, when I come in a room and play, do you find it offensive ? and if so, I VERY!!! humbly apologize.

I'm not offended. Unless you try to get at me lady. laugh But serious I have a sister who is gay. I love her with all my heart. She respects my views and I respect her. No one has a heaven or hell for anyone. We only have to answer to one person I believe. You seem like a nice person, no need to apologize.

ybcat1's photo
Mon 09/26/11 02:35 PM

Allowing family or friends or both to influence your choice of a life partner is a pretty precarious thing to do with your life. Although they are family they are not going to be your life companion.

I believe it is very presumptuous of family or friends to "forbid" or punish because of a choice made in our own lives. Now if they can see that that person treats you badly well maybe and I say maybe it would be a time to show their discontentment but it will still end up being your choice to stay with that person.

I would hate to sit back in my older years and know that I possibly gave up love because my family, who are not there to die with me, disapproved. It would be a terrible regret at that time.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

ybcat1's photo
Mon 09/26/11 10:03 AM

I have never dated a black girl before, but i have always had an interest. My family and friends would never except it tho and i wouldn't want to upset them in anyway. But i would still like to be with a black girl. Even tho i don't want a serious relationship with a black girl i would like to find someone who would be interested in being good friends

If I'm honest, my parents have never been thrilled about my decision to date white guys but they have never made an issue of it. Nor have they ever made my boyfriend(s) feel unwelcome in their home. In saying that, they only meet guys that I've been dating for a while e.g 6mths or more.

I also have very diverse and tolerant group of friends who are more likely to dislike my bf based on the fact that he’s a d**khead then skin colour.

Would I put a bf before my family and friends? No, I wouldn’t but I would date him in secret if I knew it would upset them.

That's sad that people still can't love who they choose without family and friends acceptance or that you have to date someone in secret because of it. My family may not like who I've chosen to date or marry, but as long as he treats me with respect they are ok with my decision. I love my family but my life is my life. Now he doesn't have to be around my family or friends, but damn, if they won't know that he exist and that I love him.

That was one of the problems I had with my last ex bf. With the guy for 2 and a half years. His family knew he liked black women but were totally against it. It bothered him that they felt that way. I could never met them, they would never accept me. That was just one of a few problems we had and the reason we couldn't make it work. My ex is one of the sweetest, and respectable men I met, but he needs a woman who is not black, single, doesn't have kids, doesn't want any, doesn't want to get married, and lives a simple life. When he finds her he will be a very happy man. I wish him all the best.

ybcat1's photo
Mon 09/26/11 04:23 AM

I have never dated a black girl before, but i have always had an interest. My family and friends would never except it tho and i wouldn't want to upset them in anyway. But i would still like to be with a black girl. Even tho i don't want a serious relationship with a black girl i would like to find someone who would be interested in being good friends

You might as well said we're not good enough for you.

ybcat1's photo
Sun 09/25/11 04:15 PM

People can be anyone they wish to be,
on the internet.
Lying is not illegal.
They become 'players' and they know what
words to use.
It is a shame someone else will have
to go through it, as you did.
Live and learn :-)

I just feel like I need to protect those who are honestly good people and don't deserve his crap.

I feel you on wishing you could help other women avoid getting involved with him. If there was a way I'd help the next woman too. Admin may not be able to do anything about him, let's just be thankful he's not some kind of criminal or rapist just a liar.

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