Community > Posts By > trackcoachred

trackcoachred's photo
Fri 02/16/18 07:17 AM
Golden Retrievers closely followed by labs. Terrific personalities.

trackcoachred's photo
Fri 02/16/18 05:21 AM

I dream of unconditional love. To love and be loved unconditionally.

That’s an awesome dream but a challenging one. I strive to Love unconditionally but I fail far too often. I learned that it requires a reset every morning.

trackcoachred's photo
Fri 02/16/18 04:58 AM

Great question. Some dreams never materialized, such as pitching for the Detroit Tigers. At 10 I had learned to dream, but lacked the motivation or knowledge to formulate a plan. Today, I get to help college athletes learn how to take a dream, formulate a plan, and bring it into reality. I never dreamed of being a track coach, but honestly, this is a bit better than any of the dreams I had as a young man.

I know.. reading the other answers, this lacks something.. laughs.. I'll work on improving my memory of old dreams.. :)

How could that possibly lack a thing? Ending up with something better than a dream is the tops! biggrin

Thank you :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Fri 02/16/18 04:55 AM

I'll play.

I always wanted to have a quant little coffee -slash- bookshop somewhere with a small town feel.

I gave up my little dream because I turned out to be pretty good at what I do now, and I enjoy being pretty good at what I do more than taking that big of a risk. And also because Barns and Noble took my idea and super sized it into an entity impossible to compete with. Lol!

Being good at what you do and enjoying it is a dream come true! Of course starting a "starbucks and noble" chain would have been pretty cool..

It’s hard to leave something you like when so many dislike their own work. Besides my little shop dream could always morph into a retirement bisiness. You never know.

Agreed. I tell students the real value in a university education is the ability to choose a career your passionate about. Too often they throw that away to pursue a better salary.
That sounds like a very pleasant way to spend retirement :grinning:

trackcoachred's photo
Fri 02/16/18 04:51 AM

Not yet sleeping so I am not yet dreaming :p kidding

I wanna own a house and have a business (tutorial center, apartment or fruit farm) :) hoping to have that 5-10 years from now... I am still helping my parents while saving money too for my future :D

That’s so much better than a dream. That young lady is a plan leading to a goal. Even better it begins with something bigger than yourself “I am still helping my parents “. Not sure exactly what that means but generosity of time and resources is life’s best investment.

trackcoachred's photo
Thu 02/15/18 08:56 PM

I'll play.

I always wanted to have a quant little coffee -slash- bookshop somewhere with a small town feel.

I gave up my little dream because I turned out to be pretty good at what I do now, and I enjoy being pretty good at what I do more than taking that big of a risk. And also because Barns and Noble took my idea and super sized it into an entity impossible to compete with. Lol!

Being good at what you do and enjoying it is a dream come true! Of course starting a "starbucks and noble" chain would have been pretty cool..

trackcoachred's photo
Thu 02/15/18 08:43 PM
Great question. Some dreams never materialized, such as pitching for the Detroit Tigers. At 10 I had learned to dream, but lacked the motivation or knowledge to formulate a plan. Today, I get to help college athletes learn how to take a dream, formulate a plan, and bring it into reality. I never dreamed of being a track coach, but honestly, this is a bit better than any of the dreams I had as a young man.

I know.. reading the other answers, this lacks something.. laughs.. I'll work on improving my memory of old dreams.. :)

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