sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 06:15 AM
I usually don't have time to socialize or pick up guys at the supermarket - it's usually a rush, after work, with a hungry child at home. No time to be fetching and flirtatious.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:49 AM
So...did you get your license?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:40 AM
If he "has a life", why hasn't he made you part of it?

I don't think he is into this relationship.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:39 AM

Oh what we post is all in fun, and most of the people on here are forgivingflowers
Well, I KNOW you are nice! flowerforyou

(I've seen your posts):smile:

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:38 AM

Ive always told people if you can confuse a woman with something shinny then there isnt any reason to find her heart just get her panties off and send her home
and why r u singleslaphead slaphead slaphead

Cause i was bringing home over a thousand dollars a week and she couldnt figuer out how to pay the bills.Wasnt cause the rock wasnt shinny
hmmm..a thousand a week is not all that much for two people..I make more than that and I struggle to pay everything I have to.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:36 AM

Unfortunately, too often, that " bonus " actually winds up becoming the biggest part.

Not to all. But definitely to most.

If a guy can't make a woman feel " financially secure " then eventually, all the other good things are put to the side.

"financially secure" and "fat wallet" are two different me anyway

To me, they are pretty much the same thing.

no they're not...paying your bills and taking care of your responsibilities with what you have is financially secure, not fat walletflowerforyou

Ummm...I take care of what I have to, and I usually have a little left over....but there will definitely be no retirement plan for me....that's definitely not " financially secure ". lolflowerforyou
hey. I am in the same boat for a number of different reasons.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:34 AM

Unfortunately, too often, that " bonus " actually winds up becoming the biggest part.

Not to all. But definitely to most.

If a guy can't make a woman feel " financially secure " then eventually, all the other good things are put to the side.
not true. Not all women are for sale to the highest bidder. We are not all going to swoon over shoes and jewelery. In every relationship I have ever been in, I made more money. I just don't care about that part of it. Show me kindness and wit, and I am hooked.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Sat 08/02/08 05:29 AM
I have never seen such an unforgiving bunch in my life. Apparently everyone here has led a perfect life and never made a mistake.

Amazing how we have so many perfect people assembled in one place! What are the odds?flowerforyou

sparkleplenty424's photo
Fri 08/01/08 04:38 AM

Going to get my license tomorrow, first time ever...long story. A tad nervous about the writing part, not so much the driving...but to be on the safe side if you live around Joliet...walk in the road.smokin
Best of luck to you!

sparkleplenty424's photo
Fri 08/01/08 04:38 AM

ive been driving for 3 years,and still dont have a license,why do i need get a piece of plastic in order to drive:banana: but good luck to you man!drinker
what happens when you get stopped by the police?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Fri 08/01/08 04:36 AM
A wise friend once told me "You're as happy as you want to be."

It changed my life.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:05 PM
I think that in any endeavor in life, you get out what you put in.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 07/31/08 06:04 PM
Straight to e-mail from where?

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 07/31/08 05:58 PM

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 07/31/08 05:45 PM
Wow. Now I wanna meet this guy!

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 07/31/08 05:01 AM
It is not that simple.
I wish it was... It would've made my life so much simpler.

"Cheaters are evil people." That is not true.
The Cheating is an effect of a relationship that either one or both is not getting their NEEDs met.

100% of the women look at cheating as a very very bad thing. And yet, 40% (or more) of the women cheat.

No one is perfect. We are all tempted from the Pastors to the devoted housewife. They are not bad people. They made a bad choice. However, this bad choice has a slippery slope attached to it with a huge consequences.

When someone cheats on you, they are not thinking about the consequence or whom they are hurting. Yes, it is wrong what they did, but in order for anyone of us who has been cheated on to heal and move on... You must Forgive and understand. If this doesn't happen the baggage and hate will continue to the next relationship.

I agree; my ex husband cheated on me; and he wound up marrying the woman. At first I was hurt but my rational mind tells me that she is better for him than I am anyway. He and I were truly a mismatch. She did me a favor and I have no hard feelings.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Thu 07/31/08 04:58 AM

Best thing I have ever seen answered on this subject

I think if your temptation to cheat is that strong, then you are in a relationship with the wrong person. I have never been tempted to cheat on people that I was crazy about.

Why, thank you.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 07/30/08 08:46 AM
I am surprised in this day and age how many people feel that if you need therapy, you must be crazy.

Yikes. Therapy is not only for the insane. Many perfectly normal people have trouble dealing with issues in their lives and can benefit from seeing a therapist. It doesn't mean they are crazy.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:48 AM
I think if your temptation to cheat is that strong, then you are in a relationship with the wrong person. I have never been tempted to cheat on people that I was crazy about.

sparkleplenty424's photo
Wed 07/30/08 04:45 AM

I am getting ready to search out old poetry I have posted on here, and was wondering ifit would be posisble ot keyword it somehow so as not to have to search through every piece of poetry for the last 18 months?
FYI for the future make sure you keep a copy of your poem as Word document somewhere.

lmao, I did. Problem is the computer crashed and I lost it all.
ooh - I feel for you. I have years of poems on there..maybe I should back it up, eh?