Community > Posts By > SparklingCrystal ππ
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thanks, Julie!!
More work done today :) That bay window is a real git to do. Had to Gesso over it 3 times already, hihi. Hope next time I work on it I get it right! What's left to do is that window, the trees, and some finishing touches around the lake. ![]() |
Living apart together?
@crystal !!! Perhaps you were that exception .... come to think of it ... pretty sure you were !!! My point was we all lose something in the break up of our relationships , so why the risk of doing that again !! Hence , the living together apart relationship, could be considered the ideal kinda one for people with that mindset . It has nothing to do with man versus woman ..... In a way, yes, but then you got two damaged people in a relationship which thus can never be whole. It could be enough if both aren't willing to work on healing etc. I mentioned all that in my post on pg 1, and the thing is that if you want a truly healthy fulfilling relationship you have to be willing to risk getting hurt again. If you don't you keep most of your heart closed, protected and shielded. That does keep you from getting hurt up to a point (not entirely!) but... it also keeps you from being able to feel love and to receive love. Love is simply a thing that requires an open heart and with that the willingness to risk get hurt. It's the only way to experience love. Everything is just a shallow thing, not a full on love relationship. That's not to say LAT relationships can't be that. But then it'd be between 2 healthy people with open hearts that for another reason wish to not move in together. And financial reasons are also based on fear of losing & lack, so these don't count in that sense. An okay reason could be that one for instance needed a house with garden in a village or small town to feel fulfilled and at piece, the other hates that, wants to live in an apartment in a city. That's totally not related to any fear of lack, losing, etc. that would have the heart mostly closed. |
Living apart together?
IMO It appears this kinda relationship will work out quite well, if both parties have been seriously hurt , in all ways , including abuse , multiple times . so the experience is there and it's real ... So why take the risk of going thru all that again !! From a man's point of view ... why would he want to lose half his stuff again ... Women also have their own point of view , but There , I am clueless ! The point being , if you are happy living this way ... just enjoy and do it !!!! Men have such blinders on when it comes to such matters. How does a woman not lose half her stuff, but the man does? I have never lived with a man who had proper stuff. I was the one who basically owned everything that was decent & good, from furniture to towels, pans, curtains etc. etc. Yes, when I moved out his house was bare, but that was because he didn't have Jack chit when I move in but threadbare towels, settee that his dog dug a huge hole in etc. I just took what was mine. All things that I myself bought after my divorce with my own money so this 2nd partner had no right whatsoever to any of it. I took nothing that was his, wouldn't have wanted it either. With my husband -which is longer ago- we divided things when we split up. So I lost half just the same. Men always think they're the ones that get done over, but it's the same for the woman. Men usually also think they're the only ones that got hurt. Women got hurt just the same, sometimes worse. So typical men feel the need to make out that they're worse off and women gain by breaking up. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
More work done tonight :)
You can now tell where's it's going. ![]() |
Living apart together?
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Sun 02/25/24 02:31 AM
It's not for me, wouldn't make me happy.
I want the whole enchilada to be and feel fulfilled. I think for Lat relationship to work both would have to love each other as much to begin with so both have an equal desire to spend time together. I also think many choose for this form because deep down they're afraid to open up fully as they've been hurt before. It can be -and I suspect often is- a form of relationship to keep the other at arm's length and to maintain a built-in safety in case it goes wrong. But having that sense of 'in case it goes wrong (again)' is not a healthy premise in a relationship. Since some ask abut this... I have once read of a married couple who had a LAT relationship. There's no reason you cannot choose this form and get married as well. But it wouldn't work for me. |
Crystal Painting Gallery
Thank you so much! :D
Crystal Painting Gallery
I've been painting again today :)
I believe the 3rd session for this one. It's not done of course, but wanted to share what I have so far :) Emerald Sky, Emerald Lake ![]() |
rate my profile 0 to 5
Get a better profile photo...
Get a decent write up. |
Men lie as they cannot handle aging.
Men generally have way more fragile egos than women and their egos can't handle it. They notice at work they can't keep up with the younger generation of men, they notice their body isn't as toned and muscular anymore, his erection isn't as solid as it used to be and so on. So he has a big problem with getting older and lies about his age. It's not for nothing men get an ego boost out of having a much younger partner, or getting attention from much younger women. Men are very sensitive to their status in the male hierarchy. That stems from ancient times, no longer the Alpha male. That stings. (For women female hierarchy isn't important. For us it's sisterhood and oneness) |
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Thu 02/15/24 03:10 AM
Men lie due to lack of security in themselves. They are hoping to date people younger than themselves. So they lie, to try and get a meet. Hoping that they can convince the person they meet, that they are worth the lie. It is a sad fact. I know my age. I know not to lie. If a first meet or talk is based on a lie, then it is why they are single. They are nothing but a liar or cheat. Why do you need to have a go at women? All the stuff you mention women do come from not being valued in society, which is still mostly masculine based, unless we have big and firm boobs, no wrinkles, great @$$, nice tan, slender waist, and so on. In short: we're only good enough when we look young and have a great body. No one stays young forever, nor does everyone have what is considered to be a great body. We come in all shapes and sizes, just like men. Difference being that men don't get judged for it, women do. It's been like this for thousands of years which is why we don't know any better, we've been brainwashed to make sure we keep looking as young as possible, no matter what. It has always been normal that a husband seeks out a younger woman as soon as his wife shows signs of aging. Have you any idea how soul destroying it is? The man you love clearly doesn't love you as it's only skin-deep. As soon as she started aging, she was obsolete? WTF is that about? It so sad we have to basically maim our natural bodies in order to be valued! And you blame women for trying to stay young in appearance? It's YOU men who couldn't & can't keep it in your pants that caused this. |
Rate my profile from 1-10!
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Thu 02/15/24 02:44 AM
Your profile text is quite bland.
Everyone wants someone who is loyal, responsible & mature. That's why you don't mention these as it is self-explanatory. That leaves the question: what do you want / hope to find in a partner? What you say about yourself is similarly vague and rather meaningless. BIG MISTAKE: giving private contact info. Your profile photo gets distorted as a thumbnail (the forum software tends to do that with certain sized photos). It isn't clear, choose another one. The one suggested above is much better as a profile photo. The other photos you've got are good but might give you too much interest from sex-seeking men. Also, they're all posing photos, showing clothes, not any of you doing some activity. You're not auditioning for a fashion show. Photos of you doing something you like, an activity, are way more personal and thus much better for a dating site. Summarized, your profile isn't very good and requires rewriting the whole lot, photos that are better suited for a dating site, a different profile photo. |
Travel to India
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Wed 02/14/24 03:13 AM
Travelling in India isn't very safe, certainly not for a woman.
I've read stories on this from people who've been there. Having to sleep with a pair of scissors in their hands on a train in order to defend themselves. They all advised against taking normal open carriage, but getting a closed sleeping cabin, otherwise you would be in serious danger to get killed in your sleep. Not fiction, they all said that. And that's just on a train. Go figure about walking around. It's not safe. An Australian friend of mine went there, had to walk around with a stick to literally hit people that were crowding her NON-STOP! You can't go anywhere without a crowd of people around you without keeping any distance, they're up against you, touching you etc. That's why she had the stick to at least keep them off of her body. She was quite the bawsy woman, but even she wasn't comfy in India. The travel stories I've read tell the exact same thing, incl. on the crowding, and being harassed non-stop, and that it's simply dangerous, especially when dark. I will never go to India, for that reason. It's not safe. |
My profile
Edited by
SparklingCrystal ππ
Wed 02/14/24 03:01 AM
Not good.
I am Texas,: You are not Texas, you're Texan. born and raised,: unnecessary clutter, delete but I have been told I am not very good at being Texas, if at all ![]() Elaborating on that could raise interest. I am not good with bios as I am just getting into this whole dating app shenanigans.: So why didn't you educate yourself on the subject? A bit of Googling and you're an expert. NOT a good selling point! I don't have much experience when it comes to dating, : So nobody wanted you? NOT a good selling point! mostly because I was not ready until now.: Why not? What was wrong? This paints the picture something is wrong with YOU! Not a good selling point. I am pretty honest to a fault, I will tell you what I think and how it is.: So you're blunt, possibly rude? And you think that's attractive? Have you not learnt to convey things in a loving, caring & subtle way? NOT a good selling point I'm just looking to find someone special in my life and that they be kind, generous, truthful, and that we both accept one another as we are.: YAWN! Boring! SUMMARIZED the picture you paint: You're lazy (can't even be bothered to find out about dating sites), clumsy, unattractive (never dated before), inconsiderate & blunt. |
New Experiences
True self-love.
New Experiences
Whatβs something you think every person should experience in their lifetime? Absolutely!!! I whole-heartedly second that! |
Valentines Day
Happy Valentine's Day!
If you haven't got a Valentine, be your own. Do something nice for yourself! It's about love not just romantic love, and self-love is the most important version of love in the Universe! And maybe be a bit of a Valentine for others by paying a compliment or a simple smile. ![]() |
Get a better profile photo. The one you chose now isn't clear enough. The thumbnail had me thinking you were a bloke. Choose a photo that leaves no doubt about your gender.
As was said, way way way too many questions! Men aren't going to read such a huge, solid block of text. I like reading but even I had to force myself to get through it. Use paragraphs, helps a lot. And instead of all those questions, why not simply say what you say here: " I'm definitely looking for a conversationalist" That sums it up. Makes reading your profile a lot easier, better, and nicer. I too like a man that can hold an in depth conversation, but the way you're attempting to convey that is near off-putting. Your reason is that many send daft messages. That won't change. This is a free dating site with tons of scammers. If you want more messages of substance without the BS you should go to a paid-for dating site. Either that, or put up with the nonsense messages, learn to ignore & delete them. A man of substance will send a decent message, provided you have a profile that invites them to. As it is you don't have that. Most will see that solid block and leave without reading. Leaving you with the nonsense messages. Even if some read it, they will feel the demand in your text & questions, you go too political as well (a profile isn't the place for that), and they'll leave even though they were initially interested. Seriously, dump the questions! A profile should be reasonably short, fun, positive, light-hearted, attractive, and have paragraphs. Also, get rid of THE CAPITALS! SCREAMING IS PAINFUL TO THE EARS AND RUDE! NO ONE LIKES IT! |
Probably due to lack of oestrogen in women and when it concerns men, lack of testosterone. Both genders are lacking in their resp. hormones these days. Men have 20% (!!!!) less testosterone than they used to have. This goes for young men too, age 20 and up. Our hormones are directly related to having a sexdrive or not. In women it's mainly oestrogen, for men testosterone. Try HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for a while and you'll likely notice that suddenly you DO have sexual feelings and a sex-drive and are no longer a-sexual at all. The lack of hormones is one of the biggest issues of mankind. It has scientifically proven and predicted that in the very near future we might become near extinct. And think of the difficulty people have had for decades with getting pregnant! IVF became common-place in the 80s and the difficulty to become pregnant has only increased since then. That's 40 yrs already! Lack of hormones. Major issue! Get some oestrogen cream. I'm almost 100% certain you'll get a sex-drive and sexual feelings again. ** do use progesterone as well if you have a uterus. That's a very good point. But are those studies done cross culturally? I'm not sure extinction would be a cause of that though. I think once women gained control of their reproduction in the 50's and 60's the drop has been off with every decade after. At the end of the day, women are the gatekeepers of our demise. There are nudges from society that take a big shlt on families. Feminism telling women it's better to serve a boss than a husband. I think cultures without the western ideas will outlast the west that's for sure. They're still having children and keeping the family unit together. I digress.. I think Good guy has it right, stay with your girlfriends. Guys want to smash. And if you're not attracted to male energy - you're good with your girls You're confusing Western culture with American culture. It's not the same. You over there have this feminism thing, lots of anti-women stuff going on in the US still. Which is far from being a 1st world country, closer to a developing country's culture. That is typical US. As for it being researched across cultures: yes. The decline in fertility is worldwide. Pollution plays a part in this. But in many other cultures hormone levels are still healthier. And a good thing women don't choose to serve their husband. If a man wants to be served he better get hired help in. We're equal, are supposed to be equal. Man & woman are meant to stand side by side, equals, perfect complements. That's Divinely created that way, mankind effed that up. Seems US men feel emasculated when a woman is equal, meaning your version of feeling like a man comes from knocking women. Does that sound healthy to you? Doesn't even sound manly if you need to feel good at the expense of another. Being a man means you honour other people, especially your partner. You respect, love, cherish her, defend her if need be, provide & protect. You don't need her to be inferior in order to feel good yourself. That attitude should be in the DSM-5 as it's scary and sounds like a serious mental health condition. Seems to go around in the US a lot as I've never come across it here. |
Joye, thanks for the info you posted earlier.
Fact that people don't experience it as a problem still doesn't mean it isn't related to imbalance / low levels of gender-specific hormones! As a matter of fact I think many will feel more at peace when their sexdrive disappears. Sexdrive in a sense brings more 'waves' in life, which are supposed to feel good. But I think some people feel like that's a lot of to-do. Yet, with these people it usually stems from lack of hormones... I have been reading a helluva lot on this of late and you will not believe how much of our behaviour, interest in things, desire to socialize, sex-drive and so on is dependent on hormones! When you read all the ins and outs of hormones it becomes clearer and clearer that most of what we do, feel, think, want, desire -or lack thereof- is driven by hormones. Just for the heck of it Google 'symptoms of low estrogen' to get an idea how far the impact goes! I do wonder if a-sexuals can have real deep passions in life? For instance very good at sports, or painting, or... or... Could be they're incapable of feeling such passions for something or... they've found another outlet for their energy. |
Thinking... HI KITKAT!!!
And thinking... it's been a really good day! Busy but great! Now it's time to get some shut-eye. It's late and I'm sleepy. |