Community > Posts By > ShiningArmour

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 12:46 PM

the thread has many intelligent people, they are just all convinced of their own perception of truth and 'logic'

That's it in a nutshell!

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 12:42 PM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Fri 03/25/11 12:45 PM
WOW that's a good one!

It means Jesus is the only way to the father. The last part says "No man comes to the father except by me"

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 12:31 PM
Of course you can SAY that evolution is proven. By that logic I can SAY that Christianity is proven as well.

That simply does not make either one so.

As I said before it's about faith.

You see people have preconceived notions that dictates what they believe.

If you believe in evolution then creation is filtered out.

But there are things evolutionary theory cannot answer or solve.

Like how do you get life in the first place?

Where did water come from?

Not to mention my favorite, the evolution of the giraffe. Evrething needs water. The giraffe's neck is very long and has blood in it.
So by logic when he bends down to drink the water the blood should rush to his head and knock him out. Can you imagine? Every time a giraffe bends down to drink he passes out. The lions would just wait for him to drink and then have dinner!
Fortuatley they have a valve that shuts the blood off when the head goes down. What did they do before they evolved the valve?

Bacteria have a motor in their backside that moves them. What did they do before that?

The very leaves on a plant are there in increments. Exactly where they should be. If they came by sheer chance they would be in chaos.

Everything would be! Some of us would have to manny legs or not enough. Clods of dirt would come to life for no reason at all! One big bang could go off next to the solar system and destroy the entire thing!
What then mr scientist? The second big bang just destroyed the earth!

I could go on and on and on. But I have better things to do than discuss nonsense theories.

Call me when you think of something intelligent.

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 09:11 AM

Jesus IS truth. Therefore, it is not subjective.

Where is your proof?

Anyone can make any statement. Do you have any proof, logical or otherwise that might convince someone?

But first:

1. Define "Jesus."

2. Define truth. (You can't define "truth" with the word "Jesus" if "Jesus" is not defined.

I've asked for proof on a number of different threads and all I ever get is "I don't have to prove nothin!"
It's nice to see someone else who shares my viewpoint.

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 07:07 AM

WICHITA, Kan. – In the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Koch Industries, Inc. has announced it will donate $1 million for disaster relief efforts, giving $500,000 each to the American Red Cross and The Salvation Army.

In addition to the $1 million donation, Koch Industries subsidiary Georgia-Pacific is contributing its bath tissue and paper towels, and Dixie® brand plates, cups and tableware, to the ongoing relief effort through organizations like Convoy of Hope and Feed The Children.
In light of recent posts & biased news, I thought some good news was fair to share. Just sayin...

Were they born without a soul or what!?

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 06:49 AM


Yeah, that's exactly how I feel when someone brings up creationism in any kind of serious way. I know from this point on reason is out the window and without reason we are reduced to the level of animals.

"Reason is the greatest enemy faith has..."
Martin Luther

By the way, the Hebrew word for whale and fish are one in the same. Therefore, using the term whale is just a accurate to the text as fish.

If reason is the greatest enemy faith has, then you will want to throw evolution out the window.

It takes more faith to believe evolution than it does God or the Bible for that matter.

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 06:07 AM
Yes the "Lord of the Rings" Movies did in fact "Rock" However! I did some digging and found several more stories which they should have made BEFORE "Lotr" (Lord Of The Rings)

They should have started at the beginning! Now correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it all starts with the creation of "Middle Earth" in "the Simalarion" (Could be wrong here) Where the high god of middle earth uses music to create the place. He also makes an evil demi god who takes over middle earth with a vast army

The army is eventually defeated by another small army which I think turns into a band of rebels by the end.

After the death of the evil army some of the members go their separate ways.

The two I remember were my favorite character ever in mid earth "Smog" who was later killed by a remaining member of the good army. Which explains why he did kill smog. (I found this very interesting since I never knew why smog was shot)

Sauron (My second favorite. I mean let's face it, Sauron kicks ALL forms of @$$! You just don't walk up to old sauron and start beating him down! HE BEATS YOU! *lol*) Anyway sauron was a high general. Which explains why he wanted to take over mid earth. I thought he should have stayed alive and continued his conquest but I'm not the author.

Instead they make a movie about THE END of the story with NO prologue explaining how all this got to the point its at!

Golem was the only one with a decent backstory! This grinds my gears. If your going to make a story Tell the Whole thing! mad grumble rant

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:52 AM
Hello Avanish I am "ShiningArmour" from "Earth"

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:50 AM
He does. When did God ever speak to someone in the bible just to say "Hey man! How are you today? I just thought we would sit down for a beer"

NO He always says, "Go here and do this" Even today. I've only heard of maybe one or two times where God almighty communes with his followers.

(Not counting when Jesus came to earth) And yes the garden of Eden was a place where he did in fact commune with his created, but not after

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:47 AM
Doesn't this belong in "Science and philosophy"

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:45 AM

Answer True or False for the following questions.

1. Adam and Eve ate the apple in the Garden of Eden.
2. Jonah was swallowed by a whale.
3. Jesus was poor.
4. Paul fell off of his horse on the Road to Damascus.

These are all open to interpretation. But I will try.

1. It's said that yes, this was in fact an apple. But Ive also heard that it was a extinct fruit that was unique to that tree.

2. The word of God says it was a big fish, since a whale is a big fish I say true

3. Jesus had no need for money, so to say he was poor is correct but did not matter. He even told his disciples in I think Mark no to carry money on their belts or food for that matter. They still ate and slept comfortably.

4. Never read that one. Never heard of it before now. Can't say. I guess...True

ShiningArmour's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:40 AM

I have personally come to the conclusion that Fundamentalist Thinking, requires a person to totally refute anything that is rational or logical, and instead just jump to the most absurd conclusions possible and claim that they must be the absolute truth.

Ditto about extremists in the anti-Christ area.

Hardly. Most people who show why the Bible has no merit have indeed shown how their conclusions are supportable by both logic and reason.

To accept your views a person must toss out everything that's logical and reasonable and instead jump to totally unwarranted conclusions that are riddled with logical contradictions and rational absurdities.

In fact, this has been recognized even by the authors of the Bible themselves this is why they always say that it is a matter of "FAITH" because it clearly doesn't qualify as being rational. laugh

I watched an interesting sermon just the other day which explained why people believe the way they do.

Everyone has accepted something as being truth or as its commonly referred to as "The way it is". They then put this in their own mind as what the man referred to as "the Filter"

So lets say you believe in evolution. Then that is your "Filter" from which all reason is put through before you believe it.

So when the atheist hears the bible all biblical reason is filtered out as being illogical. Because it does not fit with what the atheist sees as reason.

Same thing with the Buddhist,the wiccan,the wizard, whatever.

So by you saying that it is not rational, all that means is YOU have a different filter than the Christians around here.
That being said, What you said could very well be Irrational as well.

Unless you can provide undeniable evidence to support your point, you fail to convince anyone, due to the logic I just pointed out.

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/24/11 01:15 PM

Jeanniebean writes:

"You sound like a broken record."

Thank you. As long as there are unbelievers, Shiki will stand tall and erect.

You tell them!

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/24/11 06:43 AM

Only you can decide whether to read these books or not. Others can't make that decision for you.


ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/24/11 06:27 AM

Jeanniebean's ode to Universal TRUTH.


Why there is no such thing as false information and why universal truth equals "All information."

Universal Truth must be whole and complete therefore it must be all information, not just incomplete information. It must be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, untainted by lies and gibberish.

Lies are sometimes mistaken for information and sometimes called "false information."

All information must pertain to truth. To call a lie "information" or even "false information" is incorrect.

False information is not truth.
Incomplete information is not truth.
A lie is not truth.

A million lies or false statements does not have one bit of information in it because information must pertain to truth.

Only information is useful and true.

"False information" is a contradiction in terms because it would be meaningless.

A false statement is useless and a lie and it is not truth and is not information.

No matter how many lies a person tells or how many times they tell or write them, it can not be called truth or information because it is no more meaningful or useful than white noise or static.

Show me any so-called "information" that has been deemed false that is considered "truth." It does not exist.

Therefore, information must be true to be useful and it must be complete to be considered universal truth.

Any thoughts?

There's really nothing I can say in response to this. I mean yea all that's true.

What if I don't believe you? I can believe what I want right? I believe your wrong. There I said it. Your wrong. I don't have to explain why because I'm right. laugh

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/24/11 06:23 AM
Ok here's my question for all the book wyrms out there (Yes I know its spelled worms)

I enjoy read books based on RPG's like Baulders gate or forgotten realms. However, These books have things in them I don't know about because I don't play the game.

Do I really belong reading these books? What should I do?

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 03/24/11 06:10 AM
I agree. I don't think you necessarily need God to cause guilt.

I see people in court on the news, they cry and say how sorry they are. That's guilt. If they were christian their Fruit (For those more ignorant than the rest of us the fruit is the works in their life) would show it. They would not have killed, raped, stole whatever.

They have guilt. It's in the brain.

I think once you know right from wrong, you have a harder time living with the sin in your life. HOWEVER If you do enough of it. Your conscience will die. The guilt will end.

Now if your spirit filled. The holy ghost I think will convict you of certain things. But that's not really guilt. Is it?

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 03/23/11 05:39 AM

ShiningArmour's photo
Tue 03/22/11 10:04 AM
NO! *Confused* Wait a minute...*Reads the first post* YES!

ShiningArmour's photo
Tue 03/22/11 09:56 AM
I always enjoy your posts.

Are you mean? Not really. Opinionated maybe but not mean.

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