Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156

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Sat 10/04/08 12:42 PM
Now that brings up a question that's actually sort of interesting:

Could those without medical degrees who diagnose others on an internet social site forum be said to be suffering from delusions of grandeur...?

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Sat 10/04/08 12:41 PM
Kind of like being "mommy"...?

Well, frankly I don't know. I DO know what it's like to be "thronged" however. (I guess you should avoid asking questions if you don't want to hear the answers...?) Using the word "throng" as a verb is kinda like the way modern over-educated and over-civilized people use the word "transition" as a verb.

Do try to keep in mind that you are reading a translation in archaic English of a folk tale originally in a language that is no longer in use--in this case, Aramaic.

In so-called "real life" Peter was a fairly sarcastic fellow, and a lot of this had to do with simple human jealousy. He didn't like the idea of calling anyone "master" and continually tested Jesus. For some strange reason, Jesus encouraged that. Go figure.

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Sat 10/04/08 12:35 PM
Why do I see myself getting banned from this site if I answer this question in an honest and forthright manner?

Why? Why? Why?

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Sat 10/04/08 12:33 PM
Ya gotta love the unthinking dorks.

No really--I mean you GOTTA love em, or you're dead meat. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sat 10/04/08 12:30 PM
What a bizarre concept. Nevertheless, me and Helmut talk about stuff like this all the time. It's amazing some of the crap that rattles around in the human brain.

I would immediately kill both people if I could, rather than hassling over such a contrived decision. This would deprive the person who thought up this experiment of his sadistic glee he hopes to gain by viewing my dilemma. xoxo

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Sat 10/04/08 12:25 PM
For many people grandeur is a delusion, but for some it is just being realistic. I would have to know specifically who you're talking about to know if that person's belief in his/her own grandeur is delusional--and in any case, I would have to admit that I don't really care one way or the other.

Someone with delusions of grandeur is always much easier to work with (not to mention trust) than a person putting on an act of humility. I hope this is helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sat 10/04/08 11:24 AM
Check into the "Victor Tin Cat" trap. It costs less than $15. I live in an old house and though my cat is a very efficient killer, I don't expect her to deal with the mice all by herself.

Put a piece of cracker with peanut butter in the trap, and a piece of TP or Kleenex so that the mouse, when it gets caught, won't die from terror. Follow the directions on the box that the trap comes in. I have caught plenty of mice in my Victor trap and they always are alive when I find them. You will know that there's a mouse in the trap when you hear it rattling around. Take the trap out into a field and open the top. The mouse will escape unharmed and your kids will consider you a hero.

Poison gets into the ecosystem; the mouse will go off somewhere and die, and other animals will eat it and be poisoned. I know a couple who lost their little dog because it ate a mouse that their landlord had poisoned.

Snap traps are messy and violent. If you enjoy cleaning up blood and guts, then have at it, but keep in mind that once the rodent's body starts to cool off, all the fleas on it will start looking for another place to live. When you lean down to pick up the trap and dead mouse, the fleas and lice will jump on YOU.

Glue traps are horrible. If you have a single compassionate bone in your body, DO NOT set out a glue trap for mice.

I hope this is helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sat 10/04/08 11:07 AM
Yes. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sat 10/04/08 11:06 AM
"Evil" has a feeling of disconnection and superiority from others. "Evil" cares only for Itself and its own survival and has no compassion for others. "Evil" is consumed with its own survival and comfort forsaking all others.

By this logic, if you can simply think of a non-egocentric justification for torturing small children and make others see it your way, then it's "good".

I tend to have little compassion for stupid people, weak people, whiners, etc., and usually actively despise them--and so by the above logic I'm "evil", though I consider actually HURTING stupid people, or ripping them off, to be unsportsmanlike.

So, on the surface it might be an "awesome" statement (maybe because of how it's constructed..? because the spelling and grammar are correct...?), but when you really pick it apart, it's just a statement that seems to be politically motivated, that has no basis in reality.

Actions speak louder than words. If we think too much about whether the rabid dog is "evil" or not, it will have bitten us before we decide what to do. xoxoxo

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Sat 10/04/08 10:48 AM
(thunder and lightning -- a haiku)

He told me to turn
it off, because it drowned out
the sounds of his game.

next - the dollar store

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Sat 10/04/08 10:40 AM
Having worked for oncologists and in acute care settings--I would not get them (even if I wanted them, which I don't and never have).

There is hardly anything more ironic than a lady having to have her implants removed because of the finding of a suspicious lump or mass. It's also ironic to see listed on a hospital patient's past surgeries list that she's had implants--and she's in her 70s or 80s, sick, and without friends or family. Vanitas, right?

Guys I know say that they are less likely to find a woman genuinely attractive if she has had implants. Also they find implants more uncomfortable and less fun to play with. They might JO to pictures of girls with implants, but they don't actually want to hitch up with them. (I have not done anything approaching an official study, but this is what I am told by 100% of my own heterosexual male friends.)

Try to imagine yourself 30 years from now with the implants you are considering getting today. I'm not saying don't get them, but I'm saying think about it carefully.

On a personal note, since I was quite young (10 years old) people have been criticizing me for having large breasts--like I decided to grow them on purpose. Many people take it as a sign that I'm somehow loose or decadent. Over the last 15 years or so, to add to that annoyance, I have these really stupid men approaching me in bars, and sometimes public places where there are families present, to ask me if my breasts are "real" or not. (It amazes me that there are actually men who really CAN'T TELL fake breasts from real ones! That makes Helmut and his buddies crack up BIG TIME.)

I have also noticed that women like me, who have large breasts that are NOT artificial, are often shamed and humiliated in this way, while a woman who formerly had small breasts will get implants and go around totally showing them off and getting lots of positive attention, like it's a new pair of earrings or something.

I'm not accusing you of anything, and of course it's no skin off my a$$ whether you decide to get implants or not. You did ask for my opinion, so I'm giving it to ya. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sat 10/04/08 01:38 AM
In each case, I walk up to him or her and say:

"Hey, would you like to (name type of encounter here in appropriately euphemistic but descriptive enough so that he/she gets the idea) with me?"

Naturally, this would only be if I was seriously entertaining ideas of same with that individual.


Either way, it's fun for the whole family! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Sat 10/04/08 01:25 AM
Yes, but on the other hand it gives me a good excuse to grease up my gun. *evil grin, walks off greasing up gun*

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Sat 10/04/08 01:22 AM



Motorcycles are a bad habit of mine. happy

I rode my motorcycle today. It was low on gas, but I rode it anyway. (hey--that rhymes!)

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Sat 10/04/08 12:19 AM
But to me being manipulative and deceitful = good. You just don't understand, I guess.

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Sat 10/04/08 12:18 AM

A former shag partner said: "I go bareback when I'm cheating."

A few months later he was diagnosed with hep C. (I'm still clean.) :wink:

thats just dirty!

if the tubes are tied tho... different story

Naughty! *spanks*

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Sat 10/04/08 12:14 AM
Well, aren't you cute? Nice to meet you. :)

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Sat 10/04/08 12:13 AM
Nice to meet you, faceless male! :)

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Sat 10/04/08 12:11 AM
If I already know the answer to a question and I ask others, then I'm being manipulative and deceitful. ;)

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Sat 10/04/08 12:09 AM
Just because you put the ring back on doesn't mean that you have to tell him (the ring guy). I say "I'm married" all the time. Doesn't mean that I am!

I hope this was hellful. yours in Disaster, Chaos

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