Community > Posts By > Scarlett_156

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Thu 10/02/08 04:42 PM
Hello! :)

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Thu 10/02/08 01:10 PM
Sometimes people make profiles on sites like this just so they can get information about the members, or about a particular member--or because they are losers who can't think of a better way to have fun. Don't take it too seriously.

You might try going back later and see if the account is still deactivated--it's always possible that she made a mistake.

I hope this helps. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Thu 10/02/08 01:08 PM
I don't know anyone here well enough to make an individual wish for someone, so:

For all the single parents in the community: More patience, more sleep, and a special super-speedy checkout line at the grocery store.

For all those in military service: Safety, clarity of judgment, and acceptance within their communities.

For all those with fake or multiple profiles on this and other social sites: A life!

yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Thu 10/02/08 12:49 PM
Anyone else feel that way?


Happy birthday! yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Thu 10/02/08 11:21 AM
(old man with a bottlecap)

A bit late for an appointment
hurrying among scurrying pedestrians
sidewalk warming my feet
through the soles of my shoes

I waited for a "walk" sign
and he caught my eye.
Slow shuffling amid busy bodies
among all eyes turned inward and down
with a bright trembling gaze
he considered a small object
he turned over and over in his palm.

This vortex of deliberation
drew my attention
so closer I moved to see.

With the perception of someone nearly blind
he noticed, and held up the glinting, knurled
red-white cap from a Coke bottle
and with a toothless smile of arch meaning
he grinned at me.

Next: Trying not to fall asleep at work.

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Thu 10/02/08 10:11 AM
It would be ideal if I had a job that was both, but at least my (extremely) mentally taxing job is done in a setting where I can be as active as I like when I get up from the desk, because I work at home.

Sitting for long periods of time can be just as physically damaging as a job in which one has to lift heavy weights or deal with dangerous equipment, so I try to do something that gets my circulation going and unbends my joints after every few hours of work. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 08:44 AM
Nice to meet you. :)

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 08:42 AM
As I walk through the valley
of the shadow of LA
The footsteps that were next to me
have gone their separate ways
I've seen enough now
to know that beautiful things
don't always stay that way
I've done enough now
to know this beautiful place
isn't everything they say

I heard that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered

You're from a small town
You're gonna grow up fast
underneath these lights
Down in Hollywood
on the boulevard the dead come back to life
To the praying Mother
And the worried Father
Let your children go
If they come back
They'll come home stronger
And if they don't you'll know

They say that evil comes disguised
Like a city of angels
I'm walking towards the light

Baptized in the river
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner
I've done a lot of things wrong
But I swear I'm a believer
Like the prodigal son
I was out on my own
Now I'm trying to find my way back home
Baptized in the river
I'm delivered
I'm delivered

Baptized in the river (on my own)
Baptized in the river (on my own)
I wanna be delivered
(on my own, on my own).......

I wanna be delivered
I confess I'm a sinner
I've seen a vision of my life
And I wanna be delivered!

Many rock songs use religious imagery to discuss secular topics, and I think this is what this song is doing. Though the use of religious imagery and symbolism is not dumb enough to be offensive, it's fairly standard and unimaginative.

I'm not saying that I don't like the song--Good Charlotte is a decent pop band and this is an interesting and entertaining video.

With some videos (I'm thinking of Rammstein here--they're like one of the best examples) the subject of the video and the subject of the song are MILES AND MILES apart. This is not always a bad thing; frequently (again, as with Rammstein) it can be quite humorous: They're singing about one thing, and they're showing us something else.

With this video the imagery pretty much goes in synch with the song's lyric; the religious imagery in the video reinforces the song's pseudo-religious message.

What the guy is really talking about here, however, is just his disgust with modern life and disillusionment with shallowness. Also there's a commentary on the name "Los Angeles" which, though it has grown to be a global symbol for decadence, means, of course--as so many others have tiresomely observed--"the angels". No points for originality here.

[rant]And: Why is it that the image of a good-looking, young, confident, smiling American female in a bathing suit has grown to stand so much for corruption, anyway? That totally sucks! What would you rather look at? An obese and wrinkled woman with a mustache in baggy clothes and support stockings, wearing glasses and a frizzy wig...???!! Is that gonna make you have your spiritual epiphany??? And these guys have even less of an excuse; I mean, they're AMERICAN ROCK STARS, for God's sake! Like they only date innocent young churchgoing virgins...? Yeah, right! [/rant]

M. Shadow's verse makes the religious imagery a bit less hazy, though it's still not really intended to be a religious commentary: He's likening the experience of being corrupted by the sins of the BIG CITY to a baptism by fire of sorts--a young person leaving home for L.A. will either be transformed and strengthened, or he'll be destroyed.

I mean, I don't know much about Good Charlotte--they may have been sincerely trying with this song to make some sort of religious or spiritual statement, but if that was to be the case, then the statement is: "Large American cities will chew you up and spit you out, but people should not fear the experience because it's like a modern-day baptism. Be fearless and take the baptism. If you survive you'll then be better able to fight the forces of corruption."

That's not like a really cutting-edge spiritual statement, if that's indeed what it is.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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Thu 10/02/08 07:53 AM
I thought as we grew older we would love to talk to others to get there minds moving but I can really say that the one guy on this site was right. You can't say much if there isn't much coming back. It's a one way street, and all you hear is "Busy life, busy!" Then why would you even post at

I kind don't understand what sort of information you're looking for here. People who participate in internet discussion forums are not all doing so for the same reason.

I'm not having problems meeting people on here but they all think I should be their entertainment to make their day. Mostly takers and no giving back. What's up with that?

Again, this is so vaguely stated that I'm not sure what you want. Are you saying that you message people wanting to start a dialog, and they just antagonize you? Do you get unsolicited requests to "entertain" someone? Is this just a way of saying that you are one of those (extremely boring) guys that will message a lady and immediately either demand that she turn on her webcam, or start in with a diatribe about how lonely you are? (I hope not!)

It's not like the internet is solely for the use of "all the nice people who are good communicators"--anything but! It's usually more the opposite. Just like in real life, you have to weed through a bunch of jerks before you can find anyone who's really worth your while.

And I'm always up for a good discussion. I mean, you want to talk about something in depth: Bring it on! lol

yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Thu 10/02/08 07:37 AM
(airport security--a haiku)

That overweight guy
in his blue pants laughed at my
jar of Vaseline.

next topic - copy machine abuse

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Thu 10/02/08 07:31 AM
I'm anything BUT "sweet"; anyway: Hello! :)

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 11:08 PM
It depends on the circumstances, of course; and those are circumstances I generally stay out of. Usually I'm the person that's getting snitched ON, anyway. In spite of all the accusations I've garnered over the years, I manage (somehow) to stay out of jail.

At such times it's not like I'm thrilled that somebody that I thought I could trust ratted me out, but I never feel like a deep seated hatred for that person, either. It's like I expect it in a way; people are f!cking weak. I give myself a worse time for trusting that person.

I did drop a dime on a former friend one time to get him in trouble with his parole officer, because I wanted for him to leave me alone (the friend, not the parole officer). But he was already in lots of trouble anyway, I just sort of put the final nail in his coffin. He acted like he was all pissed off, but he still asked me to marry him a couple of years later anyway. (What a n00b. Just so you'll know, he had called the cops on me once, too--for absolutely nothing. It made him look ridiculous.)

I don't know if the above is the type of material you're looking for here or not. Nonetheless, I hope it is useful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 10:57 PM
You're about a little cutie, aincha? :wink:

Good pictures, and yes: That is definitely a sweet a$$ bike there. There could be more text, I guess, but does someone as fine as you need to go on and on about his own fine-ness? No, he does not. And what's there is spelled correctly (as far as I could tell; my attention kept getting dragged away by the pics).

Anyway: It's a pleasure meeting you. :heart:

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 10:45 PM
I don't think there's anything wrong with your profile, unless you are trying to attract dates with it. (You're not, though, right? I'm not sure.) You seem like an interesting person. You don't seem to be trying to be alluring or vivacious or whatever, but there's nothin wrong with that, and I'm sure you COULD easily be both alluring AND vivacious if the situation called for it, or if you otherwise wanted to be.

You shouldn't equate "dumped" with "bad social site profile" unless of course the guys that dumped you were ones you met on here, and your profile was the same then as it is now. To know if there's "anything wrong" with you I would have to get to know you personally. All I can see is your profile and it looks fine to me.

Like the man said: Everybody gets jilted every so often. I mean, it's only happened to me like twice in my (reallllly looonnnng) life, but that's because I hardly ever fall for anybody. Most people would go insane if they were alone as much as me, but I like it, ya know?

If frequent dumpings are a source of annoyance for you, however, don't blame your profile. Maybe a period of solitary introspection is just the thing you need right now. I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:36 PM
It's horrible, but you can't look away! lol!

I think the mechanism behind it is like, you know you could never be that bad off as those people, right? Maybe you've been cheated on, maybe you've been dumped, maybe you've been humiliated--but AT LEAST IT WASN'T IN FRONT OF MILLIONS OF TV VIEWERS. rofl

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:23 PM
Uh... you feel this way because someone you were close to killed himself.

If this is for real, then you should try to find someone you can talk to about how you feel. People on the internet are not going to be all that helpful. If you don't have a friend or family member who'll help you out, go to the local mental health center or hospital emergency room.

I hope you start feeling better. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:15 PM
I don't live there but I live within a few hours of Albuquerque, and go there a lot. I was just there a month and a half ago. It's an awesome place. xoxo

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:12 PM

Definition of miserable. I am in Winston Salem North Carolina at a Holiday Inn on a business trip. They screwed up on my reservation so they upgraded me to a business suite. I am on the top floor overlooking the city. I have a king size bed with 10 pillows in the bedroom, 2 TV’s and extra large shower and I bought a bottle of wine. So here I sit ALONE at a very nice desk listening to a couple next door having wild sex while I type this out to you fine people. I am about to pour the wine out and have a glass of water and call it quits. What a night!

That actually sounds like a recipe for good times to me. Sometimes when I have a few extra dollars I check into a motel by myself just to chill and watch cable TV, talk on the phone, drink, and maybe smoke a blunt or two, sleep for 12 hours, go for a swim if there's a pool, and laugh and make funny noises if I hear people having embarrassing conversations, yelling at their kids, or shagging.

You're just not thinking creatively enough, in my opinion. (And... I hate to have to point this out, but if this is a business trip then they PROBABLY have an "entertainment" allowance for you. If you're that danged lonely, then look in the yellow pages under "escort", silly! I mean, Jeeez!) yours in Chaos, Scarlett

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:05 PM
A 250 is gonna be too small for you at 6'5"--I mean you could ride one around town (if you could deal with the looks you would get), but you would have some serious problems on the highway.

If you have been riding trail bikes AND took the course then you could probably deal with a bigger bike. I don't know what your budgetary constraints are, but I suggest a used bike that has not been ridden too hard. As far as brands--go shopping at various dealerships, or look online, and just LOOK at all the different kinds of street bikes without making up your mind until you have seen them all, then look in the classifieds to see if any of the bikes you liked are for sale and how much they are.

Harley Davidson is of course the status machine but those things are expensive--even one that is in poor condition, if it just barely runs, is going to be in the several thousands at least, and you better be on good terms with your mechanic too.

I had a BMW R series that had a 900 cc engine for a REALLY long time. That was a great bike and I probably put 100,000 miles on it (at least) in the 13 years that I owned it. I had bought it used and yeah, it was expensive to get parts, but on the other hand it almost never broke down. It just ran and ran, and it was pretty comfortable too. With just me on it and not a lot of gear it was like a freakin rocket, lol!

The bike I have now is an old 750 Honda and though it runs well (I keep it tuned up and good tires) and is actually very fast (will do 140 easily on a straightaway, but I would not trust it for racing at all because it corners poorly), I think it would be much too small and uncomfortable for someone of your size. I have ridden this bike for great distances--longest trip on it was over 3,000 miles but CHR!ST ON A CRUTCH was I sore when I got to the end of that! Just a couple of months ago I went on that same bike to Albuquerque and back (about 1,100 miles) and when I got back home I knew that the next time I went on a long trip like that, it was going to have to be on a better bike.

If you are getting a used bike and you're not a mechanic yourself, there's nothing wrong with taking the bike you're looking at to a shop and letting them give it the once-over. If the seller is honest he'll be ok with you doing that.

Anyway, that's about enough for now! I'm supposed to be working! Good luck and have fun! Motorcycling is awesome fun. xoxoxo

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Wed 10/01/08 05:52 PM
I learned that jealousy is like acid: It harms everything that it touches. I learned that my own particular brand of jealousy, in addition to being like acid, is also like an uncontrollable beast. Once it gets out of its cage, there's no putting it back.

The solution (I hope) is not to keep jealousy in a cage, but to tame it so that it doesn't run amok and start destroying everything in its path. I try to express my jealousy in a calm way when I first start feeling it rather than keeping it bottled up. This seems to be working pretty well so far.

I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

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