Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Wed 05/13/09 04:19 PM
I have been on vacation since..... I can't even remember when I actually started ... I don't even know what day it is any more. here have a lollipop.... and buck up.

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Wed 05/13/09 02:56 PM
when I am pressured to do something or behave a certain way? oh baby you betcha I do... they all can take that flying leap through those rolling donuts. I will just take my lollipops and go home now.

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Wed 05/13/09 02:53 PM

drinker :banana: drinker
and tr... everyone of them is 75 years old, no teeth, hair falling off, depends wearing,skinny men with moles all over there bodies that have hair and something else growing out of them.. So pucker up baby!!!

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Wed 05/13/09 01:45 PM

That site seriously sucks! I signed up a few years ago for 1 free trial month. Took me at least an hour to fill out all the asinine questions and you only have access to the people they think you should have access to... wtf?
Same here but it was worse . After finding my so called e harmony match one of the questions she asked me in her e mails was.. How do I feel about BBW women? can you say red flag red flag red flag.. No picture provided. The point is E harmony does have 29 points of compatibility but they leave out the physical stuff. And like with every site out there no exceptions.. Its based on the person being truthful and honest about themselves.

here is my lollipop thought of the day... e harmony suxs.

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Wed 05/13/09 09:02 AM
I am at home. relaxing listening to the TV in the background on AMC ( movie classics).. bored and waiting for e mails.

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Wed 05/13/09 08:58 AM

long walks on the beach and hate drama? Are you seeking an honest person who doesn't play games? Then by all means you should include this on your profile. 300 skazillion people have some sort of variation of this on their profile and it seems to be working out well for them. happy
oh crap not you too? wait I like the ones with bon-fires, hiking on the trials. riding on a Harley and best of all?

spending your hard earned $100,000 dollars you must make.

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Wed 05/13/09 08:56 AM
she says she does.... but I personally don't believe her. SO I told her this last time to go scratch with out a lollipop

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Wed 05/13/09 08:22 AM
Sal, bravo to you. Very few men will admit that they are not willing to take responsibility of raising kids. I understood what you were saying even if others do not...

I found out that I wasn't parent material when my son was growing up. That can and does break your heart later in life . Especially when you realize what you did. I found out when he turned 8 . The point in his life he needed a father figure even more.

I award you the lollipop of the day.....

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Wed 05/13/09 08:12 AM
Edited by durtydduck on Wed 05/13/09 08:13 AM
on board for these.... lets make it happen.. and no I don't think I am any better then other people. BUT we all know someone who really shouldn't be allowed to reproduce! How about those guys that go around getting girls pregnant and leaving them high and dry?

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Wed 05/13/09 06:41 AM
I have done everything on my list that I ever wanted to do. And then some. Except skydive or bungee jump and I have no real desires to do those two things? There are a few things I would like to repeat does that count? oh wait.... I want to move back to Italy for good or the Caribbean for good in the next 2 years or less.

here have a lollipop

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Wed 05/13/09 06:31 AM
buy a bag of disposable razors, download the music make your copy and use the rest of the money at the strip of both ? bcnu

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Wed 05/13/09 06:28 AM
P.T. Barnum said there is a sucker born every minute... do you know how many people are born every minute?

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Tue 05/12/09 08:36 PM
yep.. have loved that deeply... and will love that deeply again someday

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Tue 05/12/09 08:34 PM
cussing like a sailor ? I was a sailor for over 20 years and you expect me to quit cold turkey. Do you even know that its taken me this long over 15 years to not be bad? And you want me to quit it all together? does any one have xanax to spare and does it come in a 55 gallon drum?

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Tue 05/12/09 08:29 PM
I taught a mean nasty blacksmith that you can talk to a horse.

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Tue 05/12/09 08:24 PM
medium rare and I have sent plenty of steaks back..... and changed what I ordered. or just left the restaurant all together .

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Tue 05/12/09 08:20 PM
Edited by durtydduck on Tue 05/12/09 08:21 PM

My ex has recently been calling me a lot more & we talk on the phone a couple hours a day! He has admitted that he still has some feelings for me but then says he doesnt love me & he says he misses me everyday! He also is very nosy about who im talking to/ dating! He says he doesnt want to be with me but his actions are indicating that he may want me back! I still would like to be with him & just wanna know what I should do!
Keeping talking to him frequently? be more distant? give up? I just dont know!frustrated
wow. role reversal.. I went through that for the last year and half sme thing she would call all the time do the same thing. so I can only speak from my personal experience.. GET OFF THAT TRAIN AND TELL HIM TO GO SCRATCH!. I know it's hard . It is hard but you have to do it and move on... he has but he wants to dangle that carrot in front of you like a fisherman with a fish on the hook but doesn't reel them in . Just so he can keep jerking you around. no charge free lollipop for you on this one.

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Tue 05/12/09 05:46 PM
It doesn't bother me that your not capable of loving me. So see ya. leave the door keys and my things here.

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Tue 05/12/09 05:44 PM
Give it some time, see what happens Its not like she was going to drop her panties right there for you. Finals and all and she has to move out of the dorm after wards? Maybe she is preoccupied? what have you got to lose by waiting a few days? see what does or does nor develop? and here is your bill. 1 lollipop please.

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Tue 05/12/09 05:33 PM
of course your a catch. No matter what there is to your story. I have seen enough of you here to make that judgement. so go get caught! and here is your lolipop

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