Community > Posts By > clintb74

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:35 AM

the answer is BREATH:angel:
so just a mint

Breath mints have calories. Watch out for that, it adds up.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:33 AM

there is a saying that goes.. your looks may get you in the room.. but it's whats up stairs that keeps you in the room..no1phD

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:29 AM
Last night when I saw the ASPCA commercial last night.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 11:15 AM
Russia has tied for most golds and leads in overall medals.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:54 AM

so if I walked up to you.. and said excuse me miss but I felt attracted towards you.. I was wondering even curious if you felt the same.. would you perhaps allow me to introduce myself to you.. would that work are too stuffy maybe.??. I mean of course we would have had noticed each other

This! Oh yes please :banana:
Where are the bananas btw?

Bananas are good for you. But not the dancing variety, it may have bugs in it.


Apples are good for you.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:54 AM

Yeah! Thats right I wasn't single then!!! Thanks KLC!!!

KLC is very intelligent. Wise.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:43 AM

Omg just a thought! Does that mean when guys approach me its because they think I'm not attractive enough to be taken!!! sad
NO. Youre wicked cute and attractive. That guy hit on you when you were not single remember?

That was my thinking. You beat me to the post. great minds.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:40 AM

Some parents are kids themselves. It is too easy to find a mcdonalds and get them a happy meal when they should get a salad. Kids get self esteem issues. Look how kids dress these days and talk. The parents deserve the blame, not the teachers or the government. The parents. A single parent who has well behaved kid(s) has a better chance in the dating world then a parent with kids who show no respect. I had to veer that back on topic, hopefully I succeeded.
you have talent man.

You look like a poker player. You have talent too.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:40 AM

so if I walked up to you.. and said excuse me miss but I felt attracted towards you.. I was wondering even curious if you felt the same.. would you perhaps allow me to introduce myself to you.. would that work are too stuffy maybe.??. I mean of course we would have had noticed each other

This! Oh yes please :banana:
Where are the bananas btw?

Bananas are good for you. But not the dancing variety, it may have bugs in it.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:38 AM

What does hurt to ask? The worse that happens is she says shes not available...or her husband knocks you out! Lol!

You have a thing about knocking people out.

You mentioned that yesterday with a caveman reference.

Should the guys keep an eye on you?

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:36 AM

Get to a gym, leave the chloroform and the 2 by 4. Most gyms don't allow them.

I wouldnt go to a gym to find gents. In the past they have stared at me or worked out next to me droppin f-bombs. lunks?

That is not cool, they should respect a woman who is trying to better herself.
I was really only going so my kid could go. They require minors to have a parent present. I get my own exercise outside. I dont like weights.

That is even better. Kids need exercise, too many are fat, lazy and have too much time on their hands.
omg, mine is too skinny. true tho. obesity is a problem for kids and they need help figuring out appropriate healthy behavior. sometimes they are on meds tho and that can work against them. I wish they didnt need the meds. Some kids need more attention than others and if parents dont have the time/energy/skills to be there for them, we have meds. meh. and Im off topic.

Some parents are kids themselves. It is too easy to find a mcdonalds and get them a happy meal when they should get a salad. Kids get self esteem issues. Look how kids dress these days and talk. The parents deserve the blame, not the teachers or the government. The parents. A single parent who has well behaved kid(s) has a better chance in the dating world then a parent with kids who show no respect. I had to veer that back on topic, hopefully I succeeded.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:27 AM

Get to a gym, leave the chloroform and the 2 by 4. Most gyms don't allow them.

I wouldnt go to a gym to find gents. In the past they have stared at me or worked out next to me droppin f-bombs. lunks?

That is not cool, they should respect a woman who is trying to better herself.
I was really only going so my kid could go. They require minors to have a parent present. I get my own exercise outside. I dont like weights.

That is even better. Kids need exercise, too many are fat, lazy and have too much time on their hands.

Apologies, I am getting off topic.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:26 AM

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:25 AM

Get to a gym, leave the chloroform and the 2 by 4. Most gyms don't allow them.

I wouldnt go to a gym to find gents. In the past they have stared at me or worked out next to me droppin f-bombs. lunks?

That is not cool, they should respect a woman who is trying to better herself.
I was really only going so my kid could go. They require minors to have a parent present. I get my own exercise outside. I dont like weights.

That is even better. Kids need exercise, too many are fat, lazy and have too much time on their hands.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:23 AM

yes I do too aggressive women are confident women.. sort of takes the pressure off of me as well.. if a woman start the conversation I'm right there.. but she'll be waiting till hell freezes over before I start 1... but you get me talking you'll never shut me so yes women approach him first... a lot of men are shy deep down.. not a confidence issue just a getting the ball started issue.. so to speak...

I agree. It shows the woman will be an equal in conversation and she can initiate it when the guy has a momentary loss of words.

I prefer a woman who speaks her mind and doesn't whine and complain about her previous relationships and how life has been unfair to her.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:19 AM

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:18 AM

Start with a smile and eye contact. Simple.
A women with a scowl or constipated look will not get a second glance from me.

Except for maybe a quick check of her butt.drool
What if Im scowling at the bean selection?

If Im not interested, I would do the butt check too.:tongue:

Spend most of your time at the ice cream freezer. You will have that content,satisfied smile.
If a guy sees you and asks you for a date that evening...avoid the beans.
Oooo. strategy. you, sir, are a genius. I think I spend lots o time at the ice cream freezer cuz theres not a lotta room in my freezer and I dont like the per oz price on pints so gotta make it count, ya know?

Boy is on a high fiber diet, so beans are an easy pick.

Be careful of intestinal discomfort.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:14 AM

Start with a smile and eye contact. Simple.
A women with a scowl or constipated look will not get a second glance from me.

Except for maybe a quick check of her butt.drool
What if Im scowling at the bean selection?

If Im not interested, I would do the butt check too.:tongue:

Be careful of beans, many of them are high in sodium.

Leave your friends home, they are dogs.
really!? I had no idea about the sodium. I love dogs. whats wrong with dogs?

Dogs are awesome as pets, not as co-pilots unless you are on the street or at a dog park.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:13 AM

Get to a gym, leave the chloroform and the 2 by 4. Most gyms don't allow them.

I wouldnt go to a gym to find gents. In the past they have stared at me or worked out next to me droppin f-bombs. lunks?

Most women who go to the gym don't, they come online. A number of women always emphasize they go to the gym in their profiles. A woman told me I should try it.

clintb74's photo
Sat 02/22/14 10:11 AM

Get to a gym, leave the chloroform and the 2 by 4. Most gyms don't allow them.

I wouldnt go to a gym to find gents. In the past they have stared at me or worked out next to me droppin f-bombs. lunks?

That is not cool, they should respect a woman who is trying to better herself.