Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Sat 02/16/08 11:17 AM
South Dakota has approximately the same populatiion as Washington D.C. In Washington D.C. you can't own a hand gun. In South Dakota you can get a concealed carry permit for $10 with a background check through the Sheriff Dept. Look at the murder rate for both places then do the math and tell me gun control reduces crime. Is there a noticable absence of guns in Washington D.C.? Retorical question, answer only in the hands of law abiding citizens. The crooks have plenty of firepower. Prohibition does not work, it did now work with booze, it isn't working with drugs and it won't work with guns.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 02/16/08 10:59 AM
There was on mis information in my statement. The man is a first term senator he has 2 years of experinece at the Federal level, he has spent most of that time running for president. That is FACT! not misinformation. Funny how every time someone starts stating facts that don't reflect favorably on the socialist darlings they are branded as hypocrits. Fact Obama is supported by George Clooney who made 25 million last year but Obama chooses to attack the CEO of Exxon for making too much money when he made half as much as Obama's supporter Clooney. That IS hyporacy.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 02/16/08 08:52 AM
toast once agin you make a 90 degree turn from the subject. We weren't discussing Bush's appointments or their lack of experience, we were talking about Obama's experience and lack thererof. Now he is hammering on CEO salaries and harping about the CEO of Exxon making 13 million while he remains silent about the 25 million George Clooney one of his backers made last year. The man is a socialist to the core. If he is elected and implements the taxes he wants look for the stock market to drop 3000 points.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 02/15/08 07:51 PM
if the fuel in question were Hydrazine it would burn up upon re entry. It is extremely volitile. It is extremely flammable and capable of decomposing and igniting when exposed to air. The oxidizer used in conjunction with it however is Nitrogen Tetraoxide. N2O4 is extremely corrosive and turns to a redish brown gas cloud when exposed to air. If inhaled it will combine with the moisture in your lungs to form nitric acid. However there are not sufficient quantities of either on board to pose a health hazard if they were released at that high of an altitude.

The space shuttle also uses the same chemicals in it's steering motors and you saw what happened when it blew up over Texas. Anything that could burn did burn before it hit the ground. In my opinion the regardless of what is published by the media the toxicity of the fuel an oxidizer are not the problem. There is something there they do not want to hit the ground and possibly land where it could fall into unfriendly hands. It is a "spy" satelite.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 02/15/08 12:55 PM
I think the this fule is the kind that evaporates or burns up, it may be some sort of radioactive material, better to drop it into the ocean with a missle than to take the chance of letting it hit land. Once again the mean spirited liberals wish it would hit somewhere like over the white house to do someone harm. This thing has been in orbit for years it may have been put up during the Clinton Administration or even before but that don't stop the tin hatted nut cases from trying to blame it on Bush.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 02/14/08 10:19 PM
Toast: Yes he would have a cabinet and advisors, but in the ene he would have to make the decisions and just because he has carisma does not mean he has the experience and background make sound decisions. Gee he has all of what 2 years in the senate and he has spent most of that time campaigning for the presidency. Based on that no one in their right mind would hire him to be the CEO of a large company what makes people think he can run this country based on that.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:21 AM
Ed will never be seen again either laugh

gardenforge's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:15 AM
Daniel you are right if you want a Socialistic State Obama is your man.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 02/14/08 11:06 AM
Two lawyers had been stranded on a desert island for several months. The only thing on the island was a tall coconut tree that provided them their only food. Each day one of the lawyers would climb to the top to see if he could spot a rescue boat coming.

One day the lawyer yelled down from the tree, 'WOW, I just can't believe my eyes. There is a woman out there floating in our direction.'

The lawyer on the ground was most skeptical and aid, 'You're hallucinating; you've finally lost your mind.'But within a few minutes, up to the beach floated a stunning red head, face up, totally naked, unconscious, without even so much as a ring or earrings on her person.

The two lawyers went down to the water, dragged her up on the beach and discovered, yes, she was alive, warm and breathing.

One said to the other, 'You know, we've been on this God forsaken island for months now without a woman. It's been such a long, long time....So ... do you think we should .. well ... you know .. screw her?'
.'Out of WHAT?!?' asked the other.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 02/13/08 10:20 PM
For myself I will just call him an American but I can't see calling him presidential material. He is too inexperienced to handle the job.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 02/12/08 01:30 PM
You are right there is nothing main stream about the major networks and press they are slanted so far to the left they are crowding The only fair reporting is done by the Fox Network. Fair and Balanced.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 02/11/08 12:26 PM
"Q. What are delegates and superdelegates?

A. They are voters who are registered as party members. A majority of their votes are needed at the conventions to select a party's presidential candidate, with 2,025 delegates needed for the Democratic nomination and 1,191 delegates for the Republican nomination. "

I did a copy and paste of part of this because I didnt' want to take up a bunch of space using the quote button (I wish more people would do that) anyway my question is why does it take almost twice as many liberals to select a candidate as it does conservatives?

gardenforge's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:12 AM

My dad filed for Social Security over a year ago. He's a veteran with diabetes and he's going to lose his feet. All he did for work was drive. He can barely walk anymore. They still haven't given it to him. The system sucks.

Did your dad serve in Viet Nam? If so his diabetes is more than likely Agent Orange related and he is entitled to VA disability payments if he was there have him check that out through the VA.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 02/07/08 08:31 AM
the only way the truly paranoid can make themselves feel important is to fantacise that the government would spend billions of dollars to spy on them personally. laugh Be sure to change the tinfoil in your hats regularly or the mind control rays will get through. laugh

p.s. we really are watching you and we know who you are laugh laugh

gardenforge's photo
Wed 02/06/08 06:56 PM
Jake is five and learning to read. He points at a picture in a zoo book and says, "Look Mama! It's a frickin' Elephant!"

Deep breath ... "What did you call it?"

"It's a frickin' Elephant, Mama! It says so on the picture!"

And, so it does..."A f r i c a n Elephant"

Hooked on phonics!!! Ain't it wonderful?

gardenforge's photo
Wed 02/06/08 01:04 PM
Tutrtepoet: I am not sure anyone understands what "big bang" was that was my original question. In order for the big bang to occur, something had to blow up, what was that something? Something has to become so energetic that it's gravity could no longer contain the energy of the reaction and "boom" there was an explosion. That took a finite amount of matter under a certain set of circumstances.

If the "m" theory says that there can be an infinite number of parellel universes, then there must be an infinite amount of matter.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 02/06/08 10:05 AM
Some have mentioned that the universe will eventually colapse back on itself but according to what I saw last night the universe is still expanding at an ever accelerating rate. The galixies are moving farther away from each other at an increasing rate. They attribute this to the force of Dark Energy.

Then one must remember also that the information that is gathered from the light at the far reaches of our own galixy is billions of years old. What we see no longer exists.

They try to account for the missing mass in the universe by calling it Dark Matter and there is another theory called the String Theory that says there are 27 (and I could be wrong on that number) parallel universes that exist along side ours that account for the missing matter in our universe.

In regard to other big bangs, space is infinite, so is it possible that elsewhere at incomprehensible distances other big bangs have taken place but they are beyond the range of our ability to detect them and so far away that light from them has not reached this galixy yet.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 02/05/08 10:49 PM
I just finished watching an episode of "The Universe" on TV. They talked of dark matter and dark energy being formed along with everything else at the instant of the "Big Bang". But can anyone tell me what exploded in the big bang that created everything out of nothing?

gardenforge's photo
Tue 02/05/08 06:12 AM
Liddyy wrote "I have a migraine from trying to decipher madisonman's blurbs. I do wish he would go back to gradeschool and learn PROPER grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and go see a doctor for his apparent (at least in my attempted comprehension of what he is attempting to relate) ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder. This man is all over the board, never seems to be able to stick to one train of thought at a time, cannot focus long enough to answer a simple question that has been posed to him numerous times, and he absolutely MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL. How can anyone have an intelligent conversation with the mess that he writes? "

Not to worry dear lady, the lad does not suffer from ADD he suffers from Liberalism, but wait, maybe it's the same thing. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 02/04/08 08:50 PM
On a trip to Great Britain while he was President of the United States, Bill Clinton had a meeting with Queen Elizabeth.

During that meeting, he asked her, "How does one manage to run a country so smoothly?"

"That's easy," the Queen replied, "You surround yourself with intelligent ministers and advisors."

"But how can I tell whether they are intelligent or not?", asked Bill.

You ask them a riddle," she replied, and with that she pressed a button and said, "Would you please send Tony Blair in."

When Blair arrived, the Queen Said, "I have a riddle for you to answer for me: Your parents had a child and it was not your sister. It also was not your brother. Who was this child?"

Blair replied, "That's easy. The child was me."

"Very good," said the Queen. "You may go now."

Sizing up his wife's chances in her presidential bid, and thinking back on that meeting, Bill Clinton spoke to Hillary. He said to her, "I have a Riddle for you, and the answer is very important. Your parents had a child, and it was not your sister, and it was not your brother. Who was that child?"

Hillary replied, "Yes, it is clearly very important that we determine the answer. Can I deliberate on this for awhile?"

"Yes," said Bill, "I'll give you four hours to come up with the answer."

So Hillary called a meeting of her campaign team, from top to bottom, and asked them the riddle. But after much discussion and many suggestions, none of them had a satisfactory answer. She was quite upset, not knowing what she would tell her husband, the former President. As Hillary was leaving her meeting she ran into her most formidable challenger to her Presidential Nomination, Barack Obama.

So she said, "Mr. Obama, can you answer this riddle for me? Your parents had a child, and it was not your sister, and it was not your brother. Who was the child?"
"That's seems pretty easy," said Obama, "I think the child would be me."

"Oh thank you," said Hillary. "You may just have ensured my nomination for the democratic candidate for the Presidency of the United States!"

So Hillary went back to Bill and said, "I think I know the answer to your riddle. The child was Barack Obama.!"

"No, you dip!" shouted Bill. "The child was Tony Blair."

The bottom line... guess where we're headed if we have the two of them running the country, again

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